Ming politicians

Chapter 1108 A Blessed Opportunity

(Thanks for the rewards of drifting in Europe, choosing to take the middle route without going left or right, thank you.)

Zhou Kang came to Dengzhou suddenly, and he came here secretly, which surprised Su Tiancheng, and he also thought of something vaguely. After discussing with Zhu Shenxuan, Qu Qingze and others, he decided to contact Zhou Kang directly.

The meeting cannot be arranged in the Governor's Mansion. After all, Zhou Kang entered the Governor's Mansion, and it is impossible to keep it secret. This is also Zhou Kang's request, so Su Tiancheng is more sure of his conjecture.The meeting place was arranged in a restaurant, it was already winter season, Zhou Kang was wrapped up tightly, waiting in the private room of the restaurant.

The business of the restaurant was very good, the crowds coming and going, Su Tiancheng, under the guard of Wu Rong and others, came to the restaurant and went straight into the private room.

After Zhou Kang saw Su Tiancheng, he quickly clasped his fists and bowed his head. Although he was mighty in the capital, when he came to Dengzhou, he still had to be humble when facing Su Tiancheng. over there.

Su Tiancheng had a smile on his face.

"Zhou Kang, we are old friends now, so we don't need to be so polite."

"The little one came here to visit Mr. Su, etiquette is indispensable."

"Hehe, I have come to Dengzhou this time, so I must have fun. There are still many places to visit here. Although it is winter, it is still very lively."

"The little one came to Dengzhou to visit the adults. It's been a long time, and I haven't seen the adults for a long time. I just came here to catch up with the past. I won't talk about the rest of the matter for the time being."

Su Tiancheng nodded and sat down. Zhou Kang saw that Su Tiancheng sat down, so he also sat down.

There are only Su Tiancheng and Zhou Kang in the private room, and Wu Rong and others are waiting outside the door, no one can come in.This is also Zhou Kang's request. Zhou Kang came to Dengzhou secretly and did not want to reveal his identity.

After sitting down, Zhou Kang spoke quickly.

"I heard in the capital that there may be some changes in the [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou."

Su Tiancheng looked at Zhou Kang.Slowly opened his mouth.

"Could it be that Steward Zhou came to Dengzhou to inquire about crimes on behalf of Mr. Zhou?"

"The young ones don't dare, the young ones come to Dengzhou to reminisce about the old days with the adults. The adults are in high positions, and they don't dislike the status of the young ones. Feeling, my master has been idle in his hometown for a long time. In fact, he has been paying attention to the affairs of the court every day. Now that he has gained the trust of the emperor and has become the chief minister of the cabinet again, what he thinks is that he can do something. This is something to do , at least it needs stability in the court.”

"Hehe, Steward Zhou is loyal and considers everything for Mr. Zhou. This kind of loyalty is not easy."

Although the two did not specifically say anything.But the meaning is clear, this kind of conversation is quite similar to the conversation in the officialdom, but Zhou Kang's thinking is different after all, since he came to Dengzhou, he has to speak clearly.The reason why he didn't get straight to the point is that he needed to see Su Tiancheng's attitude. If Su Tiancheng was ready to start a riot, he had made all the preparations and said those words and things by himself.It doesn't make much sense, but it will fall into the trap.

However, judging from the few conversations, the situation is still stable.

So Zhou Kang wanted to speak out directly.

"My lord, the little one is being abrupt. The little one came to Dengzhou, the main point is to express his attitude. My master has just taken office, and he hopes for peace and does not want the court to be turbulent. However, some gossip from Dengzhou makes my master very upset. Worry, for example, something happened to the [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou, and there seemed to be some changes in Jinan, Yanzhou and Dongchang. , my master is very embarrassed."

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face. He finally understood the purpose of Zhou Kang's visit to Dengzhou. This was the situation he had dreamed of. Even if the situation is temporarily stable, this is the opportunity that I can make the most of. For example, the adjustment of officials in Jinan, Yanzhou, and Dongchang prefectures and counties, as long as there is sufficient reason, or even no reason, prior I have informed Zhou Yanru of the situation. I believe that Zhou Yanru can cover it up. This will ensure the smooth development of Shandong to the greatest extent. As for the matter of winning the whole of Fujian, it is better to say that Fujian is far away from the capital. It is easier for Ru to cover up the news.

However, Zhou Yanru must have conditions for doing these things. That is the one mentioned by Zhou Kang, the stability of the court must be maintained. There are two meanings in this. At the very least, Su Tiancheng could not openly rebel and use the slogan of opposing the court and overthrowing the Zhu family dynasty. Secondly, what happened in Shandong and other places needs to have an explanation that Zhou Yanru can deal with calmly.

To put it bluntly, this was an agreement reached between Su Tiancheng and Zhou Yanru in private, and the one who really suffered and was deceived was Zhu Youjian who stayed in the palace.

