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Before dawn the next day, Liu Jing got up and went to Weiyang Palace. On the third day after returning to Chang'an, there were too many government affairs to deal with. Although the wartime separation of powers was implemented to maximize power to Pingzhangtai, even so, there were still a lot of important affairs and other approvals.

Liu Jing's carriage drove into the Weiyang Palace under the escort of hundreds of cavalry. Liu Jing got off the carriage and came to him. It has been a year since the official residence and Chang'an have undergone tremendous changes. On the contrary, any changes in the official residence seem to have just left last night.

At this time, it was already March, and the weather was gradually warming up. The brazier in the official room was kept spotless, and there was no turbidity. Liu Jing pushed open the window, and a fresh morning breeze rushed in.

At this time, if Ruo felt something, when he turned around and saw Xu Shu appearing at the door, Liu Jing couldn't help laughing, "Does Yuan Zhi come here so early every day?"

"Pour every day."

Xu Shu walked into the room slowly and smiled: "I guess I'll come early this morning, so I went out a little earlier, and that's true!"

"sit down!"

Liu Jing asked Xu Shu to sit down and smiled: "I guess everyone will complain to me after they come back that a fat war will consume all their wealth."

"In the later stage, the food shortage was really very tight. After the autumn harvest, the key point was relieved. The Xiongnu sent millions of cattle and sheep to save our urgent needs. Your Highness should feel deeply about the delivery of beef and mutton to the front line in the later stage!"

"Of course, I deeply feel that after September, I eat mutton every day. Boiled mutton, roasted mutton, and roasted mutton can be eaten in different ways. Now I am afraid when I see mutton."

When the two of them laughed, the little boy came in and served them tea. Liu Jing took a sip of tea and said, "After reading Pingzhangtai's report on the Xiongnu, I feel worried. The Huns are not the Xiongnu, and the two branches of the Xianbei people have united. Once they are united, they will become the overlord of the grassland and the Xiongnu will be destroyed. Sooner or later, the Xianbei will become the biggest threat to the Central Plains."

"Your Highness wants to support the Xiongnu against Xianbei?"

"I've thought about this before, but I always feel that we can't rely on another nomad for our safety. Of course, it's not bad to let two tigers fight each other, but in the end we have to rely on ourselves. We must have a strong force to control the grassland nomads. Any family is allowed to sit big."

Xu Shu was silent for a moment: "But if there are enough people and financial resources, it may be difficult to maintain a strong military force."

"It's not bad. This battle of Hefei only had 10,000+ troops, and the one-year war almost exhausted our financial resources. We need several 10 people to fight. We can't afford it at all, and the nomads are all soldiers. It's easy to mobilize several people. If 10 people go south, if we have enough troops, we must rely on powerful weapons to vigorously develop weapons against nomads such as bee crossbows, kerosene, and heavy armored infantry. Only [-] to [-] troops can defeat hundreds of thousands of nomads.”

When the two arrived here, Liu Jing turned the question around and asked, "Have you heard any news about Hexi Pingzhangtai?"

"We know that Ma Chao overstepped his power to interfere with the appointment and removal of local officials, and we also know that Ma Chao collected heavy taxes from businessmen in Suzhou without authorization. In addition, the Qiang and Di people in Hexi should have sent their territory to Chang'an in January, but they have still sent it this year. (The update is the fastest and the latest Stablize)"

At this point, Xu Shu sighed, "We originally planned to send people to question Ma Chao, but considering the tense battle in Hefei, we couldn't bear it. We can only reduce taxes for merchants from the Western Regions in Chang'an to make up for our losses. I am afraid that the situation in Hexi is not good, Your Highness!"

Liu Jing knew that Xu Shu had no choice but to point out directly that Ma Chao wanted to rebel, but everyone knew that the Hexi matter had to be resolved.

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said to the guard standing at the door, "Go and find out where the other ministers are."

The guard left in a hurry and came back to report, "Your Highnesses are here."

