Cangsong County, Wuwei County is a small county about [-] miles away from Zhiguzang County, Wuwei County. It is also a traditional gathering place for Han people. There is a large area of ​​cultivated land outside the county seat. The county has convenient transportation and developed commerce. More than a thousand businessmen gather in the city. , formed three large-scale markets, and small merchants from as far away as Jiuquan also went here to buy goods.

But after nearly two months of evacuation, Cangsong County is basically an empty city. Most of the merchants have returned to Longxi, and the permanent residents have also moved to Lingzhou. Many merchants also rushed to Lingzhou with their goods to do business. It was originally lively The county has become deserted, and the remaining residents are either old people who refuse to move, or nomadic Qiang people who are not within the range of migration.

To the south of the county seat is a wheat field that can't be seen at a glance. In the middle of the farmland is the famous Cangnan River. There are large houses on both sides of the river. This is also the largest gathering place of Han people in Wuwei County, with about a thousand families.

Most of the families have moved to Lingzhou, but there are still more than a hundred farmers in Wuhuan who refuse to leave their land. In May, the ears of wheat have been filled with grout, and the large fields of wheat waves are turning green and yellow. It will arrive in another month. Harvest time.

Although people know that the danger is approaching, these hundreds of households of Wuhuan people are reluctant to leave the wheat that is about to be harvested. Moreover, it is still a wheat field of 10,000+ mu. The huge benefits tempt them to endure it day by day, waiting for the harvest with luck. season is coming.

This morning, a few old farmers went to the wheat field to do farm work as usual. Seeing that the wheat was about to mature, everyone felt panic and joy in their hearts. More than a hundred households, with 10,000+ acres of wheat, each could share thousands of acres of wheat fields , how excited it was for them.

Many people in the wheat field were already busy. Several old farmers said goodbye at the intersection and were about to go to their respective wheat fields. At this moment, there was a muffled rumbling sound in the distance, and the ground began to vibrate slightly.

All the people in the wheat field felt it. They stood up straight and looked to the north. Gradually, a dark cloud appeared in the northern land, and it was flying towards this side faster and faster.

"It's the Qiang cavalry!"

Suddenly someone yelled and woke everyone up. They were so frightened that they dropped their work and fled. Several old farmers also panicked and turned around and ran towards their home.

This is a thousand Qiang outpost cavalry. The cavalry rushed into the wheat field without mercy, and galloped through the wheat field like lightning. The first hundred or so cavalry caught up with the farmers running through the wheat field. He mercilessly struck at the back of the running farmer's neck, his head flew up, and blood splashed into the wheat field.

The place where the Wuhuan people gathered was in chaos. The men, women, and children from more than a hundred families ran away without even having time to pack their things, helping the old and the young, and fleeing for their lives along the Cangnan River.

At this moment, countless Qiang cavalry rushed out of the wheat field, and charged towards the crowd like a strong wind. The human cavalry mercilessly slaughtered these unarmed peasants. In just a moment, hundreds of people were all dead and there were no survivors.

The Qiang cavalry threw torches into the houses, and the raging fire began to spread. Thick smoke billowed from both sides of the Cangnan River. Thousands of farmhouses were burned to the ground. The Yu Qiang cavalry burned down the farming area of ​​the Cangnan River, and continued to urge their horses to gallop eastward to the next farming area.

. . . . . . .

Three days later, tens of thousands of Qiang cavalry appeared in the vast wheat fields south of Cangsong County, Wuwei County.

At this time, a large area of ​​houses had been burned down, and there were ruins everywhere. The blood on the Cangnan River had not yet dried up, and the bones had been devoured by prairie wolves. The hatred was deposited here.


The sound of the low-pitched horn resounded through the sky, and teams of cavalry appeared at the end of the wheat field. The horses soared into the air, and the sound of horseshoes beating the ground, like thunder on the ground, shaking the ground.

The Qiang people from the Xiutu tribe and the Nangong tribe, and the Di people headed by the Duye tribe, a total of nearly [-] Qiang and Di people cavalry joined here, like three torrents converging.

"Brother Duye, how about we make a bet?" the chief of the Xiutu Department, Xiu Tugong, shouted loudly.

The chief of the Di people is named Duyehun. They live in the Duyeze area, named after the lake. Duyehun laughed loudly, "Since Brother Xiutu is interested, I will bet with you. What are you betting on?"

"Just bet on who will occupy Lingzhou first. The bet is [-] sheep."

"[-] sheep and [-] young Han women, why not?"

"Okay! I bet you."

At this moment, Nangong Jing, the new chief of the Nangong Department, galloped over. His hair was naturally fiery red, and there was a shocking black scar on his face.

His appearance is very similar to the original chief Nangong Suo. If it is dark, it is easy to confuse him with the original Nangong Suo, but his red hair is completely different from his father.

Xiu Tugong and Du Yehun were obviously very afraid of him, and when they saw him coming, they didn't dare to mention the bet anymore, and obeyed his orders respectfully.

"The two chiefs don't need to be polite."

Nangong Jing looked very arrogant, "Although I am in charge of the southern tribes now, I still need to ask the two great chiefs to take care of me!"

