In the early morning, a fleet of [-] warships lined up and sailed in the vast Taihu Lake. The [-] hectares of Taihu Lake are like a boundless sea. Standing with a gun, although he has a leg injury, it does not affect his command of the fleet.

There was a slight breeze, with a fishy smell, and it was extraordinarily cool in the hot summer. The cool wind blew over his bronzed face, which was full of determination, and his deep eyes were fixed on a black line in the distance. , there is the destination of his trip, Xishan in Taihu Lake.

"Has Mr. Liao been here before?"

Shen Mi smiled and asked Liao Lidao, the military adviser. Liao Li was appointed as the prefect of Wuling County three years ago, and was recently transferred to be the prefect of Brazil County. The military advisers participated in the council and marched south with the army. This time Shen Mi led the army to assist Wu Jun. Liu Jing took responsibility for their mistakes and asked Liao Li to go with him.

Liao Li and Shen Mi have cooperated for many years and have a very good relationship. He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "When I was young, I came to Wu County to study, and I used to go boating and swimming across Taihu Lake, but it was not far from the shore. This is the first time I have gone deep into Taihu Lake."

Shen Mi pointed to a black shadow in the distance and said: "That is Xishan Island. There are two big islands in Taihu Lake. One is connected to the land and is called Dongshan Island by the locals. The other big island is independent from the lake and is called Xishan Island. At present, General Lou Fa has occupied Xishan Island, stationed camp on Xishan Island, and established a logistics center."

Liao Li nodded and said with a smile: "General Lou Fa has two hundred warships, plus our three hundred warships, that's five hundred warships. There is such a huge fleet in Jiangdong In the hinterland, I believe that Sun Quan cannot sleep on the mat."

"This is also the meaning of His Highness the King of Han. Since Sun Quan is ignorant, we must teach him a lesson. When our navy comes to Jiangdong, we will never leave again."


At this time, due to the Jiangdong Army and Cao Army's massive southward march, the main force of the Han Army, led by Lu Xun, with 8000 people withdrew to Kuaiji County, while Lou Fa led 5000 people in [-] warships and stationed at Xishan Island in Taihu Lake. It was like a poisonous thorn piercing into Jiangdong's abdomen.

Not only the three great families of Wu County, but also more than [-] households in Wu County followed the main force of the Han army to withdraw southward. They emptied all the grain and supplies in the official warehouse of Wu County, leaving an empty city for the Jiangdong Army, a deserted area. The land of Jiangdong.

'when!when!when! '

A bell rang on a sentry tower on Xishan Island, and the soldiers walked out of the camp one after another. Looking towards the lake, they saw a mighty fleet of ships approaching. The army's black dragon battle flag was raised, and the soldiers immediately cheered. This is the main force of the Han army's water army.

When the fleet slowly approached the shore, Lou Fa hurried up to meet him, and hugged Shen Mi who had stepped off the ship. The two of them were Gan Ning's right-hand men and had decades of friendship.

"Old Shen, it's alright with your legs!" Lou Fa asked with concern.

"Flesh injuries are not a big problem."

Shen Mi took out Liu Jing's military order, handed it to Lou Fa and said with a smile: "This is the order of the King of Han. You are the general and I am the deputy. We should all follow Liao's advice."

Lou Fa greeted Liao Li, he looked at the military order again, and asked, "How many troops did you bring this time?"

"A total of [-] sailors, [-] shi of food and [-] barrels of kerosene, and you should have no shortage of tents here!"

"In fact, there is no shortage of food and tents, but there is a shortage of fire oil."

The three of them walked into a big tent, and Liao Li ordered someone to bring in a sand table. Lou Fa suddenly laughed, "You guys brought this good thing, it's a weapon for war!"

"This is the latest sand table His Royal Highness gave us. The lakes and rivers in Jiangdong are very detailed. They are indeed weapons of war. I want to know, where is Jiangdong Army now?"

