Ming politicians

Chapter 1054 Liaodong

On the day of departure, Su Tiancheng received a secret letter from Qu Qingze, and learned that Zhang Fengyi was going to lead the army to Xuanzhou. Su Tiancheng was very pleased with Zhang Fengyi's decision, which showed that Zhang Fengyi still put the overall situation first. In any case, if the army is attacking in the front, there can be no problems in the rear, otherwise it will be difficult to stabilize the morale of the army. Su Tiancheng is also a little emotional. Speaking of Zhu Youjian, there are still many good ministers under Zhu Youjian, but it is a pity that Zhu Youjian has no ability Commander, I don't know how to use people's strengths.As for Wu Sangui, due to historical reasons, Su Tiancheng has never been particularly trusting. Now that Wu Sangui has made such a choice, Su Tiancheng doesn't want to go too far. After thinking about it for a while, he wrote back to Qu Qingze with two points Opinions, one is that Zhang Fengyi led the army to leave Dengzhou, and this responsibility is entirely borne by him, which means that Zhang Fengyi was forced to leave, and the governor's office gave Zhang Fengyi a certain amount of food and grass subsidies; Su Tiancheng knew that it was impossible for him to reuse Wu Sangui, but at present there was no reason to kill Wu Sangui, so he simply asked Wu Sangui to follow Zhang Fengyi, hand over this trouble to Zhang Fengyi, and make Zhang Fengyi a headache. Su Tiancheng had sufficient self-confidence, Even if Wu Sangui thinks of "chaos" in the future, it will be easy to clean up. There is no place for Wu Sangui in Liaodong. As a pure general, Wu Sangui has no army in his hands. It is too difficult to think about mixing the sun and the moon in the court. up.

The matter of Dengzhou has come to an end for the time being. Su Tiancheng is very satisfied with Qu Qingze's handling of it. Once the army led by Zhang Fengyi leaves Dengzhou and heads for Xuanzhou, Qu Qingze will also take a boat to Liaodong, and Su Tiancheng will reconcile, as for matters concerning Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou.Hong Chengchou is fully responsible, and Sun Yuankun can handle it. Besides, there are [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers left in Dengzhou and other places, which is enough to protect the safety.

Hong Chengchou was still a little reluctant to stay in Gaizhou, but the deployment of the campaign was like this.Hong Chengchou definitely needed to obey. The task of defense was extremely difficult for an army of [-] against more than [-] post-Gold Tartars. Hong Chengchou knew that apart from himself, it was impossible for anyone else to undertake this task.

Before boarding the ship, Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou talked at the pier and watched the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion board the ship.

"Lord Hong, the task of guarding Gaizhou and other places is quite difficult. As I have already said, Gaizhou can be abandoned as a last resort. Preserving strength is the top priority. The [-] troops led by Zhang Fengyi will soon enter Xuanzhou , Dorgon has to be taboo. But Fuzhou must be defended. When the situation in Gaizhou and other places is tense, it should be the moment when the Japanese attack North Korea. I can almost conclude that this is the offensive strategy arranged by Huang Taiji. It is part of the post-Golden Tatars' combat deployment, and the post-Golden Tartars' ability to attack cities and villages is relatively weak, so your main task. That is to defend the city."

"Marshal, this subordinate understands. This subordinate feels that Zhang Fengyi's army can be mobilized at a critical moment. This subordinate still has some worries. If his subordinates fight in front, Zhang Fengyi will take advantage of the opportunity to occupy Fuzhou and Xuanzhou and other places. Big trouble."

"I have already thought of this point. The chance of such a possibility is not high. Since Zhang Fengyi can go to Xuanzhou, it shows that he still has the overall situation in mind. Thinking of the fight between my Daming and the Houjin Tartars, if it is so critical At this moment, if you take advantage of the troubled waters to fish, you may become a sinner through the ages and be cast aside. You and I are both scholars, and reputation is very important. As for the emergency, the possibility of dispatching the army led by Zhang Fengyi is not It's very big, don't have such expectations, Zhang Fengyi will lead the army to Xuanzhou, there will be chaos in the court, we can't rely on these [-] troops."

"The subordinates know that the commander-in-chief leads the army to conquer Liaodong, so you must take care of yourself."

"Well, you should also pay more attention. If the Liaodong battle can be won as soon as possible, the situation will be decisively reversed, but I have already foreseen that this time the fight will be particularly cruel. Huang Taiji will never allow Liaodong If there is a mistake, I am afraid that I will do my best to protect Liaodong at that time. On the surface, the battle of Liaodong only involves Guangning, Xipingbao and Montenegro. A stage decisive battle for the Golden Tartars.”[

"My subordinates also think so. Once our army occupies Guangning and Xiping Fort and reaches Liaohe River, Shenyang will be under a huge threat. Huang Taiji can't be at ease."

"This is very natural, but there is one thing that I have to tell you in advance. After the Battle of Liaodong, I considered that the army will rest for a while and will not continue to attack. In fact, I am very happy to make such a decision. Uncomfortable, but our rear is unstable, there is no way, after the Battle of Liaodong, we must spare energy to stabilize our rear."

