Ming politicians

Chapter 1055

Tan Tai and Jia Jihan took office and began to act as agents for intelligence work. This is also an extraordinary period. The two of them are naturally aware of the great responsibility. In fact, when adjusting the candidates, Huang Taiji also carefully considered it. Tan Tai was born in Zhenghuangqi, so it goes without saying that he is loyal. There is no need to doubt that the Manchus control the intelligence network. As for Jia Jihan, he does have certain abilities. If it wasn't for Su Tiancheng's vigilance in the Mongolian grasslands, he had successfully separated the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe. .

Such a selection of candidates fully implemented Huang Taiji's idea, that is, the Manchus are in power and the Han people are fully utilized.

Tan Tai is a member of the Zhenghuang Banner. He is very good at fighting and charging, but it is a bit difficult to engage in intelligence analysis, but Jia Jihan can help him very well. In terms of intelligence analysis, Jia Jihan does have extraordinary abilities.

Liaodong's intelligence network has suffered great damage. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to make more efforts to carry out work. It can be said that it is impossible for Tan Tai and Jia Jihan to provide much information in a short period of time.

It was under such circumstances that Jia Jihan came to some conclusions by analyzing the information left over, as well as the pitifully small information from Liaodong, Datong, and the capital.

Jia Jihan is very clear about his responsibilities. He is still full of breath to be promoted to such an important position. He must make a career. Jia Jihan also has ambitions, but he has lessons in front of him. Fan Wencheng has a very good career. The ability of the Qing Dynasty made a lot of contributions to the Qing Dynasty, but it was still abandoned. From this incident, Jia Jihan learned a lot of experience. The most important one is not to get too close to the Manchu nobles, and even Don't care about the sensitive matters of Manchurian nobles.It is enough to do your own thing well and attract the attention of the above.

When Jia Jihan entered Tan Tai's room with the compiled information, Tan Tai sat idly with no deep expression on his face.

Tan Tai often behaves like this, which is also what Jia Jihan is happy about.If the direct boss does not have intelligence analysis ability, it indicates that Jia Jihan can fully demonstrate his ability, can make accurate analysis, and can make meritorious service in a short period of time, attracting the attention of the above.

Seeing a stack of materials in Jia Jihan's hand, Tan Tai felt a little headache. It was these materials that he was most afraid of.

"Jia Jihan, what's the matter, make a long story short, these materials. Don't analyze them in front of me."

"Yes, my lord, the slave has analyzed some information, please make a decision, my lord."

It is not an easy thing to be able to call yourself a slave in front of the Manchus. This is actually the tragedy of the Han people, but unfortunately it is also an expression of status, not all Han people.In front of the Manchus, they can call themselves slaves.

"Okay, just say what comes to mind."

Tan Tai barely pulled himself together.Ever since he started to take charge of the intelligence network, Tan Tai had no use for him. If Huang Taiji hadn't dealt with Fan Wencheng and needed to stabilize the intelligence network of the Qing Dynasty, Tan Tai had already applied for other people to do such a thing.I'd better go back to Zhenghuangqi, charge and attack is what I'm good at.

The intelligence network of the Qing Dynasty suffered major damage, and suffered major setbacks in the intelligence network's provision of information, which affected Gaizhou's operations.The lesson here is very profound. Tan Tai is not willing to make the same mistakes himself. Undoubtedly the best.

Tan Tai is very cautious. The intelligence network cannot continue to make mistakes. Once bitten by a snake for ten years, he is afraid of well ropes. Tan Tai wishes not to play the role of the intelligence network for the time being. The decision went wrong.But Jia Jihan's enthusiasm is very high, he got into the intelligence, conscientiously, and constantly put forward opinions, which made Tan Tai a little headache, but Jia Jihan was very good at talking and would never make his own opinions, which made Tan Tai feel embarrassed.

When Tan Tai took office, Huang Taiji and you stressed that he should pay enough attention to Jia Jihan. This is also because Huang Taiji knew that Tan Tai was unlikely to analyze intelligence, and Jia Jihan should do the main thing.

Tan Tai is actually not used to this kind of approach. He is a soldier, and he pays attention to straightforwardness. He will never think of euphemism, or use any means. He will do what Huang Taiji says, and treat Jia Jihan. , he is the same, no matter what information Jia Jihan analyzes, he always asks to get the sorted materials and present them to Huang Taiji.

"My lord, the servant analyzed that the Ming army may be about to launch the next round of attack."

"This situation, you said last time."

"The minion is analyzing the focus of the Ming army's attack this time."

Tan Tai's spirit was concentrated at once. This is the most sensitive and important issue. Fan Wencheng was convicted because he made a mistake in analyzing the key points of the Ming army's attack. Doesn't Jia Jihan know how to learn a lesson? There is no source of intelligence now. Why does Jia Jihan dare to analyze this issue.

