Ming politicians

Chapter 1062 The Battle of Liaodong

What is completely different from the situation in the capital is Shenyang, which is also in the palace.

Huang Taiji already knew clearly that the focus of the Ming army's attack was Liaodong, and the attack was jointly launched by the Jiangning Battalion and the Liaodong frontier army. The news was completely confirmed. After hearing the news, Huang Taiji first thought of Fan Wencheng and Jia Jihan .

In fact, Fan Wencheng also made such an analysis. It was when Fan Wencheng told Hauge about the possibility in order to recover from his mistakes. However, at that time, Hauge knew that Fan Wencheng was about to be purged, so he didn't pay attention to Fan Wencheng. After Fan Wencheng's opinion, Jia Jihan raised this possibility again, which was taken seriously, and Liaodong's defense was strengthened in time.

This made Huang Taiji very emotional. It seems that the wisdom of the Han people cannot be wiped out. It must be admitted that to a certain extent, the unity of the Han people is not as good as that of the Manchus. This is also one of the reasons for the gradual decline of the Ming Dynasty. The big or more important reason is not here, but how the Ming emperor used the wisdom and strength of the Han people to maximize their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

Huang Taiji didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty was almost desperate to attack Su Tiancheng. If he knew such top-secret news, he would definitely stop his troops immediately and send people to the capital of Daming to express his surrender. This would free Chongzhen to deal with him. Su Tiancheng, this is a great thing for the Qing Dynasty.

Su Tiancheng led the Ming army to attack Liaodong, and prepared to take Guangning and Xiping Fort, and then he could directly threaten Shenyang. Shenyang is almost at the forefront of the threat, and a large number of troops must be deployed around to guard against the attack of the Ming army at any time.

Huang Taiji knew this very well, he had to find a way to defend Guangning and Xiping Fort.But it's not enough to just talk about it, so at this time, Huang Taiji actually had plans to conquest by the imperial chariot himself.

This plan of Huang Taiji met Hauge's firm opposition.

A debate was held in Chongzheng Hall, without other people, inside the huge Chongzheng Hall.It was Huang Taiji and Hauge.

Just as Huang Taiji finished speaking and interrupted, Hauge immediately spoke.

"I don't agree with my father's imperial conquest. I know my father's wish. My father has fought countless battles. It is no problem to lead the army. I think that this time in the Liaodong war, my son can supervise the battle without my father's presence." .”

"Haug. Are you worried about my health?"

"That's one of the most important reasons, but it's not the whole story."

"Oh, what's the reason, tell me all about it."

"Father, my son is bold. If the Ming army captures Ningyuan City and Xiping Fort, it will directly threaten Shenyang. Shenyang is the capital of our Qing Dynasty. We must ensure that everything is safe. With Father sitting in Shenyang, everything will be safe. Yes, as for the father's body, under such conditions, it is absolutely impossible to charge forward, and I implore the father not to have any plans to conscript himself."

"Haoge, the Battle of Liaodong. It's very meaningful. I decided to conquer it myself because I was worried about failure. As for the matter of Shenyang, you can be directly responsible. I am very relieved."

Hauge stared. In fact, there were some things that he couldn’t say. Huang Taiji’s body was extremely weak. He knew it from the imperial physician. Considering the interests of Huang Taiji, if something goes wrong during the personal conquest, it will be a major blow, even worse than losing Ningyuan and Xiping Fort.

In the past, Hauge would not have such worries. He thought that it was only natural for Huang Taiji to go to war in person. The Qing Dynasty encountered a real threat, and Huang Taiji spent his life in war. How could he just sit idly by and ignore it? For Tai Chi, Hauge considered the issues in a much more comprehensive way.

"Father's body does not allow personal conscripts, and the sons and daughters will not agree with the father's decision. Not only the sons and daughters, but many princes, county kings, Baylor, Beizi and ministers of the court will also not agree to Huang Taiji's personal conquest. I can replace my father and lead the army to conquer, and I will definitely defeat the Ming army."

Huang Taiji sighed softly, he just felt a little unbearable and unconvinced in his heart. When the Qing Dynasty was in danger, as the emperor, he could not avoid conflicts, he had to be the first to meet him. According to the rules of the Qing Dynasty, Father Nurhachi has always done this.But Huang Taiji knew better that his body was not allowed to be conscripted personally, and the shroud of horse leather was the destination of the soldiers, but not the destination of the emperor.

"Haug, I know your worries. I won't insist on the personal conquest anymore, and you don't want to supervise the war. Jierhalang can handle it. What I'm worried about is the situation in Liaodong."

