Ming politicians

Chapter 1087

Knowing the decision of Zhu Youjian and the imperial court, Su Tiancheng felt more at ease and relieved. People always have a conscience. Although it is said that politicians talk about conscience, it is a crime against themselves, but Su Tiancheng still feels a little guilty in his heart. After that, he also relied on the imperial examinations to get up step by step. Now that he holds a lot of power, he can fight against the imperial court. It can be said that Zhu Youjian is still good to him. , It has been like this for thousands of years, this is a chronic disease of imperial power, and no one can change it, but the decision Zhu Youjian made this time made Su Tiancheng feel that he was doing the right thing.

If Zhu Youjian really had a great talent and strategy, or if he thought of the overall situation in his heart, he would not have made such a decision. The threat of the Houjin Tartars was known to both the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty. During the time of the Tartars, they recovered very quickly. Zhu Youjian would rather let the Houjin Tartars recover than ignore it. He only wanted to deal with Su Tiancheng. From this aspect, the decline of the Ming Dynasty in history was A normal phenomenon.

Su Tiancheng has no obligation to save the dynasty that is bound to decline. If he is really foolish and loyal to the end, then he is the real crime. In the end, the Ming Dynasty collapsed. Many years later, history will continue to repeat itself.

Although it is said that the key tasks of the recent period have been arranged and deployed, Su Tiancheng still has Liaodong and Datong in his heart. In a short period of time, Liaodong and Datong were calm and stable, but no one knows how long this stability can be maintained.Su Tiancheng even estimated that in two to three years at most, the post-Gold Tatars, who had recuperated and recovered again, would raise troops to attack Liaodong again. At that time, the imperial court might be unable to resist.Because most of the energy of the court was used to resolve internal strife.

Therefore, Su Tiancheng wanted to speed up the time, use the fastest speed to stabilize his rule, and strengthen his own strength. He didn't think about forcing Zhu Youjian to step down and conquer the Golden Tartars. In his vision, he still asked Zhu Youjian The prosecutor's recognition of its own status is like a form of temporary formation of a separatist regime, under such circumstances.After aggressively attacking the Houjin Tartars, they completely wiped out the Houjin regime, and then turned around to deal with many matters of the imperial court.

It was very difficult to do so, and it was like a dream. No matter how brave the Jiangning camp was, it was difficult to deal with the attack from the imperial court at the same time, and also to wipe out the Empress Jin Tartars, but Su Tiancheng wanted to do this.He believed he could accomplish the seemingly impossible task.

Shandong Governor Zhang Pu made a special trip to Dengzhou.

The Governor's Mansion issued an invitation letter, and Zhang Pu had to come.In fact, Su Tiancheng didn't inform, Zhang Pu might have to go to Dengzhou, and he had to discuss some things with Su Tiancheng.

News came from the imperial court that the emperor was going to adjust the officials wantonly, and the scope of the adjustment involved Shandong, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Liaodong, Datong and other places.Everyone understands why officials are adjusted in these places.

Zhang Pu is very clear that he must be in the adjustment list, and there will be no good position, the biggest possibility is after returning to the capital.Arrange an idle position, if it is not good, you will be impeached by the censors and officials in the court, and you will not even be assigned any position. If the struggle within the court intensifies, the emperor will ask the bottom line and hold him accountable. He was locked in a prison.

All this is because of the special relationship between Zhang Pu and Su Tiancheng.

Serving as the governor of Shandong seems to be a big official in Xinjiang, but it is not the case. Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou in Shandong are directly controlled by the governor's office. Officials in Qingzhou received high salaries, which aroused the envy of many officials, and many people wanted to become officials in these places.

Zhang Pu was able to serve as the governor of Shandong. This was the result of Su Tiancheng's recommendation. It was also for this reason that Zhang Pu knew what he should do. It was handled in accordance with the requirements of the Governor's Office.

After receiving the memorial from the emperor's Ming Zhao and Su Tiancheng, Zhang Pu made a decision in the shortest possible time. He knew Su Tiancheng's ability well, and knew that he would not be able to gain the emperor's trust. , has never subsided, and the more serious situation is that Qian Qianyi entered the cabinet. Back then, Qian Qianyi was the leader of Donglin Academy, and Zhang Pu was the leader of Fushe. The relationship between the two is unusual. , but in the later development, Zhang Pu leaned towards Su Tiancheng, and the difference in cognition between Qian Qianyi and Su Tiancheng led to the deterioration of the relationship. Qian Qianyi always believed that Zhang Pu was a traitor in the academic circle.

Just imagine, under such circumstances, how could Zhang Pu, who returned to the capital, have a good life.

But as a scholar, he openly opposed the imperial court and betrayed the emperor. Zhang Pu really couldn't make up his mind, so he didn't take any action. He wanted to see how the situation would develop. He only decided to rush to Dengzhou after hearing the news from the imperial court.