Following Jia Jihan's narration, Tan Tai's complexion began to change, and he nodded frequently. He thought Jia Jihan's analysis was very reasonable. What Jia Jihan said was an important issue, and Tan Tai dared not delay such an important matter.

Huang Taiji quickly summoned Jia Jihan in Chongzheng Hall.

After reading the analysis materials written by Jia Jihan, Huang Taiji was surprised and had a better understanding of the Han people. It was not easy to write such analysis materials. He originally thought that within the time limit, the intelligence network would not It may play a big role, but it is unexpected that Jia Jihan can make such an analysis from a lot of previous information.

After Jia Jihan entered the Chongde Hall, Huang Taiji did not hesitate.

"Jia Jihan, on what basis did you make the judgment that the Ming army will attack Liaodong? You must be clear that any analysis you make must be supported by intelligence, and analysis without evidence will be punished. of."

Huang Taiji was not polite. He claimed to know the Han people well. Most of the Han people with some abilities were motivated by ambition, and they were unwilling to be subdued for a long time. If Jia Jihan wanted to make a big splash because of his ambition, Huang Taiji You're not being polite, he has to fight against this mentality.

"Your Majesty, the analysis made by this servant is supported by intelligence."

"Oh, then tell me in detail."

"The servant has noticed two details. One is the Ming army's analysis of the relationship between Prince Rui and Prince Zheng. The Ming court believes that Prince Rui is good at attacking and fighting, and is unstoppable. Prince Zheng is calm and cautious, good at defending. The slave I believe that such an analysis by the Ming court is certainly not groundless. The second is related to the gains and losses of offense and defense in the direction of Liaodong and Haizhou. Zhouzhou and Liaoyang have become a front, and these places can be used as barriers to defend Shenyang. The direction of Liaodong is different. There are only Guangning and Xiping Fort, and Guangning and Xiping Fort are distributed in parallel, so it is difficult to echo each other."

"The Ming army is well aware of the situation in this regard. The slave thinks that the adjustment of our army cannot avoid the investigation of the Ming army. The slave boldly speculates that once the Ming army learns that our army has been transferred, it is very likely to launch an attack on Liaodong. .”

"If you switch to a slave to command the attack, the slave will also consider the same. Once Guangning and Xiping Fort are captured, they can reach the Liaohe River and threaten Shenyang. Our Qing Dynasty has lost its support in Liaodong, and the direction of Haizhou will inevitably be greatly affected. .”

"Let's look at the direction of Haizhou. Prince Rui led the army to station in Haizhou and strengthened the defense of Yaozhou. If the Ming army continues to attack Yaozhou and expects to expand the results, it will inevitably face the tenacious resistance of our army. After winning Yaozhou, we will continue to attack Haizhou and even Liaoyang."

"The servant compares the arrangement of this battle to eating steamed buns. In the direction of Liaodong, two steamed buns can be eaten at the same time, and you can eat in one breath. In the direction of Haizhou, there are also two steamed buns, but you must eat them one by one. Before the first steamed bun is eaten, you may be expelled."

There was a smile on Huang Taiji's face, killing Fan Wencheng was a last resort, and Fan Wencheng had to be blamed for some things, but Huang Taiji also knew that Fan Wencheng's ability was very good. After losing Fan Wencheng, he wanted to continue from It is much more difficult to obtain important clues from intelligence.But Huang Taiji saw the shadow of Fan Wencheng from Jia Jihan, and Jia Jihan was also able to make an accurate analysis, and his words were easy to understand.

When Hauge on the side was about to speak, Huang Taiji stopped him with a wave.

"Jia Jihan, I didn't expect you to be able to make such an analysis after following Tan Tai for a short time. It's very good. I will continue to work hard in the future."

"Your Majesty, this is the duty of a slave. I dare not live up to the entrustment of the emperor and His Royal Highness. I will work harder in the future."

After Jia Jihan and Tan Tai withdrew from the Chongzheng Hall, Huang Taiji's expression became serious. Although he was still in poor health, the serious situation facing the Qing Dynasty made Huang Taiji forget his own body.

"Haug, what do you think of Jia Jihan's analysis?"

"Father, my son thinks that what he said is good, but without the support of intelligence, it's just a personal analysis, it doesn't have much effect, and it's not credible."

Huang Taiji was a little unhappy, he didn't expect Hauge to say that.

"Haoge, I just think it makes sense. Dorgon has gone to Haizhou. The Ming army's attack on Haizhou and other places is more difficult. I also specifically asked Dorgon not to worry, but to wait for the right time. Opportunity, the analysis of eating steamed buns is very incisive. If it were you, wouldn’t you want to eat two steamed buns in one go? In my opinion, we still need to make further adjustments to Liaodong’s defense, at least to let Jierhalang attract attention. Highly valued." (To be continued...)

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