Huang Taiji's words are contradictory. On the one hand, he thinks that Jierhalang can handle it, and on the other hand, he is worried about the situation in Liaodong. This fully shows that Huang Taiji has no confidence in Liaodong's defense.In the past, such worries would not have been possible. After all, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were brave. Over the years, even in times of extreme danger, they had won victories with fewer versus more, but in the face of Su During Tian Cheng and Jiang Ning's camp, the Qing Dynasty did not take advantage of anything, on the contrary, they mostly failed.

Hauge's thinking is similar to that of Huang Taiji, except that he is more confident. Liaodong has an army of more than [-], which is more than enough to deal with the Ming army's attack. What's more, the focus of the Ming army's attack is Liaodong and Haizhou. Can make a fuss about.

"Father, I thought there was no problem. I just found out that the Japanese are ready to launch an attack on North Korea at the beginning of next month. In this way, Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and other places must be If it is affected, Prince Rui can take advantage of the situation to launch an attack, directly threatening Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, and further threatening Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. When such a situation occurs, it is impossible for Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying to sit idly by."

Huang Taiji nodded slightly, Hauge considered quite comprehensively, the best way now is to let Jierhalang resolutely withstand the attack of the Ming army, delay time, and wait for the occurrence of changes in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou.

However, Huang Taiji also has his own views on the Japanese.

"Haug, the Japanese are only used by the Qing Dynasty. You have to remember that any object can only be used as it is, and must not be dependent. In that case, one's own interests will be greatly violated. Some words I didn’t want to say that more than ten years ago, the Manchu Eight Banners fought against the Mongolian grassland tribes, and later they belonged to the Qing Dynasty. You should also have such an understanding. The Manchus are the most reliable, and everything else is use."

"My son remembers."

"The battle in Liaodong is about to begin. In my opinion, in case of emergency, the Zhenglan Banner stationed in Liaoyang will leave Liaoyang and be stationed by the Liao River, leaving the Bordered Yellow Banner stationed in Liaoyang. This will give Jierhalang greater confidence. If there is a change in the battle situation, Zhenglan Qi can directly join the battle."

"In addition, I have one more thing. I want to ask you in particular. The so-called general will not accept the order of the foreign emperor. At such a critical moment, you should not easily intervene in the Liaodong War, lest Jierhalang don't know what to choose. Jierhalang chooses A series of defensive measures, I think they are extremely well thought out, even if I am stationed in Liaodong, I may not be able to think of these, and you and I must not directly command the battle like the emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

Hauge nodded. He has personal experience in this regard. He has led the army many times and is very disgusted with unrealistic intervention. He does not easily intervene in the battles of Liaodong and Haizhou. On the one hand, including what should be insisted on, it should be emphasized. As for how to fight, that is the commander's own business, and there is no need to arrange it, nor can it be too detailed.

Huang Taiji's imperial edict soon arrived at Ningyuan City.

When he received the imperial decree, Jierhalang was a little worried. All his thoughts were on the defense of Liaodong, and all he thought about was how to deal with the attack of the Ming army. As for how to report to Huang Taiji, etc. On the contrary, he was a little negligent in other matters, and only reported many deployments in Liaodong, without involving specific operations.

The imperial decree of Huang Taiji reassured Jierhalang. The imperial decree expressed affirmation of all the deployments made by Jierhalang, requiring Jierharang to lead the army and must guard Ningyuan and Xiping Fort without any mistakes. The Zhenglan Banner is stationed by the Liaohe River, which is a reassurance for Jierhalang. In case there is a problem in the Liaodong war situation, I still have a large army that can be mobilized and used to deal with the Ming army. This can be said to be the greatest support. up.

With the imperial decree, Jierhalang has greater confidence in the task of sticking to Guangning and Xiping Fort.

Dorgon, who was in Haizhou, also received an imperial edict from Huang Taiji. The focus of the Ming army's attack was in the direction of Liaodong, which made Dorgon a little depressed. He led the army to Haizhou to fight Su Tiancheng to the death. Who knew that Su Tiancheng led the army to Liaodong, but Dorgon also knew that the attack in the direction of Haizhou was also very important. If the army could threaten Xuanzhou and Fuzhou, it would also affect the decisive battle in Liaodong.

After receiving the imperial decree, Dorgon did not waste time and quickly began to deploy the offensive. His focus was on the [-] Ming troops stationed in Xuanzhou. There were still many Ming troops in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou. Opportunities are also needed, and timing needs to be seized, but in Huang Taiji's imperial decree, it is recommended not to launch an attack for the time being, and wait for the best reality, which makes Dorgon somewhat puzzled as to when is the best time.

Daming and Houjin, in this life-and-death decisive battle in Liaodong, their attitudes are obviously different. Houjin is fully supportive, while Daming is completely worried, and even hopes to weaken the strength of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying through fighting. The existence of this situation has too much irony. (To be continued..)

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