Ming politicians

Chapter 1046 Yang Conspiracy and Conspiracy

Obviously, it is definitely unrealistic to completely rely on Qu Qingze to handle the affairs of the [-] troops. Since Zhu Youjian decided to let Zhang Fengyi be stationed in Dengzhou, there must be a secret decree. At least from the beginning stage, Zhang Fengyi is He will never obey Su Tiancheng's orders, and will be eager to expand his power in Dengzhou, loyal to the emperor's power.

Su Tiancheng knew very well that it would not be very difficult for Zhang Fengyi to do this. Maybe some officials and merchants in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou would be the first to be recruited. Anyway, Dengzhou and other places are still the domain of Daming. The common people agree with the imperial court in their bones, and this is something that Su Tiancheng cannot change for the time being, especially the officials in Dengzhou and other places, want to be promoted, want to be able to enter the capital, want to grasp more power, the imperial court is an orthodox Yes, the fact is the same, to gain the trust of the emperor, and to be able to rise to the top, ordinary people cannot resist such a temptation.

Su Tiancheng didn't want to test the officials in Dengzhou and other places. That would be courting death, which would destroy his own strength. You can't ask every official to be so noble and loyal. He must be loyal, that is The most trusted officials around.

Therefore, Qu Qingze returned to Dengzhou and used methods secretly. This is a conspiracy. Su Tiancheng used some methods in Gaizhou to make a request to the court openly. Can really win this confrontation and solve this big problem peacefully on the surface.

Zhu Youjian's action this time made Su Tiancheng vigilant again. He needed to seriously think about it. When the day came, how many people would follow him? The strength is also insufficient, and only the most capable people can be united.Only then can he truly control the world. Of course, Su Tiancheng's thinking is different. He will not deliberately unite those so-called scholar-bureaucrats. His main attention is still on merchants.With the development of the times, the ones who can finally control the situation are the big merchants who will be born in the near future.

As for merchants, Su Tiancheng is the most reassuring. This is also Zhu Youjian's weakness, the weakness of scholar-bureaucrats, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants have the lowest social status, and Zhu Youjian will not change this understanding.Scholars and bureaucrats will not change this understanding, which excludes merchants from the circle that can be won over, which is precisely Su Tiancheng's advantage.

The second is farmers. Anyway, the Ming Dynasty was still an agricultural society for many years, and commerce and trade could only flourish in some fast-growing places. It was farmers who supported the Ming Dynasty. The law of thousands of years of historical development.Let Su Tiancheng clearly realize that the peasants are stable.The country will be stable. If the peasants rebel, there will be a big problem. This dynasty will probably be destroyed. Therefore, Su Tiancheng will pay attention to the interests of the peasants.Treat it as the biggest government affairs, at least let the peasants have food and clothing, so that they will not be poor.

The last is the issue of officials, which is also the most important part.The government must rely on officials. Officials must be more capable than ordinary people, and they must be able to handle government affairs well. However, there are some things that are easy to get for officials, that is, officials will not be too concerned about the issue of dynasty change. Caring, that is to say, if there is room for them to display their interests and their own interests can be guaranteed, the officials will not make a fuss. On the contrary, they will change their previous views in a short period of time and serve the new dynasty. The law has proved this point many times.

Su Tiancheng started to act, under the condition of ensuring the overall situation, he started to act.

The Jiangning battalion stationed in Gaizhou has all stopped its operations, and Liaodong is also in a confrontation. The only one on alert is the Datong frontier army. Su Tiancheng wrote to Qin Liangyu, and also told Zu Dashou and Liu Ji in Datong to Closely monitor the situation of the grassland and do all the defenses. It doesn't matter if the grassland fluctuates, but it must not threaten the border of Ming Dynasty, nor can it affect the overall situation of the Golden Tartars after the conquest.

The offensive in the direction of Haizhou and Liaodong stopped, and the army was on the defensive. As for when the offensive will start, no one knows. Su Tiancheng began to pay attention to the recruitment of sergeants in person, and began to work with Hong Chengchou to select the surrendered Han army. Strictly train these Han troops, and at the same time pay attention to all matters in Dengzhou and other places.

Su Tiancheng wrote a memorial to the imperial court, to the effect that he implored the imperial court to increase its troops. The Jiangning battalion suffered a lot of losses in the battle to wipe out the Hou Jin Tartars, and urgently needed to replenish its troops. Now the Hou Jin Tartars have stepped up their attack on Haizhou Of course, in the memorial, the difficulties of the court were also taken into consideration, and they did not ask the court to send more troops, but only pointed out that the army led by Zhang Fengyi was about to withdraw from Pyongyang, North Korea. Whether a part of the army can be sent to support the Jiangning battalion, and whether it can obey the unified dispatch.

This memorial sounds a bit threatening. Both the court and the emperor know that in the current Ming Dynasty, apart from Su Tiancheng, no one can command such a large-scale battle. Haizhou and Liaodong, including the grasslands, cannot have problems. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be in vain.

