() From the Jin soldiers crossing the Song Dynasty and directly attacking Jinan Prefecture, to this large-scale attack on the Song Dynasty.

Song Qing had a feeling that Jin Bing was always targeting him.Although this is just an intuition, it is getting stronger and stronger in his heart.

This feeling came from Wanyan Zongqian's sudden attack on Jinan Mansion. Compared with the Huahua World in the Central Plains, Song Qing really wanted to find out what attracted the golden soldiers here in Shandong.

In addition, Jin Bing lost 10 horses in Jinan Prefecture, and sent troops to conscript Song Dynasty in a blink of an eye, which was obviously premeditated.

10 horses are not [-] flies, if you say no, they will be gone.How could the Jinren not respond to such a big loss?

Combining all kinds of information, Song Qing had such an idea.I couldn't help thinking in my heart, it seems that it is impossible not to hurt you!

After making up his mind, Song Qing immediately summoned all the generals to discuss sending troops to assist the court.

Everyone inevitably had some doubts about this decision. Jinan Mansion had just experienced a major battle. Although the damage caused was not large, it was not suitable to send troops now.Moreover, the training of recruits is still in progress, if they are pulled out at this time, their combat effectiveness will inevitably be compromised.

Song Qing only expressed his thoughts after listening to everyone's speeches.

"First, the imperial court will ask for help from Liangshan sooner or later. I, Liangshan, have always taken it as my duty to act on behalf of the heavens and fight against foreign aggression. At the same time, I still hold an official position in the imperial court. If I don't send troops, I will definitely be accused of disloyalty and injustice. Therefore Reinforcements must be sent"

"According to all kinds of information, the Jin people are sure that I will send troops to Liangshan. They will definitely take advantage of the situation to attack Jinan Prefecture and cut off my retreat after we leave. I think this is the real purpose of the Jin people. Song Zhiji, wipe us out in one fell swoop"

"Secondly, brothers all know that the best training ground is the battlefield, and once the Jinren fail to make a plan, they will make another plan, so we don't have time to train troops at all. But what I can tell you is that this time the main The battlefield will still be on our doorstep"

Speaking of this, Song Qing showed a smile, and said slowly: "Since the Jin people want to dig a hole for me, we will return the same way to him."

The generals understood, clasped their fists with a bang and said, "Please order from the chief!"

The next day, the sky was cloudless.

Outside the city of Jinan Prefecture, drums of war were thundering, and flags were fluttering.

3 horses were neatly lined up in the open space outside the city, and the grass-green military uniforms of the soldiers stretched to the horizon like a boundless green carpet.

This is King Qin's army consisting of [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, which will be led by Song Qing himself.Today is here to hold the swearing-in meeting before the expedition.

Right in front of the army, there is a temporary high tower, standing on it, you can overlook all the troops.

Song and Qing silver helmets and silver armors, with swords hanging from their waists, strode up to the high platform.First, lead the generals to worship heaven and earth, Chao Gai and Song Jiang.Then he turned to face the soldiers standing quietly in the audience, waiting for the order to go out.

"Brothers, the Jin people are brutal, invaded our Central Plains for no reason, and killed the people of our Han family. We are here to kill them all, and the blood will be tasted."

Song Qing's shouting was transmitted through his special loudspeaker, so the people below could hear his voice.

As soon as Song Qing's words fell, all the soldiers shouted together, "Blood debt, blood taste..." The voices of tens of thousands of people were earth-shattering, and could be heard from miles away.

The birds in the woods were startled, and they flew into the sky one after another, circled for a while, and then flew into the distance.

Song Qing waved his hand and shouted "Let's go"

Following the order, the army moved one after another.Song Qing looked at the sky. In the high sky, a goshawk appeared from nowhere, fluttering its wings and flying high. After gradually turning into a small black spot, it finally disappeared.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Song Qing's mouth.

After Song Qing led the army to leave, a special team came out from the city and began to wipe out any places outside the city where people could hide.It is said that they are special because they did not wear the military uniforms stipulated by Liangshan, but they were uniformed in navy blue.These people are all strong and strong, and the weapons hanging from their waists are not ordinary standard swords, obviously they are not ordinary soldiers.

That night, another group of men in black swarmed out of the city, each of them carrying a package on their backs, and they didn't know what it was for.

Then this group of people took advantage of the moonlight to bury things in a radius of several miles outside the city, and they didn't leave until dawn.Looking at the place where they buried things, the land is still flat and grassy, ​​as if nothing happened.

The original station of the Xinde army in the Song Dynasty has now been occupied by the Jin soldiers, but no flags have been raised. 8 horses are stationed here quietly, and those who don't pay attention don't even know that there is an army here.

In fact, this is the residence of Marshal Wanyan Xie, also known as Wanyan Gao, who was the Marshal of the Great Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

Song Qing's guess was correct, Wu Qimai had no intention of letting him go at all, at the beginning of the war, Wu Qimai and Wan Yangao made a series of plans to encircle the spot to fight for reinforcements, lure the snake out of the hole, cut off the way back, gather and annihilate them.

Just as Song Qing thought, this battle between the Jin army and the Song Dynasty was more like a battle between their sons-in-law.It's just that Wu Qimai could afford to lose, but Song Qing couldn't.

The garrison of the Xinde Army is not far or close to Jinan Prefecture, and it can be reached in two days.

