Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 945 Jiangdong Decision

At Ruxukou, Han Wang Liu Jing received the Jiangdong envoy. To Liu Jing's surprise, the Jiangdong envoy hadn't heard from Lu Su for a long time. (Update is the fastest and most stable)

Lu Su has withdrawn from Jiangdong's core decision-making circle and became the governor of Yuzhang County. This is not because Lu Su is partial to the Sun-Liu alliance, but because of the failure of political struggles. As a representative figure, Lu Su's fate can be imagined.

The family of relatives headed by Bu Zhi and the northern family headed by Zhang Zhao occupied the entire Jiangdong core power circle, and even the Wu Jun family of Gu Yong and Zhang Wen also faded out from Jianye.

However, this time Lu Su was the envoy, not because Sun Quan wanted to support the Lujiang faction. Lu Su and Liu Jing had old friends, and Sun Quan hoped to use Lu Su's favor to ease the tension between Sun and Liu.

Liu Jing met Lu Su in the main cabin on a five-thousand-stone ship at Ruxukou. We haven't seen each other for several years. Lu Su has almost changed. .

Liu Jing looked at Lu Su in surprise, "How did Zijing become so old?"

Lu Su saluted, and said with a wry smile: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I had a serious illness last year, which had a great impact on my body, and I haven't fully recovered yet."

Liu Jing sighed, "Sir, please sit down and talk."

The two sat down as guests and hosts, and Liu Jing asked with a smile: "I heard that Zijing was appointed as the governor of Yuzhang County. How is the situation in Yuzhang County recently?"

"Yuzhang County is fine, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and have not been affected by the war. This time I returned to Jianye to report on my work, and I just accepted the task of Marquis Wu."

At this point, Lu Su took out Sun Quan's autographed letter, and presented it to Liu Jing with both hands, "Please read it, Your Highness."

Lu Su comforted Sun Quan before leaving. Liu Jing's purpose to force Jiang Dong to withdraw from the Hefei War was not to invade Wu County, so knowing that Jiang Dong was willing to withdraw from the Hefei War, everything was negotiable.

Having said that, Lu Su was still a little worried. After all, Liu Jing was no longer Jingzhou Mu, and many ideas could no longer be based on previous experience. In fact, Lu Su didn't know what Liu Jing's purpose was, and he was really uneasy.

Liu Jing quietly read Sun Quan's autograph letter, in which Sun Quan promised to give up the Hefei War and hoped that the Han army could withdraw from Wujun.

Although it seems a little unreasonable, Liu Jing also knows that if the Jiangdong Army really counterattacks Wu County, Lu Xun may not be able to withstand it. Once Sun Quan regains Wu County and reduces the pressure on the backyard, he is likely to be killed by Cao Cao. Forced to send troops.

Liu Jing also does not want to fight an all-out battle with the Jiangdong army for the time being. If he can delay the time by means of reconciliation and keep Kuaiji County first, he can lay the foundation for attacking Jiangdong in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing asked: "Wu Hou means, let us withdraw from Wu County directly, is that so?"

"That's exactly what Wu Hou said in his letter. As long as the Han army withdraws from Wujun, he will guarantee that the Jiangdong army will withdraw from the Hefei war."

Liu Jing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back. He turned to Lu Su and said, "How can Zijing make me believe in his sincerity?"

Lu Su was secretly delighted. He could hear Liu Jing's intention to let go, and he only asked for the conditions for withdrawing troops. He hurriedly said, "I don't know what kind of sincerity your Highness needs?"

"I need Marquis Wu to issue a public commitment, promising that after the Han army withdraws from Wu County, it will no longer participate in the Hefei War. In addition, the Jiangdong Army will not attack Kuaiji County within one year. This commitment must be released publicly."

Lu Su pondered for a while and asked: "I don't know how open your Highness is?"

Liu Jing thought for a while: "I also know that he has difficulties. At least all senior Jiangdong officials must know the contents of this letter of commitment."

Lu Su got up and gave a salute, "I'll go back and report to Marquis Wu. Once Marquis Wu accepts His Highness's plan, His Highness, please immediately order the Han army to withdraw from Wu County."

"Naturally, I look forward to Wu Hou's sincerity."