Such a memorial is also the beginning of Su Tiancheng's counterattack, which shows that the conflict between Su Tiancheng and the court has begun to become public, and Su Tiancheng will not continue to retreat.

Su Tiancheng's memorial was sent to the imperial court, and he did not directly report it to the emperor, which also made the matter public.

Yang Sichang frowned, and after reading the memorial, his heart was fluctuating. He knew that the problem had begun to be exposed. All matters discussed by the cabinet were sent to Su Tiancheng. The emperor decided that the [-] troops led by Zhang Fengyi should be stationed in Dengzhou. , Su Tiancheng is clear that in the past Su Tiancheng always cared about the overall situation and never had any disputes with the court, but this time, things went too far, and Su Tiancheng began to resist.

Yang Sichang seemed to feel that Su Tiancheng might have already had the intention of rebelling. The emperor ordered Su Tiancheng to start the conquest of the Houjin Tartars in May, but Su Tiancheng postponed it until August. Report to the imperial court in a timely manner, and also require that during the campaign of the Golden Tatars after the conquest, all officials transferred from Dengzhou, Liaodong, and Datong must pass through the governor's office, otherwise they will not be able to move people. This is actually very good. Obvious.

Once Su Tiancheng started to rebel against the imperial court, the waves would be huge. Yang Sichang knew too well that Su Tiancheng had extraordinary abilities and was more dangerous than Hou Jin's Huang Taiji.

Why did Su Tiancheng have such a change, and his actions were so swift, without giving the court a chance to breathe.

Yang Sichang could only sigh, yes, the reward Su Tiancheng received was exceptionally rich, he was a cabinet minister at a young age, this did not exist in the history of Ming Dynasty, and he was quite trusted by the emperor, if we say that he did well a few years ago Very good, the relationship between the monarch and his ministers is harmonious, but you can think carefully about the mystery inside. As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Yang Sichang, of course, knows the problem. This is because the emperor is too suspicious, and he has long been suspicious and guarded against Su Tiancheng. .

For so many years, there has always been such a force in the imperial court who openly opposed Su Tiancheng, countless impeachment memorials, and even said that Su Tiancheng wanted to rebel. If the emperor's attitude is firm, how could such memorials exist? Ah, this just shows that the emperor is worried and doesn't trust Su Tiancheng.

If it weren't for Su Tiancheng, the Ming Dynasty might be on the verge of collapse, unable to wipe out the bandits, and with the invasion of the Houjin Tartars, how would the court deal with it? Think about the early years of Chongzhen, when the court was so poor that it wanted to sell the ginseng in the treasury. Unable to feed the army, the guards in various places mutinied and joined the ranks of the rogues. If you are in a land of no one, no army dares to fight against the Hou Jin Tartars. If it weren't for the support of the Ningjin defense line, the Hou Jin Tartars would have captured the capital long ago.

All the changes are due to Su Tiancheng's contribution, and others have to think about it. Even a clay bodhisattva will be angry if he is struggling in front of him but encounters people's schemes.

Although Yang Sichang understood Su Tiancheng, he was the chief assistant of the cabinet, so he still had to support the emperor and safeguard the interests of the Ming Dynasty. No matter what, Yang Sichang was on the side of the emperor.

Zhu Shenxuan felt happy that Su Tiancheng finally took action and began to fight for interests openly, which showed that Su Tiancheng had made all the preparations, and I am afraid that he would take real action after the Golden Tartars were wiped out.

Zhu Shenxuan received the secret letter. Before the memorial arrived, he was already making all the preparations. Although it was said that Jin Yiwei and Dongchang's fans were closely monitoring, Su Tiancheng had already set up dark forces in the capital. With these forces and the efforts of many guards, Su Tiancheng's family and Zhu Shenxuan's family slowly began to evacuate the capital and rush to Dengzhou. This is the most critical step. Up to now, this step has almost been completed.

Su Tiancheng's family members, Chen Yuanyuan has already evacuated, and rushed to the Tanzhe Temple outside the capital to wait. Inside the huge mansion, Zhu Shenxin brought a small number of servants, ready to leave at any time. As for Zhu Shenxuan's family members, go Some family members are still in Taiyuan, and they left Taiyuan one after another during this period and rushed to Dengzhou.

After receiving Su Tiancheng's secret letter, Zhu Shenxuan made a decisive decision. According to Su Tiancheng's arrangement, let Zhu Shenxin evacuate the capital and rush to Dengzhou. As long as Zhu Shenxin leaves the capital, Su Tiancheng has no worries. , As for myself, staying in the capital for the time being, the emperor probably won't do anything at this time.

Su Tiancheng showed a strong side, which may make the emperor anxious, but the emperor does not dare to take large-scale actions at the moment, on the contrary, he may want to comfort Su Tiancheng and temporarily stabilize the situation. (To be continued..)

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