Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1339: Be Honest

It's not just Sun Sheng who is trying his best to squeeze Song Zhe...

But all the people staying beside Song Zhe wanted to rub against him, and even wanted to hug him tightly...

Who made him the fattest in this group of people...

In addition, the deadly north wind made people twitch...

A "gold in the rough" like Fatty Song naturally becomes even more "hot"...

The mountain barbarians laughed wildly and waved their bloody swords happily. Whenever they saw any Jin people who were stripped naked and refused to hug each other to keep warm, they would hack and slash.

Song Zhe neither had the "ambition" to resist, nor the ability to stop others from posting it. In desperation, he could only hold Sun Sheng in his arms, barely guarding the "purity" in his chest

Sun Sheng was still chattering about his deadly poem, but his eyes suddenly became brighter, especially at the moment when Song Zhe hugged him, his whole trembling body was inexplicably shaken. shock

A moment later

Song Zhe really wants to die

If it is said that this kind of kneeling on the ground, and then being hugged and "snuggled" by a group of rough bastards is a shame and a shame

Those who didn't have a good stomach in the first place, coupled with repeated shocks, actually started to have diarrhea in public...

And it's not just one person, many people stepped on it and moved around while excrement and urine flowed, and some even couldn't stand the bone-piercing cold wind, and fell directly on those smelly things...

Song Zhe forcibly turned his head away, not wanting to look at these dirty things, but he couldn't pull out his hand to cover his own nose, and was so smoked that he felt sick for a while.

Song Zhe really wanted to fly to Shanjian's camp and kill that old bastard who abandoned the city and ran away!

Why is it also dead? !

But his mountain bamboo slips can be embraced by warm and fragrant nephrite? !

But he, Song Zhe, could only die so unbearably? !


Are you fucking blind? !

Shan Jian couldn't help but sneezed immediately, but thought it was caused by the strong north wind, so she couldn't help shrinking her neck...

But what worried him even more was that the mountain barbarians were still unwilling to take action, while his personal guards had already begun to show signs of exhaustion...

After all, from last night to now, they have been fighting and running for their lives non-stop, so it is already a miracle that they can persist until now...

But the more the encirclement but not the suppression, the more time was delayed, the more anxious Shan Jian became, and even began to secretly transfer the army behind him

After a stick of incense...

"General! Look! It seems that General Ge's men are back!"

Shan Jian hurriedly looked in the direction pointed by the pawn, but before he could be overjoyed for a long time, he watched helplessly as the "Ge" flag fell down against the wind after rushing into the Shan barbarian army formation... …

The army of the mountain barbarians immediately let out a burst of cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami!

This time, Shan Jian didn't hesitate at all, and yelled directly: "Ge Jiang has contained the enemies in the rear for us, let's break out to Yicheng County with all our strength!"

Soon after……

Mei Batian leaned over and picked up a hefty piece of gold horseshoe from the ground, then looked at the direction where Shanjian was running wildly for a while, and finally couldn't help but laughed loudly at the people around him: "Hahaha! Look Did you see the imprint on it?! It’s really something that Jinwu Emperor Sima Yan rewarded Shan Jian and his father, hahaha, I didn’t expect it to be cheaper this time!”

"Commander! Why did we deliberately give way to let him escape just now?! If we can capture him alive and kill him, then the commander will shock Jingzhou." (Jinwu Emperor Sima Yan in Shantao After his death, he gave his descendants nearly a million dollars, as well as a lot of jewelry, calligraphy, paintings and silk satins, but because they gave too many things and had no place to put them, they built a special one for his Shan family. mansion...)

"Idiot! If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, do you understand?! Kill him?! Are you fucking sick!? After all, this handsome man is also a handsome man appointed by the imperial court. Salary! We are all colleagues, and he happened to pass by the commander-in-chief's territory, so it is right to save some money to buy roads, why should we have to kill him?! Besides, you are still worried about his kind of courageous gangster Will he seek revenge?!"

"Yes, yes, the commander-in-chief is right"

"The reason why the commander let him go is because he didn't want to be the first bird. If we can catch him alive, then we have to spend money and food to raise him?! Let's do this! You send a hundred or so If you want to make sense of it, you can chase it for hundreds of miles..."

At the same moment, another place, the exit of Meridian Valley

Blue sky and white sun

Lang Lang Qian Kun

More than 3000 coalition soldiers on full alert waited for a long time in Meridian Valley, but they didn't even see a single ambush soldier, let alone a big killer like Rolling Stone.

But even so, Mao Bao, Duman and Xiaocao didn't dare to relax a little bit, for fear that the moment they let down their vigilance, the ambush soldiers would suddenly come out, and it would be foolish to think about forming an formation at that time

Mao Bao frowned, glanced at Ma Cao with the three-eyed Chiyou mask beside him, and then asked Duman what he meant with his eyes

But before they could open their mouths, Liu Xia said abruptly: "Damn! What does this mean?! It's neither going forward nor retreating. We can't just hide in this valley and drink the northwest wind forever." Bar?!"

"That's right! If there was an ambush, it should have appeared long ago. Anyway, if I were to arrange the formation, I would definitely send troops to block the exit, and then attack the enemies in the valley from the left and right sides above the valley at the same time." attack"

Zhang Wei's words immediately made everyone fall into deep thought.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xiaocao straightened her waist, put down the wooden shield she had been holding high, and said to the crowd, "If I'm not wrong, not only is there no ambush here, but there is no danger outside. At least there won't be any serious danger before entering several important towns in Liangzhou, let's hurry out of the valley!"

Zhang Wei glared at Xiaocao immediately, then laughed with contempt on his face: "Why do you say that?!"

"Just relying on the sniper to escape! Otherwise, why didn't there be an ambush and no heavy soldiers guarding the exit?! In my opinion, someone should be guarding our Marshal Jia, so a secret sentry was placed here. As for why there is no The heavy troops ambushed, probably because it was uncertain whether Marshal Jia would actually send troops over, and the troops in his hands were busy looting Liangzhou, so it was impossible for him to send troops to stay here all the time."

"Then since you're so confident, why don't we divide our troops and act! This group of mobs in your quartermaster department won't drag you down" (to be continued)

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