Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1248: Hussar General Ma Chao of the Han Dynasty

December 311, [-] AD, in the morning, in Xiagui City, inside Luke’s big tent

"Your Highness must be mad with anger right now?! Hahaha! Will you beat your chest and feet with anger?! Hahaha!" Luke became happier the more he thought about it, and he really wanted to rush to Rencaster's camp immediately to enjoy the bright moon The princess's pitiful appearance, wanting to cry without tears...

Huangfuyang couldn't laugh at all. Luke avenged his personal revenge in public. Although it's justifiable, it's not a general's demeanor.

But if Luke is not allowed to vent his emotions, maybe this guy will do something more outrageous

So as long as it's not too much, Huangfuyang also intends to turn a blind eye to it, after all, the "handyman's camp" where Her Royal Highness is located does not need too many people for the time being...

"Brother Huangfu! Although Her Royal Highness is the general of the "Lonely Family", we must not let Her Royal Highness be too leisurely!? Hahaha! We must find trouble for her! Hahaha!" ii

"Luke..., I really don't understand you! Is this interesting?"

"Why is it so boring?! Before we asked Ren Bo to throw out the bait of "Party General" to test if Her Royal Highness is willing to work hard and enterprising. You also have a wicked smile on your face!"

Huangfu Yang blushed, only thinking that after Luke lost one eye, how come his eyes are more vicious than before? !

"Nonsense! I don't think so!"

"Just keep pretending to be a wolf with a big tail! You're the one who encouraged me to do this!"

"Okay, okay! Luke can say whatever you like! But I really didn't expect that little girl to volunteer to become a general! As for the miscellaneous labor camp, everyone wanted to escape immediately, but she is good. Not only did he not give up on himself, but he also advanced bravely?!"

"Hmph! The torrent of bullshit is advancing bravely, why don't you say upstream?! See what you're praising her for?! When you are blind in one eye like me, your mind will be brightened! She is Your Royal Highness is used to it, and I don’t want to be a handyman! Even if I want to be a boss, I have to be a boss, so that I can save myself effort!” ii

"Okay! Say what you want, but it's really unkind of you to poach people's walls!"

"Fuck you! Didn't you go to let the wind go, you went to execute it?! I see that you are having more fun than anyone else! Hmph! Let's talk again! Didn't I return more than 50 people for her and Ren Bo? We don’t have many things right now, and we don’t plan to attack Linjin City right away, so what kind of manpower do we need for that miscellaneous labor camp?!”

"Hey, I just think it's a bit unfair to any broadcaster, that kid has a very high spirit..."

"Who is downhearted here?! I gave him a chance to get along with Her Royal Highness. He doesn't know, what can I do?! Maybe I can announce this news?!"

Huangfu Yang snorted and said: "I think you want to do this, just because you are afraid that the commander-in-chief will blame you later!"

Luke glared unhappily at Huangfu Yang, who spoke ruthlessly, and then deliberately teased in a sarcastic tone: "Hmph! I can't stand this little grievance?! Then he can only broadcast as much as he wants! If I were him , I must try my best to call out that handyman camp! But what about him?! He was completely indifferent, and he didn’t even come to me to beg for mercy! What?! I still want to see if he looks good?!ii

"Anycast is just like this, don't you know?!"

"I'm not his mother, who cares about his shit?! When I come here, I don't care about my temperament, I have to lie on my stomach! The military regulations have made it clear a long time ago, only look at military achievements, only look at their own abilities, so many people Everyone begged grandpa to sue grandma for escaping from that handyman camp, and he was the only one who was so innocent?!"


"Should I ask him to come out?! Bah! As far as his temper is concerned, he should beat him up! If he really wants to blame others, he should blame the princess who shouldn't be here at all. Who made him so unlucky?" Became her deputy minister?!"

Huangfusong knew that it was useless to say anything else, but he said with some regret: "In addition to Rencasting, there is also Ding Taiyi, what a pity..."

"Is that the bad boy you mentioned?!" ii

"Well, that kid even beat Her Royal Highness..."

