Ming politicians

Chapter 1074 The decisive battle in Liaodong

At Xushi, the north gate of Guangning City suddenly opened, and Li Guohan led the sergeants of the Xianglan Banner belonging to the Han Eight Banners to charge.More than [-] people charged at the same time, such a momentum is terrifying.

Due to the restrictions of the moat and ditches, the Liaodong frontier army led by Lu Xiangsheng was guarding the site about five miles away from the north gate of Guangning City. The sons rushed out, and they would be greeted by sharp artillery.

Lu Xiangsheng has always believed that the Hou Jin Tartars will do their best to break out of the encirclement, and will escape at any cost. His greatest duty is to prevent the Hou Jin Tartars from escaping from Guangning City, hold back the Hou Jin Tartars, and wait for Su Tiancheng to lead the army to drive away. Come on, as long as the two armies reconcile, the Houjin Tartars stationed in Guangning City will also face the fate of being annihilated.

Lu Xiangsheng never imagined that Jierhalang was going to launch an attack on the Liaodong frontier army.

After the black gold tartars rushed out, the cannons began to roar, and a hundred cannons fired at the same time. The sound was terrifying and could be heard from far away.

The power of the artillery is indeed good. After the charge, the Golden Tatars hesitated as a whole. Seeing that the shells landed in the middle of the team, many people were blown up. Dust and blood mist began to float in the air. This kind of death The thrill of fear is enormous.But soon, the charging Houjin Tartars moved even faster. Regardless of the shells exploding around them, they continued to charge forward with all their might.

Lu Xiangsheng's expression was serious as he looked at the rushing Jin Tartars. To be honest, he didn't have much knowledge about how to maximize the power of artillery, and it was far from possible that he could compare with Su Tiancheng. In the middle of the change, the possibility is not very great, according to his understanding.After being confined to bombing the Houjin Tartars with artillery, he led the army to charge and used face-to-face fighting to completely defeat the Houjin Tartars in one go.

It is also thanks to Lu Xiangsheng's understanding and the role played by artillery that Ji Erhalang, Sony and others.If you can't fully understand the power of hot weapons and can't fully understand future operations, there will be huge changes. Hot weapons will determine the outcome of the war. The number of sergeants who escaped from Xiping Fort is pitiful and limited to culture. Level and understanding, it is impossible to fully describe all the battles in Xiping Fort.

The power of the artillery was indeed enormous, and Li Guohan was almost hit.The huge shock wave knocked him to the ground for a while. Looking at the bloody corpses lying around, Li Guohan couldn't care so much anymore. As the commander of the vanguard, his task was to rush up to fight the Ming army. Start a face-to-face fight, even if all the Xianglan flags under his control are wiped out.It is also worthwhile, because of the army led by Jierhalang and Duoduo.Then it will rush up and deal a devastating blow to the Ming army.

Li Guohan still charged at the front, perhaps because of God's blessing, he did not fall to the ground again, and rushed out of the range covered by the artillery, beside him.A large number of soldiers also rushed out, and rushed towards the Ming army together with him.

The artillery was still roaring, and many people were thrown into the air, but more people rushed out of the area covered by the artillery and rushed towards the Ming army.The leaders are of course the cavalry, their speed and impact are the fastest.

It was a bit late when the flintlock guns sounded, and Lu Xiangsheng did not expect that the Houjin Tatars were able to be brave enough to rush over regardless of the artillery bombardment. Well prepared.

In just one or two minutes, some of the post-gold tartars rushed over.

Lu Xiangsheng had been prepared for a long time and personally led an army of [-] to meet the attack of the Houjin Tartars.

Because of the huge disparity in numbers, there was not much suspense in this kind of fight. The Liaodong frontier army had an absolute advantage.

Seeing such a situation with his own eyes, Lu Xiangsheng was very happy. In his opinion, the post-Gold Tartars were nothing more than that. They knew that they couldn't do it, and they did it. Wouldn't it be a dead end? If this situation continues, the Liaodong Frontier Army can quickly Completed the blocking task perfectly.

Changes happened soon. The Liaodong Frontier Army was attracted by the charging Houjin Tartars. The Liaodong Frontier Army had never killed the Houjin Tartars so heartily. Their minds began to relax, and they began to kill Yuanyuan The Houjin Tartars kept rushing over, the bombardment of artillery fire stopped, and the two sides fought together, unable to continue firing shells.

A large number of post-gold tartars rushed out from the north gate again. This time, the number of post-gold tartars that rushed out was far more than the first time. The momentum was extraordinary. Lu Xiangsheng, who was commanding the army to fight, immediately felt that something was wrong. up.

Lu Xiangsheng really didn't expect that the commander-in-chief of the Houjin Tatars, Ji Erhalang, could have such a great courage. The number of Houjin Tartars sent out to charge in the first round reached tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of people were used to attract the frontiers. The attention of the army, at the expense of the life of the golden Tartars in the future to open the situation.

The Houjin Tartars, who were already struggling, suddenly began to show off their power. They tried their best to fight their opponents, and their momentum slowly began to rise.

