Ming politicians

Chapter 1009

Dengzhou, Governor's Mansion.

Su Tiancheng walked slowly in the wing room. This situation had lasted for several days, and the time for the decisive battle was approaching. Facing such an important moment, even Su Tiancheng, who had always been calm, was a little bit impatient.

The decisive battle with Hou Jin is not so much a decisive battle between the Jiangning Battalion and the Man Banners and Han Eight Banners, but rather a decisive battle between Su Tiancheng and Huang Taiji. There are many brave generals beside Huang Taiji, including Dorgon, Duo Duo, Jierhalang and others, Su Tiancheng is surrounded by Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting and others. These people are all well-known in history. In fact, in real comparison, the generals of the Ming Dynasty are not weaker than the generals of the Later Jin Dynasty. How much, to some extent, even stronger than the generals of Hou Jin, but because of the bravery of the Eight Banners, the generals of the Ming army have no power to recover.

Su Tiancheng is very cautious. This time, no problems can arise in this battle, and the final victory must be achieved. However, in terms of the situation he is facing, Su Tiancheng is at a disadvantage. Houjin has a fine tradition, that is, to face When dealing with major issues, Huang Taiji was able to unite everyone. Everyone thought in one direction and worked in one direction, forming a powerful joint force. This joint force can often be invincible, but it is a pity that Daming cannot do this.

Thinking of this question, Su Tiancheng felt quite sad. After traveling for so many years, he was a civil servant in his previous life, and what he thought about in his mind was to maintain orthodoxy. In the days of time travel, it is impossible to do whatever one wants. It is not easy for him to be able to do what he is doing today. It's a pity that the development of the situation slowly forced him to make a choice. From Dengzhou to Taiwan, he always thought of retreat. This is also because there are many discordant voices in the court.Even if the war is imminent, there are still people in the imperial court who impeach him, the reason is that he did not launch an attack on the Houjin Tazi immediately, and did not follow the imperial edict.

The rise of the major forces in the south is not a simple phenomenon.This is full of deep meaning. Under such an environment, it is quite sad and helpless to start a decisive battle with the Houjin Tartars.

Unfavorable factors exist, but these factors are not enough to have a decisive impact on the battle. What makes Su Tiancheng fully confident is that he is a cabinet minister.With full autonomy, during the conquest of Hou Jin, the imperial court could not interfere in the battle, nor could it make decisions. More than [-] soldiers, all coefficients must obey the orders of the Governor's Office. On this issue, Su Tiancheng will never back down .No matter who it is, even Zhu Youjian personally issued the imperial edict.It didn't work either. The lessons of history, he knew very well that the Battle of Songshan in the past was because Chen Xinjia urged Hong Chengchou, which led to the disastrous defeat of the Ming army.As a result, the foundation of Da Ming was completely destroyed, and Da Ming was driven to perish faster.

Therefore, all of Su Tiancheng's energy was devoted to thinking about Hou Jin's deployment.

Huang Taiji will never sit idly by and will definitely make corresponding arrangements.In such a large-scale decisive battle, unless it is facing a fatuous emperor, it is a pity that Huang Taiji is a very good Mingjun. Qu Qingze has done his best in Liaodong, using information to confuse the Houjin Tartars and make Huang Taiji of the Houjin He made a wrong judgment, but whether Huang Taiji will be fooled, whether he will strengthen the defense in the direction of Liaodong, and ignore the deployment in the direction of Haizhou, this is something no one knows.

After several days of analysis, Su Tiancheng had new thoughts. He felt that it was necessary to discuss with Hong Chengchou, so he invited Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting to the Governor's Mansion. In fact, Hong Chengchou was very busy, and Hong Chengchou was responsible for all the tasks mobilized by Jiangning Camp Specifically responsible for the transfer of the navy, Sun Chuanting was specifically responsible for it, and Su Tiancheng didn't care about specific matters.

Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting came to the wing of the governor's mansion and saw Su Tiancheng's expression was very serious.

The two of them didn't speak. Seeing Su Tiancheng's expression, they knew that there must be some serious matter. Before the battle, the more comprehensive and careful consideration, the more beneficial it would be for the subsequent battle.

"You are here, I thought of something, I will discuss it with you and see what you think."

Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting nodded but did not speak.

Su Tiancheng pointed to the map and spoke.

"Our main attack direction is the direction of Haizhou. The purpose is to occupy Gaizhou, Yaozhou and Haizhou, and directly threaten Liaoyang. Next, we will capture Guangning and Xipingbao in the direction of Liaodong. After this step, we can say that our The battle has achieved an important victory, and the army will attack Shenyang next. Master Lu Xiangsheng has made this intention clear. After the battle of Liaodong, the most important task is to defend and ensure that there is no deviation in Liaodong. I believe that in the future The Golden Tatars may launch a large-scale attack on Liaodong."

Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting nodded frequently.

But at this time, Su Tiancheng's words changed.