"Hahaha! Call him out! Call him out quickly! It's best to get close to my personal guards! Hahaha! I like this kind of bad boy! Hahaha!"

Huangfu Yang rolled his eyes angrily at Luke's words, this is simply nonsense!

"What?! That bad boy is as high-minded as Ren Bo?!"

"That's not true. This bad boy has already begged many people, but because he belongs to Zhang Wei, no one is willing to take him in..."

"Oh?! Is there such a background?! Then why doesn't Zhang Wei want him?!"

"It seems that Ding Taiyi lost Zhang Wei's face in front of Duman, so..."

"Hmph! It's all bullshit and nonsense!"


"Isn't it interesting that a slave born in someone else's family still wants to be famous?!"

"I'm afraid he is a white-eyed wolf who sees profit and forgets righteousness! Forget it, forget it, this kind of person doesn't matter! Let him stay in the handyman camp. If he is really capable, he can always stand out by himself!"

Huangfu Yang nodded on his face, but shook his head repeatedly in his heart. The reason why he paid attention to Ding Taiyi was not because of Luke's dirty thoughts, but because of his ruthless desire to change his fate, so he thought too much. Give a little attention, and guide his mental development at critical times

But now that Luke has said so, it is really interesting to observe more

"Actually, it's a pity that there is another person! It's Ma Xun who you think is good! I've had people secretly hint him a few times, but this kid is determined to stay in the handyman camp..." ii

"Damn! Is that kid crazy?! Those who are still in the handyman camp are basically trash that no one wants. Does he really want to stay with that group of trash?!"

"Hey, maybe it's the hero's sad beauty pass?!"

"What?! What did he see?! That won't work. Whether he wants to or not, bring him to me immediately. The news of Her Royal Highness must not be leaked!"

"Ma Xun should not be because of Her Royal Highness, but..."

"That ugly?! Fuck me! No! I'm a mother! How can he like being so ugly?! How many years has this kid been a soldier?! Could it be that the sow Sai Xishi is really here?" "The point?!"

Huangfu Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes again. Since Luke was injured, he has become more and more out of shape. He even dared to tease the maid next to Her Highness the Princess? ! i

But then again, although Luke's words were rough, they were the truth, which made Huangfuyang not know how to answer...

"Hahaha! It's okay to be ugly like this?! What kind of people are Renbo's gang?! Hahaha! There are really everyone! Hahaha! Either way, Ma Xun is there, Presumably Ah Chou will also ask him to help take care of Her Royal Highness, so we can focus on our business!"


"Okay, okay! Let's not talk about these things anymore. Anyway, since Her Royal Highness has already stayed in the miscellaneous labor camp, she doesn't need to participate in the battle and so on, so we can feel at ease, right?! Marshal Jia, his old man Even if they knew, they would probably praise us for our cleverness! Hahaha!"


"By the way, Brother Huangfu! Now the city of Gu is dilapidated. If we want to stay here for a while, we have to find a way to repair it! You are Lieutenant Sima, and I will leave this matter to you!"

"How can we fix it in this winter?! We are running out of food and grass, so we should find a way to solve the problem of food and grass first!"

"For food and grass, I have asked Duman and the others to lead troops out to search for bandits and caravans! Hey, it would be even better if there were some small groups of Huns, they must have something to eat!"

Huangfu Yang frowned and thought for a moment, but he felt that this way of going out to get lucky was really unreliable

It's not that Huangfu Yang has no confidence in these little bastards under his command, but there are basically no bandits and caravans on the way from Chang'an to Xiagui, so Luke's words are meaningless except to fill his hunger with cakes. ...

But when Huangfuyang and Luke were not bothered, there was a crisp voice outside the big tent...

"The trilogy general, Ma Cao, is here to ask to see General Lu and Sima Huangfu!"

Luke and Huangfuyang looked at each other, both of them were puzzled. It was clearly the voice of Her Royal Highness, so why did it become Ma Chao? !

Where did Ma Chao come from? !

Ma Chao, the Hussar General of the Han Dynasty? !

What the hell? !

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