
The fire outside Deng's mansion was brightly lit, and hundreds of torches illuminated the gate of Deng's mansion like daylight. Cao Hong was wearing armor all over, with his hand on the hilt of his sword, waiting in front of the gate with a suspicious face. He and Deng Yi had a good relationship and always treated him kindly. Deng Yi, however, did not expect Deng Yi's son to come back at this juncture, so he had to suspect that Deng Yi had secretly colluded with the Han army.

In fact, there have long been rumors that the Deng family secretly assisted the Han army, but there is no conclusive evidence, but Cao Hong knew that Deng Yi secretly helped Xun Yu escape to Xiangyang, so that Xun Yu escaped an assassination by Duke Wei.

As for Cao Hong and Xun Yu's relatives, even if he knew the inside story, he would cover it up for Deng Yi, but if Deng Yi directly colluded with the Han army, it would be an unforgivable crime.

At this time, the gate of Deng's mansion opened, and Deng Yi, who was sitting on the wooden couch, was carried out by a dozen family members. Deng Yi cupped his hands and said with a smile: "General Zilian came to Deng's mansion so late, but I think the food I handed over is not enough. many?"

Thinking that Deng's family was going to hand over [-] shi of grain, Cao Hong's face softened a little, and he reluctantly replied: "I shouldn't have disturbed Mr. Deng's rest in the middle of the night, but I heard the news that your son has returned to Deng's mansion. Is there such a thing?" ?”

"General Zi Lian's news is very well-informed. That's right, Quan Zi did come back to visit relatives. He just arrived today. Is there any problem with him?"

It stands to reason that Han and Wei were enemies of each other, and Deng Hong was an official in Han, so he should be arrested by the local government when he returned to Wei's territory, but this involves a tacit understanding. For example, many family members of Cao Cao's ministers In the Han Dynasty, Liu Jing and Cao Cao reached an agreement a few years ago to allow officials to go home to visit relatives normally, and the officials of both sides are not allowed to embarrass.

The other two parties didn't take the other agreement seriously, and changes from day to day often happened, but only this agreement has been abided by both parties, and it has become a tacit understanding between the two parties. It is also like this that Deng Yi will calmly face Cao Hong's questioning.

Cao Hong couldn't just rush into the mansion to arrest people, but he believed that Deng Hong must have a purpose when he came back at this juncture, so Cao Hong said coldly: "The reason why I knew that your son returned to the mansion is because we arrested a spy from the Han army. , he admitted that he has something to do with your son, so I want to ask your son, can Mr. Deng invite him out?"

Deng Yi's expression changed suddenly, and he thought to himself, 'Could it be that Ren Ping and the others were arrested? '

In fact, Cao Hong was only looking for a reason, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go directly to Deng Hong, but when Cao Hong saw Deng Yi's face change slightly, he immediately became suspicious, "Could it be that there is something wrong with Deng Yi's son, otherwise why would he be so guilty?" '

"Mr. Deng, I'm here on business. Please cooperate with Mr. Deng. I promise that I will not embarrass your son."

Deng Yi had already returned to his normal state, so he nodded and ordered the steward, "Go and invite the eldest son!"

The steward left in a hurry, at this time Deng Yi asked tentatively: "General Zilian really thinks that the dog is related to the Han army spies?"

Deng Yi's question made Cao Hong feel unsure, because Deng Yi's face was abnormal, maybe because he was related to Deng Hong and the Han army spies, which made Deng Yi worry. Collusion, his face will also change drastically.

Cao Hong's face became more relaxed, and he said with a smile, "Mr. Deng, don't worry, it's just a matter of routine. After all, the relationship between Wei and Han is tense now, so it seems a bit abrupt for your son to come back at this time. As the general of Nanyang, I naturally have to ask a few more questions."

Deng Yi sighed: "I also know that it is not time for Quanzi to come back at this time, but he has to come back because of the important matters of marriage. I hope the general will forgive me!"

"That's it, I understand."

Just then, Deng Hong followed the butler and came out in a hurry. He already knew the general situation from the butler, and he stepped forward to salute Cao Hong, "Deng Hong has met General Zilian."

Cao Hong knew Deng Hong, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, young master, for being promoted to the magistrate of Chang'an County, the future is boundless!"

"Where! Where! The general has won the prize."

Cao Hong also stopped mentioning the accusation against Deng Hong, but asked calmly: "I wonder how many followers you brought with you when you come back from Chang'an this time?"

"Is this question very important?" Deng Hong asked a little unhappy.

Cao Hong said solemnly: "It is about your innocence, of course it is very important. If you only come to visit relatives, I will never make things difficult, but I have caught the scout of the Han army. This person's confession is related to you. I have to confront you."

Deng Hong pondered for a moment and asked, "What does this person have to do with me?"

Cao Hong said word by word: "His son's follower."

"What nonsense!"

Deng Hong snorted coldly, "I only brought an old servant back to my hometown, so how can there be any entourage spies? Does General Zi Lian think His Highness the King of Han would do such a thing?"

Cao Hong also smiled lightly and said: "I believe that if necessary, the King of Han will definitely arrange for a spy to come back with you, but since you deny it, I will trust you for the sake of your father."

When it was over, Cao Hong waved his hand, "Get out!"

Five hundred soldiers followed Cao Hong and left Deng's mansion quickly. Deng Yi watched them walk away, feeling a little heavy in his heart. He never thought that Cao Hong would let his son go so easily. This is not in line with Cao Hong's character. There are troubles.


