Ming politicians

Chapter 1045

After receiving Zhu Shenxuan's letter, Su Tiancheng's face turned blue with anger, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Su Tiancheng was even more disappointed with Zhu Youjian. At what time is it now, as long as you are not an idiot, you will understand what is the most important thing. People say that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, and most people understand what to do at critical moments In other words, Su Tiancheng was fighting the Houjin Tartars in the direction of Haizhou, and he also focused on the overall situation. He absolutely did not expect to support his own self-respect. Bite the bullet and go up, unexpectedly, the Jiangning camp has worked hard in the front, and there will be problems later.

Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou were built by Su Tiancheng with a lot of experience. The ship captain, arsenal, and docks are all extremely critical. They are also the main source of military pay and firearms for the Jiangning Camp, especially after defeating the Dutch colonists. After that, they completely controlled the shipping routes of the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and the business of the terminal was booming day by day. Wan Dajun, stationed in Dengzhou, the meaning contained in this is clear to everyone.

Su Tiancheng once invigorated the Shibo Department in Jiangning County, but was later taken over by the imperial court. Afterwards, the imperial court also intervened in the mutual markets in Anning Fort and Jingbian. Now, it has also taken over completely, and now it has extended its hand to Dengzhou. If he continues to give in, maybe the next step will be extended to Quanzhou, Fujian and Taiwan. At this time, Su Tiancheng will not continue to give in. It should be something that needs to be protected, and it must be resolutely protected.

Sun Yuankun was left behind in Dengzhou, leading [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers to guard the base camp, and he was in Dengzhou, Laizhou, Qingzhou and other places.Recruiting sergeants, in terms of management model, Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou are completely different from the models in other places in Ming Dynasty. This is another management model promoted by Su Tiancheng, which is a model for rapid economic development.This is somewhat similar to the capitalist development model. In Dengzhou and other places, merchants are respected, and various large-scale workshops abound. The transactions at the wharf have made the business of these workshops more prosperous, and many ordinary people have entered the workshops. There are not many people left to work on the land, to put it bluntly.Land is no longer the most important means of earning money, and the governments at all levels in Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou have very strict management of land transactions, and no one is allowed to merge land on a large scale, otherwise the government will intervene and take back the land directly , this policy.As a high-voltage line, no one is allowed to touch it.

this type of management.Su Tiancheng also used Taiwan to strictly control land mergers and encourage farmers to cultivate land.Taiwan's large-scale port is hard to build.Su Tiancheng's idea is to implement a new type of state operation and management model in places such as Dengzhou and Taiwan, if it is not restricted by conquest.By this time, Su Tiancheng was ready to open a school to impart all kinds of knowledge. In Dengzhou and other places, there were a large number of Dutch, Spaniards, and Portuguese.These foreigners have a certain scientific knowledge and can become qualified teachers.

At such a critical moment, Zhu Youjian began to reach out to Dengzhou and other places. This was a big problem facing Su Tiancheng.

At this moment, it is definitely inappropriate not to obey the order of the imperial court, but to do something else with great fanfare. This is not in line with the current overall situation. The Tartars are the most important task, and the next step is to clean up the Japanese and Koreans and create a perfect external environment. Only in this way can the Ming Dynasty develop better and become stronger.At this time, working against the imperial court will directly benefit the Houjin Tartars, while harming the interests of the Ming Dynasty.

But Su Tiancheng absolutely cannot allow this situation to continue. The [-] army led by Zhang Fengyi cannot play a big role in Dengzhou. It is almost impossible to control Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou, but once he tolerates this Zhu Youjian will think of more ways to intervene in Dengzhou's affairs continuously.

Su Tiancheng walked back and forth a few steps, and spoke to Qu Qingze.

"Old Qu, what do you think should be done about this matter, just express your opinion directly."

Qu Qingze's emotions were even more intense than Su Tiancheng's reaction. After reading the letter, he even started to curse. Now that Su Tiancheng asked, Qu Qingze would definitely not be polite.

"My lord, I feel that you should not be polite this time. Since you followed your lord, you have seen too many such things. When your lord was in Jiangning County, the city ship department was directly taken away by the imperial court, and the construction of the Henan government was completed. , the imperial court also took over, and there is also Shaanxi Province, such a poor place, the adults have worked hard to build it, and the imperial court also took it, Anning Fort and Jingbian, the imperial court got too much money from the mutual market, the lower officials know, The adults are all for the overall situation, but if this continues, Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou will also be completely controlled by the imperial court."

