Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 956 Raid on Ye City

Before dawn in Jianye Palace, the military advisor Zhang Zhao hurried to the inner hall. Two maids led the way with lanterns in front. An old servant led him to Sun Quan's study. He whispered: "Marquis Wu has been sleeping very badly these days. He woke up at two o'clock last night and stayed up all night. His mind is very heavy. The military master should enlighten him!"

Zhang Zhao nodded. He understood the reason for Sun Quan's worry in his heart. A few days ago, Cao Cao sent someone to send a secret letter, threatening Sun Quan nakedly in the letter.

Although the Han army apparently withdrew from Taihu Lake, they actually withdrew their small boats and replaced them with large warships of two thousand shi, and replaced one hundred small boats of one hundred stone with twenty large ships of two thousand shi. It is strengthening its occupation of Taihu Lake.

There is also the problem of food. The farmers in Wu County have all gone to Kuaiji County. Who will cultivate the grain fields in Wu County?You must know that Wu County has always been Jiangdong's granary. Without this granary, what will Jiangdong use to support the army?

It would be a strange thing if Sun Quan could still sleep peacefully under such internal and external difficulties.

Walking into the inner hall, I saw Sun Quan sitting alone in the hall, staring blankly at the map on the table. The bronze oil lamp beside him was also extremely dim. Sun Quan didn't seem to see Zhang Zhao coming in.

Zhang Zhao stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted, "I will see Wu Hou!"

Sun Quan sighed, "Sir, please sit down!"

Zhang Zhao sat down and persuaded in a low voice, "Marquis Wu should find a way to sleep. If this continues, his body will collapse."

Sun Quan looked at the sky outside. The night was dark and full of stars. He couldn't help apologizing: "I'm really sorry that the military adviser was invited so late and the rest was affected!"

Zhang Zhao knew that Sun Quan had found him in the middle of the night, there must be something important, so he smiled and waited for Sun Quan to continue.

Sun Quan nodded, and said again: "I thought about it for a few days, and decided to follow Cao Cao's strategy and take the risky game there."

Zhang Zhao knew what Sun Quan wanted to do, he pondered for a while and said, "But the consequences...has Marquis Wu thought about it?"

"How could I not have thought about it? It was because I weighed the pros and cons repeatedly that I decided to adopt Cao Cao's suggestion. I invited the military adviser to discuss the details with the military adviser."

Seeing that Sun Quan had already made a decision, Zhang Zhao no longer objected. He pondered for a long time and said, "I feel that the key is the ship. The Han army has blocked Wuhu and the Ruxukou River, and our civilian ships cannot get through."

"I know, but I have a plan that I think works."

Sun Quan picked up a scroll on the table and handed it to Zhang Zhao, "Let's have a look at it first!"

. . . . . . .

In Nanyang County, since the Nanxiang passage was opened by the Han army, the focus of the war has gradually shifted to Hefei. Nanyang County, where the war broke out, has gradually calmed down. It seems that both sides have accepted the result of the war. Most of Nanyang County in the interior, while Cao Jun only controls the strategically important county in the northeast corner.

The county is called "the throat of Wan, the belly of Xu". Its geographical location is extremely important, and it bears the heavy responsibility of defending the southern capital Xuchang. Wancheng poses a direct threat.

At present, there are thousands of Cao troops in the county, guarded by general Li Dian, while Xiahou Dun is stationed in Xuchang with [-] troops, ready to support the county at any time. Too many troops were transferred in the Hefei war. Xiahou Dun is not only responsible for the defense of Nanyang, but also responsible for Luoyang. For the defense on the western front, he did not dare to pour his troops into the county. Once the Han army aggressively attacked Luoyang, the Cao army defending Luoyang would have no soldiers to support it.

The best way is to send troops to the county immediately when the Han army sends troops from Wancheng.

It is also true that although the battle in Hefei was raging, Xiahou Dun did not dare to take it lightly, and ordered Li Dian to report to him every day the movement of the Han army in Wancheng.

Li Dian also sent [-] scouts to pay attention to the movement of the Han army in Wancheng. They all knew that once the Han army broke the situation on the western front, it would have a negative impact on the battle in Hefei.

At present, the Han army has [-] troops stationed in Wancheng. Unlike the Cao army's scattered garrison, the Han army has concentrated its troops in Wancheng, and the rest of the counties have only a few hundred people to maintain order. This is also the lesson that the Han army has learned from the Cao army. , not to repeat the same mistakes.

