Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 667: The Gift of God

A Lang looked in the direction Pu Hong said, and there were indeed a lot of torches moving fast, but was this really the big fish he had been waiting for? !

"Brother Pu, ask someone to send a signal to Shi Zhan and his group who are guarding outside the valley, and ask them to let them in too! As usual, as long as they enter the valley and don't break out, they don't need anything." Tube!"

Pu Hong seemed to have been accustomed to A Lang giving orders, so without any hesitation or dissatisfaction, he directly made the pre-arranged animal sounds to inform Shi Zhan and others.

After Shi Zhan heard the sound, he also uttered a few calls in response, and then there was no sound.

"Alang, what do you think of this Shi Zhan?! Isn't he special?! I think he is definitely not what he said, just an ordinary business travel guard."

A Lang naturally understood what Pu Hong meant, and he had doubted Shi Zhan's identity for a long time. Now that Pu Hong said the same thing, he had no scruples, and simply said: "Brother Pu, look at Shi Zhan, all of them are well-trained. They are not plain, and many of them do not look like people from the Central Plains, so we should pay more attention to them."

A Lang's words were very tactful, but Pu Hong was already very aware of the vigilance in A Lang's words.

In fact, why is Pu Hong not worried?

Otherwise, there is no need to ask Alang like this.

Now that A Lang also thinks they are suspicious, Pu Hong's heart is more at ease. After all, as long as he is prepared, he is not afraid of what they can do under his nose!

"Alang, you arranged for Shi Zhan's men to guard Taniguchi this time, but is there any deep meaning?!"

"It's really a good thing if some of them can be consumed. I thought they would not agree, but I didn't expect not only to agree, but also to do it very beautifully. It really surprised me!"

"I'm also surprised that the foothold of our caravan is generally only clear and known to the merchants who have traveled the rivers and lakes all the year round..."

"Didn't one of the people who came with them have an accent from Lantian?! From my point of view, they should have led the way, and according to my observations, these Lantian people still follow the lead of the group with Shi Zhan." .”

"Well, yes, there are too many suspicious places, but fortunately, so far, they have not done anything special, and their female relatives are still at the camp, and I see that the status of these female relatives is not low. , especially judging from their usual attitudes, it seems that they have long been used to bossing others around."

"Brother sees it clearly, it is true!"

"It's a mess, it's better to be more careful."

"Brother, I arranged for them to stay at Taniguchi this time. The main purpose is to see if they will really help us. If they are hypocritical and they stay away from us, we can retreat completely. .”

"Hahaha, Ah Lang, you are so bold to put them in such a place that bears the brunt of the brunt! Do you think they will go all out?!"

"Maybe not before, but now it's too late for them to retreat immediately, and this time the other side has a lot of reinforcements, and they can only preserve their strength as much as possible by listening to my arrangement, otherwise it will really become a head-to-head situation ..."

"Alang, I think the number of these torches is about three to four hundred people. If you add the more than 400 people who are already in the valley, there are more than 100 people. The rogues with more than 500 people are not easy! "

"Brother, this is just a small fish. According to my guess, the enemy we are facing should be far stronger than we imagined!"

Pu Hong was really surprised that Alang would say such a thing with such certainty. Could it be that 500 people are still a small number?Are they still bandits? !

"Brother Pu, if the pressure at the entrance of the valley is too great, remember to give them more support. Although I don't know where Shi Zhan and the others are coming from, since we all work together, we can't let them lose too much... ..."

"Fuck, just your boy Renyi, if you are really benevolent, why would you still want to consume their numbers?! But I also wonder, if this Shi Zhan is really a warrior, not to mention that he is too young, he can still take a bite I also feel a little puzzled to agree to such a thankless job, how much confidence does he have to dare to do so?!"

"He probably misjudged the situation, thinking that it was just annihilating some rogues, but he didn't think about it. If it is really annihilating some small rogues, why should we bother so much?!"

"Then how did you explain this to him?"

"I didn't say anything, I just kept reminding others that being more powerful means more people lose less..."

"Hahaha, you boy, I really have you! You really deserve to be a dog-headed military adviser, not bad! If they can work harder, we will be less stressed."

"Yes, we can advance and attack, and retreat and defend. It is really thanks to Shi Zhan's timely arrival. If it weren't for their group of troops to join, we would really have to let our people guard Taniguchi. Then It's all our own people who died!"

"Hahaha, you kid is really a natural dog-headed military strategist. Once you start planning and plotting, you will become completely inhumane. You are completely treating people like Shi Zhan as pawns! A Lang! Fortunately, I am not yours Enemy! Hehe!"

A Lang didn't feel much disgust when he heard this, because what Pu Hong said was absolutely correct, as a military adviser, he should be more ruthless than the coach, otherwise how could he make the most accurate, most suitable, most cruel and ruthless, but it was The most effective strategy? !

And to do this, you have to take into account even the sophistication of the world. The ruthlessness in this kind of talent, as long as you are a military adviser, you must maintain it for a day, but it is so cold-blooded and ruthless day after day, year after year. Isn't it a kind of spiritual destruction? !

Probably, this is an important reason why Alang himself has always wanted to become a monk and ignore world affairs...

But Pu Hong didn't think so. Alang's talent in planning was the quality he valued the most. How could he easily let go of such a natural strategist? !

Even Pu Hong himself knows that if he is allowed to be so ruthless and calmly deal with a plan like today's, he will never be able to completely disregard the world, but if he can't be ruthless in planning, then There will be many sudden dangers and various situations that may lead to failure!

Therefore, a young man like A Lang who is good at planning is really the greatest gift from God to his tribe!

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