Ming politicians

Chapter 1010 The relationship between octopus and bear's paw

In the hot summer season, the common people choose to escape the heat at home. The temperature this year is particularly high, and the autumn harvest is completely over. The common people in Dengzhou, Liaodong and Datong, because the purchase price of grain this year is generally high, and most of the grain harvest is good, so the income is still very good. Yes, especially the people in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou are used to merchants coming to buy, and some quick-witted people have also taken the initiative to join the ranks of merchants. It is said that the status of merchants, farmers, businessmen and commerce is the lowest, but Dengzhou The scene in other places has undergone fundamental changes long ago. The supervisor pays special attention to agriculture and merchants. The status of the two is equal, and those big merchants often have the opportunity to see the supervisor. From the eyes of ordinary people, merchants are not inferior industries.

The biggest change is still in the military. The common people are widely rumored that good men do not serve in the army. This is also because the life of military households is too difficult. For many years, military households have been synonymous with poverty. As for the military salary, many times, it is impossible to get it at all. Even if you get that poor military salary, you can’t support your family. But after the Jiangning battalion came to Dengzhou, this situation changed completely. The military household is gone, and the supervisor has abolished such a system long ago. The family members of the Jiangning battalion soldiers are called military dependents, and the military salary of the Jiangning battalion sergeants is very generous, so it is no problem to support the family.

The families of the sergeants of the Jiangning camp who moved from Henan, Shaanxi and other places are all wealthy and wealthy families in Dengzhou and other places. Yes, it is impossible to be successful in studying. My first thought was to enter the Jiangning camp to serve as a soldier.It's a pity that Jiangning Battalion has very strict requirements for recruiting sergeants. Even if you want to enter Jiangning Battalion, it is not so easy. Therefore, you can enter Jiangning Battalion and become a Jiangning Battalion Sergeant.In Dengzhou and other places, it is an expression of glory.

These changes in Dengzhou and other places gradually affected the whole of Shandong, especially after Zhang Pu became the governor of Shandong, he vigorously promoted the advantages of the Jiangning camp and revoked the guards in other places in Shandong. It is the policy that Su Tiancheng implemented in various places before, and the agricultural production in various places in Shandong.It is very tight and must not be delayed. Although the situation of land annexation exists, compared with other places, it is much more relaxed.

No one has analyzed such a change. Many people take it for granted, as long as they can have a full stomach.Being able to live and do the rest.They didn't think so much. As for the officials from all parts of Shandong, none of them had the courage to raise any objections. After all, Zhang Pu followed Su Tiancheng's practice, and Su Tiancheng was a cabinet minister.Zhu Shenxuan is the second assistant of the cabinet, so powerful, who can offend him.

It is precisely this kind of change that made Jiangning Camp begin to grow in Dengzhou, and the environment for development has never been better.The formation of all these environments is the result of Su Tiancheng's painstaking management.

With such an environment, Su Tiancheng has a good confidence. Dengzhou and Taiwan are his bases. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion are fighting in the front, and the logistics support in the rear is sufficient, so there is no need to worry too much. The foundation is very important to Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Camp. After all, the imperial court is getting more and more defensive against the Jiangning Camp. If you can't guarantee yourself, once you encounter logistics supply problems, you may attract a large army. the rout.

The fifth day of August in the 15th year of Chongzhen.

The weather is still hot, and the atmosphere in the Governor's Mansion is even more enthusiastic. The officers above the commander of the Jiangning battalion and guards are all concentrated here, waiting for Su Tiancheng to issue an order. Even if the son's attack has officially started, many officers are looking forward to such an exciting moment.

Many years have passed, and the Jiangning Battalion has gradually become stronger, but counting fingers, it has been a while since they have encountered a fierce battle. The attack on Taiwan and the Mongolian tribes did not really show the sturdyness of the Jiangning Battalion, and such battles made Many soldiers didn't think it meant much. Some soldiers even thought that the most important task of the Jiangning Battalion was to wipe out the Hou Jin Tartars, and only the Hou Jin Tartars were qualified to confront the Jiangning Battalion. There were many such understandings. The hearts of soldiers.

The soldiers have a very objective understanding, that is, the Houjin Tartars are indeed powerful, not much worse than the Jiangning Battalion. This kind of understanding has also been repeatedly emphasized by military officers at all levels. The experience of each confrontation is different, especially when Xuanzhou wiped out the Houjin Tartars of Zhenghongqi, almost none of the Houjin Tartars surrendered, and all of them fought to the end. Such a tough style made Jiangning battalion soldiers Admiration, the so-called sympathy, even though the two sides are sworn enemies, the hero is still a hero.

Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, Li Dingguo and many other local officials also gathered in the Governor's Mansion.

When Su Tiancheng came out from the back hall, his face was very serious. Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze accompanied him to the lobby. Looking at the many officers and officials in the lobby, Su Tiancheng nodded slightly.

Before Su Tiancheng spoke first, he looked at Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou cleared his throat and began to make overall arrangements.

An hour later, after Hong Chengchou finished making arrangements, Su Tiancheng spoke.

"I invite you to come to the Governor's Mansion today. You all know what the reason is. It is a very simple matter. One sentence can solve the problem. The Jiangning Battalion has always valued actual combat capabilities and achievements, and does not welcome verbal complaints. Big talk, Master Hong also made specific arrangements just now, but I have thought about it a lot, and there are some things that still need to be emphasized."

"As for the deployment of the army, I would like to emphasize again that out of the 11 Jiangning battalion soldiers, 3 will be stationed in Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Fuzhou. In two parts, 4 naval officers and soldiers, under the direct command of Sun Chuanting, captured and occupied Lianyun Island in warships, and launched an attack on Gaizhou after the arrival of the army. Use warship formations to transport all the soldiers to Shuangdao, and the remaining [-] soldiers are divided into the front army and the middle army, the front army is [-], under the command of Hong Chengchou, and the middle army is [-], and I personally command it.”

"The time requirement is very clear and the most important. The attack on Gaizhou must be launched on August 25th, and it takes about ten days to take down Gaizhou. The specific battle deployment is not emphasized here."

"I have emphasized the importance of this battle many times, and you all know it well, but here, I need to emphasize one thing in particular. Remember, you can't have both."

"In the past two days, I heard some discussions. Among you, some people think that the purpose of attacking the Golden Tatars is to go all out. After taking Gaizhou, Yaozhou, and Haizhou, they will attack Liaoyang and Shenyang, and finally go all out. Huanglong, this kind of thinking is very good, it is of great help to boost the morale of the soldiers, but this kind of thinking is also very harmful, and it despises our opponents. You should know that the number of Jin Tartars exceeds us by a lot , Their combat power is not weak, two fists are no match for four hands, and the possibility of achieving a quick victory is very small."

"For this battle, we must be fully mentally prepared. Maybe we will pay a lot of sacrifices, or even painful casualties. We cannot guarantee the victory of every battle, but we must guarantee the final victory of the battle. It’s a good idea to fight quickly and go straight to Huanglong, and I also want to achieve this goal, but the reality tells us that this kind of idea is not practical.”

"The Houjin Tartars have already made all the preparations. The Manchu Eight Banners and the Han Eight Banners, including the Han army, have a total strength of more than 30. Facing such a huge army, we cannot have the slightest chance."

"Today, I just want to remind you that in the process of the upcoming conquest, don't be impatient, don't rush forward, let alone get hotheaded, step by step, and gradually wipe out the living forces of the Golden Tatars. We are fully prepared and on the verge of attacking In terms of position, the ones who are really anxious are the Houjin Tartars, because the purpose of our attack is to completely wipe them out, so during the course of the battle, we always have the upper hand psychologically."

"Jiangning Battalion has very fine traditions. We must uphold these traditions. This plays a decisive role in our conquest. One general is incompetent and exhausts the entire army. Whether this battle can win the final victory depends on In your actions, it depends on whether you can lead the soldiers under your command to kill the enemy bravely."

"I don't want to talk too much. Master Hong made the specific deployment very clear, and you are also clear about the specific responsibilities. Although we are divided into the Navy, the Front Army and the Central Army, we are all one. In terms of combat deployment, they are highly consistent, and in each battle, the commander must exert his subjective initiative and be able to make accurate decisions and judgments based on the specific situation."

"The last thing I want to emphasize is the issue of military discipline. The Houjin Tartars have entered and plundered the customs many times, and the crimes they committed are too numerous to record. You all know it well. This time, we are going to attack the Houjin Tartars. Perhaps Some people think that it doesn’t matter if we treat the Manchus by massacre, and it’s just to avenge the common people, but I want to tell you, if you think that way, it’s completely wrong, no matter what time, we can’t kill innocent people indiscriminately, that’s The performance of cowardice is the performance of incompetence, we are the Jiangning battalion, we have strict military discipline, we are not bandits and hooligans, if there is a problem with our military discipline, we will lose our combat effectiveness and become an army that everyone despises." (To be continued. .)

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