Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 995 Fierce Battle in Hui County

Wuwei County has been going eastward, without the nourishment of snowmelt from Qilian Mountains, the land has become drier, farmland has gradually disappeared, forests have disappeared, and large areas of Gobi desert have begun to appear. There are drought-tolerant shrubs here, and there is more or less rainfall here, so no desert is formed in the end.

There are rolling mountains in the distance, the remnants of the Helan Mountains in the north and the remnants of the Qilian Mountains in the south. The two mountains are like two black dragons lying on this vast land, making the entrance of the Hexi Corridor form a Huge trumpet.

In the endless gravel wasteland, a flat and spacious official road runs through it, because pedestrians and caravans traveling to and from Hexi have to rely on livestock, and in the Gobi wasteland full of gravel, horses and other livestock are difficult to walk, so they can only walk on the official road. Tao, this official road is extremely important.

In the wilderness that stretches for hundreds of miles, not far from Qilian Mountain, there is an oasis covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand hectares. A river originating from Qilian Mountain flows here, forming a small lake here. There is life, and grasslands and forests appear around the lake.

This is a rare oasis on the east road of Hexi. Pedestrians and caravans stop here to rest. In the northeast corner of the oasis stands a city. This is Hui County, known as the first county in Hexi, and the first county in Hexi.

At this time, thousands of residents in Hui County had already retreated northward to Lingzhou, and only [-] Han troops were stationed in the county seat, led by general Wu Lan. They used two months to quarry stones from Qilian Mountains to raise the height of the city. The Han army installed forty simple trebuchets in the city, and they could throw boulders directly outside the city from inside the city.

With the appearance of a thousand Qiang vanguard cavalry in Huixian a few days ago, the situation in Huixian suddenly became tense, and the army began to take turns to garrison the city, paying close attention to the movement in the west.

At four o'clock, several scout cavalrymen of the Han army came rushing from the west. They rushed to the city and shouted: "Open the door quickly, there is an urgent military situation!"

The chief general, Wu Lan, was on top of the city. Hearing the shout, he probed his head for a moment, and then ordered: "Kaicheng let them in!"

The gate of the city opened slowly, and several cavalry rushed into the city. After a while, the leader of the scouts was led to the top of the city. He knelt down on one knee and saluted, and reported: "General Qi, the humble officer and the brothers found it twenty miles away. The main force of the Qiang people is tens of thousands."

"What are they doing?" Wu Lan asked anxiously again.

"They rested by the lake, and did not raise troops to kill them."

Wu Lan pondered for a moment, and then ordered several people: "Go south to Jincheng County immediately, and report to Governor Zhao that the Qiang people have started to attack east."

"Follow the order!"

Several scouts left the city again, turned around and rushed towards the south. The soldiers were really worried, whether the small Hui County could stop the attack of tens of thousands of cavalry?

Wu Lan was not nervous. He and Zhang Ren in Gaonu County resisted the attack of the [-] Xiongnu army. They already had rich experience in defending the city. Capture Hui County. (Update is the fastest and most stable)

"General, should you let the brothers go to the city now?" A tooth general asked in a low voice.

Wu Lan glanced at the sleeping soldiers curled up on the top of the wall, and shook her head, "Don't worry, let the brothers have a good rest and refresh themselves."

. . . . . .

The sky was getting brighter, and when the sun shone through the heavy clouds and projected a golden light on the head of Huixian County, the warning bell finally sounded at the head of Huixian County!when!when! '' sounded, and three thousand soldiers rushed to the top of the city from the city, holding bows and arrows and hard crossbows, and waited for them.

Below the city, two thousand young and strong men who voluntarily stayed behind checked the trebuchets and carried stones and kerosene. Sturdy leather armor, as long as heavy arrows are not shot into the city, their leather armor can withstand ordinary arrows.

At this time, the war has quietly approached,

Outside the city, the overwhelming Qiang and Di coalition forces have come to kill in mighty force, a total of 3 people, of which 5000 are stationed in camp, and the other 5000 are attacking the city with all their strength.

The [-] coalition troops were divided into three large square formations, rushing towards Hui County from three directions. The horns blew and the drums sounded like thunder. After stepping down, it was about two miles away from the city.

Qiangdi soldiers wore leather caps wrapped around their heads, long leather armor that reached to their knees, and a pair of leather boots made of sheepskin on their feet. Their weapons were swords and spears, as well as a large number of bows and arrows.

Although the Qiang people had created a brilliant civilization in the Middle Ages, in the pre-Qin period, there was a gap in the ancient Qiang civilization, and their civilization could not be passed on to their descendants. The backward and barbaric tribal slave system is still maintained.

This 3-strong Qiang army was not Ma Chao's direct army, but an army pieced together by young and strong herdsmen from various tribes. The equipment was far inferior to the direct army, and the training was relatively weak.

They didn't think about attacking the city. The tens of thousands of troops only had hundreds of simple siege ladders, no ladders, catapults, nest carts, and battering rams. They seemed to be barbarians from the grassland, with only the most primitive siege weapons.

The Qiang and Di coalition forces were obviously aware of the urgent problem of attacking the city. A hundred stairs were not enough to capture Hui County. Nangong Jing immediately sent hundreds of people to cut down a thousand-year-old tree. They needed this thick trunk to attack. The gate of Kaihui County.

Nan Gongjing looked at the distant city coldly. The city was covered with banners and densely packed with Han soldiers, holding strong bows and crossbows, ready to fight.

