Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 191: Compassion does not control soldiers

Chapter 190: Eleven Smash Law ([-])

Those who got the live lottery were beating those who got the dead lottery desperately, every punch and every kick was beaten to death, and those who were beaten were often beaten to death before they even had time to groan up...

And when those survivors whose hands were covered with comrades, relatives, and companions who donated blood stopped killing and saw those holding weapons around them, looking at them coldly, these survivors all lowered their heads, squatted down, and The blood is gone...

Tens of thousands of soldiers surrendered, and more than 1000 people were being beaten by gangs. This scene shocked Xu immediately. She saw that these people's faces were only crazy, and they could not see the existence of humanity at all... …

Of course, not all people fell into madness. Some people stepped forward and fought with other people who had drawn live lottery because their relatives or comrades-in-arms were drawn, but it was not those fists that greeted them. , but the sword of the Invincible Army!

And when such a scene appeared, those who were still hesitating no longer hesitated. They wanted to live, and the only way to survive was to kill those who had drawn the death lottery...

This kind of killing didn't last long, after all, it wouldn't take much time for nine people to beat one alive...

All the surviving soldiers were panting, their hands and feet were covered with the blood of their former comrades, their eyes were slowly turning red and dull, and the whole scene became extremely quiet...

Xu had already covered her mouth, she didn't want to read any more, she turned her horse's head and left...

The moment she turned around, she suddenly felt a little scared, afraid that one day, she would face such a thing, what would she do at that time?How will Zudi treat herself?Are you also as cold-blooded and ruthless as you treat others...?

On the school grounds, Zudi's face looked unusually calm...

Zudi raised his sword and knocked on the shield beside him, making a "bang bang" sound. Other soldiers of the San Francisco Army also knocked on the shield at the same time, and the sound from the shield resounded throughout the school grounds.

After hearing these voices, all the surrendered soldiers slowly looked towards Zudi's direction together. In their gazes towards Zudi, there was nothing but helplessness except fear...

Zudi ignored these gazes at all, and he said loudly: "Listen to me, from today onwards, if one of you appears to escape, then everyone must be punished again, do you hear me? A person who fled and feared the war, everyone must suffer the same punishment as today!"

Zudi's words pierced the hearts of every surrendered soldier like a sharp sword, including the old soldier who survived by luck. Everyone was in panic, without a trace of resistance. idea……

"Listen well, we will stay here for two days starting today, I will train you well, and none of you are allowed to eat tonight! I will not give you any clothes to keep out the cold, you just cuddle up to each other naked Keep warm, and I will give you food and clothes in batches until tomorrow morning!"

Zudi's words further hit the will of all the soldiers who had just killed their comrades and relatives, and suddenly even the only hatred left was gone...

Then Zu Di began to punish all the generals. All the generals were pulled to the side of the school field. Among them, Yin Yi, Han Qian, Dong Zhao and other generals were all stripped of their shirts and whipped in front of everyone. stand up.

Zu Di slowly walked to Yin Yi's side, and personally whipped him up. Every time the whip cracked, Yin Yi's skin would be bruised, without any mercy!

"Yin Yi, how many deserters are there in the leadership!"

"Report to the general, there are 36 people!"

"Han Qian, where's yours?!"

"Report to the general, 43 people!"

"Dong Zhao, Zu Yue, Zu Ji, are there deserters too?"

The three said in unison: "Yes!"

"Then am I going to beat you wrong?! Do you hate me!"

"No injustice! No hatred!"

"Okay! They are all good men!"

Zu Di looked at Xu Liu and his son Zu Huan again, and said loudly: "Xu Liu, Zu Huan! You are leading the elites of the Zu and Xu clans, so there are no deserters, but you are asked to lead Yin Yi and the others. Centaur, do you have the ability to say that your deserters will be less than theirs?"

The two also replied at the same time: "Don't dare!"

"Okay! I will also punish you to be whipped, will you two accept it?!"

"But according to the general's law, the two of us will never disagree!"

"Okay, you two are fine too, I will punish all of your generals with thirty lashes, and execute it immediately!"

For a moment, the sound of whips beating flesh was the only sound left in the entire school grounds. Even the surrendered soldiers who had just killed themselves were terrified. At this moment, they felt a sense of sympathy with these generals...

Yangping Town at night seemed a bit quiet. The city wall here was already dilapidated, and the population was deserted long ago. The soldiers were divided into pieces and stationed in different places. Their locations were not far from the main camp of the Invincible Army. distance!

The north wind is getting stronger and stronger, but their clothes are only a thin coat. All the people are crowded together to keep each other warm. Everyone is cold and hungry, but no one dares to run away... …

Surrounded by the old soldier ruffian are many surrendered soldiers, everyone is waiting for him to come up with an idea of ​​what to do next...

How can the veteran have any ideas? I just experienced that kind of heart-piercing punishment during the day. The scene at that time is still vivid in my memory, and I don't want to try the same punishment again...

The old soldier puffed up and said: "It's good if we can survive. General Zu is a general who distinguishes rewards and punishments. As long as we follow him, I believe we may still have a way to survive. If we go against him, you have tried everything during the day." Yes, this taste is worse than death..."

"Big brother, we all know what you said, but if you fight against the Huns, you will definitely die..."

"The Huns are human after all. I think this General Zudizu is more terrifying than the Huns. When we met the Huns, it was just a death, but if General Zu got angry, I think death would be cheap for us... "

When the old soldier said this, everyone nodded their heads in unison. They have seen Zu Di's ruthlessness...

Seeing that the crowd didn't ask any more questions, the veteran ruffian huddled with a bunch of people who were alone, and now he wanted to stay up until dawn, as long as he stayed up until dawn, he would have something to eat and clothes to keep out the cold... …

Inside Zudi's big tent

All the generals gathered around Zudi, and Zudi was arranging their new tasks one by one, especially the military training in Yangping Town in the past two days. They all adjusted their focus, Yin Yi led Han Qian's troops, Dong Zhao took over Yin Yi's troops, and so on, replaced all the generals' troops, except for Xu Liu and Zu Huan's team, but also from Xu Liu and Zu Huan's team. Thousands of troops were drawn from Huan's troops to join those of other generals in order to strengthen each general's control over their own troops.

After all the orders were about the same, Zu Di asked all the generals to retreat, leaving only Zu Di, Zu Gai and Xu Chen in the tent.

Xu Tong broke the silence first, and said, "Third brother, today's punishment is the method used to deal with slaves in "Yu Xingzhong?"

"Yes, it is "Yu Xing (the general term for the Xia Dynasty's slavery criminal law named after Dayu. According to ancient records, the Xia Dynasty's legal system mainly includes criminal law and military law)."

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