Nangong Jing's voice was deep and hoarse, but his tone was firm without any ambiguity.

The tribes in Hexi gathered in Zhangye half a month ago. Ma Chao divided all the tribal troops into three parts. The [-] Qiang cavalry from the seven tribes in Jiuquan in the north were led by Shatoufeng, the chief of Shatou.

In the south, the six tribes of Zhangye and the three tribes of Wuwei, as well as the [-] cavalry of the various tribes of the Di people, were all led by Nangong Jing, the great chief of the Nangong tribe.

As for Ma Chao himself, he personally led [-] Qiangdi elite soldiers and [-] Guishuang cavalry as the core army.

Nangong Jing is eight feet three feet tall, with strong martial arts skills, and is known as the number one warrior of the Qiang people. When the Han army first swept Hexi, Nangong Jing was not in Hexi, but practiced martial arts in Guishuang Kingdom.

This time Ma Chao sent envoys to Guishuang to buy armor, and Guishuang King Dulin asked Nangong Jing to return to Hexi to join the war. Abandoning the position of chief, Nangong Jing was elected by the elders as the new chief.

Nangong Jing is the eldest son of Nangong Suo, and his mother is a slave girl from the Guishuang Kingdom. He has been brave and ruthless since he was a child, and he has a simple mind. Eight years ago, he caused a catastrophe and set fire to thousands of large tents. After being driven out of the tribe, he went to Guishuang, his mother's hometown.

Although his appearance didn't change much, for some reason, both Xiu Tugong and Du Yehun found that this Nangong Jing was a little different from the original Nangong Jing, not in appearance, although his fiery red hair and black scars on his face were still the same. As dazzling as ever.

Rather, it refers to his character. The original Nangong Jing was brave and ruthless, but simple-minded and a complete fool, but this Nangong Jing was very scheming and ruthless.

The original Nangong Jing was a mediocre and nonchalant person, but today's Nangong Jing has a charismatic charisma. Every move he makes, every move, has a kind of domineering that makes people dare not resist.

Although he has the iconic red hair and black scars on his face, Xiu Tugong and Du Yehun still suspect that he is actually a fake Nangong Jing, but the Nangong tribe all agree that he is the former Nangong Jing, leaving others speechless can be said.

Xiu Tugong and Du Yehun sighed secretly. With this person in the Nangong tribe, I am afraid that the life of the Qiang people will not be easy in the future. According to Ma Chao, this person is to be the king of the Southern Qiang.

At this time, there was a loud sound of horns in the distance, followed by the sound of rumbling war drums. The three of them suddenly turned their heads and saw banners flying in the distance, and a large group of cavalry galloping forward. This was the arrival of Ma Chao's main force.

Ma Chao brought about [-] cavalry, all of whom were elite troops selected from the Qiang and Di people. Like a torrent, they merged into the [-] Hu cavalry.

Ma Chao was dressed in a black helmet and armor, with a burly figure, cold eyes, and a bright silver spear that was [-] feet long in his hand. Although he was nearly forty years old, he was still outstanding in martial arts, and there were few opponents in the world.

Ma Chao proclaimed himself the King of Xiliang, although he deliberately flattered Cao Cao and expressed his willingness to be foreign aid for Cao's army to deal with the Han army together.

But Cao Cao rejected him, and the emperor issued an edict, reprimanding him as a national traitor who betrayed the territory of the Han Dynasty, which made him very angry.

He originally promised Zhang Ji that the army would not leave Hexi, but now he has torn up the original promise. He wants to lead the army to kill Lingzhou, capture all the fugitives, and distribute them to the Qiang people as slaves.

Although he has great prestige among the Qiang people, if there is no real benefit to lure him, these Qiang people will not give their lives to him.

This time he appointed Nangong Jingnan as the general who conquered the north and led an army of [-] to Lingzhou. But he just got the news that Zhao Yun led [-] Han troops to kill Hexi, so he immediately led his army to Wuwei County.

At this time, Xiu Tugong, Du Yehun and Nan Gongjing stepped forward at the same time, bowed and saluted, "See His Highness the King of Xiliang!"

Ma Chao said to the three of them indifferently: "Three great chiefs, are the soldiers and horses ready?"

Nangong Jing clasped his fists in return, "Reporting to Your Highness, all the cavalry have gathered."

Ma Chao nodded, "The [-] Han troops have left Jincheng County and are rushing towards Hexi. I am worried that Wuwei will lose, so I came here specially. Everyone, don't go to Lingzhou for the time being."

Nangong Jing also replied: "I heard that the [-] cavalry of the barbarians are the vanguard of the Han army. I suggest that we concentrate our forces and annihilate the [-] cavalry first, so as to give the Han army a disarm!"

Ma Chao nodded slowly, "Okay! I'm the backup, everyone can fight the enemy bravely and sacrifice Qilian Mountain with Han people."

Ma Chao turned his head and shouted loudly: "Beat the drums!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The huge drum sounded like muffled thunder, and the [-] Qiang Di army set off, marching towards the southeast in mighty force.

. . . . . . . . .

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