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Liu Jing explained a few words to his son, and then quickly walked to the front yard. Watching his father go away, Liu Zhicai stuck out his tongue lightly, walked quickly to his mother, Tao Zhan stroked his son's head and asked with a smile: " Have you been taught by your father?"

"If Uncle Zhao hadn't come, maybe I would have been scolded by my father."

"No! Your father is also very happy to see you, how could he discipline you, besides Zhi'er has been very hardworking this year, father has no reason to discipline you."

"Daddy said I'm too thin. Starting tomorrow, I have to practice martial arts for an hour every morning before I can go to Pingzhangtai."

"You are indeed too weak, and my mother also wants to make up for you."

The mother and son walked away while talking, and gradually walked away.

Let's say that Liu Jing came to the outer study in a hurry, and saw Zhao Yun sitting in the study with a heavy heart, drinking tea. Liu Jing walked into the room and said with a smile: "I seem to have something on my mind! Is it not good for Tongguan to send troops?"

Zhao Yun quickly got up and saluted, Liu Jing waved his hand, "There is no need to be too polite, let's sit down and talk."

The two sat down, and the maid came in to serve tea, Zhao Yun sighed and said, "Your Highness, do you still remember what I said to Your Highness when I came back from the expedition to Ju Yanhai the year before last?"

Liu Jing immediately remembered what Tao Li said to him this morning, nodded, and said calmly, "You mean Ma Chao, what happened to him?"

"Wei Chen brought a person, he is at the porter's office, Your Highness may wish to meet him with me."

"Who is it?"

"Juyan County Magistrate Li, he was injured."

Liu Jing got up, went to the door and told the guards: "There is a man brought by General Zhao at the gatehouse, bring him here to see me!"

After a while, several guards came quickly carrying a soft couch, on which the injured Li was lying. He was bleeding profusely, his body was very weak, and his face was extremely pale.

Seeing Liu Jing, Li struggled to sit up, but the guard held him down, Liu Jing stepped forward and squatted in front of him and said, "You are Li, the magistrate of Juyan County, a member of the Li clan in Longxi?"

"Weichen is right!"

Next to him, Zhao Yun added: "He was hunted down, but fortunately the patrolling soldiers rescued him, and they said they wanted to find me for something important, so the soldiers brought him to my house."

"Who wants to kill you?" Liu Jing asked.

Li bit his lip, looked at the guards on both sides, and Liu Jing immediately ordered: "You all stand down!"

Only he, Liu Jing, and Zhao Yun were left in the room, so Li gritted his teeth and said, "Ma Chao sent someone to kill me."

"Why did he kill you?"

"Because I know he is going to rebel against himself."

Liu Jing was not in a hurry, sat down slowly, and then asked slowly: "Do you have any evidence that Ma Chao is going to rebel?"

"Your Highness, I didn't wrong him to avenge my personal revenge. Since last year, he has been in the army in a way of rising up and down in the dark, and transferred his Han generals one by one out of the military power, and used the Qiang people and the Di people to control the military power. , Thirteen Han generals have been transferred away."

"How do you know these things?" Liu Jing narrowed his eyes and stared at him with piercing eyes and asked.

"These are all General Ma Dai told me. He originally had a letter, but I was afraid that Ma Chao would catch him and implicate him, so Weichen burned the letter halfway."

Liu Jing thought for a while and said nothing. He felt that there seemed to be a bit of confusion. How could Ma Dai entrust Li to deliver the letter? Wouldn't he send his confidants to deliver the letter?Besides, Ma Dai is stationed in Wuwei County, so it is more convenient to send people to Chang'an. How can he get involved with Juyan County Magistrate?

"How did you know Ma Dai?"