Wan Yangao had two plans for dealing with Song Qing. One was to lure Song Qing out and eliminate him during the campaign.The other is to take advantage of the opportunity of Song Qing's leading troops to go out, take away Song Qing's lair in one fell swoop, make Song Qing homeless, and then destroy him.

Wan Yangao was inclined to the first plan, after all Liangshan troops are not good at field battles.But Wu Qimai hated everything Song Qing had done in Tokyo, and he must let Song Qing feel like his old nest was copied.

At the same time, after entering Jinan Mansion, it is Song Qing's territory, and it is not suitable for ambushes.If Song Qing's scouts find out where the Jinbing is, Song Qing will definitely retreat back to the city, and it will be difficult to take Jinan Fucheng again.

So the two finally decided to start Song Qing's lair first, and then destroy him in one fell swoop when Song Qing returned to aid.

At this time, the news that Song Qing led troops to go out to the expedition has been sent to Wan Yangao, and at this moment they are summoning all the generals to prepare to go to Jinan Mansion.

During this trip, Wan Yangao learned the lesson of Yan Zongqian and spent Jishui elsewhere directly, not giving Liangshan a chance to flood the Seventh Army. Mercedes paved the way.

In addition, Wan Yangao also brought large siege equipment, vowing to break through the city of Jinan in one fell swoop.

After the plan was settled, with Wanyan Yinshu as the pioneer, he led 5000 people to open the way across the mountains and build bridges when they met the water.Wanyan Gao personally led the rest of the troops to end the rear.

The army moved out quickly, rushing towards Jinan Mansion like a torrent.

At this time, Liangshan Daying, which had arrived in Yunzhou, welcomed a guest, Yue Fei, who had rushed from the capital.

Lin Chong received him as a junior, not because of Song Qing's putting on airs, but because of Song Qing's tricks. After shouting on the high platform, a substitute led the team out, and sneaked back into the city by himself.

Yue Fei was really happy when he first heard that this army was going to be king, but when he heard that the army was going back to destroy another golden soldier, Yue Fei's face sank.Bianliang is already in danger, is there anything more important than rescuing Bianliang and Qin Wang escorting him?

"Brother, can you lend me 1 horses so that I can go back and rescue him first?"

Lin Chong really hated this junior brother a little bit, what's so good about Da Song?Is it worth your life for them?

Shaking his head slowly, he said: "Junior brother, it's not that I don't want to send troops, it's just that the golden soldiers don't want to drink too much. I can only send troops to Bianliang under the condition that Jinan Mansion is safe."

Yue Fei stood up with a "huh" and said angrily: "Brother, don't you know the way of loyalty and forgiveness? Your Majesty is in danger now, and it is time for us to be loyal to His Majesty and serve the imperial court. How can you, Senior Brother, set the Majesty of the country for your own selfishness?" Regardless of safety?"

Yue Fei's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his heart to serve the country was clearly evident.It's a pity that he found the wrong partner.

Lin Chong looked at Yue Fei indifferently, and said after he finished speaking: "I have long been a rebel, did you know today? Let me tell you again, we will definitely go to Bianliang, but not now. That's all, if Junior Brother Yue is willing Wait, you and my brother are waiting for this matter, and go to kill the Jinren together, if you can't wait, please do it!"


Yue Fei was so angry that his face turned pale. He really wanted to throw up his sleeves and leave, but he couldn't move back to rescue the soldiers. Why did he come here?How will I face Lord Li when I go back?

At this time, Han Shizhong, who had been standing quietly by the side, took a step forward and said to Yue Fei, "Brother Yue, listen to the deputy commander! Liangshan people always keep what they say, and I firmly believe that the Jin people's trick is to lure us."

During the battle to defend Jinan Mansion, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Yang Yizhong had a close relationship, and they all knew that each other was dedicated to serving the country.So Han Shizhong's words really shocked Yue Fei.

Turning his head to focus on Han Shizhong for a moment, but seeing Han Shizhong looking at him calmly all the time, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart. Is this really a trick of the golden man?

Lin Chong had always admired Song Qing's vision, and at the same time knew that Song Qing valued Yue Fei very much, so he didn't show Yue Fei too much shame, otherwise he would have been kicked out under such circumstances.

Han Shizhong was asked to bring Yue Fei to him, while Lin Chong went to patrol the camp.

As soon as he got out of Lin Chong's handsome tent, Yue Fei couldn't help but said, "Brother Han, are you willing to serve the thief?"

Hearing that Yue Fei's words were too explicit, Han Shizhong quickly made a silent gesture, looked around, saw no one was paying attention, and then dragged Yue Fei to a place where no one was paying attention.

"Say something like this here, do you want to kill yourself?"

Yue Fei snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Han Shizhong didn't care about Yue Fei's emotions, and sighed: "To tell you the truth, I've been getting more and more confused recently. Is the former imperial court really worthy of my allegiance?"

"In Shandong, I couldn't see officials who exploited the people, or people who sold their sons and daughters because they couldn't afford food. But in Jiangnan, where I stayed, there were no people who didn't scold the court. The oppressive and angry rebels, we call our lord to be loyal and serve the court every day, but is a court that doesn't even care about the lives of the people worth our protection?"

After Han Shizhong finished speaking, he left on his own, leaving Yue Fei standing there quietly chewing on Han Shizhong's words.

Thinking about what he heard and what happened around him, Yue Fei's eyes couldn't help becoming confused.

"Am I wrong?"

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