() Zhao Huan probably felt that Song Qing would not send troops, so he had no intention to send troops to serve the king.

But whether it was for the common people or for the long-term development of the land occupied by Liangshan, Song and Qing had to send troops.From a certain point of view, he and Zhao Huan now have a feeling of being dependent on each other.No matter what the Zhao and Song Dynasties become, as long as it is still in front of Liangshan, Song and Qing can develop with peace of mind.So now Song Qing will never see Zhao Huan perish.

As Hebei was overwhelmed by the golden soldiers, a large number of refugees have poured into Jinan Prefecture, which is close to Hebei.Although the development of Shandong is inseparable from manpower, the influx of so many people at once caught Song Qing and others by surprise.

It is obvious that Jinan Prefecture alone cannot support so many people, so the Song and Qing Dynasties strictly ordered the refugees to be dispersed to various states and counties for resettlement.

Many refugees came to Jinan Prefecture just to take refuge temporarily and return home after the Jin soldiers retreated, so they wanted to stay in Jinan Prefecture.

This is a point, if not handled properly, it is likely to cause a chain reaction.That's why Song Qing issued a strict order and ordered the government to be responsible for picking up and sending these refugees along the way, as well as responsible for the food of the refugees.

At the same time, they can't just support these refugees. The young and strong will find work for them, and women and children can also help with cooking and mending clothes.

Chen Dong, Chai Jin and others were responsible for resettling refugees, while Song Qing began to plan the battle for refund.

This time is different from last time, it is to take the initiative to attack.Although Song Qing and Wu Qimai have their own schemes, they are obviously on guard against each other.If the expectations are not bad, Wu Qimai should have reserved a man for dealing with Song and Qing.

Now Hebei is in a mess, and spies are of little use at this time. Although the scouts have been sent out, no news has come back until now.

According to the news from Tokyo, after Wanyan Zongwang besieged the city, he only tentatively attacked the city a few times. Seeing that the city was heavily guarded, he did not attack again. It seemed that he was waiting for Wanyan Zonghan's troops from another route.

However, Song Qing didn't think so. The most suitable thing for Jin soldiers to besiege the capital of Song Dynasty was a quick battle.

Combined with the information about Wanyan Zongwang sent by the inner guards, Song Qing boldly speculated that Wanyan Zongwang was playing around to fight for aid.

The army of the Song Dynasty was too vulnerable, and at the same time there was a large army hiding in the dark.That's why Wanyan Zongwang dared to do this. He wiped out the troops of Qin Wang from all walks of life, and completely broke the hearts of Song Ting's monarchs and ministers.Then he went down to the capital with a drum.A strategy that is extremely bold and extremely arrogant.

So Tokyo Bianliang is now a big pit.

Not to mention it's a trap, even if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, Song and Qing will go there, but of course they can't rush over so blindly.There must be a detailed plan.

Wanyan Zongwang rode his horse and stood in front of the camp, looking at the majestic Bianliang City with a contemptuous smile on his face, without turning his head, he said: "General Guo, it's time for you to make meritorious deeds, this time you must attack in one fell swoop, otherwise the military law engage in"

The surrendered general Guo Yaoshi hurriedly said: "Deputy Commander, my subordinates have been attacking the city for days and suffered heavy damage, can you let the other generals do this amazing feat?"

Guo Yaoshi led his army to surrender, and together with the surrendered soldiers gathered along the way, the number of Erguizi soldiers under him was nearly 2.But even the attack on Bianliang was completed by these two devil soldiers under him.Especially the attack on Bianliang encountered desperate resistance from the defenders, and their casualties had already exceeded half. If he went on again, he might become a poor commander.

Wanyan Zongwang glanced at him coldly and said: "You have already pledged allegiance to Dajin, so you must always think of dedicating yourself to Dajin. Don't always talk about conditions. If you can capture Bianliang, I will definitely protect you from His Majesty." Play you, well, the opportunity to fight is fleeting, stop talking, start!"

He turned his head and shouted to the Chinese army, "Beat the drums for General Guo!"

Guo Yaoshi hated secretly, but there was nothing he could do. Who made him choose the path of surrender?Dry!Maybe I can fight for a fortune and come back!

He rode his horse to the front of his second devil army, pointed his long sword, and said in his throat: "Brothers, the time has come to kill the faint king and leave a lifetime of glory for the descendants. Kill!"

These two devils have long been numb, they have forgotten that the city in front of them was once their capital, and the city is full of children of the Han family like them.Under the leadership of Guo Yaoshi, he rushed towards Bianliang City with a ladder on his shoulders.

Wan Yanchang came over and said with a smile: "Deputy Commander, these Song pigs are obedient enough, it's a pity that they all died?"

Wanyan Zongwang looked at the two ghost soldiers who were rushing towards Bianliang City like a tide, and said with a sinister smile, "What are you afraid of, there are a lot of pigs in Song Dynasty, and we don't need to recruit them, they will come by themselves."

Wan Yanchang nodded and said: "Deputy Marshal, do you think that Song Qing from Liangshan can come? If he doesn't come, wouldn't our arrangements be in vain?"

