Not to mention that Huchuquan was uneasy in Yiyun Fort, but also that Daman led an army of 180 troops all the way south and rushed to Suyi County where the Han army camp was located. Suyi County is about [-] miles away from Yiyun Fort. It takes two days to march in the road to arrive.

Daman is the cousin of Huchuquan, and also a direct descendant of the Xiongnu royal family. He was named Youri Zhuwang, second only to King Xian and King Guli. The second largest tribe in this part, the great chief of the Yundan tribe, is known as Lao Guli King.

It is precisely because of his father's pampering that Daman developed his arrogant heart. This time he led [-] tribal troops to follow Shan Yu to the south. Up to now, he has not had a chance to fight, but he has watched the Huns' army repeatedly attacked. Frustrated, he felt aggrieved and panicked. Today, he finally asked for the opportunity to go south. He couldn't wait in his heart. He kept ordering the army to speed up all the way without stopping.

Mei Li felt a little uneasy, this kind of not sending spies to investigate the situation of ambushes along the way first, just burying his head and rushing forward is a big taboo for military strategists. Mei Li knew that Shan Yu sent himself to follow Daman because Shan Yu was worried that Daman would act recklessly. Send yourself to keep an eye on him.

Mei Li urged the horse to catch up with Daman and said, "My lord, marching troops like this is not the way to march, let me go ahead to explore the way first!"

Daman gave him a hard look, "Didn't you report to Shanyu that the Han army had abandoned the pass and fled, and now you are worried about an ambush? Are you playing tricks on Shanyu?"

Mei Li smiled wryly and said: "If there is an ambush, wouldn't we be wronged too much, please be more careful, little prince."

Daman snorted coldly, "You are just a little right bone prince, what power do you have to command me, if you dare to exceed your authority again, I will definitely kill you under the horse."

Mei Li heard that his words were extremely rude, so he stopped talking and followed behind with a livid face. For some reason, he hoped that this arrogant person would be ambushed and attacked.

Although Daman was unwilling to listen to Mei Li's persuasion, he himself was a little worried, so he ordered: "Slow down the marching speed, and send spies to check ahead."

. . . . . .

At noon the next day, [-] troops arrived in Suyi County, which was still more than [-] miles away from the exit of Luochuan Road, but the valley in front of it was suddenly open, and it was a natural basin, and Suyi County was located in this basin.

Daman led the army all the way, and he was really tired. He pointed at the two mountains ahead with his whip, and asked the guide, "Where are the two mountains ahead?"

"Reporting to my lord, the two big mountains are called Shuanglu Mountain. After passing through Shuanglu Mountain is Suyi County. There is a canyon about ten miles long in the middle of the mountain, called Luming Valley. The terrain is very dangerous. A few months ago, the Han army was at the entrance of Luming Valley. A wall was built."

Daman suddenly became interested and asked, "Is the main force of the Han army outside that city wall?"

The guide smiled wryly and said, "I don't know about this, but there is indeed a large army stationed near Suyi County."

Although Daman is arrogant, he has some basic common sense. He knows that Luming Valley is the last line of defense of the Han army. After passing Suyi County, although he has to go south for dozens of miles, the Han army is no longer in danger. If you can keep it, you can fight all the way into Guanzhong.

Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted after running around all day and all night, he immediately ordered: "Stay where you are and rest for half an hour!"

The soldiers were already exhausted, and upon hearing the order, they all got off their horses and looked for a place to rest. Daman ordered a patrol team to check the situation in the valley.

Not long after, several patrols rode back and reported: "My lord, there are soldiers guarding the city in the valley, but it seems that there are not many people, only a few hundred."

"Is the city wall strong?" Daman asked again.

"The city wall is very strong, about three feet high, and the terrain is very high, easy to defend but difficult to attack."

Daman ran all the way here, the purpose is to break into Guanzhong and make great achievements, how could he give up and go back because there are hundreds of defenders on the city wall.