Soon, the rear golden Tartars of the large army rushed over, without encountering any obstacles, and directly joined the battle group.

The situation quickly changed, and the number of Houjin Tartars had an advantage. Lu Xiangsheng had already dispatched all 4 people to fight with the Houjin Tartars. Da Le quickly led an army of [-] to reinforce them. By this time, Lu Xiangsheng had already understood that the most important goal of the Hou Jin Tartars was not to break out of the siege, but to start a face-to-face fight with the Liaodong Frontier Army, hoping to severely damage the Liaodong Frontier Army.

Sixty thousand against forty thousand. Although the Houjin Tartars lost a lot of sergeants in the first round of charge, their superiority in numbers still exists. The Liaodong frontier army, which lost the advantages of artillery and flintlocks However, in terms of personal combat ability, there is still a difference from the post-Gold Tartars.

Lu Xiangsheng soon felt that the army could not hold on any longer, and the fighting scene became bloody. Sergeants from both sides fell one after another, and the momentum of the Liaodong frontier army was slowly suppressed.

At this time, we must persevere. No matter how great the sacrifice is, we can't retreat. Lu Xiangsheng went all out, gave orders, resisted desperately, and was not allowed to retreat.

This was an earth-shattering fight. The fight of a hundred thousand soldiers moved the world. Neither side would retreat. They were fighting desperately. Both sides knew that they could not retreat, and retreat would be a dead end.

Jierhalang did not participate in the charge, and it was Sony who commanded the army to charge, but Jierhalang paid attention to everything.

The army slowly began to take the initiative. The artillery and flintlock guns of the Liaodong Frontier Army are no longer able to play a role. This is the best opportunity. We must completely defeat this group of Liaodong Frontier Army in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, the [-] Liaodong Frontier Army will come to reinforce, and there will be a brief stalemate in the battle.

Without hesitation, Jierhalang ordered the soldiers around him to convey the order quickly, asking all the soldiers to do their best to defeat the Ming army and pay attention to the time.

The order was passed on, and the scene of fighting became more bloody and cruel.

A large number of Ming troops fell, but the situation that Jierhalang expected did not appear. The Ming army did not collapse, but was still desperately resisting. The artillery of the Ming army was basically controlled. At this moment, Jierhalang also moved his mind , hoping to take away the hundred cannons, but he quickly gave up on this idea. Carrying a hundred cannons would greatly reduce the speed of the march. If he was blocked by the Jiangning battalion who came to reinforce him, I am afraid he should not think about it. We were able to cross the Liaohe River.

Jierhalang issued an order to blow up the artillery and destroy the shells.

The rumbling explosion sounded again, and this time the explosion was aimed at artillery.

The explosion attracted the attention of the people who were fighting, and the morale of the Liaodong frontier army seemed even lower amid the sound of the explosion.

Half an hour passed, and Ji Erhalang knew that the reinforcements of the Ming army would arrive soon, and they had to leave the battlefield quickly, otherwise, after the [-] Ming army arrived, the army would likely be caught in a fight, and it would be difficult for a while. Get rid of it, the sky has already darkened, if it is surrounded here, after dawn, the situation will be completely different.

The order to retreat was given.

The army began to cross the struggling Ming army like a tide, and marched in the direction of the Liaohe River.

Lu Xiangsheng watched helplessly as the Houjin Tatars rushed towards the Liaohe River, but there was no way to stop them. At this moment, he finally understood that the Houjin Tatars still wanted to retreat, but they just wanted to retreat after killing the Liaodong frontier army. .

In terms of personnel losses, although the frontier army used artillery and inflicted a lot of damage on the Houjin Tartars, when the two armies clashed, the Liaodong frontier army also suffered heavy losses. The Golden Tatars were completely suppressed, a large number of casualties arrived, and the one hundred cannons delivered by Su Tiancheng were basically destroyed. The [-] reinforcements led by Zu Dale had not yet arrived, and the second line of defense they had set up had not yet arrived. It exists, which also shows that the Houjin Tatars can go directly to the Liaohe River, cross the river and leave, and the Liaodong Frontier Army can only chase and kill them.

The remorseful Lu Xiangsheng roared angrily and issued an order, demanding that the whole army follow the Houjin Tartars in pursuit, no matter how many casualties they incurred, as long as they could hold back the Houjin Tartars.

Lu Xiangsheng's thinking was too simple. It was already dark, and the soldiers who attacked blindly might fall into the siege of the Houjin Tartars, and the loss might be even greater. At this time, someone put forward a suggestion in time, waiting for Zu Dale to lead After the [-]-strong army arrives, the two armies will reconcile and pursue them again.

Lu Xiangsheng had to accept such a suggestion.

A quarter of an hour after all the Houjin Tartars had withdrawn, Zu Dale arrived with an army, but the army did not meet the Houjin Tartars.

Lu Xiangsheng didn't have time to complain, and asked the army to join forces, leaving 5000 people to occupy Guangning City, and the rest of the soldiers immediately began to pursue the Houjin Tartars. (To be continued..)

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