Bi Maokang, Luo Chang, Liu Shiliang, Ma Huabiao and others all stayed in Gaizhou, while Sun Chuanting, Liu Tiehan, He Renlong, Ma Xianglin, Qin Rui, Di Huaixiang, Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi and Li Dingguo followed Su Tiancheng Such an arrangement for conquest of Liaodong is also the result of discussions between Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou. Luo Chang and others are not too young. They belong to the veterans of the Jiangning camp. People, the ability to attack cities and villages is relatively strong.

The army's departure for Liaodong was an extremely secretive operation, all of which were carried out at night. All the soldiers boarded the ship at one time, and all the Jiangning battalion sailors were dispatched to ensure the success of this transportation.Su Tiancheng planned for five days. In fact, starting from Gaizhou to Jinzhou, the sea voyage does not need such a long time. Su Tiancheng reserved some sufficient time, and the key point was to ensure the consistency of the attack. The military must also be prepared.

Once the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion arrive in Jinzhou, they will launch an attack immediately. During this period, they will not deploy again, in order to buy time. As for the specific combat deployment, it has been clarified during the discussion.

Montenegro was occupied by the Liaodong frontier army. According to Su Tiancheng's plan, the army was divided into two groups to attack Guangning and Xipingbao at the same time. The focus of the attack was Guangning. Jierhalang personally stationed in Guangning. , Liaodong was basically pacified.

Lu Xiangsheng returned to Liaodong ahead of schedule.

The scene of being loose on the outside and tight on the inside appeared immediately. The officials of the governor's yamen were not allowed to leave the yamen, nor were they allowed to contact the outside world. It is not certain that the intelligence network of the Houjin Tazi was completely destroyed, so Lu Xiangsheng paid great attention to all his actions.

Liaodong is about to start a big war. In fact, the Yulin battalion soldiers and frontier troops in Liaodong have long been unconvinced. In the battle of Gaizhou, the Jiangning battalion wiped out more than 3 post-gold tartars, and killed Duoduo and captured them alive. Jinli was removed, but the frontier army in Liaodong was still leisurely and leisurely, without any action.

Zu Dale was the most frustrated.

Zu Dale once thought that he could go to Gaizhou to participate in the battle, but unfortunately his request was not met. Since the last defeat in Liaodong, Zu Dale has not participated in any battles. Liaodong has returned to its former calm. Especially after the Houjin Tartars sent Jierharang to the capital to negotiate, Zu Dale felt a little aggrieved on such a day.

In fact, ordinary sergeants in the Liaodong Frontier Army do not want to fight. Expedition means death and loss of life. However, after the decisive battle with the Houjin Tartars began, everyone understood that the fight will start sooner or later, and the sooner it will end The sooner you fight, the sooner you can enjoy a peaceful life. As a soldier, it is impossible to avoid fighting and death.

It was also under the influence of such emotions that the Liaodong Frontier Army began to be eager to fight.

Lu Xiangsheng went to Gaizhou to discuss matters. The senior military officers in Liaodong knew about it. They were looking forward to it, thinking about what kind of news Lu Xiangsheng could bring back this time.

After Lu Xiangsheng returned to Liaodong, the governor's office quickly became tense. [

This is an unusual signal. Many officers know that Liaodong may not be able to continue to calm down.

Sure enough, Lu Xiangsheng began to mobilize troops. A total of [-] soldiers were stationed in Liaodong, and they were stationed in Shanhaiguan, Ningyuan, Jinzhou, Dalinghe City, and Heishan City. It is also a place of key defense, but this time, Lu Xiangsheng dispatched sergeants with great strength.

Shanhaiguan left [-] soldiers, Jinzhou left [-] soldiers, Dalinghe City left [-] soldiers, Ningyuan left [-] soldiers, and the remaining [-] soldiers will all gather in Heishan City within the specified time. .

After the order to mobilize the army was issued, all officers above the commander-in-chief of the Liaodong Frontier Army arrived at the governor's office.

The governor's yamen was on high alert. Before announcing the order, Lu Xiangsheng unceremoniously warned many officers that if anyone "leaked" out the deployment of the campaign, regardless of any reason, he would follow the military law.

Then, Lu Xiangsheng issued a combat mission.

Many officers were instantly excited. Unexpectedly, the focus of the battle turned to Liaodong, and the main force of the Jiangning Battalion would rush to Liaodong. The army launched an attack on Guangning and Xiping Fort, and won Guangning and Xiping within a month. fort.

This means that the Liaodong frontier army is about to start a brutal fight.

Liaodong has quickly entered a wartime state. The difference is that this time it is time to truly launch an offensive. The mobilization of the army will start on September [-]th, and all must be assembled in Montenegro on September [-]th. Jiangning Battalion General Arrived in Montenegro on September [-], and the time of attack was determined to be September [-]. The time was very tight.

Many military officers in Liaodong understand that time is the most important thing. The sooner the attack is launched, the less time the Houjin Tatars will have to prepare, and the greater the chance of victory, the mobilization of tens of thousands of troops is too big. The news will leak out sooner or later, but acting quickly can make up for this deficiency. (To be continued..)

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