Ming politicians

Chapter 1063 The Battle of Liaodong

The attacking army was divided into two parts, one part attacked Guangning and the other part attacked Xiping Fort. It is understandable to focus on attacking. The 12 attacking army is divided into two parts. Su Tiancheng and Lu Xiangsheng each lead 6 people. Among them, Lu Xiangsheng leads the Liaodong Frontier Army and Yulin Camp, and Su Tiancheng leads the Jiangning Army. Battalion soldiers.

But when determining the focus, Lu Xiangsheng was a little hard to understand. Su Tiancheng decided to take Xiping Fort as the focus of attack, and it was the Jiangning Battalion led by Su Tiancheng who attacked Xiping Fort.

Lu Xiangsheng led the Liaodong Frontier Army and the Yulin Battalion. The main task was to besiege Guangning City and try not to let the more than 6 post-gold Tartars led by Jierhalang reinforce Xiping Fort. The Jiangning Battalion soldiers led by Su Tiancheng will attack Xiping Fort. Launch a strong attack, and strive to win Xiping Fort in the shortest time, and then the two armies will reconcile and attack Guangning together.

In fact, this tactical arrangement made the Liaodong Frontier Army and the Yulin Battalion a reserve force in the early stages of the battle.

However, with the development of the battle, the subsequent fighting will be extremely cruel, and I am afraid that no one will be able to relax.

The Jiangning Camp arrived at the outskirts of Xiping Fort.

The sporadic battles in the periphery have already started, and these Su Tiancheng did not pay special attention to them. When they were still more than [-] miles away from Xiping Fort, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion began to clear the fire road pier set up by the Houjin Tartars. Because of time, The construction of these fire road piers is extremely simple, and their main function is to warn and inform. Inside each fire road pier, there are as many as a dozen or as few as few post-gold Tartars stationed.Moreover, when the army arrived, some post-gold tartars in Huoludun had already voluntarily retreated.

The scouts of the two armies also began to fight. Liu Tiehan sent the most elite scouts to investigate the situation along the way, although the battle was open.The situation near Xiping Fort has already been investigated, but the war has begun, and the situation may change. Besides, having accurate information is also beneficial to the army's attack.

When the army was ten miles away from Xiping Fort, they settled down.

Qu Qingze entered the camp of the Chinese army.

Qu Qingze also did not understand Su Tiancheng's arrangement, the situation of the imperial court was so complicated.At this time, Su Tiancheng should focus on preserving the strength of the Jiangning Battalion. Moreover, the Jiangning Battalion suffered some losses in the last Gaizhou Battle. Fuzhou and Gaizhou.

If the Jiangning Camp and the Houjin Tartars were to fight each other, the losses would be too great.Wouldn't the imperial court be more happy now that Su Tiancheng is the coach.It is entirely possible to ask the Liaodong Frontier Army, or even the Datong Frontier Army to attack first, so that the losses will definitely be smaller.

Qu Qingze would not say such an idea, after all, the overall arrangement of the battle was a key consideration for Su Tiancheng, including the replacement of the cabinet ministers, ministers of the Ministry of War and others in the imperial court.Su Tiancheng didn't care much, and all his thoughts were devoted to the decisive battle in Liaodong.

"Old Qu, is it a little difficult for you to make such an arrangement for me? Along the way. We see that you are full of thoughts. If you have any thoughts, just say them."

"Marshal, my subordinates do have some ideas. What the court did is really chilling."

Su Tiancheng sighed and remained silent for a while before speaking.

"It is precisely because of the court's attitude that we must go all out. The decisive battle in Liaodong is very important. From the perspective of the external environment, we have already lost to Huang Taiji, so we cannot be negligent in terms of combat deployment. , we must win, we can't preserve our strength, we have to go all out, and don't give the Houjin Tatars any chance. From the strength comparison between Guangning and Xiping Fort, Xiping Fort is still slightly weaker. This is also because, Xiping Fort is close to Haizhou. In case of danger, Dorgon in Haizhou may take action, but the situation in Guangning is different. We must stick to it. This is an opportunity we can take advantage of. "

"What I mean by this is not that the Han Eight Banners stationed in Xipingbao are weak in combat effectiveness. We must never have such an understanding. Through the Gaizhou Battle, I just think that the Han Eight Banners' combat effectiveness, especially their desperate momentum In terms of aspect, it is even stronger than Man Baqi."

"The Han Eight Banners have not been established for a long time. Their officers and sergeants cannot enjoy any special treatment in Houjin. This is fundamentally different from the Manchu Eight Banners. It can be understood that the Han Eight Banners are more pure and superior. The idea of ​​treatment and privileges can destroy many things in the army, so this battle will not be easy."