Deng Hong just wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Deng Yi waving his hand, "This is a place for talking, go to the house!"

The father and son entered the inner hall, Deng Yi sighed and said, "Things might be bad!"

"Father thinks that the spies under Cao Hong will not let them down?" Deng Hong asked worriedly.


Deng Yi shook his head and said, "I thought so at first, but now it seems that Cao Hong is deliberately defrauding us. He didn't catch any Han army spies at all."

"Why is father so sure?"

"It's very simple. Ren Ping and his Eagle Strike Army, if the Eagle Strike Army is discovered by Cao Jun, there must be a fierce battle. Quiet, so I'm sure not to flatten them."

Deng Hong heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "If Cao Hong becomes suspicious of us, Befu is not safe. Father should tell them to leave immediately."

Deng Yi shook his head and gave a wry smile: "Wancheng enforces a curfew and no one is allowed to go out. I think Cao Hong must have sent someone to monitor us, that's why I know you're back. If I send someone to tell them to leave now, Cao Hong will arrest you instead. Hold on, the Deng family is in danger, we must not act rashly now."

Deng Hong also knew that his father was right, he was very worried, but he had no choice but to nod silently.


Cao Hong was pacing back and forth in the military office with his hands behind his back. At this time, he had completely calmed down. Seeing that the Han army was about to kill him, he could withstand the Han army's attack as long as he stood firm in Wancheng. Withdrawing to Wancheng, he has issued an emergency order, and there will be news by tomorrow morning at the latest.

It was the second question that worried him even more. Then there should be no internal troubles. Cheng Yu told him at the beginning that throughout the Han army's siege, they first drove wedges into the city, and then attacked the city from inside and outside. Be aware of this.

Therefore, Cao Hong suspected that the Deng family had secretly communicated with the Han army, but he didn't want to startle the enemy, so he could only patiently wait for the evidence. At this time, two soldiers hurried into the yard with a man, and a soldier reported: General, the men have been brought."

"Let him in!"

The young man was brought into the lobby, he knelt down and kowtowed: "Xiaomin Wang Shun kowtows to the general."

"Are you Deng Yi's driver?" Cao Hong asked.

"Xiao Minzheng."

Cao Hong smiled, and asked in a soft tone as much as possible: "Let me ask you, how many followers did your young master Deng Hong bring with him this time?"

The coachman thought for a while and said, "There was only one old servant when we entered the city."

Cao Hong was startled, and immediately asked: "What do you mean there is only one person when you enter the city, and is there someone else when you don't enter the city?"

"Reporting to the general, the young master went to the manor outside the city first. At that time, there were more than forty people, all of whom were businessmen who were on the same road, but when they entered the city, they were not seen."

Cao Hong's fists slowly clenched. Sure enough, as he expected, Deng Hong brought more than forty people. This is not the Han army, it is very likely the most elite Eagle Strike Army of the Han army.

"Did these forty people enter the city later?" Cao Hong asked again.

"Xiaomin didn't know what happened later, I really didn't know."

Cao Hong pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Take him down, and reward him with a catty of red gold."

The groom thanked the groom for going, and Cao Hong had already understood at this time that the Deng family organized hundreds of people to transport grain into the city this afternoon, and these forty people must have mixed into the city at this time, Cao Hong immediately ordered: "Ling Fang Heng, Guo Liang come see me!"

After a while, Fang Heng and Guo Liang, generals of Cao Hong's department, came quickly, and they bowed and saluted: "See you, General!"

Cao Hong gritted his teeth and said: "The Han army has more than forty spies lurking into the city. The two of you can lead 3000 people to search the city, starting from hotels and taverns. Search one by one. Give me a thorough search. Those who provide clues will be rewarded." Jin Bailiang, and those who dare to resist, just beheaded on the spot, I will bear all the consequences, and find out the Han army spies for me tonight."

"In this way, the soldiers may relax their military discipline!" Guo Liang reminded Cao Hong that this kind of search could easily turn into an army looting the whole city.

Cao Hong gritted his teeth and said, "That's my reward to the brothers!"

In Cao Hong's view, military discipline is not important. A small fortune from the soldiers is also good for improving morale. It is beyond reproach. More importantly, the scouts of the Han army must be captured. The two generals understood Cao Hong's meaning, and they clasped their fists together to salute and left in a hurry. .

Cao Hong said to his soldiers again: "Gather me an army and horses, and then go to Deng's mansion!"


As Cao Jun's large-scale search of the city began, the entire Wancheng city began to commotion. Teams of Cao Jun soldiers ran on the streets. In order to maximize the use of troops to search the city, Cao Jun began to search from house to house with a team of ten people.

Most of Cao's soldiers were not locals. Under the threat of war, their selfish desire to make a fortune swelled, and all of them became extremely vicious. Under the leadership of Shi Chang, driven by profit, many soldiers kicked open the door without waiting for their master to open the door. , rushed in...

The night during the curfew is no longer silent, the flames can be seen everywhere, there are cries and shouts everywhere in the streets and alleys, and the screams when they are hacked to death, the search of the city gradually begins to change, and it becomes a looting gun for soldiers, with a little resistance They were killed by soldiers on the charge of collaborating with the enemy, and their property was looted. Many young women who were ruined were also killed by soldiers to cover up their crimes.

At this time, Jia Kui also got the news, and rushed out of the county office. Jia Kui was stunned by what happened right under the eyes of the county office.

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