Ming politicians

Chapter 1088 The Imperial Court Shakes

No one expected that the emperor would do things so quickly this time. When Hou Jin's mission arrived in the capital, the emperor made a decision to adjust the cabinet ministers.

The civil and military ministers in the court still had a good impression of the emperor, especially after the six years of Chongzhen, the emperor paid attention to following the suggestions below, and the court's Chinese and military officials did not change much, especially the cabinet, which was relatively stable, which was also convenient The continuity of policies does not mean that after a certain person comes up, he will implement his own set. There are also clear reasons for the adjustment of the cabinet chief assistant, second assistant and cabinet bachelor. The previous cabinet chief assistant Zhou Yanru and second assistant Wen Wen The kind of struggle between Tiren and Ren has not happened for many years. Sun Chengzong, the chief assistant of the cabinet, who has passed away, stabilized the situation in the court. He did not continue to serve as the chief assistant of the cabinet until his body could not bear it. Yang Sichang is also known for his stability.

However, the 15-year changes in Chongzhen were somewhat unusual. First, Zhu Shenxuan, the second assistant of the cabinet, was removed from his post due to physical reasons. Zhou Yanru was appointed as the second assistant of the cabinet, and then Fu Guan and Xue Guoguan were adjusted. The reason may be that they are getting older, and Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi have entered the cabinet. Such a change is tantamount to saying that the entire cabinet has been adjusted.

But the bigger shock was still to come. The emperor suddenly made a decision to adjust the candidates for the cabinet chief assistant. Yang Sichang also stopped serving as the cabinet chief assistant because of his health and age. As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Chen Xinjia was appointed as the second assistant of the cabinet. Because Su Tiancheng served as the governor of Jiliao, he was not able to work in the court and was no longer a cabinet scholar.Liu Yuliang, the only remaining one, offered his resignation, imploring him to resign and go back to his hometown to rest.The emperor approved it, and also named him the prince and grand master.

The people who entered the cabinet also attracted everyone's attention. Zhang Guowei, Minister of the Ministry of War, Fan Jingwen, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Liu Zunxian, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, entered the cabinet at the same time.

In this way, the composition of the cabinet is completely different from before.

The composition of this cabinet is very interesting.It is also a cabinet that many civil and military ministers of the court cannot understand.

Chief Assistant Zhou Yanru has very good abilities. He used to be the youngest chief assistant of the cabinet in Ming Dynasty, and Chen Xinjia, the second cabinet assistant. His ability is also recognized. As for the disastrous defeat in Liaodong, anyone with a little brain knows that it was a scapegoat for the emperor. .

Between the first and second ministers of the cabinet, they are not people in the trenches, and it is impossible to be very united.

As for the rest of the cabinet ministers.Qian Qianyi is a great Confucian at the moment, the leader of Donglin Academy, his prestige is needless to say, and he will not lean towards any faction. The power of Donglin Academy is already strong enough, Qian Qianyi does not need other support up.

The most interesting one is Liu Zunxian. Liu Zunxian was a person appreciated by Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the former cabinet, and the conflict between Wen Tiren and Zhou Yanru.Everyone knows, but they don't know that the emperor let Liu Zunxian enter the cabinet.What exactly does that mean.

There is also Fan Jingwen, who has a very hard bone and is called the second minister. Such a person entered the cabinet, which shows that the emperor still wants to hear some suggestions.

But the composition of such a cabinet lies in the aspect of acting government affairs.No one has confidence in what will happen.

Some people also think that the emperor adjusted the cabinet in such a way that he still wanted to monopolize the power, of course.This kind of thinking cannot be expressed, otherwise it will be asking for trouble.

In short, the court is not particularly optimistic about this cabinet.

After the cabinet changes, the Six Ministries, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and many other changes will be involved. These changes in positions have a lot to do with the cabinet.

The imperial court became lively, and many people began to stare at certain positions.

Yang Sichang's mood is desolate. The emperor made such a decision so quickly, which caught him off guard. It can be said that he lost face. Anyway, he is the chief assistant of the cabinet. Even if the emperor intends to adjust, he must call him. Say hello, let him take the initiative to write out his resignation letter, in fact Yang Sichang also had this plan, but this sudden adjustment by the emperor did not give him any chance at all, such an approach is infuriating.

Yang Sichang abandoned all illusions, he has no confidence in the emperor and the court, could it be said that all this is retribution, his father Yang He is loyal, and the final ending is bleak, he also tried his best, but it is also the ending, only to be able to Saying that Bi's father is better, his name will always be left in the future history, and he once served as the chief assistant of the cabinet of the imperial court.

What made Yang Sichang even more upset was that he had not been able to express his ambitions. During the past few years as the chief assistant of the cabinet, he had almost no chance to govern independently. Many ideas were rejected by the emperor. For a while, the cabinet even became a With the emperor's genuine secretarial team, what did the emperor think of, what ideas did he have, let the cabinet discuss it, improve and supplement it, the idea was still taken by the emperor himself, during that time, the court didn't have too many big things to deal with, It was relatively calm, and even calmed down.

