Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 920 Changes in Wan City

This is the second time Cao Hong was ordered to guard Nanyang. In the first time, Cao Hong lost Wancheng because Wenpin led an army to raid Nanyang.

Having learned the lesson from the first time, Cao Hong humbly asked Cheng Yu for a strategy to defend Nanyang. Cheng Yu taught him three strategies. The first is to strictly prohibit outsiders from entering and leaving Wancheng at will. The third is to strengthen the city defense and eliminate all loopholes in the city defense.

Cao Hong therefore strictly implemented the three strategies taught by Cheng Yu. He moved the Wancheng market outside the city and strictly prohibited foreign merchants from entering the city. Even those who came to visit relatives and friends had to be strictly checked and registered.

The second is to implement a curfew. After dark, all shops and taverns in Wancheng must be closed, and ordinary people are not allowed to go to the streets. Anyone who violates the curfew, no matter what their identity, will be paraded through the streets for a warning the first time, and beheaded for public display the second time.

As for guarding against inner ghosts, Cao Hong mainly monitored the eighteen great families in Nanyang, especially the three prominent families in Wancheng, the Deng family, the Zhang family and the Huang family. Cao Hong sent people to closely monitor them.

Although most of the families in Nanyang County expressed their support for Cao Jun, Cao Hong did not believe their sincerity. He knew very well that most of the famous families in the world supported Chang'an Han.

As for the three prominent families in Wancheng, Cao Hong was more vigilant. Deng Yi was a high-ranking official in Jingzhou, and his son was still highly valued in Han Dynasty. As for the Zhang family, because of Zhang Ji, the Zhang family had a deep connection with Jingzhou.

As for the Huang family, it goes without saying that although Huang Chengyan mainly supports Jiaozhou because of Zhuge Liang, another important figure in the Huang family, Huang Zhong, is the number one military figure in the Han army.

It is precisely because of these reasons that although Cao Hong has established friendship with the three great families on the surface, he secretly sent people to closely monitor the three families.

A few days ago, Cao Hong received an urgent order from Cao Cao from Hefei, asking him to organize civilians to transport [-] shi of grain from Ye County to Hefei to prepare for the war. Cao Hong did not dare to neglect, and immediately organized Ye, Ji, Kunyang, Luyang, and Du [-] civilians from five counties including Yangyang sent military rations to Hefei in a mighty way.

On the other hand, grain from Ye County was sent to Hefei, and Cao Hong was worried about the shortage of grain in Nanyang. A few days ago, he specially called several Nanyang landowners to talk, hoping that they would take the initiative to sell grain to the government to maintain Nanyang's grain storage.

That night, Cao Hong was writing a letter to Cao Cao in his study, reporting the situation in Nanyang to Cao Cao. According to the latest information he got, the Han army had increased its troops in the direction of Tongguan, most likely to attack Luoyang. In addition, the Wenpin army in Xiangfan It is relatively stable for the time being, but martial law has been implemented in Xiangyang, and pedestrians entering and leaving are strictly checked, which shows that the Battle of Hefei has affected Xiangyang.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Jia Kui's voice came from the yard, "General Zilian, I'm afraid the situation has changed!"

Jia Kui once served as the governor of Yuzhou. At that time, Cao Hong was in charge of the military affairs in Runan. Although Mao Jie impeached Cao Hong for selling yellow scarf prisoners of war without authorization, he defended Cao Hong. In the end, Cao Hong was spared from being punished.

The personal relationship between Jia Kui and Cao Hong is also quite good. Back then, when Cao Hong's daughter married Xun Yu's son Xun Can as his wife, it was Jia Kui's matchmaker. Jia Kui was the prefect of Nanyang and concurrently served as Cao Hong's army adviser.

Surprised, Cao Hong put down his pen and got up and asked, "What has changed?"

Jia Kui looked stern, and said anxiously: "I just got a message from the flying pigeon of Wuguan that a Han army of tens of thousands of people has just passed Wuguan."

Cao Hong was taken aback by this news, and quickly asked, "Didn't it mean that the Han army has massively increased its troops at Tongguan?"

"This must be Liu Jing's secret plan to increase the number of troops in Tongguan, but in fact he secretly sent troops to Wuguan to surprise Nanyang."


Cao Hong was really puzzled, "Why did the Han army attack Nanyang?"

Jia Kui sneered and said: "It's very simple. The purpose of the Han army is to open up the Nanxiang pass, so that the materials in Guanzhong can be directly connected to the Hanshui through the Danshui River and transported to the front line of Hefei instead of going to Hanzhong or Bashu to capture Nanyang. At the same time, it also gave Xiangyang a barrier to prevent us from attacking Xiangfan from the west and breaking the siege of Hefei."

Cao Hong was speechless for a while, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do for a while, Jia Kui reminded him again: "Zi Lian must report to Wei Gong immediately, and at the same time order the troops stationed in Nanyang to gather in Wancheng urgently. "

One sentence reminded Cao Hong that the letter he wrote to Cao Cao was fortunately not sent yet, but he didn't bother to write the letter at this time, and immediately ordered to his soldiers: "Send my urgent order quickly, order Ye County, Nanxiang and Yu Yang's garrison immediately retreats to Wancheng!"

After arranging the withdrawal of troops, Cao Hong cupped his hands to Jia Kui again and said, "Thank you sir for telling me. In addition, in terms of civil affairs, please ask sir to take emergency measures."

At this moment, a personal soldier stepped forward quickly and said something to Cao Hong in a low voice. Cao Hong couldn't help being slightly startled, "Is the news reliable?"

