Ming politicians

Chapter 1053 Zhang Fengyi's Choice

Ever since he came to Dengzhou, Wu Sangui was almost forgotten, but he couldn't do anything about it. Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou were Su Tiancheng's world, and there was no hope for a long time. Of course Wu Sangui was dissatisfied, but His performance was indeed unsatisfactory, and he also went out with the army for several expeditions, but the idea of ​​privilege formed in Liaodong made him feel uncomfortable for a while, and the military regulations of the Jiangning Camp were too strict, Wu Sangui was a little overwhelmed .

In the final analysis, Wu Sangui still cannot forget what happened in Liaodong. He who once held military power lost his army overnight, and during that time in Liaodong, he encountered many things. These made Wu Sangui feel a lot in his heart There is no place to vent these grievances, and after a long time, they will naturally ferment, forming dissatisfaction with Su Tiancheng.

So in every conquest, Wu Sangui was always emotional.

Wu Sangui, who is good at observing words and expressions, has long noticed that the attitude of the emperor and the court towards Su Tiancheng is slowly changing. He thinks this may be his opportunity. As long as he can attract the court's attention again and show his loyalty, he will surely Those who can be reused by the emperor, if the opportunity is good, might be able to replace Su Tiancheng.

The laws of history are against the law. Wu Sangui had a chance in the first place, and he can be regarded as a mighty general of the Ming Dynasty. If he could adjust his mentality in time and be loyal to Su Tiancheng, it would not be the current situation.

Zhang Fengyi led an army of [-] troops and stationed in Dengzhou. Wu Sangui felt that his chance had come. This might be because the emperor and the court were trying to deal with Su Tiancheng.I helped myself and made a contribution.The current situation can be completely changed.

After Zhang Fengyi came to Dengzhou, Wu Sangui was thinking of a way. He had to meet Zhang Fengyi, to show his loyalty, and at the same time to make suggestions and attract Zhang Fengyi's attention.

It's a pity that Wu Sangui didn't expect that after Zhang Fengyi led the army to Dengzhou, he could only stay in the barracks.They were not allowed to leave the barracks, but fortunately, Qu Qingze did not stop anyone who wanted to visit Zhang Fengyi.

After careful preparation, Wu Sangui was ready to meet Zhang Fengyi. [

Wu Sangui's visit made Zhang Fengyi very happy. After the past three days, Zhang Fengyi was a little desperate.It is obviously unrealistic to go to Gaizhou to meet Su Tiancheng. During the war, it is uncertain whether they can meet Su Tiancheng smoothly, and even if they go to Gaizhou.If Su Tiancheng could find any reason, he might have to wait for a few months. I am afraid that after finding Su Tiancheng, there would be no results and he would return to Dengzhou again.Many of the [-] soldiers followed Qu Qingze away.

Since Su Tiancheng had conflicts with the imperial court.To a certain extent, it has already been exposed, how could Su Tiancheng sit still and wait for death.

So, Zhang Fengyi couldn't think of any good solution.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, Qu Qingze spent a whole day with Zhang Fengyi, went to Dengzhou Fucheng, Penglai City, and Jiangningying Military Camp to have a look, what he saw made Zhang Fengyi even more frightened, Needless to say, the prosperity of Dengzhou prefecture city, Penglai city and the military camp, the soldiers of Jiangning battalion stationed, showed such momentum that even Zhang Fengyi, who was the Minister of the Ministry of War, felt out of breath.

Zhang Fengyi already felt that when he came to Dengzhou, he had no hope and accepted an impossible task, so within a short period of time, he also made a decision to act in a perfunctory way.

Wu Sangui's visit was like a shot in the arm. Anyway, Wu Sangui was the guard commander of the Jiangning Battalion, a senior military officer. If he could get Wu Sangui's help and formulate a solid plan, it might be able to change the current situation.

Zhang Fengyi and Wu Sangui were talking in the room, and the sergeants were guarding outside. During this period of time, Zhang Fengyi didn't see anyone.

Strangely, the conversation between the two didn't take long, but after about half an hour, the conversation ended. Zhang Fengyi walked out of the room first, with a smile on his face, and Wu Sangui followed behind, without much expression on his face.

The conversation with Wu Sangui disappointed Zhang Fengyi, and he really learned that Su Tiancheng was able to recognize and employ people.

At the beginning of the conversation, Wu Sangui first expressed his loyalty. Zhang Fengyi was a little worried at first, but after a few words of probing, it was confirmed that Wu Sangui really wanted to obey the emperor and the court. It shows that the Jiangning camp is not monolithic, at least at the beginning, Zhang Fengyi thought so.

The ecstatic Zhang Fengyi began to inquire about the situation of the Jiangning battalion, revealing vaguely that if Wu Sangui could make a group of officers loyal to the imperial court, it would be a great contribution, but Zhang Fengyi's idea failed.