Lu Su bid farewell and left. At this time, military advisor Pang Tong said to Liu Jing: "I'm afraid Cao Cao will not let Sun Quan withdraw so easily. Your Highness must prevent Sun Quan from repeating himself."

Liu Jing laughed and said, "How does the military adviser think Cao Cao will persecute Sun Quan?"

"It's nothing more than sending people to blame Sun Quan for withdrawing troops, or freezing aid to Sun Quan. More importantly, put pressure on Sun Quan from the overall situation. For example, once the Han army attacks Jiangdong, Cao Jun will stand by and watch. I believe that Cao Cao's pressure will bring great harm to Sun Quan. A lot of pressure."

Liu Jing took a few steps with his hands behind his back. He also admitted that Pang Tong's analysis was good. Once Sun Quan couldn't bear the pressure of Cao Cao, he would definitely attack Wu County aggressively, regain Wu County as quickly as possible, and then turn around and participate in the Battle of Hefei , which is most likely.

At this time, Pang Tong continued: "Weichen thinks that this is actually very subtle. If we deal with it effectively, Sun Quan will eventually give up the alliance with Cao Cao. The key is that we want to occupy Taihu Lake. As long as we have an absolute advantage in Taihu Lake, we can do it at any time." It is possible to increase troops to Taihu Lake, and finally force Sun Quan to give up the battle of Hefei."

Liu Jing walked to the sand table and looked at the distribution of rivers and lakes in the east of the river on the sand table. There is actually only one waterway from the Yangtze River to Taihu Lake, and that is Lishui. The flow rate is too small, even a ship of five hundred shi cannot move. As long as the entrance is blocked, the Jiangdong Army will have no warships to go south.

On the contrary, he can occupy the islands in Taihu Lake to establish a logistics base, and absolutely control Taihu Lake, and he can contain the Jiangdong Army in Wujun, so that Sun Quan had to give up the battle of Hefei in the end.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing immediately ordered: "Order Shen Mi to come see me!"

. . . . . . . . . .

Just as Liu Jing predicted, Cao Cao could never accept Jiangdong's withdrawal from the Hefei battle. Without Jiangdong's support from the southeast, Cao's advantage would be reduced by three points, and the chance of winning would be reduced from seven points to four points. The odds of winning have been greatly increased.

Of course, Cao Cao also knew the reason why the Jiangdong Army withdrew and was taken to the backyard by the Han Army. However, Cao Cao believed that the matter was not serious enough to give up the Sun-Cao alliance. The Han Army did not have many troops. As long as they counterattacked aggressively, they would soon be able to regain it. , to restore normal order.

He immediately sent special envoy Chen Qun to Jiangdong to negotiate with Sun Quan. Cao Cao had only one bottom line, and he would never allow the Jiangdong Army to give up the battle of Hefei.

In the Jianye Palace, Sun Quan sat facing Chen Qun with a serious face, and listened to Chen Qun relay Cao Cao's opinion, "Wei Gong hopes that Marquis Wu will not give up the Sun-Cao alliance because of a small setback. After all, the Hefei Battle has more impact on Jiangdong." Great, I believe Marquis Wu also understands that once the Han army captures Hefei and attacks from the north to the south, Jiangdong will be in jeopardy. To quell the Han army's sneak attack as quickly as possible, if Jiangdong needs military or material assistance, we will fully support it."

Sun Quan was speechless for a while, Cao Cao's attitude was within his expectations, he also knew very well that Jiangdong's abandonment of the Battle of Hefei would have a major impact on Cao's army, and he also knew the consequences of the Han army's victory in the Battle of Hefei. How could he face the loss of Kuaiji calmly.

Of course, Sun Quan also knew that the crisis in Wujun could be solved by a quick solution, but Wuhu was in the hands of the Han army, and they could send more troops from Lishui to Wujun at any time. More importantly, he had already asked Liu Jing for peace, and now he turned his back on him. The Jiangdong army was frustrated again, and he might not have the option to seek peace. These consequences made Sun Quan very scrupulous, and Sun Quan could be in a dilemma.

