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The Qiang soldiers were awakened by the fire in their deep sleep. The soldiers desperately escaped from the tents and rushed to the mountain pass. Almost all of them were wearing armor, but it was too late to carry weapons. (Update is the fastest and most stable)

At this time, the fire had covered half of the camp, thick smoke was billowing, the fire spread rapidly, hundreds of soldiers had no way out except to escape from the col.

But just in front of the camp fence, 150 soldiers of the Eagle Strike Army raised their bows and crossbows. They were arranged in three rows and blocked the entrance of the mountain. Drink a "first volley!"

Fifty arrows shot out suddenly and flew towards the Qiang people who were fleeing. In the dark night, the Qiang soldiers were caught off guard and were shot to the ground. At this time, the Han soldiers in the first row quickly squatted down to load the arrows, and the soldiers in the second row pulled the suspension. The knife and fifty crossbow arrows shot at the enemy like lightning, and then the soldiers in the third row raised their crossbows and shot out.

The soldiers of the Han army moved quickly and accurately. Three consecutive rounds of 450 arrows were fired at the enemy in the shortest possible time.

The mountains are crying and screaming, the sky is shaking, the fire is raging inside, the arrows are killing people outside, the Qiang soldiers cannot advance and retreat, countless people are killed in the sea of ​​fire, many people raised their hands, crying and surrendering, rushing to the mountains, begging for mercy, but the Han army is merciless. They shoot.

Fifty soldiers of the Han army above their heads kept shooting arrows down. Dozens of Qiang soldiers who tried to climb up the fort were also shot by the Han army and rolled down the mountain. Having become cold and hardened, showing mercy to the enemy will eventually kill us.

At this time, Ren Ping looked up to the north and saw that the fire in the north had subsided, but the shouts of killing still persisted. Seeing that most of the enemy troops had been killed and there were less than a hundred people left, he shouted loudly to the pass of the mountain: "Li Xiaowei led a hundred brothers to go north to support the general. !"

Hearing the response from a distance, he saw a hundred soldiers turning around and running northward, Ren Ping was a little worried, and there was nothing wrong with Liu Zheng.

Just as Ren Ping was worried that Liu Zheng led the soldiers to attack the northern camp. There was indeed a problem. Unlike the southern camp, which is located in a mountain depression and is easy to deal with, the northern camp is located at the height of the valley, and dozens of large tents have been set up on the mountain ridge that stretches for hundreds of feet. In a military castle, the generals, soldiers, three eagle slaves and five letter eagles are also in the military castle.

The military fort is opposite the barracks, which means that if they attack at the same time, they will be discovered by the other side. Liu Zheng finally decided to concentrate his forces to capture the military fort. Yingnu and Xinying must be killed. no more. (Update is the fastest and most stable)

Liu Zheng ordered 100 men to lie in ambush on the North Valley near the barracks to intercept the soldiers fleeing north, and then led two hundred soldiers to attack the army fort. There were not many soldiers in the fort, and only a dozen or so were captured by the Han army. Yingnu and Xinying were all shot and killed.

However, the assault inside the military fort finally alarmed the opposite military camp and was awakened. Hundreds of Qiang soldiers rushed out of the military camp and shouted to kill to the military fort. place.

In the darkness, the light of the knife flashed, the spear stabbed and the screams came one after another, the arm was cut off, the head was chopped off, the blood mist filled the air, and it was full of wailing and crying before dying.

The Eagle Strike Army, the most elite army of the Han Army, is selected from hundreds of thousands of soldiers with high martial arts skills and rich combat experience. They can deal with [-] Qiang soldiers with one enemy, ten or two hundred Eagle Strike Army. They are not at the same level. Step back everywhere.

In just a quarter of an hour, more than half of the [-] Qiang soldiers were killed or injured, while only a few Han soldiers were slightly injured. The Qiang army was terrified after being killed, and our leader was dead in the military fort. Fleeing, many soldiers had nowhere to escape and surrendered on their knees, but were ruthlessly killed by Han soldiers.

This time, we do not accept that the prisoners of war want to kill all the defenders in the Dadouba Valley. In fact, the defenders have nowhere to escape. The retreat route was cut off by a hundred soldiers in an ambush in the north, and most of the soldiers fled to the south. Pinned on that barracks.

But the greeters killed Han soldiers from the south. Ren Ping sent a hundred soldiers to intercept the fleeing south, and the rout soldiers mercilessly killed with knives. They were massacred with screams.

The battle to seize Dadou and pull out the valley ended before the fifth watch. All the thousand Qiang soldiers were killed and one escaped. The fire in the south mountain depression has gradually stopped. Kill no one alive.

At this time, a sentry from outside the valley galloped up to Liu Zheng and clasped his fists: "General Pang led a large cavalry team and arrived thirty miles away to inquire about the situation of the battle."

Liu Zheng ordered Ren Ping to clean up the battlefield, fly on his horse and lead a few brothers to urge their horses to run towards the valley for more than [-] miles. At this time, the sky is gradually getting brighter, and the sun shines on the mountains. In the distance, it seems to be burning Xiayunpu The snow-capped mountain top is shining with gold, which is particularly magnificent.