Su Tiancheng is very clear that the change of dynasty is not the end of the world, and sometimes it is even a normal situation. Many civil and military officials in the court are familiar with history books, and they are very clear about the truth. If the Zhu family's dynasty falls, they will never Even the late Jin Tartars, who were regarded as absolutely alien and barbarians by the Han people, took power, many scholars and scholar-bureaucrats took refuge in them, not to mention that they were planning to take charge of the Ming Dynasty.

Essentially speaking, Su Tiancheng needed stability to realize his ambitions step by step, Zhou Yanru needed stability to consolidate his own power, and the Zhu family's dynasty became the ultimate victim.

The change of dynasties is accompanied by a history of blood and tears, the world is in chaos, and then there is great rule. The most powerful party, or the party that grasps the right time, place and people, takes power, and the people are in dire straits, struggling in the flames of war. This has almost become a rule, but Su Tiancheng wants to avoid this rule, and he wants to control the power as smoothly as possible.

Reaching an agreement with Zhou Yanru is the best opportunity. In the future, I will submit my actions to the court with high-sounding reasons. Zhou Yanru will try to cover it up, and I have lived an excellent opportunity for development.

An agreement must be reached, but Su Tiancheng's views on Zhou Yanru have changed drastically. After he takes power in the future, he will definitely not use someone like Zhou Yanru.

In the conversation that followed, the voice was much quieter, but it was all about very important things.

Regarding the whereabouts of the [-] troops, Zhou Kang did not ask, but only asked for a memorial in this regard, which can stabilize the situation of the court. For example, Lu Xiangsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, can submit a memorial, saying that he has arrived in Xuanzhou and started to perform his duties. Not all the problems were solved, Zhou Kang agreed to half of the conditions concerning the adjustment of the prefectural and county officials in Jinan, Yanzhou and Dongchang, that is, the imperial court can transfer all the magistrates, Tongzhi, Tongju, Zhizhou, and county magistrates away. However, the imperial court will never issue an imperial edict to appoint the candidates provided by Su Tiancheng, so that the situation cannot be concealed. Su Tiancheng expressed his understanding that as long as these officials are transferred away, the people he sends out will actually be responsible for doing things, and everything will be fine. easy to say.

Another important point is about Su Tiancheng's memorial. Zhou Kang also made a request. Su Tiancheng still needs to submit a memorial to the court. This is a matter of attitude, and it can also make it easier for Zhou Yanru to operate.

In the end, the content of the oral agreement reached by Su Tiancheng and Zhou Kang implemented a purpose, that is, to maintain stability with each other. No matter what they do in private, they must maintain a balance on the face of the big face, and they cannot be too violent. Su Tiancheng does not interfere with the court's affairs, and the court will not take care of Shandong's affairs, including the affairs of Fuzhou, Xuanzhou, Gaizhou and other places.

It's really unimaginable that such a ridiculous situation could be formed between Su Tiancheng and Zhou Yanru, but all of this is real, without the slightest pretense.

From the perspective of profit maximization, Su Tiancheng has obtained unprecedented benefits. He can do what he wants without breaking his face with the court. Sometimes, Zhou Yanru will even use his power to help. What he paid was nothing more than a memorial to fool the court.

Su Tiancheng really experienced this kind of political transaction.

After talking with Su Tiancheng, Zhou Kang didn't stay in Dengzhou and left quickly.

Zhou Kang's safety is very important. Su Tiancheng also sent Wu Fu and Wu Gui to personally guard Zhou Kang, so that Zhou Kang can arrive in the capital smoothly. Of course, when old friends meet, gifts are also indispensable. Su Tiancheng They also took out some valuable ginseng, coral and other things, and gave them to Zhou Yanru, and there were also gifts for Zhou Kang.

After Zhou Kang left Dengzhou, Su Tiancheng quickly discussed with Zhu Shenxuan, Qu Qingze and others, and informed them of the imperial court's attitude. Zhu Shenxuan and others were very happy. It was delivered directly.

Zhu Shenxuan put forward a suggestion that Fujian Province can be considered to be included under his command. The methods used are the same. The Jiangning battalion troops stationed in Fujian, based on Quanzhou, gradually conquered the whole of Fujian, disbanded the guards, adjusted Officials can ask Zhou Yanru to help deal with embarrassing problems.

The verbal agreement between Su Tiancheng and Zhou Yanru needs to be kept absolutely confidential. The whole Shandong knows about this matter, that is, Zhu Shenxun and Qu Qingze. Su Tiancheng is very clear that such a matter is absolutely not If it can be exposed, otherwise Zhou Yanru will not be able to operate, and may even be locked in a prison, so he should not think about operating secretly.

Zhu Shenxuan and Qu Qingze are even more clear that such things must never be spoken out, it is enough to get benefits secretly, there is no need to get cheap and act good. (to be continued..)

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