After several conversations, Zhang Fengyi felt that Wu Sangui didn't seem to have the military power, and he didn't have many friends in the Jiangning battalion. It means that he wants to join the imperial court and leave Dengzhou.

Zhang Fengyi was greatly shocked, so he simply told the truth, and asked Wu Sangui how many Jiangning battalion sergeants he could lead, that is, how many confidantes he had. There is no real power, it is just a decoration.

Zhang Fengyi still comforted Wu Sangui, and told Wu Sangui that he would definitely play the emperor and the court and mention Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui could also see Zhang Fengyi's perfunctory attitude, and the conversation on natural law continued. [

Through the conversation with Wu Sangui, Zhang Fengyi became even more terrified. Why Wu Sangui, the commander of the guards, was unable to control the army and did not have any real power? For some reason, there was no action to deal with it.

Wu Sangui used to be well-known in Liaodong, but it is a pity that he is nothing when he came to Dengzhou. It seems impossible for a Liaodong general to receive such treatment, but Su Tiancheng did it.

After sending Wu Sangui away, Zhang Fengyi completely gave up. It seems that he needs to be wise, don't think about what he can do in Dengzhou. As for the emperor's secret decree, the tasks arranged in it are impossible for him to complete, so don't think about those things Now, it is best to give a memorial to the court, saying that you are not feeling well, and implore to return to the capital, so that the court can send more capable officials to Dengzhou. The current plan is to leave Dengzhou as soon as possible, and leave this place of right and wrong.

After making up his mind, Zhang Fengyi began to write the memorial.

Wu Sangui's whereabouts have been under the surveillance of Qu Qingze.

It was within Qu Qingze's expectation that Wu Sangui went to see Zhang Fengyi, but it was also somewhat unexpected. Qu Qingze did not expect that Wu Sangui was so impatient. pawn.

But Qu Qingze still has a different idea. The [-] troops stationed in Dengzhou is like a timed bomb, which keeps the [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers at bay. Su Tiancheng is about to lead the army to conquer, and Dengzhou must guarantee Absolutely stable, the best way is to meet Zhang Fengyi directly. No matter what method is used, Zhang Fengyi will be prompted to make a decision to let the [-] soldiers leave Dengzhou temporarily, and it is best to go to Xuanzhou to be stationed.

This is also in line with Su Tiancheng's requirements. If the Japanese invade North Korea, the [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou can stabilize the situation, so that Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and other places will not be affected, and the [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou will not be affected. Dorgon also had scruples in his heart and dared not let go.

After thinking it over, Qu Qingze made two decisions, the first was to send someone to monitor Wu Sangui, and the second was to see Zhang Fengyi.

Qu Qingze entered the barracks and took a long time to come out.

When leaving the barracks, Zhang Fengyi sent Qu Qingze with a wry smile, the smile on Qu Qingze's face was one of comfort.

Back at the Governor's Mansion, Qu Qingze immediately wrote to Su Tiancheng.

His conversation with Zhang Fengyi has achieved results, which made him never think that Zhang Fengyi must not agree to the deployment of the army, because there is no imperial decree from the emperor, but Qu Qingze said that all responsibilities can be transferred to Dengzhou Here, besides, the army is stationed in Xuanzhou, so there must be more space for activities. The [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Camp are stationed in Dengzhou and other places, and their safety is guaranteed.For some reason, Zhang Fengyi agreed to such a suggestion.

Qu Qingze wanted to report the situation here to Su Tiancheng immediately, and the time had to be fast, otherwise it would be too late. At the same time, Qu Qingze also wanted to ask for instructions on how to deal with Wu Sangui. Amid the subtle changes in expression, Qu Qingze still noticed something unusual.

Zhang Fengyi made such a decision, but it is also Nai, no matter what, he used to be the Minister of the Ministry of War, and now he also holds the title of Minister of the Ministry of War. The [-] troops stationed in Dengzhou is actually dangerous. The sergeants are all in the barracks and cannot leave In the barracks, after a long time, the sergeant must be dissatisfied, and troubles will break out and be out of control.

Zhang Fengyi is very clear that if internal strife really occurs, the sergeant and the Jiangning battalion will have friction. To such an extent, he, the Minister of the Ministry of War, may not be able to keep his head. Even if no one can endure the situation of killing each other, even the emperor's secret decree can't save him.

After thinking about it, and adding Qu Qingze's rhetoric, Zhang Fengyi agreed and led the army to leave Dengzhou.

Going to Xuanzhou is the best choice. Returning to the capital is definitely not an option. There is no place for the [-] troops to station. Only going to Xuanzhou can make some reasonable explanations.

Zhang Fengyi still has the basic qualities. On the matter of exterminating the Golden Tartars, Zhang Fengyi fully supports it. He must not affect the biggest thing because of his own actions, and he may become a sinner in history. (to be continued...)

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