Liu Jing immediately said to Xu Shu: "Let's go to the meeting hall to discuss this matter in detail."


In the conference hall, everyone gathered together. Even senior Yinmo has been here for more than a year. Liu Jing felt very cordial in his heart and smiled at everyone: "First of all, I would like to thank you for your kindness in teaching me. Liu Jing is grateful!"

Liu Jing stood up and bowed to everyone, and everyone quickly waved their hands, not daring to take on Dong He, and said bluntly: "Your Highness is willing to hand over the son to you, it is more important to trust you. You all hope that the son will become a master in the future, and you should be a minister. responsible."

Everyone agrees with Dong He's statement and Jiang Wan also laughed: "Young master is tolerant and honest by nature. You have discovered that you pay special attention to people's livelihood and people's sentiments when you look through the certificates from all over the world. You are sure that you will become a benevolent king. It's a good thing for everyone in the world!"

"It's too early to say, let's see later!"

Liu Jing stopped talking about his son and brought the topic to Hexi and said to everyone slowly: "I'm afraid you don't have a deep understanding of the situation in Hexi. I have received a secret report from Ma Dai. Ma Chao has promoted thirteen Qiangdi generals to take control. In addition, the military power of the Hexi army has increased to [-], of which [-] are Qiang and Di people, and the Han army is only [-]. It is mainly deployed in Wuwei and Dunhuang. At the end of the previous year, it was known that the chaos in Hexi was inevitable. Only when the Hefei campaign was deployed, it had to compromise with Ma Chao. But now After the Battle of Hefei, the restoration of order in Hexi has become a reality. Now I want to know how much financial and material resources you have to allow troops to quell the Battle of Hexi?"

There was silence in the meeting hall for a long time. Jiang Wan said, "If your Highness wants to attack Hexi with all your strength, of course we support you, but you must also tell your Highness the truth about the warehouse. At present, there are 13 shi in Chang'an's official warehouse. Originally, there were more than 40 shi. After the autumn grain was borrowed from the people, it was returned back to the storehouse, and the grain stock in Chang’an is definitely not enough, but we can transfer the official grain of Hanzhong and Yizhou. Weichen estimates that the final grain stock will reach about [-] shi, but it will take a little time.”

Liu Jing smiled: "Everyone thinks too much about the problem. It's not too much. The Hefei campaign doesn't require too many troops. It won't take too long to send [-] troops at most. I guess [-] shi of food is enough, and there are still a lot of cattle and sheep that can be used as army food. Worry about it. It’s not about food and grass, but about Hexi officials and Han people. Once Hexi rebels, they will be the first to suffer, so we have to move them out first.”

"Does Your Highness want the Han people from Hexi to move to Guanzhong?" Sima Yi asked.

"No! The burden in Guanzhong is too heavy. Before and after we were resettled in Lingzhou, the Tao family reclaimed 20 hectares of land in Lingzhou, and now it has been surrendered to the Tao family. The [-] hectares of land handed over to the government is enough to house [-] families. Not only that, but also the Tao family. I am willing to donate [-] shi of grain and [-] pieces of cloth for immigration, so that not only the Han people in Hexi, but also the refugees from the Central Plains and Hebei can be resettled, and everyone’s troubles have been resolved.”

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help being overjoyed. Last year, Hebei and the Central Plains suffered famine successively, and the Hefei Battle severely affected it, causing a large number of hungry people to flood into Guanzhong and Jingxiang. There were hundreds of thousands of people. These hungry people needed a lot of food and supplies. The Zhangtai Shangshu were miserable.

Now that Liu Jing persuaded the Tao family to give up their land, the Tao family was willing to donate food and cloth. This undoubtedly solved their most troublesome problem, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Xu Shu sighed: "The Tao family is so generous, Your Highness is blessed!"