Li understood Liu Jing's doubts, and said with a low sigh: "The humble post is no longer the magistrate of Juyan County. Last summer, the humble post was transferred by Ma Chao to Dunhuang to be the boss. He was almost killed by a horse bandit halfway. It was General Ma Dai who saved the post. Your Highness may not know that General Ma Dai is no longer in Wuwei County. At the beginning of last year, Ma Chao transferred General Ma Dai to Dunhuang County under the pretext of protecting business roads and attacking horse bandits. When the crowd went south, General Ma Dai said that His Royal Highness was fighting in Hefei, and he was unable to look around, so he could not startle the snake too early, so he kept silent until the beginning of the year, when Weichen's father passed away, and Weichen was able to rush to Longxi for the funeral, so he took the opportunity to come to Chang'an Unexpectedly, it was discovered by Ma Chao."

Only then did Liu Jing understand the cause and effect. He was furious in his heart. Ma Chao dared to transfer the general and dismiss the county magistrate without authorization, which showed that he was full of ambition. Liu Jing suppressed the anger in his heart and nodded, "So, You were actually sent by Ma Dai to report!"


"But you don't have any tokens."

Li bit his lips tightly, and said slowly: "I wish to die to show my will!"

"That's unnecessary. You should recover from your injuries first. Whether it's true or not, the facts will prove everything."

A smile appeared on Liu Jing's face, and he ordered the guards to carry Li out and arrange for him to recover from his injuries. Then Liu Jing said to Zhao Yun, "It seems that Hexi is already in crisis."

Zhao Yun nodded silently, "If Li doesn't come to Chang'an, maybe Ma Chao will be deployed for a few more months, but now he failed to assassinate Li, I believe he won't wait any longer."

"It's not because of one Li, but because of the end of the Battle of Hefei and the return of the Han army to Chang'an, he is no longer waiting for me."

Liu Jing turned around and walked to the window, staring out of the window silently. After a long time, he sighed in a low voice, "I thought he was a hero, and I wanted to reuse him, cultivate him, and even let him be in charge of Hexi, but I didn't expect that I still watched him." Wrong person."

Zhao Yun understood Liu Jing's mood, so he comforted him and said, "He is indeed a hero, with high martial arts skills and good fighting skills. His Highness did not misunderstand him in this regard, but he is a prince himself. Their father and son ruled Xiliang, and Cao Cao He had no choice but to take refuge in His Highness after he was defeated, and he has no heart in his bones, once conditions permit, his ambition will naturally grow."

"You don't need to comfort me, I know very well that Cao Cao wanted to kill him at the beginning so that there would be no future troubles, but I took him in and appointed him to be in charge of Hexi. , I am indeed not as good as Cao Cao!"

Zhao Yun was silent for a moment and said: "If Your Highness can trust this minister, I am willing to lead the army to march west to quell the troubles in Hexi."

Liu Jing turned her head and stared at Zhao Yun for a moment, then slowly said: "If I can't even trust you, then I, Liu Jing, am really alone."

Zhao Yun was moved in his heart, clasped his fists and said: "You can leave at any time!"

Liu Jing nodded, "Sending troops is certain, but there is no rush, there are still many things to do first."

. . . . . . . .

Zhao Yun took his leave and left, Liu Jing paced back and forth in the study alone, Ma Chao's desire to separate himself had gradually become a fact, which brought him a great blow, this kind of blow was not a split of the territory, but a betrayal It hurts so much.

He thought he treated each other with sincerity, and that trust could be exchanged for loyalty, but it turned out that he was wrong about the person, or that he was not mature enough politically, and he did not do some things that should be done, and he failed to establish in time. A system to guarantee the loyalty of the army.

Even if Liu Jing has great prestige and all the generals are loyal to him, what about the future?Will the generals still be loyal to his son?

From ancient times to the present, the constraints on the army will not be limited to the so-called loyalty, but more importantly, the system. In the pre-Qin period, the wives and children of the generals were held hostage in the capital. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the generals were separated. For the disaster of eunuchs, the Song Dynasty used officials to lead the army, so that they were defeated by the Liao and Jin Dynasties, and died in Mongolia. In later generations, there were political commissars, etc., all in order to keep the military power firmly in the hands of the central court.