Lou Fa picked up a thin wooden pole and pointed to Piling County, "According to my scout report, [-] vanguards of the Jiangdong Army have passed Piling County, and it is estimated that they will reach Wu County by noon. There are [-] troops. Another [-] Cao troops have also entered Piling County, and it is not yet known whether the Sun-Cao coalition forces will attack Kuaiji County or not?"

Shen Mi pondered for a moment and asked, "Does Jiangdong Army know we exist?"

This sentence is the key point. If the Jiangdong army knows that there are troops stationed in Taihu Lake, they may not dare to go south to attack Kuaiji County. They will garrison heavily in Wu County and Piling County. Lou Fang understood Shen Mi's meaning and said with a smile: " Governor Lu also meant the same thing, let Jiangdong Army and Cao Army know of our existence, so as to restrain them from going south to Kuaiji County."

At this moment, a soldier rushed to the door of the tent and reported loudly: "General Lou, a patrol fleet of about ten small boats was found in Taihu Lake, coming from the north."

Lou Fa sneered: "This should be a sentry ship from Piling County, it came so fast!"

Just as Lou Fa was about to order the army to attack, Liao Li smiled and whispered to the two of them. Lou Fa nodded and said, "As expected of a military adviser, I will follow what the military adviser said."


Half an hour later, a Jiangdong scout fleet composed of ten small boats gradually approached the pier of Xishan Island. They were still one mile away from the pier, and they could no longer move forward. Dozens of Han army patrol ships lined up in front of them. , blocked their way.

Even so, they still saw the size of the Han army from a distance. Nearly four hundred thousand-stone warships were moored around the pier, and there were another hundred five-hundred-stone cargo ships, which were fully loaded with food and supplies, and the soldiers were busy unloading them. goods.

On the shore, there are dense groups of tents, surrounded by wooden fences. The tents are long and narrow, stretching for several miles, and the scale is huge. The scout ships did not dare to stay for a long time, so they immediately turned the fleet and sailed to the shore.

At this time, under the leadership of the general Lu Meng, the Jiangdong army had already occupied Wu County, but to Lu Meng's annoyance, Wu County was already an empty city, leaving only hundreds of elderly people, and the official warehouse was also empty. The food and other materials were all removed, and the soldiers searched the whole city, but found less than a hundred shi of food.

Soon, the troops sent to various counties also reported back one after another. Like Wu County, the people of all counties basically followed the Han army to retreat southward to Kuaiji County, and they all became empty cities. In the entire Wu County, there were only less than [-] residents. [-]% of the people.

Lu Meng was very shocked. The people in Jiangdong were willing to retreat southward with the Han army to avoid the Jiangdong army's governance. This is simply a great irony, and it also shows that Wuhou is gradually losing popular support.

On the top of the city, Lu Meng looked at the empty city, heaved a long sigh, turned his head to Kan Ze, the new prefect of Wu County, and said, "Prefect Kan, without the population, what's the point of such a Wu County?"

Kan Ze smiled wryly and said, "I should be the one who said this. As the prefect of a county, it is an anecdote through the ages that there are no people in the territory to govern!"

Lu Meng pondered for a moment and said: "Before we left, Marquis Wu had ordered that if the southward movement goes smoothly, we can directly attack Kuaiji County. With the strength of us and Cao's army, fifty thousand troops will march southward. The Han army in Kuaiji County will be difficult to resist. At the time of Piling, I heard that the fleet of the Han army had withdrawn to the Taihu Lake, which was a bit troublesome. Is it possible for Governor Kan to go south to Kuaiji County?"

Kan Ze thought for a while and said: "It depends on how strong the Han army in Taihu Lake is. If there are only a few thousand people, that's okay. As long as 1 people guard the logistics center of Wu County, the remaining [-] troops can also be wiped out if they go south." Kuaiji County, but if the army in Taihu Lake is powerful, then you have to think twice."

Just as he was talking, a soldier pointed to the city and said, "Dudu Lu, a patrol fleet has returned."