Liu Jing smiled slightly: "Tao Sheng told me that the cloth and food are all in Bashu. It is not easy to transport them to Guanzhong, but there is no need to transport them to Guanzhong and put them directly in Chengdu for military expenses. Then we open the treasury of Chang'an to resettle the hungry people. In addition, Pingzhangtai needs to be arranged. A large number of people went to Lingzhou to assist the Tao government in resettling immigrants. It is impossible for the Lingzhou government alone to complete this important task. There are many and trivial things.

Everyone nodded silently. Sima Yi got up: "Your Highness, please rest assured that Pingzhangtai has rich resettlement experience and everything will be arranged one by one, but I have to remind Your Highness to send heavy troops to guard the Dadou Valley in time to prevent the Hexi and Hehuang Qiang people from becoming one."

Sima Yi's sentence reminded Liu Jing that if Ma Chao really rebelled in Hexi, he would definitely send troops to capture Dadou Bagu. At that time, not only Hexi would be in crisis, but Hehuang and Longxi would be seriously threatened. Liu Jing nodded: "Thanks to Sima Shangshu. The reminder does think of that."


After discussing with the ministers about Hexi affairs, Liu Jing returned to his official room, and as soon as he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, a clerk rushed up to report: "General Pang is here to see Your Highness!"

Liu Jing was slightly taken aback that Pound actually came, and originally planned to send someone to invite Pound. After all, Pound was Ma Chao's right-hand man. If Ma Chao rebelled against Pound, would he respond?Although Liu Jing knew that Pound was a loyal person, the problem had to be considered. Now that Pound himself came, let him make it clear!

Thinking of this, Liu Jing asked, "Where are you now?"

As soon as the voice fell, Pound walked out of the courtyard, knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists high: "The humble official came to plead guilty to His Highness!"

Liu Jing quickly helped him up, "Why did General Pang say that?"

"Your Highness..."

Before finishing waiting, Liu Jing waved his hand to interrupt, "Come anywhere here!"

Liu Jing brought Pound into the official room and told him to sit down. The guards all retreated and then sat across from him and asked softly, "! What happened?"

Pang De took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Liu Jing: "This Ma Chao sent someone to send a secret letter yesterday, hoping to lead the cavalry to Hexi to revive Xiliang's crime of humble office!"

"Could it be that General Pang agreed?"

"If you agree to the humble position, you won't come to see His Highness today."

"Then what's the crime?"

Pang De hesitated for a moment and wept: "As early as last spring, I sent someone to hint that I had to find a way to work in Hexi. Although I knew it, I guessed the intention. I was only confused for a while, but I didn't know about it until yesterday. Hexi has already prepared a large amount of money, food and weapons to install Qiang generals to control the military power. If His Highness had been informed of the crime of humiliation last year, it would not have become the serious trouble it is today."

Liu Jing smiled lightly: "General Pang, don't blame yourself, in fact, he already knew that today's troubled son Long came to Juyanhai and found out the clue. As long as he launched the Hefei battle, he could only pretend that he didn't know what he was doing. Last night Ma Dai Send Dunhuang master Bo Lilai to report to the secret report that there will be chaos in Hexi in two or three months at most, so prepare early."

Pang De felt a little bit of comfort in his heart, it turned out that His Royal Highness knew that he immediately got up and clasped his fists: "The humble official is willing to help Vanguard to clear up the chaos in Hexi!"

Liu Jing stared for a while: "Knowing that General Lingming's loyal general will not betray, I am willing to believe that since Lingming took the initiative to ask Ling to lead his cavalry to guard Dadou Bagu."

Pang De suddenly understood the courage and great trust of the King of Han to make a decision, and his heart was so moved that his nose was sore and he knelt down and cried: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your trust in this humble post, and I swear to the heavens that I would rather die than betray Your Highness!"

Liu Jing hurriedly stood up and turned to Shen Sheng: "It may take a while for Hexi to evacuate the people, but Dadou Bagu is extremely impatient and suspects that Ma Chao has already ordered Ming to set off overnight to defend Dadou Bagu at all costs. "

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