And he, Liu Jing, could neither hand over military power to his nephews and brothers like Cao Cao, nor could he follow Jiangdong's example of concentrating soldiers in Jianye and not stationing troops in the local area, when the world is not peaceful.He can only rely on his trust in the generals and hand over the army to them.

But Ma Chao failed his trust in him. In other words, he shouldn't trust a prince who once ruled one side at all. He should let Ma Dai or Pang De control Hexi.

Liu Jing blamed himself secretly. At this time, a guard reported at the door, "Your Highness, Mr. Tao has arrived."

Liu Jing nodded, "Please come here!"

After a while, Tao Sheng rushed to the outer study under the guidance of the guards, "Is Your Highness looking for me?"

Liu Jing nodded, "Father-in-law, please sit down!"

Tao Sheng didn't know why Liu Jing came looking for him, he felt a little uneasy, these two days he was very worried about the marriage of Cao Cao's daughter, worried that this matter would affect his daughter's status, at this time, Liu Jing came to him , he naturally associates it here.

Feeling Tao Sheng's nervousness, Liu Jing smiled apologetically and said, "Maybe I need to ask my father-in-law for help again."

Tao Sheng was taken aback, he had a faint feeling that his daughter had nothing to do with it, if it was about Cao Cao's daughter, Liu Jing would say sorry to the Tao family, and now that he had to help himself, it was obviously not something he was worried about, Tao Sheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, He said with a smile: "As long as the Tao family can do it, I will never refuse."

Liu Jing nodded and asked, "How is the Tao family reclaiming wasteland in Lingzhou?"

"It's really surprising to say that it takes at least three or four years for the raw land to become mature, but the land in Lingzhou is extremely fertile, and it only takes one year of cultivation to grow crops, and it is sunny and easy to irrigate. I plan to start this summer Planting corn and planting winter wheat after the autumn harvest can produce two crops a year."

Liu Jing sighed, and said apologetically, "I asked my father-in-law for help, because I hoped that the Tao family would give me the [-] hectares of land."

It was indeed difficult for Liu Jing to say this. He knew that the Tao family not only spent a lot of manpower and material resources on [-] hectares of land, but also invested [-] million in money alone. It was used to measure the land, recruit farmers and build water conservancy. Now it can be cultivated. But to take it back.

But he can't help it. The only land that can be used immediately in Lingzhou is the Tao family's [-] hectares of cultivated land.

Tao Sheng nodded silently, "If His Highness wants to take it back, the Tao family can hand it over immediately."

Liu Jing thought for a while, then explained: "I'm not deceiving the Tao family, nor is it a trick to steal. It's just that there is a problem in Hexi. I want to move the Han people out of Hexi as quickly as possible, but I can't tell them clearly. We can only use lure to give them the land in Lingzhou, and we must use the familiar land, so we can only wrong the Tao family."

Only then did Tao Sheng suddenly realize that it was about Hexi. He also heard his brother Tao Li talk about the chaos in Hexi last night, but he did not expect the problem to be so serious and urgent. He immediately said: "I will send people overnight Inform the stewards of Lingzhou and order them to hand over the land to the government."

After a pause, Tao Sheng said again: "In addition, there are thousands of tenant farmers I recruited, please take care of them properly, Your Highness."

Liu Jing nodded, "I will treat them as Hexi immigrants and resettle them together."

In fact, Liu Jing has also considered that there are not many Han people in the Hexi area, and there are a little more in Wuwei County. There are only more than [-] households in total, and there are at most [-] households including tenant farmers. Even if one household is granted two hectares of land , only [-] hectares of land, and [-] hectares more.

Liu Jing was going to resettle the fugitives from Hebei and the Central Plains. Affected by the Battle of Hefei, there was a food shortage in both Hebei and the Central Plains. A large number of fugitives flooded into Han. He needs to use the land that can be cultivated immediately to resettle these refugees, and at the same time enrich Lingzhou, and the Tao family's land can just come in handy.

Although this is indeed unfair to the Tao family, I believe that I will compensate the Tao family in other ways.

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