But now the situation is completely different.

Yang Sichang had already had a premonition that the court and the emperor would lose to Su Tiancheng sooner or later. Under such circumstances, he, who was finally at the court and the emperor in his heart, still wanted to make his own contribution and try his best to prevent such things from happening. Reality has shattered his dreams, and the feeling of being rejected is uncomfortable.

The first person to visit was Lu Shanji.

Lu Shanji has been out of work for a while. Yang Sichang asked Lu Shanji for his opinion on whether to negotiate peace with the Houjin Tartars. Lu Shanji's attitude was very clear. He firmly disagreed with the peace talks and the Houjin Tartars Lu Shanji also had some foresight in bowing his head and proclaiming himself a vassal, thinking that the Houjin Tartars were just using a tactic of delaying the attack again.

When Yang Sichang was in the worst mood, Lu Shanji came to visit, and when the door was full of people, Lu Shanji came. This is a true friend, and it is definitely not something that people who are perfunctory can make.

Yang Sichang brought Lu Shanji into the study. He thought that Lu Shanji was here to comfort him, but he never thought that this conversation would become an extremely important conversation.

Lu Shanji did not directly talk about the adjustment of the cabinet, but directly talked about the matter between the emperor and Su Tiancheng.

"My lord, I think that it is almost impossible to reconcile between the emperor and Mr. Su. I understand your lord's wish, and I still want to properly handle this conflict. But judging from the current development of the situation, this is impossible. Something happened."

"Brother Lu, why do you say that?"

"It's very simple. You can see clearly by looking at the masters in the cabinet. The chief assistant, Mr. Zhou, is good at guessing the emperor's mind. Any decision he makes will not violate the emperor's will. The second assistant, Mr. Chen, once served as the governor of Liaodong. The emperor's decree, when Liaodong launched a large-scale attack on the Houjin Tartars, and returned in a disastrous defeat, and took responsibility, the impression of Mr. Su will never be better, and he also knows the emperor's thoughts, and Mr. Qian, according to my understanding, Mr. Qian is the leader of Donglin students. There have always been conflicts between Mr. Su and Donglin Academy. Under such circumstances, it is appropriate to think that the cabinet can dissuade the emperor and calm him down. Dealing with the conflict with Mr. Su is tantamount to fantasy."

Yang Sichang nodded and said nothing, what Lu Shanji said was the truth.

Lu Shanji's words quickly turned violent.

"During this time, I have been thinking for a long time, and I have been thinking about one thing. The deceased Mr. Sun was loyal to the court and the emperor, and he also contributed to the stability of my Ming Dynasty. But why did Mr. Sun When he passed away, he entrusted all his family members to Mr. Su. Judging from the current situation alone, Mr. Sun is asking for trouble, but after thinking about these days, he finally understands that Mr. Sun has already There is foresight."

When Lu Shanji mentioned this meaning, Yang Sichang couldn't help it.

"Brother Lu, what do you mean by these words? Don't you want to involve Mr. Sun? I think it's better not to get involved in this kind of battle in the court."

A sneer appeared on Lu Shanji's face.

"My lord was the chief minister of the cabinet not long ago. I don't need to explain some truths, but it is clear. My lord wants to stay out of the matter. Is it possible? If I can do this, Mr. Sun will have made such a choice a long time ago. I will come to visit today. My lord, I have thought about it a long time ago. Your lord used to be the chief assistant of the cabinet. It is difficult for me to say these things, and I won’t say them. But the situation is different now. I don’t have many taboos. I think that my lord must make a choice. Either continue to be loyal to the emperor and the court, or choose Mr. Su, there is no middle way."

Yang Sichang's face turned pale, this was what he was most worried about, and it was also something he was unwilling to consider all the time.

Seeing Yang Sichang's expression, Lu Shanji decided to tell his ultimate goal. He is a Mongolian, straightforward, and will not hide it. Although he once served as Minister of the Ministry of War, he still maintains such a character when it comes to important matters.

"To tell you the truth, my lord, I have made up my mind and I am going to leave the capital and go to Dengzhou. If my lord thinks that I am thinking of treason and rebellion, you can go to the court to report it. I can only admit it, but I also have a few words to say." Remind my lord, the storm in the court is coming soon. Since the emperor has made a move, it is impossible not to clean up. Anyone in the court who intersects with Mr. Su will not have any good results and will definitely be chased. I am responsible, and I am one of them. During the Wanli period and the Tianqi period, did these things disappear? I have seen that the power of Jinyiwei and Dongchang began to increase, and the power of the inner palace was expanding. Under such circumstances, the emperor just wanted to I'm afraid it's difficult to fully grasp the control, and the storm of eliminating dissidents is coming soon, I don't want to wait to die in the capital, I also hope that adults will think deeply." (To be continued...)

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