"We must rely heavily on the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion to minimize the casualties of our soldiers. The Hou Jin Tartars knew that our artillery was powerful, but they didn't know that our artillery technology has been greatly improved, and it can completely explode When their city walls were in Liaodong, you participated in the attack on Dalinghe City, and we need to adopt the same tactics to attack Xiping Fort this time."

"Time is the most critical thing for us. Dorgon in Haizhou will never sit idly by. To the south of Xiping Fort, [-] soldiers led by Sun Chuanting are responsible for blocking the mission. They are under great pressure , but we must do a good job, resolutely block the reinforcements of the Jin Tartars, and the decisive battle in Liaodong. Huang Taiji has placed a big gamble. Once they fail, both national strength and morale will suffer a serious blow. Therefore Huang Taiji attaches great importance to it."

"In such a critical battle, the first battle is very important and must be won. I don't want to say more about this. We focused our attack on Xiping Fort. It is estimated that neither Huang Taiji nor Jierhalang thought that they would definitely I believe that we will take Guangning first, and then the army will besiege Xiping Fort."

"Don't care about the messy things in the imperial court now, let alone be disturbed by these shitty things, Lao Qu, I am clear about your reminder and thoughts. The more this is the case, the more we need to concentrate. Once we Once we grasp the initiative of the decisive battle in Liaodong, we will naturally be able to deal with those matters in the court."

"Old Qu, there is one thing I want to remind you, and I also need to remind many soldiers, which is more important, this aspect must be clearly distinguished, and we cannot stop attacking the post-gold tartars because of those incredible things done by the court. If you don’t want to, you will support your own troops and threaten the imperial court. Such an approach will be cast aside, and it will also be nailed to the historical disgrace.”

On September 15, 27th year of Chongzhen, Jiangning camp was five miles away from Xiping Fort.

It was Liu Wenxiu who led the army to fight.

It was the first time that Liu Wenxiu led the leading troops and commanded such an important battle. He was very cautious, even though he didn't face many post-gold tartars, and there were no post-gold tartars in some fire roads.

Su Tiancheng attached great importance to it, and Liu Wenxiu was very moved. He was originally Zhang Xianzhong's adopted son, and he knew Zhang Xianzhong quite well. Zhang Xianzhong lost to Su Tiancheng, and the entire rebel army was defeated by Su Tiancheng. Neng Qi, Li Dingguo and the others didn't particularly understand that Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and the others' combat capabilities are needless to say, but they just failed.

After being in the Jiangning Camp for so long, Liu Wenxiu finally understood what real ability is. Su Tiancheng is indeed better than Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others, and the Jiangning Camp is definitely not an ordinary army.

It is impossible to imagine that I can reach my current status in other places.

After accepting the mission, Liu Wenxiu focused all his attention on the attack. The only regret he felt was that in two days, he had only advanced fifteen miles, which was unimaginable in previous battles.

When Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, Li Dingguo and others went to the Chinese military camp together, they were still discussing how to launch an attack, how to take down Xiping Fort in one go, and how to wipe out the post-gold tartars stationed in Xiping Fort.

Many officers are concentrated in the Zhongjun account.

Su Tiancheng's face was extremely serious. The general offensive will start the next day. Although the offensive started on the 25th, the groundwork has been laid beforehand. Now, the post-gold tartars stationed at Xiping Fort have also prepared everything ready.

"Tomorrow's attack will start at [-] o'clock. Qin Rui, the artillery battalion must guarantee an hour of artillery attack time. The fortifications dug out by the Later Golden Tatars outside the city of Xipingbao will be destroyed by the artillery battalion."

"At Chen's hour, the army began to charge. Liu Wenxiu, the [-] vanguard battalion soldiers led by you, rushed to the forefront. Remember, the Fran's machine guns must play an important role, and the flintlock guns also need to play an important role."

"He Renlong, you lead [-] soldiers to follow behind the vanguard battalion and launch a charge, but you must remember that you must judge the situation. You are leading [-] cavalry soldiers. It is to directly kill and injure the Emeritus Golden Tartars, and wipe out the vital forces of the Emeritus Golden Tartars."

"Di Huaixiang, Ai Nengqi, Li Dingguo, you led 3 people to launch the third charge. This charge is the key to our victory."

"Sun Chuanting, Ma Xianglin, the [-] soldiers you lead must stop the reinforcements from Haizhou. According to the intelligence of the scouts, Dorgon has already made an action. The Houjin Tartars who reinforce Xipingbao will definitely meet you tomorrow." .”

"The remaining [-] soldiers will follow me as the general reserve."

"You all have to remember that the post-gold tartars also have calculations. They think that they will attack us from the direction of Haizhou and Xipingbao, so that we will be surrounded, because they have an absolute number of people. Advantage, so we don’t care about sacrifice tomorrow, our goal is to take down Xiping Fort, and do our best to wipe out the post-gold tartars stationed in Xiping Fort.” (To be continued..)

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