"It is indeed reliable, and someone has witnessed it with their own eyes."

Jia Kui next to him asked, "General, what happened?"

"The soldiers sent to monitor the Deng family discovered Deng Hong, the eldest son of Deng Yi."

Jia Kui frowned, "Is that the son of the Deng family who served as the county magistrate of Chang'an?"

"It's this man!"

Jia Kui pondered for a moment and said: "Deng Hong came back at this sensitive time, I'm afraid he has ulterior motives, the general must not be careless."

Cao Hong sneered and said: "Since the Deng family wants to take the initiative to stand in line, I might as well help him!"

After finishing speaking, he shouted sharply: "Click five hundred brothers, follow me to Deng's house!"

Jia Kui was taken aback and quickly reminded Cao Hong, "General, the Deng family has great influence, so don't be too reckless."

"Don't worry, sir, I have my own measure." After leaving a word, Cao Hong turned around and walked away quickly.

Jia Kui thought that the Han army was about to kill him, and he was very worried, so he hurried to the county government office.

Deng's mansion is located in the north of the city. It is a huge house covering an area of ​​150 mu. The Deng family has seven houses. Except for the third house that is not in Wancheng, the other four houses have nearly two hundred people living in this huge house.

At night, Deng Yizheng and his son Deng Hong discussed the situation in the Han Dynasty in detail. Ren Pingping's 43 eagle strikers had already used the opportunity of delivering food to sneak into the city and temporarily lived in another Deng's house. Deng Yi was more concerned about his eldest son being in the Han Dynasty. You must ask about your son's condition.

"Father, the Han Kingdom is indeed very exciting. It makes people see the future. I'm not saying how clean the officials are. I have also encountered corrupt officials, but generally speaking, the Han Kingdom has a kind of The positive and progressive spirit was completely invisible in the dead state of the Han Empire in the past. In fact, it is a new dynasty that is about to be established, full of vitality and hope, especially the people pin their hopes for a happy life on the Han Dynasty Liu Jing has given him great prestige in Han."

Deng Yi nodded and sighed: "As early as many years ago, not long after Liu Jing arrived in Jingzhou, I discovered that Liu Jingsheng's nephew was extraordinary, far better than Liu Qi and Liu Cong. Instead, return to Nanyang, otherwise the achievements of the Deng family today will be limitless."

This is something Deng Yi has always been brooding about. He obviously helped Liu Jing back then, so he could go to Jiangxia to be the chief historian, but he gave up going to Jiangxia by mistake. After Liu Jing unified Jingzhou, he invited him again When he went to Jingzhou to take up the post of Biejia, he had another stroke and became paralyzed.

It was Deng Yi's greatest regret in his life to lose the opportunity to help Liu Jing in the same boat. He could only pin his hopes on his son, and hoped that Liu Jing would give his son or the Deng family another chance based on the kindness he had secretly helped Jingzhou back then.

Fortunately, his son did not disappoint him. He has already been promoted to the county magistrate of Chang'an, which is equivalent to the position of the county magistrate. In a few years, his son is expected to be promoted to the prefect, which makes him full of expectations for the future of the Deng family.

At this time, Deng Hong whispered again: "Father, do you still remember Chai Sang Tao's family?"

Deng Yi nodded, "Of course I remember that when Tao Lie was the Prime Minister of Nanyang County, he had a very good relationship with your grandfather, and the two families had frequent contacts, but the Tao family did have great luck and married their daughter to Liu Jing early. Undoubtedly, he will become the first relative."

Speaking of this, Deng Yi couldn't help asking a little strangely: "Why did my son suddenly mention the Tao family?"

Deng Hong stammered: "Haier knows Tao Han's eldest daughter, she has a lot of affection for him."

Deng Yi was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to react. He asked a little uneasy: "You mean, you want to marry the daughter of the Tao family?"

Deng Hong nodded, "I don't know what father wants?"

The son actually wanted to marry the daughter of the Tao family. Although Deng Yi had just said that the Deng family had friendship with the Tao family, and that the Tao family had had great luck and would become the first relative, Deng Yi had in mind that his son should marry the Tao family. But she was very reluctant, the Deng family was the number one family in Nanyang, how could it be married to a merchant family, let alone the daughter of Tao Sheng's younger brother.

Deng Yi's expression darkened immediately, and he shook his head without hesitation: "I don't agree with this marriage!"

"But Hai'er is already married to the daughter of the Tao family."

Deng Hong hesitated to tell the truth. Deng Yi seemed to be struck by lightning. He was stunned for a long time before he slapped the table and shouted: "Nizi, why didn't you tell me about such a big event?"

Deng Hong knelt down, "Father calm down, the child came this time to report this matter to his father."

"Niezi! You're going to piss me off."

Deng Yi slapped the table again and again, and he came back to report when he was done. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

At this moment, the butler rushed up the steps in a panic and reported: "My lord, something is wrong. Cao Hong led the army to surround our mansion. He is just outside the gate and asked the lord to go out and explain."

This sudden news was like a basin of cold water, which immediately extinguished the raging anger in Deng Yi's heart. Although his son made him furious, Cao Hong's arrival made him suddenly tense. Could it be that Cao Hong knew that he was secretly helping the Han army? ?

Deng Yi gave his son a hard look, and said again: "It seems that you are in trouble. Cao Hong will come to the door, and nothing good will happen. If he asks you, just go home and report for the marriage, and don't say anything else. explain."

"The boy knows!"

Deng Yi immediately ordered several family members in the hall: "Take me outside the gate of the house!"

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