In the past few months, the Nanyang Han army has only done one thing, and that is to train the surrendered army. In the Nanyang battle, the Han army captured more than [-] prisoners of war from the Cao army. Among them, there were nearly [-] prisoners of war from Nanyang. Training prisoners of war into the Han army became the primary task of the Nanyang garrison.

As time passed, it gradually came to the beginning of the month. The autumn was high and crisp, and the large fields of millet began to fill with grain, and the strings of corn ears became full. The land of Nanyang was full of joy of harvest.

At the beautiful moment when no one thought that there would be a war, the cloud of war quietly descended on the land of Nanyang.

In the afternoon, a team of 5000 people marched rapidly on the official road about 5000 miles south of the county. All [-] troops rode on horseback, and [-] people were equipped with two horses. .

There are only two armies equipped with double horses in the Han army, one is the Guanlong cavalry, and the second is the heavy armored infantry. Since the Han army captured a large number of war horses in the process of conquering the Qiangdi in the west and the Xiongnu in the north, all these horses were equipped for In the army, no matter cavalry or infantry, they all ride horses when marching.

The heavy armored infantry is no exception, but their armor is very heavy, and they are generally tall, and it is difficult for a horse to bear the weight, so they are equipped with two horses, and one horse is specially used to carry the armor and sword.

The Han army heading to the county did have [-] heavy armored infantry, led by General Yaowu Liu Hu. Liu Hu's army arrived in Nanyang from Guan five days ago. He received an order from Liu Jing, king of Han, to rush to Nanyang to help in the battle. , to assist the Nanyang army to seize the county.

This is part of Liu Jing's decision to use the Battle of Hefei to drag down Cao Wei's financial resources, fight on multiple fronts, and put war pressure on Cao Wei.

Of course, attacking the county was an unfinished part of the Nanyang Campaign, and capturing the county would bring the Nanyang Campaign to a successful conclusion.

It is about a hundred miles from Wancheng to the county, and about two hundred miles from the county to Xuchang. Although the scouts of the Cao army will detect the actions of the Han army, the scouts will rush back to report and report to Xudu to increase troops until the reinforcements of the Cao army Arriving, there are many links, and it will take two days at the earliest for Cao Jun's reinforcements to arrive at the county.

As long as the Han army marches quickly, it can kill the county within a day. In this way, the Han army has one more day than the Cao army in Xuchang, and this day can determine the fate of the county.

It was precisely with this in mind that Liu Jing ordered Liu Hu to lead [-] heavy armored infantry to assist in the attack on the county.

The county is far less tall and solid than the city of Hefei. The city wall is less than three feet high, fifteen miles in circumference, and has a population of more than [-]. It can only be regarded as a county in the original place. The advantage of the county is not the city, but its proximity to Xuchang. , can get the support of Xuchang reinforcements in time, and it is for this reason that Pin has not launched an attack on the county for a long time.

At this time, Li Dian, the county lord general, had already received the news that the Han army had left Wancheng and was heading towards the county. He immediately sent a message to Xiahou Dun in Xuchang by flying pigeons. Now the Han army was less than [-] miles away from the county, and Xiahou Dun The reinforcements should also be on the way. In terms of time, Xiahoudun's reinforcements will arrive at the county tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, and the Han army will arrive in half an hour.

Li Dian couldn't help being a little nervous. He was captured by the Han army and then released, which left an indelible shadow on his heart. It was that capture that made it difficult for him to be promoted, and he has been lingering for many years. In the past, Zhang He, Zhang Liao, Zang Ba and others who had the same official positions as him at the beginning were promoted one after another, and were granted the titles of Township Marquis and General, but he is still only Guannei Marquis and General Lang.

The tragic death of Cao Hong in Wancheng put even more pressure on Li Dian. Although he was not in the city at the time, he was Cao Hong's deputy general, and Cao Hong's death always made him feel a little bit hard to shirk his responsibility.

Li Dian stood at the top of the city and stared at the official road in the distance. The night had just fallen, the sky was not yet dark, the twilight was dim, the crows and birds were buzzing around the forest, and the wilderness seemed extremely quiet. Li Dian couldn't help but sighed. This tranquility will soon be interrupted.

