Ming politicians

Chapter 1075 Countermeasures

(Thanks to yu200 for voting for the precious monthly ticket, and thanks for choosing to take the middle route, neither left nor right, and the reward of the bandits, thank you.)

After arriving in Guangning, Su Tiancheng didn't blame Lu Xiangsheng. He knew very well that blaming would not be of much use. Jierhalang led the Empress Jin Tartars and had already crossed the Liao River and escaped danger. Su Tiancheng didn't think about the matter for the time being. He had already taken care of the overall situation. Now that the battle has progressed, he has to consider for himself. At the same time, Su Tiancheng still has some understanding. Said that the main contradiction of the imperial court is likely to undergo major changes in the shortest period of time.

Guangning City did not encounter any damage. Jierhalang's departure from Guangning City was obviously carefully planned, and everything was done very confidentially. There was no time to destroy everything in Guangning City, and it was too late to carry out the necessary looting Well, this saved Su Tiancheng a lot of thought, he didn't need to spend money and food to help the residents of Guangning.

Guangning, once a vast and populous area in Liaodong, bears too many stories, and has a little relationship with Su Tiancheng. Occupation, this is the culmination of Nurhachi's military achievements, but Wang Huazhen and Xiong Tingbi who were stationed in Guangning encountered a different fate.

Twenty years have passed, and Su Tiancheng finally defeated the Houjin Tartars and regained Guangning. From this moment on, the situation in Liaodong has undergone dramatic and major changes. It belongs to Houjin's territory. Although it is said that Daming does not occupy a lot of territory in the entire Liaodong, it has clearly threatened the Houjin regime.

The decisive battle in Liaodong.It ended with Su Tiancheng's complete victory.

The duration of the battle was extremely short, and it took less than one month to count. The speed was so fast that no one could imagine it, including the battle of Gaizhou.The strength of Houjin was severely damaged. The Zhengbai Banner belonging to the Eight Banners of the Manchus lost half. The Xianglan Banner, the Zhenghong Banner and the Zhengbai Banner to which the Han Eight Banners belong.Some losses were also suffered. Banner owners such as Duoduo, Jinli, Ma Guangyuan, Shi Tingzhu, and Bayan all died.

In the battle of Gaizhou, Houjin lost more than 1 troops, in the battle of Xipingbao, Houjin lost more than 11 troops, and when Guangning broke through, Houjin lost more than [-] troops.After more than a month of fighting, Hou Jin lost nearly [-] troops.Equivalent to one-third of the country's military strength, and also lost a large amount of territory.

Daishan, who entered Mongolia and was about to start a big war, made no achievements. The Datong frontier army, the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe took strict precautions, and the grassland tribe wandered.This made Daishan's organizational work seem particularly difficult, and it was almost impossible to make a difference. After the defeat in Liaodong, Daishan received Huang Taiji's order.He led the army back to Shenyang.

On the other hand, on the Ming side, the Jiangning Battalion, which was responsible for the main offensive mission, lost no more than 2 troops during the war of more than a month, and after timely recruitment and replenishment, the army maintained its original level. As for the loss The larger Liaodong frontier army lost more than [-] people in the decisive battle between the two armies because Lu Xiangsheng failed to foresee Jierhalang's attack in time. This is not an unbearable loss. With about [-] casualties, In exchange for more than [-] casualties of the Houjin Tartars, this is undoubtedly a huge victory.

The total strength of the Jiangning Battalion, the Datong Frontier Army, and the Liaodong Frontier Army still exceeded 20. The total strength of the Houjin Army dropped to more than [-], and the total strength of the two sides was almost the same.

This is just a superficial situation. The loss of troops is fatal to Houjin. What Houjin lacks is population, especially the young and strong. Because of the harsh environment, the survival rate of Houjin's population is not very high. When it came to looting, the main task of Houjin was to rob population, but most of the plundered population were engaged in agricultural production, and there were not many people who could really enter the army, which also made Huang Taiji special. He attaches great importance to the recruitment of sergeants, and often worries about the lack of disease sources.

The growth of Houjin troops relied on the bravery of the Manchu Eight Banners and Mongolian Eight Banners in the early stage, and mainly relied on the Han troops who surrendered in the later stage. The situation lasted until the eighth year of Chongzhen, but from the ninth year of Chongzhen, which was also the first year of Chongde, this situation gradually disappeared. With the rise of the Jiangning camp, the bandits inside the Ming Dynasty were wiped out, and the localities gradually began to stabilize. Almost no Ming army turned to Houjin.

These circumstances show that it is basically impossible to replenish the lost troops of Houjin in a short period of time. However, the situation in Daming is different. The Liaodong Frontier Army and the Datong Frontier Army, as for the southern troops of the Ming Dynasty, including the northern Zhili army, were hardly used.This indicates that the replenishment of the Ming Dynasty's military strength is sufficient. As long as the Ming court does not make fatal mistakes, Houjin will gradually lose its living space.

