Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 666: The Dog Head Military Advisor

In the early morning of the fifth day of October in AD 311, in a small valley to the east of Tongguan, noisy and panicked voices came and went...

But even so, no one dared to light the torch, because everyone who tried to light the torch was killed one by one by some sharp archers in the valley...

It is precisely because of this that even in such a dark night when you can't see your fingers clearly, no one dares to light a torch, and no one dares to build a fire to resist the increasingly unbearable wind and blizzard!

And the brothers like Lao Cui and Han Qian who were besieged here were all frozen in such a frightening environment. Only by embracing each other can they resist the cruelty of the severe cold...

If they continue to be besieged like this, let alone a war, they might all freeze to death in this ghost place before reinforcements arrive!

Faced with such a situation, Han Qian and Lao Cui were also very worried, but the difference was that Lao Cui was more worried about whether he could survive, while Han Qian was more worried about whether his brothers could survive...

"What the hell is this mother's weather?! Ah?! Why is it so cold and snowing so suddenly?! Such a strong wind?!"

"Old Cui, keep your voice down, don't let people shoot you like a hedgehog!"

"Han Qian, just talk nonsense! I yelled loudly! What's the matter?! Do you think that if you don't say anything, the bow and arrow will not shoot you?! I have already seen that these people, as long as you don't light the fire, If you don’t break out, it doesn’t matter what you do!”

Han Qian also knew that what Lao Cui said was right, especially because he also felt that Lao Cui was talking nonsense because of panic, so he didn't have the mood to argue with him further, but as a general, even the lowest-ranked general, It shouldn't be like this!

Why doesn't he think about what he said now, what kind of impact will it have on the morale of the brothers? !

But Han Qian also had to admit that there is nothing wrong with what Old Cui would say for the time being. Although this group of unknown people has besieged them all here, as long as they don't light the torches and don't organize To break through, you don't care about any other movement!

Who are they and what is their purpose?Why can you be so calm? !

Now that people like myself are surrounded, and they are condescending, it is really not difficult to wipe them out, but if you don't kill them like this, and you don't kill them, it's hard to treat the lives of hundreds of people on your side as a trifle up? !

"His mother, they gangsters are trying to freeze us to death!" Old Cui should have reached the point of going crazy, it seems that only by yelling like this can he calm down...

Han Qian didn't know how to persuade Lao Cui, anyway, now his people and the people brought out by Lao Cui were trapped in this unknown small valley!

In fact, Han Qian also tried to lead a team to break out after extinguishing the torches, but sadly, when they approached the exit of the valley, they discovered that the exit was heavily guarded!

That round of arrow rain that came suddenly was really frightening. It not only caused them heavy losses, but also destroyed their confidence in hoping to stand out from the encirclement!

But the strange thing is that as soon as they return to their original positions, the ambush outside the valley seems to disappear completely. These people are so well-trained? !

Thinking of this, Han Qian kept looking up the valley with his eyes, but in such a dark environment, he looked up and couldn't see anything at all!

But Han Qian, as a person who has been through battles for a long time, still knows very well in his heart that the ambush they encountered this time is definitely not simple. As far as this scheming to lure them into the valley is concerned, it is definitely not something ordinary people can do. of!

This planner is not only patient, but also extremely commanding, and even appears quite proficient in the use of strategies to ambush people like himself!

As for the two entourages who escaped to report the letter, Han Qian also finds it strange to think about it now. Why did this group of people just let the two of them escape? !

It is impossible for one person to escape if they want to. Aren't they afraid that we will bring more people? !

Who are they? !

How dare you have the guts to act like this? !

You must know that what they are facing is an invincible army with tens of thousands of soldiers!

Of course, what they are besieging now is only a hundred people, and in a sense, they are nothing more than a group of rogues with a slightly larger scale...

But now, in Han Qian's heart, why doesn't he hope that the two escaped people can successfully notify Zu Ti!

But how long has it been? !There is still no movement outside the valley. Is it true that Zu Ti is really going to die like what Old Cui said? !

Thinking of Zu Ti's usual style, Han Qian's heart sank suddenly...

But at the moment when Han Qian and Old Cui were thinking wildly, in a hidden place above the valley, the mastermind who planned the ambush seemed to be wrapped in a thick sable fur, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Hey, Kotou Junshi, wake up, wake up! It's such a cold day, how can you still sleep?!"

A Lang didn't need to look, he knew that Pu Hong was the one pushing him awake and talking nonsense, and he didn't know when he started calling himself this unknown name!

"What dog-headed military division?! Brother, why do you always give me weird names?!"

"Hahaha, why, you still like the nickname "handsome monk"?! Hahaha!"

A Lang was also a little dumbfounded by Pu Hong's anger. One moment he was a "handsome monk" and another moment he was a "dog-headed military adviser". Why is this person so boring? !

However, Puhong seems to like the new nickname of Alang very much, and has been calling it for several days!

What made A Lang even more annoyed was that because of Pu Hong's address, and the big yellow dog beside him that was becoming more and more dog-like, especially the dog that liked to lie on his face with its dog's head, this The title of "dog head army division" can be regarded as resounding throughout the caravan!

Of course, in A Lang's view, as long as Pu Hong is happy, it's fine, but as long as he thinks of Aunt Zhang next to Xiaocao, she told Xiaocao immediately after she knew her name, so that even When Xiaocao saw her, she obviously showed a look of making fun of herself...

Hey, don't tell me, that girl Xiaocao is charming when she smiles...

Hey, why is it so worrying? !

"Ah Lang, don't be in a daze, look outside the valley, there are so many torches, it's over now, the big fish we've been waiting for is finally about to take the bait!"

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