He didn't know that in the city behind the Han army, dozens of huge trebuchets were deployed, standing high in the open space in the city, the long throwing poles had been pulled out, and huge stones weighing tens of kilograms were placed on them. A fire cloth ball like a millstone.

In fact, Nangong Jing is not a fake. He is indeed the eldest son of the old chief Nangong Suo. He was expelled from the tribe at the age of eight and returned to Guishuang Kingdom with his mother. His mother married another general in Guishuang Kingdom. army.

He formally joined the army at the age of 16, followed his adoptive father to the southern expedition to Tianzhu, participated in hundreds of battles, killed countless people, and gradually formed his cruel and ruthless character.

This time, under the order of the king, he led five thousand Guishuang troops to Hexi to help in the battle. He seized the position of the great chief of the Nangong Department and was elected as the commander of the southern army. He came back to his senses from his high position.

It's a pity that he has no experience in fighting the Han army, and he never thought that the Han army would stick to the city, so that the Qiang and Di coalition forces had no preparations for attacking the city, and there was no monster-like battering ram commonly used by the Guishuang Kingdom, which filled Nangong Jing's heart. worry.

"General Nangong Jing, the wall is ready!" A commander rushed to report.

Nan Gongjing looked back and saw hundreds of war horses dragged a huge tree trunk, seven feet long and six feet in diameter, at least hundreds of people were needed to hold this giant battering tree.

Although Nangong Jing still had doubts about the defense of the Han army, he also wanted to see with his own eyes how powerful the defense of the Han army was.

"Mingdu Nobe launched an attack!"

The Duye tribe is also the army of the Di people, and now the Qiang people have mastered the military power, so the task of leading the battle is naturally undertaken by the Di people.

"The drums of war are beating!"

"Boom! Boom!" The attack drum sounded, and the [-] Di army outside Beicheng launched its first offensive. The siege ladder, brandishing swords and spears, rushed towards the city gate with shouts.

Perhaps because of nervousness, the soldiers of the Di people a few hundred paces away shot arrows at the top of the city. The arrows rained heavily, but it had no effect, and they accidentally injured many of their own people.

Behind the tide-like army, an extremely huge battering tree was slowly transported towards the city gate under the transport of hundreds of men.

On the top of the city, [-] Han troops opened their bows and crossbows, quietly waiting for the moment to attack, but the first wave of long-distance strikes by the Han army was the catapults inside the city.

Forty trebuchets stood tall and were manned by [-] trained civilians. Under the command of the commanding general, the trebuchets began to creak and pull away.

Since they were attacking from the inside of the city to the outside of the city and had to cross the city wall, the craftsmen of the Han army stretched the throwing pole to make the throwing angle higher. It only takes 200 people to activate it.

Stones as large as millstones were put into the throwing pockets, and with the beating of launching drums, forty trebuchets were fired at the same time, and the 40 yuan boulder was thrown high, rolling in the air, crossing the city wall, and drawing lines With an arc, it slammed into the crowd of Di soldiers who were rushing densely.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise and screams everywhere, and several Di soldiers were unable to avoid it, and were smashed into meatloaf by the huge stone. The huge inertia caused the stone to roll over in the crowd. Di soldiers tried their best to dodge to both sides, but more than a dozen people died under the impact of the boulder, and dozens of others were injured, with broken bones and tendons.

Immediately after the second and third rounds of trebuchet shots, accompanied by the bows and crossbows of the Han army, the arrows on the top of the city were like rain, causing heavy casualties. A massacre machine brought disaster to the Di army.

The role of trebuchets in defending the city is unparalleled. In the Taiyuan defense battle during the Anshi Rebellion in history, Li Guangbi, who was poor in troops, killed more than [-] rebels with dozens of giant trebuchets and won the victory of the Taiyuan defense war. Brilliant victory.

The same is true for dealing with the Qiang-Di coalition army. The Han army used the sharpest catapults in the world, causing huge damage to the attacking Di army. Blood flowed like a river, dyeing the fallen boulders red.

At this time, the ramming tree was gradually approaching the city gate. There was no moat in Huining County, and the enemy could directly hit the city gate with a giant log, but the experienced general Wu Lan knew how to deal with it. A large amount of kerosene was buried between two hundred and a hundred steps from the gate.

At this time, he ordered five large catapults to be brought in, aimed at the outside of the city gate, ignited the fire oil cloth ball, and five flaming big fireballs were thrown towards the ramming log 150 steps away.

The fireball smashed into the crowd, rolled on the ground, and immediately ignited the kerosene buried in the ground. There was a sea of ​​flames outside the city gate. Countless people were ignited by the kerosene and became people of fire. They opened their arms and ran around screaming. , did not run a few steps, fell to the ground, the fire burned them curled up.

The kerosene ball of the Han army dealt a fatal blow to the ramming log. As the fire spread, the huge ramming log was also ignited. A large number of soldiers who carried them fled, and the ramming log crashed to the ground and was engulfed by the raging fire. up.

After nearly [-] casualties, the soldiers of the Di people finally collapsed. The surviving Di people turned around and fled. They retreated like a tide. Jing stared blankly at the top of the city. Although he knew the power of the Han army's catapults, he did not expect them to be so sharp, and the terrifying kerosene weapon.

He slammed his fist on a siege ladder, gritted his teeth and said, "Pass my order, stop attacking, the army will bypass the city and continue going south."

. . . . . . .

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