Ming politicians

Chapter 1060 The Battle of Liaodong

Jierhalang was calm and cautious. After he was transferred to Liaodong, he did not sleep a lot. He sent scouts every day to investigate the surrounding situation. Erhalang is very clear that there can be no mistakes. In the dark, Jierharang also has a feeling that since Su Tiancheng has won a major victory in Gaizhou, he may shift the focus of the attack. Liaodong launched an offensive.

But Jierharang's calm personality prevented him from speaking casually. This is related to the overall defense of the Qing Dynasty. Without conclusive information, it is better not to analyze casually. Besides, he has suffered a disastrous defeat in Haizhou, and even Prince Yu Duoduo died, the Zhenglan Banner among the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty was wiped out, and the banner owner Jin Li was captured alive. If the Qing Dynasty was not in a critical situation, it would definitely be reprimanded.

Jierhalang paid great attention to the mobilization of the Liaodong frontier army, but such a mobilization could not explain any problems. During the Battle of Gaizhou, the Liaodong frontier army mobilized more frequently. Everyone thought that Liaodong was the focus of the offensive. The Battle of Zhouzhou broke out, and the Qing Dynasty suffered a heavy blow.Such false information made Jierharang very annoyed. When did the Qing Dynasty be so passive? Since the first year of Chongde, it has always encountered failures.

Among the Manchu nobles, apart from Huang Taiji and Dai Shan, the one who has a deep understanding of Su Tiancheng is Jierhalang. Jierhalang would never underestimate any opponent. There have been quite a few deals in Tiantian, and if you count them carefully, there is not a single victory. This is a terrible thing, and it is also a frustrating fact.

Huang Taiji's decree reached Guangning, and the soldiers of the Zhenghong Banner and Xianghong Banner among the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty were transferred to Liaodong.Stationed in Guangning and Xiping Fort respectively, the commander-in-chief of the defense of Liaodong is still Jierhalang.After this decree arrived, half of the stone in Jierhalang's heart fell. It seemed that Huang Taiji had also predicted that Su Tiancheng would be the focus of his next attack.Most likely Liaodong.

In order to be able to well defend against the attack of the Ming army, Jierhalang spent a lot of thought. They did not concentrate all the hundreds of thousands of troops in the city. This approach was too passive. After discussing with many officers, Jierhalang Erhalang did three things to strengthen Liaodong's defense.

The first thing is to dig trenches and moats outside Guangning City and Xipingbao City.A large number of ditches were excavated, and these ditches criss-crossed, making it impossible for cavalry to charge, and it took a lot of effort for infantry to approach the city wall. At the same time, the moats in two places were widened. The width of the moat reached more than five meters, and the depth reached more than three meters.Let the moat become one of the biggest obstacles to offense.

The second thing is to temporarily build fire pier.Used to detect the traces of the Ming army.This technique was learned from the Ming army. Outside Guangning City and Xiping Fort, along the main road, several fire road piers were built, and a dozen or so soldiers were stationed inside each fire road pier.Huoludun continued for a distance of more than [-] miles, and the notification also used the method of beacon fire alarms. When the Ming army was still more than [-] miles away from the city, Guangning and Xipingbao could get news of the attack.

The third thing is to buy merchants with a lot of money.Hope to get information from merchants and adjust deployment in time.As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts, and merchants are always thinking of making money, and Liaodong still left behind the rules set by Su Tiancheng. No matter whether it is a war or not, merchants can do business. In the mouth, some sporadic situations obtained are often very important.

Of course, Jierhalang did not relax at all in routine matters. For example, scouts and scouts were carried out every day. The scouts sent out to obtain the situation in Montenegro, Dalinghe City, Jinzhou and even Ningyuan, They were all dressed in Han Chinese, no braids could be seen, and these scouts were familiar with Chinese, so they would never show their flaws.

After Huang Taiji adjusted the deployment of the army, Jierhalang paid more attention to the investigation, and Liaodong increased a large number of soldiers, which also enabled Jierhalang to deploy personnel calmly.

Ji Erhalang did his best, and put all his thoughts on Liaodong. He was also clear about Huang Taiji's overall deployment. In his opinion, the Qing Dynasty had a huge advantage in the battle of Liaodong, and the key place was in the Mongolian grassland. , Daishan led the army into Mongolia. The most important task is to enable the Mongolian Eight Banners to attack from the direction of Yizhou, and the Chahan tribe and the Khalkha tribe are not very far from Yizhou, and the assembly and preparations do not need too long time.

In terms of unified command, Jierhalang considered more comprehensively. Ma Guangyuan, the owner of the Zhenghuang Banner, Shi Tingzhu, the owner of the Xianghuang Banner, Wang Shixuan, the owner of the Zhenghong Banner, Bayan, the owner of the Xianghong Banner, and Li Guohan, the owner of the Zhenglan Banner. , These are all heroes of the Qing Dynasty, all of them are great, Jierhalang fully trusts them, for example, he appointed Shi Tingzhu to be directly responsible for the command of Xiping Fort, and he can make decisions when encountering extraordinary situations, and because Before Shi Tingzhu surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, Guangning was on the defense. Ji Erhalang also asked for opinions on the defense of Guangning many times.

