Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 192: Jiapi

In fact, Zu Di was also surprised that Xu Tong knew about "Yu Xing". After the first emperor burned Confucianism, only a small number of copies remained. Many of his methods of managing the army also benefited from this ancient method, so Zu Di really couldn't figure out that Xu Dan, who came from a small family, also knew this method, which really surprised Zu Di.

Xu Chen naturally saw the astonishment in Zu Di's eyes, and explained: "My father spent his whole life studying the criminal codes of the past dynasties. In the sixth year of Zhaogong: "Business has disorderly government, and it is punished by soup." In the Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhiji (the sales contract that appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty) and Fu Bie (the loan contract that appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty) have been involved. "This method in Yu Xingzhong has also been heard."

Zudi and Zugai were both very surprised by Xu Chen's words. They didn't expect Xu Chen to be proficient in criminal codes!

Zudi nodded lightly, and said softly: "This method has many advantages, especially in the management of the army. There are many things worth learning from. The generation of Xia almost fought against various nomadic tribes on the grassland, so their punishment A lot of them are customized for nomadic tribes, and there is indeed a lot to learn from."

Zu Gai also agreed: "What Shi Zhi said is very true. Although it is not a means to use this today, it is very beneficial to prevent the Huns from being defeated when they encounter the Huns in the future."

Xu Tong also nodded and said: "Although this method kills a lot, it has a very deterrent effect, and it is also used for surrendering troops. It will not damage the original members of the Invincible Army. It can both establish prestige and attack hearts. Wonderful method, but..."

Both Zudi and Zugai didn't understand Xu Chen's meaning, they asked in unison: "Just what?"

"Although we can slowly integrate these surrendered soldiers into our invincible army, if there is only military law but no way to inflict heavy damage on the Xiongnu iron cavalry, I am worried that it will backfire, especially if I say something disrespectful. We met the Xiongnu iron cavalry on the plain, once our invincible army is defeated, the sequelae of this method will appear..."

Zu Gai fell into deep thought because of Xu Tong's words, because there is indeed no good way to deal with the Huns' cavalry now. If they really encountered the Huns' cavalry on the plain, the victory or defeat would be obvious. Bing saw that his general was defeated by the Xiongnu iron cavalry. At that time, even if Zu Di still had food in his hands, these people would not come back...

Thinking of this, Zu Gai became a little worried, and looked at Zu Di involuntarily.

Of course Zu Di knew what Xu Tong was implying, and he had to use this method as a last resort, and whether he could really fully integrate the tens of thousands of surrendered soldiers, the key still depended on the first battle with the Huns, If you win the battle, the Invincible Army will go to a higher level. If you lose, you may not even have a chance to stand up, and you will even be attacked by these soldiers when you run away. , I also struggled for a long time before using it!

Zu Di immediately recalled the plot when he watched the film, and he clearly remembered the last sentence of the text: Use this method with caution, and do not use it unless it is absolutely necessary!

Thinking of this, Zu Di unconsciously smiled wryly...

Zu Di said to Xu Pan and Zu Gai: "Although the Huns have the strongest cavalry, the land in Guanzhong is not all plains. As long as we can first detect the enemy's situation, and then cooperate with Nanyang King Sima Mo to fight against the city, we will There's still a good chance of winning."

Both Zu Gai and Xu Chen could hear the helplessness in Zu Di's words. After all, the Xiongnu iron cavalry is really too powerful, especially their bow cavalry is even more frightening...

Zu Di was tired all day, indeed a little tired, after seeing off his eldest brother Zu Gai and Xu Dang, he returned to Xu's place alone.

He found that Mrs. Xu had fallen asleep, so he took off the armor on his body, walked slowly to Mrs. Xu's side, and when he was about to sleep with his clothes on, he heard Mrs. Xu speak.


"My lady? Huh? Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I went to school today..."

"Have you seen it all?"


"Do you also think I'm cruel and let them kill each other?"

"I'm a little sad, but what my husband does is for everyone and for the All-Difficult Army."

"My lady, do you think I'm scary..."

"A little……"


"Husband, if I am among them, and it is I who draw the dead lot, what will happen to you?"

"Miss, doesn't that sound like what you should say?"

"But I want to know..."

"Military laws cannot be violated!"

When Zu Di said this sentence, his heart was throbbing. When those people killed his comrades in arms who had lived and died together in front of him, the crazy scene after scene, his heart was actually When did you calm down?And the instigator of all this is himself!At that time, I saw the end from beginning to end, without any pity or guilt, but why did my wife's words make my heart hesitate and start to throb...

Zudi looked into Xu's eyes and said again: "If you and I are inside, I will live and die with you!"

When Mrs. Xu heard this sentence, she immediately hugged Zu Di's burly body, tears streaming down her eyes uncontrollably...

In the afternoon of the fourth day of September in 3 AD

Liu Yao's army slowly drove out of Tongguan, and marched in the direction of Chang'an.

On the city wall of Tongguan, Zhao Ling watched the figure of King Shi'an Liu Yao go away. He felt that he really couldn't understand this King of Shi'an Liu Yao, because he was not only willing to divide his troops with others, but even asked Liu Can to come to guard Tongguan for himself. He didn't even leave a single soldier in Tongguan. Did he do this because he trusted himself?You must know that Tongguan is the only way for them to retreat. If they fail to attack Chang'an and refuse to accept it behind closed doors, they will die. And this Shi'an King Liu Yao can trust him so much, I really don't know what to say about this Shi'an Is An Wang Liu Yao stupid or is he too trustworthy?

In short, although the troops of King Shi'an Liu Yao had gone far away, Zhao Ling's heart was still up and down. He even had a feeling that it might be a blessing if he could never fight this person!

But Zhao Yi, who was behind Zhao Ling, looked at Zhao Ling who was still watching Shi'an King Liu Yao with his eyes rolling around, wondering what he was thinking...

Zhao Ling turned around suddenly, walked in front of Zhao Yi, patted him on the shoulder, and said affirmatively, "Zhao Yi, have all the ministries arranged for the defense of the city?"

"General, arrangements have been made!"

"Well, you have done a good job. When General Zhao Ran comes back, I will definitely ask the general to reward you!"

"Thank you, General! The last general will go through fire and water for the general!"

Zhao Ling nodded in satisfaction, and looked into the distance again.

While Zhao Yi looked at Zhao Ling's figure, his eyes became more complicated...

After Zhao Yi left, Zhao Ling remembered that he should quickly report to General Zhao Ran and report everything that happened here in Tongguan, and then wait for Zhao Ran's judgment and decision. The people sent out by the government can rush to their generals in time...

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