"Oh, so how do you think I should handle this?"

Qu Qingze thought for a while, then continued to speak.

"The lower official suggested that this time the imperial court should not allow such arrangements. Since Zhang Fengyi led the army to station in Dengzhou, it can be directly controlled by the lord. Now the army is confronting the Houjin Tartars. In terms of strength, the later The Golden Tatars have the upper hand for the time being. Under such circumstances, your lord can report to the court and implore the court to send more troops. In this case, the court has no reason to refuse. If no army is sent, [-] troops can be stationed in Dengzhou. With the ready-made army, the subordinate officials believe that the army led by Zhang Fengyi can be stationed in Gaizhou and defend the city of Gaizhou. Our Jiangning battalion army can start conquests. This way we can concentrate our forces and once again form a major blow to the Hou Jin Tartars. hit."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly. He also thought the same way. Since Zhu Youjian asked Zhang Fengyi to lead a large army to station in Dengzhou, this army can be called by itself, and the general will not accept the orders of the foreign emperor. The reason is too easy to find. The situation in Haizhou Nervousness, the increased military strength and strengthened control of the Hou Jin Tartars, etc., can all be used as grandiose reasons. Of course, there are certain problems in this, that is, Zhu Youjian definitely does not have such ideas. Let [-] The army is stationed in Dengzhou, in fact, it wants to control Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou, and then control the entire Shandong.

"Old Qu, you are right, this is the best way, but if the court does not have such intentions, what should we do?"

Of course Qu Qingze understood that the imperial court definitely didn't have this intention, but there were too many ways.

"My lord, I think that after Master Zhang Fengyi led the army to enter Dengzhou, all the expenditure of money and food must be controlled. By controlling the expenditure of money and food, first control the army, and then carry out small-scale transfers, such as a transfer. Thousands of people, delimiting areas at the same time, restricting the movement of the army, doing things like this, can take your time."

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face.

He needs to take care of both aspects. On the one hand, he must continue the campaign against the Golden Tatars, and on the other hand, he must protect Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou.

"Old Qu, I'm considering letting you go back to Dengzhou to be fully responsible for the affairs of the Governor's Mansion. How to deal with Zhang Fengyi, I'm afraid Sun Yuankun can't do a good job in this regard. You know everything, just follow what you said Thinking, slowly disintegrate this army. I have said long ago that the next conquest will be even more cruel, and the casualties will be very large. Relying on recruiting soldiers from Dengzhou and other places, there is not enough time. If the 3 people cannot be used properly, then there is a problem."

"In addition, you have to pay attention, Zhang Fengyi has good qualifications and is completely loyal to the emperor. After you return to Dengzhou, try to live in peace with him. If Zhang Fengyi relies on the support of the court and blindly messes around, you will find a way to squeeze him away. .”

"When Zhang Fengyi led the army to station in Pyongyang, his reputation was not very good. The hands and feet of the soldiers below were not very clean. After all, North Korea is a vassal state of my Ming Dynasty. These soldiers' hands and feet in Pyongyang were not clean. The North Korean royal family must not dare to say anything. , but in Dengzhou, these actions must never be done, if someone stretches out his hand, the military law must be enforced, and there must be no mercy."

"In short, when dealing with the army led by Zhang Fengyi, we should be polite and courteous at first, and they are not allowed to interfere with any matters in Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou. It's complete assimilation."

"You and I understand the meaning of the imperial court. After you return to Dengzhou, start to arrange it immediately. Don't wait for the imperial court's will. I don't think the imperial court will have any will. The way is to rely on ourselves to think about it. If you go back to Dengzhou to handle this matter, it is entirely on my behalf, you have to be confident, no matter what happens, I will take all the responsibilities."

When Su Tiancheng said such words, he had great trust. Qu Qingze stood up, walked up to Su Tiancheng and knelt down.

"My lord, I will resolutely complete the task and live up to my lord's trust. I know the current situation. If there is any problem, I will take responsibility with all my strength and will never implicate my lord."

Su Tiancheng helped Qu Qingze up.

"Old Qu, don't say that, use an indecent word to describe it, we are two grasshoppers on the same rope, you represent me in Dengzhou, no matter what happens, the responsibility is on my head First, you have to keep in mind that what happened this time is no small matter, and it represents our attitude. After this incident, the imperial court probably understands the meaning of it. Our road will not be smooth in the future. Now that we have done it, let's do it clean and thorough, and work in the direction that is most beneficial to us.” (To be continued..)

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