It is a pity that Su Tiancheng, the most hated opponent of the Hou Jin Dynasty, the prince and grand teacher of the Ming Dynasty, the cabinet minister, and the governor of Ji Liao, is only 30 years old, younger than Hauge and Dorgon, and his body is also very healthy , This indicates that the later Jin is even more hopeless, and it is just a joke to want to rule the Central Plains.

At this moment, Su Tiancheng made a decision to postpone the attack.

Lu Xiangsheng, Qin Liangyu and others didn't understand very well, but Su Tiancheng didn't explain it. His order must be carried out, and everyone had no chance to defend.

In terms of campaign deployment, Su Tiancheng once again made adjustments. The Liaodong frontier army dispatched 2 soldiers and stationed in Liaodong, the strategically important Datong, leaving only 10 people, occupying all places south of the Liaohe River. With [-] people, the Jiangning battalion withdrew from Liaodong and returned to Dengzhou.

Su Tiancheng's deployment means that the Shanhaiguan Pass in Liaodong is no longer the most critical place. The entire Guanning Jin defense line has undergone subversive changes. The most important places in Liaodong have become three points. The first point is Guangning City, which is also the most forward position of the Golden Tatars after the fight, followed by Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, which became the center of Liaodong, and finally Shanhaiguan, which is the last line of defense to protect the capital.

From this moment on, the capital of Ming Dynasty is in a relatively safe position, and the situation of martial law in the capital like before will almost never happen again.

The direction of Datong, Yulin and Ningxia is still a frontier pass in name, but the focus of defense has shifted to the grassland. The Xibe and Daur tribes have become an important force against the Manchu Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners. Entering the customs in these places is also asking for hardship.

If you want to be more straightforward, it is that from the end of the 15th year of Chongzhen, Hou Jin entered the stage of comprehensive defense, and was powerless and did not dare to launch a large-scale attack on Daming. Daming began to enter the stage of comprehensive attack. With the initiative, he can cross the Liaohe River at any time, launch a strategic offensive against Houjin, and completely destroy the Houjin regime.

Under the premise of such a good situation, Su Tiancheng stopped the attack.

Before leaving Guangning, Su Tiancheng specifically entrusted Lu Xiangsheng to strengthen the training of sergeants. There are too many lessons to be learned from the post-Golden Tartar battle to prevent Guangning from breaking through. The loss of the Liaodong frontier army reached 2 More than 1 people, the Houjin Tartars only lost more than [-] people, and the Liaodong Frontier Army still relied on the power of artillery to kill and injure a large number of Houjin Tartars.

Lu Xiangsheng is also an important minister of Ming Dynasty. It is definitely unbearable for ordinary people to say such things in front of him, but in front of Su Tiancheng, Lu Xiangsheng is very humble and accepts opinions with an open mind. There is a big gap between the Jiangning battalion and the Jiangning battalion. Although Lu Xiangsheng didn't understand why Su Tiancheng didn't continue to attack, he thought that Su Tiancheng's arrangement must be reasonable. All the stratagems and decisions were made with incredible results.

Lu Xiangsheng implored Su Tiancheng to leave some backbones of the Jiangning battalion to help train the Liaodong frontier army and the Yulin battalion, so as to improve the combat effectiveness of the army. In the decisive battle against the Houjin Tartars, Su Tiancheng did not refuse.

In Su Tiancheng's view, the Liaodong Frontier Army and Lu Xiangsheng must be fought over, including the Datong Frontier Army and Qin Liangyu.

The struggle within the imperial court has become unprecedentedly fierce. This made Su Tiancheng realize that if he devoted himself to the battle of the Golden Tartars and did not rely on the Golden Tartars to suppress the court, he might suffer a disadvantage. Zhu Shenxuan Under house arrest, Lu Xiangsheng, Xu Er and others were ordered to retire. All this shows that Zhu Youjian has already started, ignoring the battle ahead. Maybe in Zhu Youjian's heart, the post-gold tartar threat has been relegated to the back burner.

Su Tiancheng has also made up his mind, he will not continue to endure, he will not continue to take care of the overall situation. Sometimes, taking care of the overall situation is actually helping the evildoers. Regarding Zhu Youjian personally, Su Tiancheng still has a good opinion. With all their identities, he and Zhu Youjian must be very good friends, but when the factor of power is added and the destiny of the country and nation is weighed down, the view is completely different.

Su Tiancheng is going to do something, at least before he wipes out the Empress Golden Tartars, he wants to achieve a certain purpose, that is, the imperial court cannot interfere with him, cannot order him, and the imperial court is not qualified to mobilize the Jiangning battalion, and even cannot mobilize the Liaodong Frontier Army and the Datong Frontier Army The army cannot get involved in Dengzhou, Laizhou, Qingzhou, Fuzhou, Xuanzhou, Liaodong and other places. It can fully exercise power in these places. As for completely turning against the court, it needs to be after the elimination of the Golden Tartars. .

With such a purpose in mind, Su Tianguo resolutely stopped the conquest. (to be continued..)

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