"But I thought of another possibility, which may cause trouble for our early deployment."

When Su Tiancheng said this, both Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting became a little nervous. If there was a problem with the deployment, that would be the biggest problem. But it is impossible and impossible to change the deployment now.

"I think from the perspective of Huang Taiji. Since our offensive direction is focused on Liaodong, I will arrange for it. I will arrange heavy troops to guard Guangning and Xiping Fort, and even abandon Xiping Fort when it is necessary. The focus is to stick to Guangning. Dorgon has a very good fighting power, and Daishan is not weak. Since it is sticking to it, then follow the normal procedure and don't need to worry about other things. Just keep the city, even if you can't hold it, It will last for a long time, at least half a year, but when we attack Liaodong with heavy troops, is the army in the direction of Haizhou going to sleep? This is obviously unlikely, and Huang Taiji will not do it .”

"Then there are three arrangements for the direction of Haizhou. The first arrangement is the steadfast defense I just mentioned, because Jiangning camp is stationed in Fuzhou. Duduo and Jierhalang in Haizhou are not absolutely sure. , will not attack easily. The second arrangement is to reinforce Guangning and Xiping Fort. The biggest problem with this arrangement is that the defense in the direction of Haizhou has weakened. If it is attacked, it will be difficult to defend, unless it is Huang Taiji If there is something wrong with my brain, I will give up Haizhou. In this way, Haizhou and Guangning may not be able to defend, so that our army can achieve a comprehensive breakthrough. The third arrangement is to take the initiative to attack. This is what I thought about for several days. .”

"Since we take Liaodong as the focus of our attack and the main direction of attack, our army must be concentrated in Liaodong. Relatively speaking, the number of troops stationed in Fuzhou will definitely decrease. After Huang Taiji has clear information , It is entirely possible to launch a counterattack from the direction of Fuzhou, concentrate our forces, take Fuzhou, and wipe out our army's vital forces. If Huang Taiji wins and the army turns back to help Liaodong, the situation will be completely different."

After finishing his own analysis, Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting.

Hong Chengchou thought for a while, then spoke quickly.

"My lord, I think this is a good thing. The main purpose of our army's attack on Haizhou is to wipe out the viable forces of the Hou Jin Tartars. Occupying the city is second. Having won the victory, if Huang Taiji had such an arrangement, it would be my wish."

After Hong Chengchou finished speaking, Sun Chuanting also spoke.

"My lord, I think what Master Hong said is very reasonable. If the Houjin Tartars attack from the direction of Haizhou, it is just right. The soldiers will fight face to face with the Houjin Tartars. As long as Lord Lu of Liaodong defends, The post-gold tartars in Guangning and Xipingbao did not dare to come for reinforcements, and the post-gold tartars stationed in Liaoyang and Shenyang did not dare to go one step further. Compared with Shenyang, the meaning of Shenyang is different from ordinary ones. "

Su Tiancheng shook his head slightly.

"You underestimate Huang Taiji. If the army is really in danger, Huang Taiji will definitely think that the army is more important than the territory. As long as the army is still there, the territory can be taken back, but without the army, the territory cannot be defended. Yes, once the army starts to fight in the direction of Haizhou, Huang Taiji will definitely change his strategy, don't forget, the Houjin Tatars have a certain advantage in terms of military strength."

Su Tiancheng paused and spoke again.

"If such a situation really occurs, Huang Taiji will definitely mobilize the armies of Shenyang and Liaoyang. The troops will be divided into two groups, one to aid Haizhou and the other to assist Liaodong. There will be a large-scale attack in the direction of Liaodong. You will resist desperately, and at this time, it will be the real decisive battle between us and the Houjin Tartars."

The expressions of Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting changed again. Such a situation must be the most unfavorable for the army, not to mention whether there will be heavy casualties, at least in terms of deployment, there may be loopholes.

Su Tiancheng walked a few steps slowly, with a determined look on his face.

"The deployment of battles is one aspect, and may play a decisive role, but the most important thing is the morale of the army, or whether the soldiers can fight the enemy bravely. If our Jiangning battalion cannot cope with such changes, there is no way Completely wipe out the post-gold tartars, I raise this question to ask you to be prepared, don't think that we have the upper hand and take the initiative if we confuse the post-gold tartars, if we have such thoughts, we may underestimate the enemy, may You will suffer losses, and you may even encounter disastrous defeats. Therefore, you must warn the officers at all levels of the Jiangning Battalion that no matter how harsh the environment they encounter, they must not shrink back. There must be no hesitation or hesitation.”

"I am more worried about the situation in Liaodong. Once Huang Taiji is about to launch a large-scale attack in Liaodong, the Datong frontier army must rush to help. The soldiers of the Xibe and Daur tribes must take on heavy responsibilities to resist the attack of the Mongolian Eight Banners." , when the critical moment comes, Huang Taiji will definitely do his best." (To be continued...)

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