In the distance, [-] cavalrymen of the Han army lined up to hunt in the wilderness, and Morrowind Pound immediately watched from the front. Several cavalrymen who came running from a distance knew very well what happened to the five hundred Eagles. They can all win the task and wait for the opportunity. Once the opportunity comes, they will lead [-] Han troops from Dadou Bagu to Hexi.

At this moment, several cavalrymen had rushed a hundred paces away, and Pound recognized the leader as Liu Zheng, urging his horses to meet him.


Just after the Han army captured Dadou Bagu, some changes occurred in Hexi, and the people began to retreat northward to Lingzhou. To the east of Wuwei County, a mighty flow of people and vehicles was heading northeast. The flow of people and vehicles stretched for more than 8 years. There are as many as [-] people.

There are countless horse-drawn carts and ox carts in the traffic flow. The carts are filled with all kinds of daily necessities and food. Old people and children sit in the carts. Men and women sit in the front and drive the carts.

Following the cavalry and infantry on both sides of the flow of people, looking into the distance vigilantly from time to time, Wuwei County is the first batch of evacuated people. Wuwei County and Hexi have the most arable land and the most concentrated farming people. There are more than [-] households.

In the past few months, there has been a sense of unease in the Hexi counties. The Qiang and Di people invaded farming from time to time.

The Hexi area is full of tension.

Zhangye, Jiuquan, Han people and their farming peoples continued to migrate to Wuwei County and Dunhuang County until a few days ago, the government sent officials to mobilize the Han people to move north to Lingzhou.

There is no need for officials to persuade you too much. Everyone knows that we are no longer safe to live and cultivate the land. The conflict between the Qiang and Di people and the Han people is becoming more and more acute.

People packed up their belongings and left their homes in ox carts and horse-drawn carts to migrate thousands of miles away to Lingzhou. The first batch of immigrants will soon be the second and third batch.

In the front of the procession, Du Ji, the prefect of Wuwei County, also rode a horse. Behind him, his wife, children and mother were sitting in several carriages. Du Ji was about 50 years old. It takes ten years to be the prefect.

He is honest and upright and loves the people like a son. He governs Weiwu County in an orderly manner and is deeply loved by the people. Liu Jing's key point is to protect the minister. He was appointed as a servant half a month ago to take over Yin Mo's position. Economic succession.

But Du Ji didn't want to leave the people of Wuwei County at a critical moment and insisted on staying to mobilize the people to migrate and personally rushed to Lingzhou to resettle the people of Wuwei.

"Emissary Du Hexi, don't you want to start a war?" Yang Qing, the deputy captain of the Han Army who was in charge of escorting the people northward, asked in a low voice.

Of course Du Ji knew it well, but now that Chang'an and Hexi are still turning their faces, it is not easy to break out of war.

Du Ji smiled slightly: "It is estimated that His Royal Highness will rearrange the Qiang herdsmen in Hexi. There are too many herdsmen. At least half of them will be converted to farming. Some tribes will die out, so Hexi will undergo major changes. We have to give up their land."

"Where are those herdsmen willing to switch to farming, I am afraid that the plan will be difficult to implement."

"It's up to you if you don't transfer, you have to transfer to Longxi and Hehuang Qiang people. If you transfer, you must accept the reality."

Yang Qing nodded silently, knowing in her heart that the struggle between the Ruoqiang people and the Di people meant war to the end.

At this time, another old man cupped his hands and asked, "May I ask how much land the prefects Du will own in Lingzhou?"

Du Ji nodded to the old man to show respect and explained with a smile: "As far as we know, Lingzhou has arranged for the land to be fertile, and the irrigation ditches can be used to grow corn this summer. Each family can be allocated two hectares of land, which can be used for permanent farming. To pass it on to your descendants, of course, you must register in Lingzhou and give up the Hexi land."

"Can we go back to Hexi?" the old man asked again.

"If the elderly must go back, it is not impossible, but some of them will be resettled in the future. The Qiang people will definitely take away part of the cultivated land in Hexi. If you have two hectares of land in Wuwei County, you may only have one hectare in the future. Of course, you will get some compensation. Just look at it. I chose."

The old man looked sad and didn't want to leave Hexi, but if he wanted to share the land, he could only stay in Lingzhou. Then he remembered something and asked urgently: "What about the taxes? How about the taxes in Lingzhou and Hexi?"

"Taxes are the same, and moving to Lingzhou can reduce taxes for two years!"

Du Ji asked again with a smile: "Then the old man decides to stay in Lingzhou and return to Hexi?"

The old man smiled: "If it is true what the prefect said, I would like to stay in Lingzhou."

Du Ji raised his head and laughed, "This is a wise choice!"

Looking back, I saw that the team was in order, and everyone had a longing for the future life on their faces. At this time, Du Ji was also full of hope for the future in his heart.

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