However, his siege weapons are really insufficient. There are only [-] siege ladders, and he needs at least [-]. Seeing the lush forests around, Daman immediately ordered a commander: "Hurry up and cut down [-] big trees!" return."

The commander agreed, and immediately led a thousand soldiers to cut down the tree. At this moment, Mei Li couldn't bear it any longer, and stepped forward to persuade him: "My lord, please listen to my words."

"Do you still want to persuade me?"

Daman said angrily: "You said that there would be an ambush on the road, and asked me to slow down the marching speed. What happened? Where is the ambush? You delayed my march, and you still have the face to persuade me again."

"I'm not talking about marching now, but there are Han soldiers guarding the city, which means that Youxian King didn't get through the straight road. We marched so smoothly, I'm afraid it's the enemy's trick to lure the troops. Why don't we retreat first..."

Before Mei Li finished speaking, Daman whipped him hard on the face, causing Mei Li to scream in pain, covered his face and knelt down, Daman drew his sword against his throat, and said solemnly: "Don't think I'm scaring you, I said, if you dare to offend me again, I will kill you!"

Several generals nearby hurried forward and hugged Daman's arm, persuading him, "General Mei Li also had good intentions, for Princess Alan's sake, please forgive him this time!"

Princess Alan is Mei Li's wife and Shan Yu's own sister. Of course Daman understands that he can't really kill Mei Li, but his attitude towards Mei Li is not so simple as Mei Li's persuasion. There is no personal enmity with Meili, but Daman's father, Luan Tiyundan, has a deep feud with the Huyan family.

Daman withdrew his sword and said bitterly: "As a general, if you think of retreating before the battle, this is disturbing the morale of the army. According to the military law, I can cut off your head, but for Shan Yu's sake, I will forgive you again, but Let me put my ugly words in front of you, if you leave, I will never stop you, if you want to stay, just shut up, and if you repeat it again, even the gods will not be able to save you."

Mei Li hated him so much, he didn't say a word, got on his horse and ran towards the north, and more than a hundred of his personal guards also got on their horses and followed him.

Seeing him going away, Daman couldn't help but snorted heavily, "The farther you get, the better!"


Two hours later, the Xiongnu army made [-] simple climbing ladders, and Daman immediately ordered the army to prepare to attack the city.

At this time, Xu Buye, the captain of Wanqi, stepped forward and persuaded: "Little prince, the valley is ten miles long. If our entire army enters the valley, once the entrance is blocked by the enemy, we will be trapped to death in the valley. There must be troops at the entrance to respond." .”

Xubuye was also a well-known general in the Xiongnu army, and he was also the third person in Daman's army going south this time. Meili was driven away, and Xubuye was the second only to Daman's army's chief general.

Of course his persuasion has weight, and Daman suddenly realized that he thought for a while and said to Subuye: "Since there are not many defenders, I will only lead [-] troops into the valley to attack the city, and you can lead the rest of the army to defend the valley. If something unusual happens, please notify me immediately."

"Follow the order!"

Xubuye led [-] troops to garrison near the entrance of the valley, while Daman led [-] troops to fight into the valley.

Shuanglu Mountain is also called Luhuitou. The shape of the mountain is very similar to two deer looking back at each other. At the foot of the mountain, a ten-mile-long valley is formed. It is called Luming Valley. This is one of the two dangerous valleys on Luochuan Road. One is Yiyun Valley,

The Han army built military forts in the two valleys. The Yiyun Fort Han army had already abandoned, and now only Luming City remained. The danger can be defended, and the Xiongnu army will continue to enter Guanzhong.

Daman led five thousand mighty men into the valley. The two sides of the valley are quite narrow, the widest part is only about twenty feet, and the narrowest point is only five or six feet. The cliffs on both sides are covered with vines, but strangely, There are no plants in the valley, bare rocks are everywhere, and some big trees are only stumps, obviously showing traces of felling.

