Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1335: Mutiny Halfway

On the morning of December 311, [-] AD, on the road from Caizhou to Yicheng County, Shanjian's army was resting in place...

"Damn! What kind of bullshit is this fighting?!"

"The old bastard Shan Jian is simply a bastard!"

"Hey! Have you heard?! Wang Chong joined the army and ran away with his troops!"

"No! I heard that Wang Canjun surrendered directly to Wang Ru."

"Hey! How could it be like this?! Our general is kind to him..."

"Ah bah! If I were Wang Chong, I would run away too! How can I be so deceitful?! Didn't you find out last night?! Pang Shi didn't know why he messed up on his own."

"I seem to hear someone over there shouting that Pang Shi was killed"

"Damn! I don't want such a good fighter, and I just ran away?! We already had the absolute upper hand last night, and how can he make General Shanda beat him like this!?"

"Hey! This beating is really frustrating! So many of my brothers have died in vain!"

This group of veterans became more and more angry, and even continued to make loud noises, so that many people were also influenced by them and shouted together

But Sun Sheng and Song Zhe, who happened to be among this group of people, had a headache for a while.

These taboo words are all real capital crimes, and they are so blatantly disturbing the morale of the army in the army. Once the general finds out, it will be the end of all the members being killed together.

Sun Sheng and Song Zhe looked at each other, and at the same time moved slowly, wanting to take advantage of their turbulent discussions and no time to notice their precious opportunity, and quickly stay away from this place of right and wrong

But there are always some sharp-eyed veterans who have been staring at these two "little pawns" who obviously seem to be out of place, and before they turn around and take a few steps, they shot together and stopped the two of them...

"What?! Where do you two want to go?!"

"Hmph! Do you want to report on some of our brothers?!"

"Damn! Believe it or not, I will beat you two to death right now?!"

Song Zhe's face turned pale with fright, he quickly shook his head and waved his hands, "No, no, no, we have absolutely no such intention..."

"I recognize the two of you! Last night Ge Jiang secretly brought you into the military camp, right?! Hehe! It looks like you are still a good relative or friend?!"

"Hahaha! Then I can't let you go!"

"You guys, what are you going to do?!"

"Clap" a crisp sound!

Sun Sheng's eyes went dark immediately, and his small body was slapped directly by the old soldier's slap, making him dizzy...

"What are you doing?! He's still a child!!!"

Without further ado, the veteran ruffian raised his foot and kicked the sloppy Song Zhe, and then surrounded him with four people, punching and kicking Song Zhe and Sun Sheng desperately...

But at this moment, a man who looked like a military officer rushed here with a dozen soldiers

"What are you doing?! You are not allowed to provoke trouble in the military! Do you all want to be dealt with by military law?!"

"Ah! Li Bu Qudu! Hehe, why did you come out to inspect in person..."

"My mother is trying to pretend to be my grandson! These two people are about to be beaten to death by you! Why do you have to kill people?! And then let General Shanda come to punish me?! Damn it! This is the last time for me! I warn you guys! If it really kills someone, then don’t blame me for not remembering the past!”

"Yes yes yes! How dare we entrap Li Bu Qudu?!"

"My lord! These two bastards sneaked in! I suspect that they are spies sent by Wang Ru to lurk among us!"

Li Bu Qu Du's expression tightened immediately, and he even drew his sword directly!

"Inspector Li Buqu! We are not spies! We are really not spies! We are relatives of Mr. Ge Jiangge."

"Ah bah! General Ge has taken someone to Yicheng County first! If you are his relatives, how could you not take you away first?! I think you two are spies!"

"Hmph! Even if the two of you are not spies, the crime of bribing General Ge is enough to kill you two several times!"

Song Zhe saw that Qudu Li's expression was getting more and more strange, and he even seemed to want to use them to harm Ge Jiang, so he blurted out, "You guys are spitting blood!"

"My lord! You have to believe what we say! I still have a letter from Nan Zhonglang sending Du Rui to Lord Shanjian!"

Song Zhe quickly reached out to fumble for the letter in his arms, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't get anything out...

"What's going on?! How could it disappear?! I'll look for it again! I'll look for it again!"

"What's missing!? I think you're lying! How dare you talk nonsense in front of Li Bu Qudu?! These two bastards are definitely spies!"

"No, no, no! We are really relatives of General Ge! As long as you let us meet General Shanda, everything will be revealed!"

"Clap" a crisp sound!

Blood flowed from the corner of Song Zhe's mouth immediately, and his whole body was so pumped that his eyes stared like gold stars...

"Good fight!"

"The governor of the trilogy is mighty!"

But at this moment, waves of louder curses continued to come from all directions...

"Damn! Just give us something to eat?!"

"Old man Shanjian doesn't treat us as human beings at all!"

"His grandma's! This amount of dry food is less than half of the usual amount!"

"When I was on a business trip just now, I could see clearly that those actors and divas in Shanjian are still enjoying themselves!"

"Brothers! Let's not give our lives to him!"

"Our parents, wives and children are still in Xiangyang City! We want to go back!!! Some kind of rebellion with me!"

"Yes! Let's rebel together! Kill Shanjian!"

"Don't let Shanjian get away!"

After a while...

Li Bu Qudu's face has become extremely ugly, especially when he sees the group of veterans around them all gearing up, and many people have even picked up swords...

"Let's do the opposite too! Let's capture Shanjian alive together with Lao Tzu!!!"

"Yes! Let's stick together! Let's grab Shanjian's gold, silver, treasures and women together!"

same moment...

Shi Zhan looked at the group of Shan Jian army who were killing each other down the slope with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but look at the ashen-faced Shan Xia next to him...

"Please help Shan Xia again, all righteous men!"

Xin Mi glanced coldly at Shan Xia, who was kneeling on the ground begging them, but turned her head away...

On the other hand, little Xu Yuan poked her head out of the bamboo basket and looked at Shan Xia with "beautiful eyes"...

"Hmph! Why do you help?! We have already saved you once, and took the risk of killing Pang Shi for you. We have done your father Shan Jian a big favor! But what happened?! His mother just ran away?!"

Shan Xia's face turned hot, but she was completely unable to refute Dong Kuang's words...

"If you are willing to help me one more time, to help me defeat those defeated troops, as long as you can help my father enter Yicheng County, I swear to the sky, my father will reward you heavily!"

"Ah bah! I don't care about those people in your family!"

Shan Xia's face turned red immediately, but under the critical situation, he could only bite the bullet and beg again: "Righteous men! If the rebellion cannot be suppressed as soon as possible, or if my father dies, then the land of Jingxiang will be leaderless, and those thieves will also die." It will only become more rampant, and those innocent people will suffer in the end! I swear to God, as long as my father and I can return to Yicheng County alive, I will do my best to help your friend Sun Shenghe Song and Zhe are going to Jiangdong!" (to be continued)

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