Lu Meng also saw that not far away in Xujiang, a sentry ship was sailing back quickly, and he was overjoyed. This is the scout ship he sent when he was in Piling County, and it finally came back.

Not long after, some soldiers led the scouts to the city, and the leader of the army knelt down on one knee and reported: "We have found information about the Han army."

"How is the situation of the Han army?"

"The Han army has occupied Xishan Island, and there are more than [-] ships moored outside the dock. There are only [-] warships with a thousand stone or more. The momentum is huge."

Lu Meng's heart seemed to have sunk into an ice cave, and he asked after a while, "How many troops are there?"

"The humble official counted the tents of the Han army. There are about [-] tents. The humble official infers that there are about [-] troops."

"Twenty thousand!"

Lu Meng cried out, turned his head to Kan Ze and said, "Does the prefect think there will be [-] troops?"

Kan Ze sighed: "Originally there were about 2 warships of the Han army, but now the number has increased to [-]. It is undoubtedly the reinforcements from Wuhu. I think Liu Jing also values ​​Kuaiji County very much and will not sit back and watch us attack Kuaiji. To be honest, the Han army has [-] people, I am not surprised at all."

Lu Meng's mood became very heavy. Marquis Wu underestimated Liu Jing's determination. Before that, he could negotiate to get the Han army to withdraw, but now Marquis Wu was forced to surrender to Cao Cao. The door of negotiation was closed, and the Han army would no longer Withdraw from Jiangdong.

"Prefect Kan, what do you think of Jiangdong's current situation? Can you tell me frankly."

Kan Ze shook his head, "If General Lu wants to hear the truth, I might as well say that most of the nine counties in Jiangdong have fallen into the hands of the Han army. Lujiang, Kuaiji, Jian'an, and Xindu have already been occupied by the Han army. Yuzhang The counties and Jiujiang counties are under the control of the Yangtze River, and they belong to us in name, but in fact they are already under the control of the Han army. This goes to the six counties, and we still have Danyang, Piling, and Wu counties. In other words, we only have Danyang. In the two counties of Piling and Wujun, even the three great families of Wujun retreated south with the Han army, could they not see the situation clearly? Dudu Lu, the situation is very bad!"

Lu Meng sighed: "It seems that the alliance between Marquis Wu and Cao Cao is indeed a big mistake in decision-making!"

"I don't think that was a mistake. Marquis Wu also knew that the situation was critical, so he turned to Cao Cao in an attempt to gain Cao Cao's support and restore Jiangdong's original power. Cao Cao also tried his best to support Jiangdong, but it was too late to form an alliance. In fact, The root of Jiangdong's decline is not the expansion of the Han army to the east, but the internal strife in Jiangdong. It can no longer be explained in one or two sentences. It can only be said that Liu Jing is too strong. The disaster of Jiangdong today was as early as Chaisang's defeat It's doomed."

Lu Meng nodded silently. Back then, Liu Jing captured a large number of Jiangdong soldiers several times, and released them all. He had already won the hearts of the people in Jiangdong. However, Marquis Wu resorted to military tactics and extorted violently. He completely lost the hearts of the people, and finally led to today's predicament. He, Lu Meng, is only in his thirties Years old, what should he do?Lu Meng was also confused.

At this time, Kan Ze smiled and said, "I'm going to go around Wujun, maybe for a few days, please ask Governor Lu to prepare a small boat for me."

Lu Meng agreed, and immediately ordered someone to prepare a boat for Kan Ze. In the afternoon, Kan Ze boarded the boat with two attendants.

On the west mountain of Taihu Lake, the supplies of the Han army have basically been moved and unloaded. The soldiers have set up camp on the island and are extremely busy. The number of patrol boats around has also increased to [-].

At this time, a patrol boat suddenly found a small Uppong boat coming from the east, and the patrol boat went up to meet it. The Han soldiers held their spears and shouted loudly: "Stop!"

The Wupeng boat came to a halt slowly, and a middle-aged man emerged from the cabin, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I am Kan Ze, the prefect of Wu County, and I want to see your general."

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