At this time, Zhang Zhao said slowly: "The loss of Wu County puts great pressure on us. We must take back Wu County as soon as possible, but even if we take back Wu County, we have to station a large number of troops in Wu County. Jiangdong now only has about [-] troops, and in addition to the [-] troops that must guard Jianye, the actual number of troops we can mobilize is less than [-]. We need at least [-] troops to defend Wujun and Piling. There are only less than [-] troops supporting the battle of Hefei, which is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket, Jiangdong is now facing unprecedented difficulties, and we are also unable to do what we want, I hope Chen Shijun can tell Wei Gong."

Chen Qun said again: "Duke Wei fully understands Jiangdong's predicament. I also said it just now. If the Jiangdong army is short of manpower and material resources, Cao Jun will give the greatest support."

The implication of Chen Qun's words is that Cao Jun is willing to send troops to Wu County, and is also willing to provide food and material support. In a word, as long as Jiangdong sends troops, Cao Jun will give Jiangdong all support.

The words have reached this level, and it is hard for Sun Quan to refuse. Sun Quan pondered for a while and said, "So, let's discuss it again. Chen Zhongcheng, please go to rest first. If there is a result, we will notify Zhongcheng immediately."

Chen Qun went down to rest. There were only four ministers Zhang Zhao, Bu Zhi, Lu Meng and Lu Su in the hall. Lu Su felt that Sun Quan was shaken again. It should not be changed easily, it will seriously affect the credibility of Marquis Wu."

"Zi Jing is surprised by this statement!"

Bu Zhi said from the side: "It's about Jiangdong's life and death, how can you be shaken by a little face, and Wu Hou didn't make any formal promises, even if he made a promise, it is related to Jiangdong's highest interests, so it is not surprising to overthrow the promise Zijing, don't use reputation to influence the decision of Marquis Wu."

Lu Su still wanted to refute, but Sun Quan waved his hand and said, "Zijing, don't worry, let's fully discuss and weigh the pros and cons. I believe we will find the best solution."

At this point, Sun Quan glanced at Lu Meng, "I want to hear the opinion of the military first."

Lu Meng smiled wryly and said, "In terms of military strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to split up and fight on two fronts. Just like what the military adviser said just now, Wujun and Piling need to garrison troops, and Jianye also needs to garrison troops. In the end, we can only use [-] troops." It is actually meaningless for the army to support Hefei in the first battle. Instead, it will be wiped out by the Han army's concentrated superior forces. I think the key question in the middle is whether to accept Cao's support?"

Zhang Zhao nodded, "If we accept Cao Jun's support and let Cao Jun garrison Wu Jun for us, then we can spare our troops to participate in the Hefei War. I guess this is also Cao Cao's plan, although it seems a bit inappropriate to let Cao Jun garrison Wu Jun. But in terms of safety, I believe that Cao Cao will never annex Wu County, and will guard it with all his heart..."

"But how do we explain to the people of Jiangdong and Wu County?"

Lu Su finally couldn't help it, and reprimanded Zhang Zhaodao sharply: "Let Cao Jun garrison Jiangdong, what is the difference between this and subjugation? How can the people of Jiangdong face it?"

Zhang Zhao's face suddenly darkened. The person he hated the most was Lu Su. Back then, it was Zhang Zhao who drove Lu Su to Yuzhang County. Now Lu Su dared to scold himself in front of Marquis Wu. Zhao was furious, and just as he was about to explode, Bu Zhi hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Zi Jing misunderstood, this is only an expedient measure, after the battle in Hefei, Cao's army will withdraw, and Cao's army will never be stationed for a long time."

Lu Su snorted heavily, "I firmly oppose Cao's stationing in Jiangdong. If you insist, then I have nothing to say. I have a small official position and I am not suitable to participate in such high-level discussions."

He saluted Sun Quan again, "Resign from your humble position!"

Without waiting for Sun Quan's consent, he turned around and left. Sun Quan's face was also extremely ugly, and Lu Su was so rude.

Without Lu Su's objection, everyone quickly made a decision. Jiangdong must maintain its alliance with Wei. Lead an army of [-] to recover Wu County as quickly as possible.

At the same time, Cao Cao sent general Jin to lead [-] troops to the north bank of the Yangtze River, cross the river on Jiangdong warships, and march towards Wujun with the Jiangdong army.

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