Ming politicians

Chapter 1061 The Battle of Liaodong

The news that Zhang Fengyi led the army to evacuate Dengzhou and rush to Xuanzhou made Zhu Youjian furious.

Zhu Youjian, who had almost lost his mind, was about to make a move. From this incident, he saw the danger, and he could conclude that this was Su Tiancheng's idea and request, otherwise Zhang Fengyi would not have easily evacuated Dengzhou. In the memorial, Zhu Youjian knew that there were 2 Jiangning battalion soldiers stationed in Dengzhou and other places.

When the danger signal came, Zhu Youjian forgot that Daming was fighting the Houjin Tartars.After thinking about it, he didn't know where to start. It is obviously inappropriate to directly issue an imperial decree to accuse Su Tian of treason, but sitting idly by does not meet his requirements, so he wants the cabinet to discuss it. , Come up with a way to deal with it.

In the Palace of Mental Cultivation, Yang Sichang lowered his head and kept silent. Looking at the emperor walking back and forth, Yang Sichang felt bitter in his heart. What he sowed will reap the fruit. At such a critical moment, the emperor made an irrational decision , the consequences were finally revealed, and the rest of the cabinet ministers also lowered their heads and did not speak.

In fact, the opinions of the cabinet are not unified, but no one dares to liquidate Su Tiancheng at this critical moment. Coach, the damage caused will be irreparable, and it may even cause Liaodong to completely fall, and the capital is in crisis.

Zhu Youjian, who had been wandering around for a long time, calmed down a little.

The red-eyed Zhu Youjian looked at many cabinet ministers and spoke.

"Zhang Fengyi withdrew from Dengzhou without authorization. Although there are unavoidable reasons, this behavior is unforgivable. I will never give in. Do you have any good suggestions?"

No one spoke to that question.The cabinet has discussed it a long time ago, but no good solution can be come up with.

Zhu Youjian was angry again.

"You are all my humerus. At such a critical moment, why can't you think of a way? Do you want me to go to Dengzhou in person? Seeing that a greater danger is approaching. But you can't think of a way. What use do I want you to be?"

Yang Sichang couldn't bear the emperor's words like this. Generally speaking, if there are unsolvable problems in the court, or major problems, the chief minister of the cabinet must take responsibility, or plead guilty, or resign.

"Your Majesty, this is all because of my incompetence. Please resign from your position as the chief assistant of the cabinet."

Zhu Youjian had thought of Yang Sichang's answer a long time ago.

This is also one of the reasons that made Zhu Youjian angry. The cabinet always thought of Liaodong and the Houjin Tartars, but they didn't expect that Su Tiancheng's power was growing day by day, and he had the intention and action to fight against the imperial court. will overthrow the court.At such a critical moment, no measures are taken.More serious things will happen next. After all, the Hou Jin Tartars have sent envoys to the court to negotiate a peace. At worst, if the Hou Jin Tartars are not wiped out for now, the imperial court will also send envoys to maintain the peace agreement for the time being.In order to free up his hands to deal with Su Tiancheng specifically.

The Houjin Tartars have always been the biggest threat to the imperial court. Zhu Youjian is very clear about this. Back then, the Houjin Tartars and the rogues plundered at the same time, in Zhu Youjian's view.Looting by bandits is a civil strife, and harassment by the Hou Jin Tartars is the biggest threat to the court. Now the situation has changed, Su Tiancheng is more dangerous than the Hou Jin Tartars.

But Zhu Youjian couldn't say such an idea, even if he was the emperor, after all, Su Tiancheng hadn't said anything about rebellion yet, and he led an army to fight in Liaodong, preparing for a decisive battle with the Houjin Tartars, which made the court have no reason to liquidate , nor can it be liquidated, people can't tell clearly, in case of urgency, do irrational things, the consequences are unpredictable.

Zhu Youjian is very clear that the location of Liaodong is too important. If Su Tiancheng is liquidated at this time, he will attack the capital from Shanhaiguan, and Daming will be in danger. From Shanhaiguan to the capital, there is no barrier to rely on. Besides, the armies in various parts of Ming Dynasty were simply unable to compete with the Jiangning battalion.

But Zhu Youjian felt uncomfortable, he had to find a way to stop what Su Tiancheng did.

"Yang Aiqing, don't say such things. When I need to employ people, all my lovers must work together. If the ministers of the court and the middle are all with your attitude, I will have to deal with it alone. Is it possible that I will come to Liaodong in person. Could it be that I want to bow down to Su Tiancheng as a minister?"

What the emperor said was very euphemistic, but to Yang Sichang and others, such words were like a bolt from the blue. Yang Sichang couldn't bear it, and knelt down with a plop, and the rest of the cabinet ministers also knelt down.

In desperation, Yang Sichang finally opened his mouth. He didn't want to open his mouth. In fact, in this battle related to fate, his heart was complicated, and it was still ambiguous about who would win. About his final choice.

"Your Majesty, I think that Mr. Su is on an expedition in Liaodong. At such an important moment, we should discuss other matters..."