"This is the brilliance of the commander. The Song Dynasty has no police soldiers. They will definitely ask Liangshan for help. I heard that Song Qing's kid loves fame and fame. Don't worry, he will definitely come."

After Wanyan Zongwang replied to Wanyan Chang, he said loudly: "Supervise the battle team, those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy."

Following the attack of Guo Yaoshi's two ghost soldiers, the defenders on the city also began to fight back.For a while, the city went up and down the city, and arrows fell like rain. Every moment someone fell, and then others took his place and continued to fight.

Yue Fei was recruited by Li Gang to the capital to participate in the Bianliang Defense Battle.This is not the first time he has been on the battlefield, and he is angry and worried about Guo Yaoshi's attack.

More than ten days have passed, except for their army, none of Qinwang's troops have appeared. Doesn't the imperial court have soldiers and horses elsewhere?Obviously it's impossible, so why hasn't it appeared until now?

What made him even more worried was that although the imperial court had a large number of troops, they were not in the battle formation, and it was already very good to barely hold back Guo Yaoshi's Second Devils.

However, Jin Bing's actions are obviously consuming the power in the city, and when the resistance in the city is almost exhausted, they will attack in one go.

The only way now is to have a team outside the city to contain the golden soldiers, but where can we find such a team?

Yue Fei didn't know why, but Song Qing's handsome and wise face suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Song Qing, will you come?"

Yue Fei pondered for a moment, then turned around and strode towards Li Gang who was directing the resistance in the watchtower.

Song Qing's arrangement didn't have the slightest effect on Li Gang. Li Gang admired this young man very much and kept him with him all the time.It is not difficult to see that in time, Yue Fei will be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Seeing Yue Fei approaching, a smile flashed on Li Gang's stern face, "Pengju, the guy surnamed Guo is working hard today! But it's wishful thinking that he wants to break through the old man's defense."

Yue Fei thought about what to say for a long time, but he couldn't say anything in front of Li Gang. He hesitated for a while before saying: "My lord, I want to go out of the city to move troops."

"call in?"

Li Gang was slightly taken aback. Of course he knew that although there were many troops in the city, they were not elite soldiers.So if you want to repel the golden soldiers, you must have strong reinforcements, but if you look at the nearby state capitals, how can there be any decent troops?

Yue Fei finally gritted his teeth and said, "I'm an old acquaintance with Song Qing in Liangshan, and the relationship is not bad, and he still has an official position appointed by the imperial court after all, so I think he will come."

Hearing Song Qing's name, Li Gang's face darkened, and he said after a long time: "Pengju, I believe you will not join those thieves. ? Looking at what this son of Song Qing has done in the past two years, this son is not a good person, Pengju, you have to know yourself!"

"My lord's instruction, Pengju will keep it in mind. Since Pengju wants to find Song Qing to send troops, he can be sure that he will not do such a thing that makes people worse. Pengju is willing to guarantee it with his head."

Yue Fei and Song Qing haven't been together for a long time, although they used to get along very well, but he is not sure if he knows Song Qing well.

But the court has reached the critical point of life and death, he must force himself to believe that Song Qing will not take advantage of the fire, if Song Qing can do it, he will still treat Song Qing as a good friend, otherwise, Song Qing is not only a traitor, but also Yue Fei's life and death enemy .

Li Gang stared at Yue Fei who was calmly facing each other for a long time, then nodded and said: "Go and come back quickly, the hope of the imperial court lies in you people."

Yue Fei solemnly clasped his fists, turned around and strode away.

Li Gang looked at Yue Fei's back and thought to himself: "Song Qing little thief, it would be best if you can come. After the golden soldiers are retired, I will solve you together and remove a serious trouble for the court. Pengju, don't blame the old man. This friend of yours is too ambitious, you must get rid of him.”

As the sun was setting, Guo Yaoshi was finally called back by Wanyan Zongwang after leaving thousands of corpses behind.His dog is still useful, Wanyan Zongwang didn't want him to die like this.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the battlefield, adding to the desolation.

But seeing the city above and below the city, there are stumps and broken arms everywhere, and the blood-soaked land exudes a stench.

Soldiers who retreated often repaired the wounded comrades who survived, ending their suffering once and for all.Then their bodies were left to be thrown out into the open, to be feasted on for the wild beasts, and turned into manure to nourish the earth.

This is war.

Song Qing was sitting in the study in the mansion at this time, meditating.

The news from Zhongjing had just arrived, the Emperor Wu Qimai of the Kingdom of Jin appointed the new Manban Bo Jilie Wanyan Xie as the Marshal of the capital, and divided the attack on the Song Dynasty from the east to the west.

Song Qingzao already knew who the generals of the east and west routes were, but it was the first time that Wanyan Xieye's name appeared in the list of attacking Song.

Since he is the coach, he should be in command of the former army. Why can't we hear any news about him?Is he playing with remote control?

Ancient information cannot be transmitted everywhere. If the commander-in-chief of an army is not in the army, how can he lead the army?

After thinking for a moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Song Qing's mind.

"My father-in-law, it turns out that the hand you left for me is here!"


Chapter 3 is delivered, and I wish all friends who read books a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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