It was almost dusk at this time, and the valley looked a little dark, but Daman didn't consider attacking the city for a long time. He thought that if the defenders had not many troops, they could take Guancheng in one go.

The [-] troops did not ride horses, but carried forty siege ladders, and came to the city not far from the pass. suddenly increased."

Daman was taken aback, and asked anxiously, "How many people?"

"At least a few thousand people."

Daman was stunned for a moment. Thousands of people guarded the city, but he only led 5000 people. How could he attack it?He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, maybe Mei Li was right, this was the Han army's trick to lure soldiers.

At this moment, a loud rumbling noise was heard behind them, shaking the whole valley. Many soldiers couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground. Daman also lay down on the ground in fright. It took a long time to finally calm down, and Daman slowly raised his head after a while, only to see the dust flying in the north, and the whole valley was filled with pungent dust.

A soldier rushed over and reported in a loud voice: "His Royal Highness, countless boulders fell from the mountain, blocking the valley, and we can't get out.

Daman was scared out of his wits and shouted: "Go and open a passage, let's get out!"

On the top of the city, Liu Jing looked at the Xiongnu soldiers a mile away with his hands behind his back, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he had received Wei Yan's report that he had trapped Liu Qubei's [-] troops in the straight road, Liu Jing was also inspired by this, The ten-mile-long Luming Valley can be used to trap the Huns going south to death in the valley.

Liu Jing set up this trap, but he learned from the scouts that the general who led the army to the south turned out to be Huchuquan's younger brother Daman, the king of the Huns, and he had a new idea in his heart, and he didn't necessarily rush to annihilate it. Daman, you can use Daman as a bait to force Hu Chuquan to go south to rescue.

If other generals of the Xiongnu were trapped, he would have ordered to throw fire oil and burn them to death, but Daman did not need to rush to burn to death, as it would be useful to keep him.

Joining the army Qin Mi stood aside, he understood Liu Jing's thoughts, but there was an uncertain factor in it, did the King of Han take it into consideration?

"Your Highness, I have a doubt, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Say it!" Liu Jing looked back at him.

"How can your Highness be sure that Daman has entered the valley? If Daman is waiting outside the valley, only a ten thousand cavalry commander will come in."

Liu Jing shook his head, "It can't be Captain Wanqi, it must be Daman. He shouldn't have come in this battle, but he has come. Facing the pass with only a few hundred people guarding it, I can't think of any reason for him to come. Will you stay outside?"

Liu Jing looked back at Qin Mi and smiled, "It's hard for me to explain some things, but in my position, I can understand Daman's psychology."

"Your Highness doesn't need to explain, I understand!"

At this time, a soldier rushed to report, "Report Your Highness, there is news from the top of the mountain that the boulder has become a blocked canyon."

"very good!"

Liu Jing was waiting for this moment, and ordered coldly: "According to the plan, order Wang Ping and Wu Ban to send troops!"

Daman led the army to run less than three miles, and saw hundreds of huge rocks piled up at the narrowest point of the valley, blocking the circuit.

At this time, hundreds of soldiers had already climbed up the boulder blocking the road and turned over. Daman suddenly saw a glimmer of hope. With the help of the soldiers, he climbed up the boulder in a panic and prepared to turn over the boulder.

Unexpectedly, the hundred soldiers in front uttered a cry, turned around and ran back, only to see a raging fire ignited in the valley ahead, and the fire spread extremely quickly, engulfing several soldiers who were running slower.

The rest of the soldiers desperately climbed up the boulder and turned back. Daman also hurriedly climbed down from the boulder and ran into the valley.

But the fire only burned to the boulders and stopped spreading into the valley. Daman's legs softened, and he sat on the ground, terrified in his heart, and hugged his head tightly. He thought that if the Han army wanted to set fire to the valley, none of them would If he can't survive, his only hope now is for Subno to come and save him.

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