"Don't talk about it, is this the opinion discussed by the cabinet?"

Zhu Youjian interrupted Yang Sichang's words. He already understood the meaning of the cabinet. It was nothing more than adopting a soft policy, still appeasing Su Tiancheng, and still letting Su Tiancheng lead the army to fight the Houjin Tartars.

The Hall of Mental Cultivation was very quiet, and no one continued to speak.

Zhu Youjian looked at everyone, and finally expressed his thoughts.

"I've thought about it. The fight between my Daming and the Houjin Tartars originated from Huang Taiji's establishment of the candidate for the crown prince. Now that I think about it, Houjin didn't deny the negotiation. He still wanted to submit to my Daming and the court." In my opinion, the real problem still occurs within my Ming Dynasty. If someone wants to rely on the threat of the Houjin Tartars to strengthen their own strength and blackmail the court, this is the real treason and the greatest danger."

When the emperor said these words, Yang Sichang's heart was cold. He vaguely knew what the emperor was thinking. In fact, during the cabinet discussions, some people also raised such views, which were firmly rejected by Yang Sichang. Yes, it must be completely wiped out, otherwise there will be endless troubles. Besides, the places occupied by the Houjin Tartars are all daimyo's territory. They now have an emperor and a crown prince. What should they do? Their purpose is very clear, and the next step is After attacking Ming Dynasty, gradually encroaching on the territory of Ming Dynasty, and finally overthrowing the Ming court.

As for Su Tiancheng's actions, from Yang Sichang's point of view, it is understandable in some ways, he kills the enemy in the front and bleeds, and suffers assassination in the back, who can endure such things.

If the emperor wants to make peace with the Houjin Tartars again, I am afraid that Huang Taiji of the Houjin Dynasty will be very eager. Besides, even if he makes peace with the Houjin Tartars, can he guarantee that there will be no internal problems? No one can guarantee it.

Of course, Yang Sichang is the chief assistant of the cabinet, and everything still has to be considered for the emperor and the court.

"Your Majesty, I think that the Hou Jin Tartars are treacherous, and they are not trustworthy at all. The previous negotiations were just a tactic to delay the attack. Now we have won a major victory in destroying the Hou Jin Tartars. This momentum cannot be stopped, my minister. I understand the emperor's concern, but I think that it is not so easy for the Jiangning camp to fight against the Houjin tartars. In the battle of Gaizhou, I can see from the battle report that the Jiangning camp lost nearly ten thousand people. I suggest that the emperor might as well let the Master Su continues to lead the expedition, as for the rest of our Ming army, except for the Liaodong Frontier Army and the Datong Frontier Army, the rest will not participate in this expedition."

Yang Sichang's meaning is very clear, let the Jiangning battalion and the Houjin Tartars lose both. In the end, even if the Houjin Tartars are wiped out, the Jiangning battalion will suffer heavy losses, and they will be unable to do other things at all. At that time, the emperor and the court will Do whatever you want, it's a matter of course.

Zhu Youjian's complexion improved a little bit. The method Yang Sichang said was his main way to deal with it. Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid he still has to adopt this method.

The battle in Liaodong can continue, but Zhu Youjian is unwilling to delay the adjustment in the court.

"Yang Aiqing said that after the conquest, the fighting of the Jin Tartars cannot be stopped, but the court needs to adjust internally. I see that the king of Jin is not feeling well, so he will not be in charge for the time being. I propose Zhou Yanru as the second assistant of the cabinet. Youdu Imperial Envoy Huang Daozhou, Minister of the Ministry of War Lu Shanji, Minister of the Ministry of Officials Xu Eryi and others are all old. I can't bear them to continue to work hard, so they all become officials. The minister..."

The emperor still couldn't help but act. This is Yang Sichang's feeling. If he is allowed to say more, he must stop the emperor from doing so. The more it is like this, the less you can be anxious. You must hold your breath. The adjustment within the court, Everyone can see the reason clearly. Huang Daozhou, Lu Shanji, and Xu Eryi are all the ones who have the closest relationship with Su Tiancheng. Before that, there was Liu Zongzhou who had already retired. The emperor made such an adjustment , bringing the contradiction to the fore.

But Yang Sichang couldn't say much, the emperor did this to save face, if the previous plan was really followed, the Ming court would continue to make peace with the Houjin Tartars and liquidate Su Tiancheng, that would be the biggest problem.

After Zhu Youjian finished his orders, he left the Hall of Mental Cultivation and went to the harem. This is also a rare situation, and he didn't even wait for Yang Sichang and others to kneel down. This shows that Zhu Youjian was very angry in his heart.

When Yang Sichang quit the Hall of Mental Cultivation, his face was expressionless. Zhou Yanru, the former chief assistant of the cabinet, returned to the cabinet again and became the second assistant of the cabinet. How to work together is a difficult problem. Su Tiancheng, who is fighting ahead, must have had an influence. It is still unknown what consequences this influence will have.

Yang Sichang suddenly felt that these actions of the emperor would cause huge disasters for the court. (To be continued..)

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