Huang Taiji dealt with Fan Wencheng, which made Jierharang somewhat incomprehensible. He knew Fan Wencheng's ability, capable of writing and martial arts, and made many contributions to the Qing Dynasty. He is dead, and Fan Wencheng played an important role in establishing the crown prince, which is an indispensable factor for stabilizing the situation in the Qing Dynasty.

Because he has been staying in Haizhou and did not return to Shenyang, Jierhalang is not very clear about the situation, but he feels that Fan Wencheng's death is not entirely due to intelligence errors, there must be more important reasons, so when dealing with As far as the Han people are concerned, Jierhalang's attitude has not changed.

There are not many Manchus stationed in Liaodong, only the Xianglan Banner under the command of Jierhalang. The remaining more than [-] soldiers are all soldiers of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty. If the Han people cannot be trusted, the war cannot be fought. Guangning and Xiping The fort could not be defended either.

For the two cities of Guangning and Xipingbao, the number of soldiers stationed is basically the same, more than 6. For the guards of Xipingbao, Shi Tingzhu is the commander-in-chief, Ma Guangyuan and Bayan are the deputy commanders. The guards of Guangning City, Jier Harang himself served as the commander-in-chief, and Li Guohan and Wang Shixuan were the deputy commanders.

Jierhalang presided over the crowd and discussed several times, including many measures taken to guard the city. Many of them were proposed during the discussion process, and then quickly implemented. Various implementations.

It is not easy for Jierhalang to believe in the bannerman of the Han Eight Banners.

The Qing Dynasty was the Qing Dynasty of the Manchus. It was established with the support of the Manchus and Mongolian tribes. Therefore, in the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu Eight Banners had many privileges, followed by the Mongolian Eight Banners. However, the Mongolian Eight Banners were not stationed around Shenyang. It was in the Mongolian grassland, and the Han Eight Banners came next, and the worst was of course the Han army.

Strict hierarchy system is not just talked about in the Qing Dynasty, including many regulations, which are closely related to the hierarchy. For example, Han people can never call themselves masters, or even masters. Master, all of them belong to a certain banner of the Manchu Banners. In front of the Manchu Banner owners, they are slaves. The claim of this kind of slaves does not mean targeting a certain banner, but in front of all the Manchu Banner owners. is a slave.

The relationship between Jierhalang and many Manchu banner owners is the relationship between the master and the slave. The tactical deployment and requirements that Jierhalang said must be followed by these banner owners of the Han Eight Banners. Erhalang was wrong, there was a problem in the process of execution, and the banner owner of the Han Eight Banners would never dare to shift the responsibility to Jierhalang, he could only bear it silently.

But Jierharang did not do this. He made it very clear that guarding Guangning and Xiping Fort is everyone's business, it is the Qing Dynasty's business, and it is definitely not the business of a certain person, so he fully respects the Han Banners. Many banner owners in the Han Dynasty also strictly required the soldiers of the Bordered Blue Banner to respect the banner owners of the Han Eight Banners and officers at all levels.

Jierhalang's actions produced unexpected results. The reason for this, he only found out later, was that when Dorgon and Daishan were stationed in Liaodong, the Banner Owners of the Han Eight Banners had almost no status. Even in the face of Niu Lu'ezhen, who is full of Eight Banners, he can't think that his official position is great. Sometimes, the orders of combat are directly conveyed by these Niu Lu'ezhen.Jierharang also knew some of the deep-seated reasons.

There are not many Manchus in the Qing Dynasty. To control the Han people, the most important thing is to suppress the Han people. There was once a controversy on the establishment of the Han Eight Banners. Some Manchu nobles proposed that there is no need to establish The Han Eight Banners, it is enough to attribute the Han Eight Banners to the Manchu Eight Banners, expand the strength of the Eight Banners, and absorb the Han people to form a separate formation. , it is more likely to surrender, and at the same time, the Han people are too powerful, which has an impact on the Qing Dynasty.

Fortunately, Huang Taiji knew the importance of the Han people, and he also knew that if he wanted to lead the Han people better, he must give the Han people power.

There are indeed not many Manchu nobles in the Qing Dynasty who can truly trust the Han people and entrust them with important responsibilities. Jierhalang is one of them. He has followed Huang Taiji for a long time, and Jierhalang has realized the importance of this aspect.

From this perspective, Huang Taiji asked Jierharang to be in charge of the defense of Liaodong.

It is precisely because of Jierhalang's efforts that Liaodong's fortifications are relatively complete. If the Ming army wants to launch an attack, it will pay a huge price. (To be continued..)

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