Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1249: It would be great if only one fight

Xiaocao pursed her lips, a little afraid to look at Luke staring at him with one eye

A Chou is also biting the bullet and standing in the big tent, always feeling uncomfortable

Luke's face was even darker, and he really didn't want to see this Princess Her Royal Highness who made him unforgettable!

Huangfuyang wanted to say a few words that fit the occasion, so as to ease the atmosphere, but seeing Luke's ferocious look, wishing he could eat Her Royal Highness alive, even the words that came to his lips retreated


How nice would it be for Her Royal Highness the Princess to be a seven-foot man? !

Otherwise, he really would have urged Luke to have a good fight with him no matter what!

Is there anything between this man and a man that cannot be resolved with a good fight? !

But with the frail and small body of Her Royal Highness in front of me1ti1ti

Huangfu Yang shook his head helplessly, closing his eyes in despair

Why doesn't Luke think so? !

If you can vent your grievances, even if it's just gouging out one of her eyes, it will be considered even!

But she is not only the majestic princess of Jin Dynasty, but also has a very high popularity in the Guanzhong coalition army, especially that "old bastard" Jia Yandu specially told Huangfu Yangqian that she is harmless to humans and animals Little White Rabbit, do you want them to take good care of her? !

Luke only felt a sharp pain in his blind eyes, and his already clenched fists were clenched even more.

"General Lu, can you listen to me for a few words?"

"No time!"


"Hum hum!"

"The Quartermaster needs" 1ti1ti


"Can't you give us more people?!"


"Brother Lu, you let the public, no, you let the pony finish the sentence!"

"I don't want to hear it!"

"What does General Nalu want?!"

"What can I do?! I'm blind in one eye! If your mother has the ability, you can also dig out my remaining eyeball!"

"Brother Lu! Calm down! Little Ma didn't mean that!"

"Huangfu Yang! You motherfucker, get out of here! What does he want you to say?! He doesn't have a mouth?!"

"Luke! Show me some respect! You clearly know who we are, yet you dare to commit such a crime?!" 1ti1ti

"Ha! What are your identities?!" Luke was so angry at A Chou that he laughed back. He really had been waiting for this sentence for a long, long time.

As long as Xiaocao dares to use her status as a princess to suppress him

Luke absolutely swears to God that he will tie up this damned little girl immediately, and send someone back to that old bastard Jia Yandu in Chang'an overnight. Luke recognized him!

The more Luke thought about it, the more angry he became, he even scolded Jia Yandu, the coalition commander he respected the most, from the bottom of his heart, and he was about to implicate his nine clans and even the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

Xiao Caoben felt a little guilty towards Luke, so at this moment, she didn't want to completely tear her face off with Luke just because of a few words, and naturally she didn't want to be as angry as Ah Chou but use her identity to suppress 1ti1ti

"Ah Chou! Back off! You and I are both pawns under General Lu, how did you talk to General Lu?!"

Luke couldn't believe his own ears, the little girl in front of him who made people feel like being beaten up all the time, actually spoke for him? !

Huangfu Yang was also stunned for a moment, is this flattering or does he just want to stay in the barracks? !

Naturally, Xiaocao didn't know what Luke and Huangfuyang were thinking, but she didn't have time to explain to Ah Chou, she just shook her head gently at Ah Chou, and then signaled him not to act rashly with her eyes

Ah Chou's face turned blue and red for a while, obviously he was swallowing his anger because of Xiaocao, otherwise with his temperament, he would have ignored Luke's ears!

Luke didn't show appreciation at all, and even took the opportunity to sneer: "Humph! Good! That's great! Since you admit that you are my pawn under Luke, how dare you talk back to this general?" ?! Get out! Get out of your mother! Get out of my eyes immediately!" 1ti1ti

Luke almost yelled at the highest volume, even Huangfu Yang who was beside him was shocked!

Xiaocao's body trembled a few times unconsciously, especially seeing Luke's ferocious look, he couldn't help but took a step back

But it happened that this body had to step back involuntarily, which actually aroused the courage that Xiaocao had suppressed for a long time!

past tragedies

Could it be that it was caused by her own blind fear and avoidance? !

such a cowardly self

It's time to go!

Xiaocao's eyes suddenly became firm and bright, and even took a few steps forward towards Luke!

"General Lu is really a great military power?!"


"Hmph! I'm afraid you can't hear me clearly! Do you want to say a few more words?! I can swear all kinds of dirty words!"

The more Huangfu Yang listened, the more he felt dizzy

Luke is in a hurry? !

dizzy? !

Huangfu Yang was really afraid that Luke would get angry for a while, and then do some stupid things that he would regret, so he quickly stood up and stood in front of Xiaocao

Ah Chou even grabbed Xiaocao's clothes, otherwise he would move on

However, Xiaocao struggled to break away from Ah Chou's obstruction, and then directly crossed Huangfuyang, held his head up and chest up, and sarcastically sarcastically at the fierce Luke: "General Lu's majestic seven-foot man, actually Just thinking about public revenge? ! "

"Hmph! So what?!"

"It's a pity that General Lu has people in his heart, and he understands righteousness and knows what is more important!? So even if he hates Xiaocao to the bone, he can only grit his teeth and think of ways to torture him?!"

"Hmph! You are so eloquent! What a pity you know what to do?! As long as you are still under Lao Tzu's command, you will never have a good life! Either you go back to Jia Yandu now, so that Lao Tzu won't be an eyesore! "

"General Lu is not afraid that I will tell the truth in front of Marshal Jia and create something out of nothing?!"

"Hahaha! If Marshal Jia really listens to your slander, I will immediately poke the other eye blind! Just think I misread that old bastard Jia Yandu!"

"Marshal Jia must have been blind too. He chose a narrow-minded person like you to be our leader! So many hot-blooded men have been dejected by you all day long. What's wrong with them?! Why should they be punished with me? !"

"You call this being punished?! Haha! You are so fucking naive! I just humiliated you openly! All of them were killed! I just want to make you feel guilty, make you suffer, and make you be punished by everyone!" cast aside!"

"Even if you call me "don't get close to strangers" so what?! Just to deal with me alone, so you don't do business?! Or has Linjin City been taken?! The problem of food and grass has been solved? I see that you are not only blind, but also blind!"

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