The wing room of the governor's mansion.

Su Tiancheng had a smile on his face, looking at Zhang Pu, Zhang Pu looked a little unnatural.

Su Tiancheng has analyzed Zhang Pu's mentality, and most scholars are like this, especially those who call themselves great Confucian scholars, hypocrisy is inevitable, and pedantry is even more difficult to get rid of.

"Master Zhang, if you are invited this time, you must be clear about the matter. You have seen the emperor's Mingzhao and my memorial, and there is no need to hide some opinions between you and me. You are appointed by the imperial court. Governor, even though I said it was recommended by me, you don’t have to worry about it. I talked to you today to see what your attitude is. The differences have been clear. The emperor and the court hate me so much that I want to get rid of it. Then hurry up, I don't want to be slaughtered by others, and if such a contradiction arises, you also need to clarify your attitude, whether you are ready to be loyal to the imperial court, or continue to obey the orders of the governor's office."

Su Tiancheng's straightforwardness made Zhang Pu's face turn pale. He didn't know what to say for a moment. At first, he was thinking about whether he could persuade Su Tiancheng to live in peace with the court and try his best to explain to the emperor. Now it seems that , this kind of thinking is too naive, or too bookish, who is Su Tiancheng, he has already made clear his ambition.

Seeing that Zhang Pu didn't speak, Su Tiancheng stood up, but the smile on his face disappeared.

"I made such a decision, which may be difficult for you to accept. For thousands of years, people like me have been called rebels, and it is difficult to end well. This is the view of Confucian culture, but I don't care. Winners and losers, this is also an unchanging truth for thousands of years. History is written by the winners, but it also depends on the actual situation. All the Han people in my Ming Dynasty are proud, for such a goal, even if it is a rebellion, I will admit it, and I don't care what others say."

"Let's analyze your situation again, Zhang Pu. In fact, I don't say anything. I'm afraid you know it very well. The imperial court is going to adjust the officials. The direction is very clear. Although the position of governor of Shandong is not so good, there may not be many. People fight for it, but it is impossible for you to continue in Shandong, I have thought about it, you must return to the imperial court, the best ending is to take up a idle job, and the worst ending is to be directly locked in a prison."

Zhang Pu's body trembled.

"Why do you say that, my lord?"

Su Tiancheng smiled, but quickly recovered his serious face.

"Zhang Pu, you used to be the leader of the Fushe. There are some things I didn't want to say. When you were the leader of the Fushe, you thought of revitalizing the Ming Dynasty, but later you also thought that you could directly influence the court and influence the court's decision-making. , to be able to realize your own ambitions, so you are very clear about the factional struggles within the imperial court."

"The emperor adjusted the cabinet, and Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi entered the cabinet. I am not very familiar with Chen Xinjia, I know some, but I am very familiar with Qian Qianyi. I am afraid that you know better than me what this old gentleman is thinking. It's not that I'm arrogant, I can predict that in a short time, a large number of Donglin students will enter the imperial court."

"I made such an analysis because Zhou Yanru became the cabinet's second assistant. The former cabinet chief assistant is an expert in power struggles. It is not expected that Zhou Yanru will become the cabinet's first assistant within this year. As for the current Yang Sichang, the chief assistant of the cabinet, may be about to resign, Zhou Yanru understands the importance of power, if you think about what power he will use to stabilize his power, Donglin students would not be the best choice."

"Originally, a large number of Donglin students entered the imperial court, which should be beneficial to you, but unfortunately, you have my brand on you, so neither Zhou Yanru nor Qian Qianyi can accommodate you. Since they cannot accommodate you, you go back I don't need to say more about what will happen to me when I arrive in the capital."

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. It's useless to say more about these things. The key is your own choice. There are not many prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Shandong. Jinan Prefecture and Yanzhou Prefecture in Qingzhou Over the years, Dongchang Mansion has been greatly affected, and Dongchang Mansion, which is a little farther away, has also reflected it. To put it bluntly, I don’t even need to use many soldiers and horses to command the entire Shandong, but I I still hope to get your help."

Su Tiancheng was so straightforward, Zhang Pu didn't feel surprised, it was Su Tiancheng's straightforward attitude that made him feel hopeful, those officials in the court spoke half-truths and half-false words, and even let you guess, this is Zhang Pu was disgusted.

At this time, a decision must be made. Zhang Pu has listened to Su Tiancheng's words, and there is no need to continue to hesitate. He is too clear about Su Tiancheng's ability.

"Needless to say, my lord, Zhang Pu has made a decision. Follow your lord, no matter what difficulties and obstacles you encounter, you will never change your mind and always obey your call." (To be continued...)

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