Just as Li Dian was worried, after half an hour, [-] Han troops finally appeared on the high hill two miles away, and a large number of crows and birds perched on the high hill were startled, which also alarmed the defenders at the top of the city.

'when!when!when! The alarm bell at the top of the city rang and spread throughout the city. Thousands of soldiers of Cao Jun who were resting at the base of the city wall got up one after another and rushed to the top of the city. military.

At this time, the soldiers at the top of the city shouted, and saw an army rushing down the hillside and heading straight for the city. The soldiers of Cao Jun were so frightened that they raised their bows and arrows one after another. Li Dian shouted sharply: "Don't panic!"

Li Dian felt that this army seemed a bit special, it came with two horses. Could it be the Guanlong cavalry of the Han army?

Li Dian did not expect that it was not the Guanlong cavalry who came, but the most powerful heavy armored infantry of the Han army. They stopped their horses about [-] steps away from the city.

Three hundred steps is the range of heavy trebuchets, but the Han army knew that the county seat was not wide enough to install heavy trebuchets at the top of the city, only light trebuchets had a range of only 150 steps, and could not attack troops three hundred steps away.

Of course, the bee crossbow can shoot three hundred paces away, and the powerful iron crossbow bolts of the bee crossbow can also penetrate the heavy armor of the heavy armored infantry. All the tools were placed in Hefei, and the heavy armored infantry of the Han Army escaped unknowingly.

Secondly, there are bed crossbows, which can shoot three-foot-long arrows with a killing range of 250 steps. Instead of heavy armored infantry, they were used to deal with the nest carts and trebuchets of the Han army.

The heavy armored infantry of the Han army has undergone several upgrades. Not only has the armor become lighter and thinner, but it is also stronger, and the saber in hand has also undergone great changes.

With the advancement of casting technology, the Zhanma Dao has been modified several times, and its shape has gradually approached the Mo Dao of later generations. It is about two feet long and the blade is a foot long. Assassinate.

When the heavy armored infantry uses the saber, it wields it with the strength of the waist. After entering the battle, the heavy armor swings the saber and advances like a wall. Cavalry also have miraculous effects in siege.

At present, only the Han army in the whole world is equipped with this kind of heavy armored infantry that uses the saber. On the one hand, it is difficult to make the saber, and it is an absolute secret of the Han army. Five hundred swordsmiths are secretly protected.

On the other hand, it is also related to the rise of the Han army mainly in the south. They had no cavalry back then. In order to deal with Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry, they could only use heavy armored infantry. Of course, this is also related to national power. Except for Han and Wei, Jiangdong Army There is no national strength equipped with heavy armored infantry.

At present, there are thousands of heavy armored infantry in the Han army, Liu Hu is the main general, and Lei Tong is the deputy general. This time Lei Tong did not go to Nanyang, but led [-] heavy armored infantry to stay at Tongguan to protect the security of the pass.

Liu Hu is known as the first knife of the Han army. It is not because of his high martial arts skills, but because he leads the most powerful heavy armored infantry and uses the sharpest saber. He made a bet with Pin and captured the county within an hour. At this time, his heart was already eager to try, and he was waiting for this opportunity to become famous.

At this time, a soldier rushed to Liu Hu's side and said, "The governor, may I ask the general, how long do you need to rest?"

Liu Hu smiled proudly, "There is no need to rest, let my soldiers dress neatly, and we can attack in a quarter of an hour!"

The soldiers rushed back to report, Liu Hu turned around and shouted: "All sons and daughters get off their horses and prepare to fight!"

Although heavy armored infantry are not afraid of arrows and logs, they also have weaknesses. Their biggest weakness is that they are bulky and inconvenient to move. Naturally, it is impossible to run with a siege ladder. Therefore, using heavy armored infantry to attack a city requires other troops. Handle the siege prelude for them.

The heavy armored infantry were still changing their outfits, but the chief general of the Han army gave the order to attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The huge battle drum of the Han army rang, and the sound of the drum was earth-shattering. Ten thousand soldiers of the Han army began to attack the county. Come.

Li Dian's face turned pale. The Han army started attacking the city without a break. He understood the Han army's plan. The Han army wanted to take advantage of the time before the reinforcements arrived and attack the city at night.

Although Li Dian was worried about the lack of night combat capabilities of the army, he had no time to think about these issues at this time. He shouted loudly: "Get ready for the trebuchet!"

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