Ming politicians

Chapter 1109 A Blessed Opportunity

When Jierhalang returned to Shenyang, he brought back the signed agreement. Of course, this agreement cannot be met with many Manchu nobles first. There was an uproar, and he, the prince, might be held accountable and even thrown into prison.

Huang Taiji and Hauge were the first to see Jierharang.

After Huang Taiji read the signed agreement, there was no expression on his face for the time being. It was already winter, the weather was getting colder, and Huang Taiji's body was weakened to the extreme. If not for so many things that happened to the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji must You have to hold on, under normal circumstances, you can't hold on anymore.

Hauge has become the crown prince, and he is much stronger in terms of self-cultivation, overall situation and foresight. After all, Hauge is not Huang Taiji in peacetime, and the responsibilities on his shoulders are also very heavy, and the situation facing Hauge is completely different. Similarly, he does not have the qualifications of Huang Taiji. If he cannot quickly enter the state, he may not be able to completely control the situation. A mere council of kings and ministers may not be able to fully grasp it.

This council of kings and ministers will ultimately decide the military and state affairs of the Qing Dynasty. However, due to successive years of conquests, Huang Taiji has almost monopolized the power in his hands. The council of ministers and kings has not played much role. He was also sent to many places to garrison, and only rarely would a meeting of kings and ministers be held to discuss politics.

But this is the system of the Qing Dynasty, the system left by Nurhachi, and it is impossible to abolish it in a short period of time. Huang Taiji can evade the meeting of kings and ministers, but Hauge is not necessarily.

Hauge understood all this, seeing Huang Taiji's body getting weaker and weaker, he also paid attention to it, under Huang Taiji's instruction.He began to slowly control the core organs of the Qing Dynasty, and began to appoint the Manchus he trusted to hold power.

It should be said that after such a long period of tempering, Hauge has matured a lot, and his way of thinking about problems has changed, but after seeing this agreement, Hauge's expression still changed.I almost couldn't hold back my mouth.

Neither Huang Taiji nor Jierhalang showed any expression on their faces.

Hauge had already read the agreement, and Huang Taiji looked at Jierhalang.

"Prince Zheng, I know you must have something to say. Both Haoge and I are listening and will not interrupt you."

Jierharang cleared his throat and spoke slowly.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness, if you only look at this agreement, I will be guilty. Signing such an agreement will not allow me to gain a foothold in the Qing Dynasty. However, when I signed this agreement, I was still at ease."

"The most important thing is that this agreement is just an agreement, and many of the requirements in it are not necessary to be implemented. Anything that involves the core interests of our Qing Dynasty does not need to follow the agreement."

Huang Taiji's face.A smile appeared, and Hauge understood it in the shortest time, but they still needed to hear Jierhalang's explanation why this happened.

"During this period of time in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, too many things have happened, and the ministers have mastered a lot. The first thing is that the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty was adjusted. All the original cabinet ministers were adjusted, including the chief assistant of the cabinet, Yang Sichang. He was also forced to retire. , Zhou Yanru became the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Chen Xinjia became the second assistant of the cabinet. The second thing is that there is a major and irreconcilable conflict between the Ming court and Su Tiancheng, which is likely to cause the division of the Ming court. Regarding this matter, Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the cabinet of the Ming court, is very concerned about his own interests, as for the affairs of the court, he is not necessarily so concerned..."

While Jierhalang was still speaking, Huang Taiji's face had completely changed, and his smile began to brighten. He really didn't expect that such a situation beneficial to the Qing Dynasty would appear, and it would appear so quickly.

"...The agreement signed by the minister on behalf of the emperor and the Ming court was ultimately made by the daimyo cabinet in order to deal with the Chongzhen emperor. This is confirmed by the words of Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the daming cabinet. The minister left the capital of the Ming Dynasty At that time, I had a special conversation with Zhou Yanru, Zhou Yanru, who controlled the Ming court, promised that he would not do certain things..."

Several times Huang Taiji wanted to speak, but finally held back. Seeing such a situation, Ji Erhalang also spoke quickly, and finished the report in the shortest time.

Just as Jierhalang finished speaking, Huang Taiji spoke.

"From this point of view, this agreement is no longer important. I don't think we need to worry about it. The most important thing is that the situation in Ming Dynasty has changed. This is what we should focus on. Hauge, what do you think?"

Huang Taiji first asked Hauge the question to see what Hauge thought.

Hauge was also prepared and spoke quickly.

"Father, my son's opinion is that the conflict between the Ming court and Su Tiancheng is the most important thing. According to my son's estimation, the Emperor Chongzhen is likely to send a large army to wipe out the Jiangning camp. With such a situation, our Qing Dynasty can once again occupy Guangning, Xipingbao and Dalinghe City in the shortest time, and then take down the Guanning Jin defense line in Liaodong. On the grassland, the Xibo tribe He and the Daur tribe will not know what to do. At this time, our Qing Dynasty will either destroy these two tribes, or win over these two tribes, so that Datong, Ningxia and other places in the Ming Dynasty can once again become places that our Qing Dynasty can break through at will. place..."

During Hauge's narration, Huang Taiji didn't have much expression on his face, but Jierhalang's expression changed. He never imagined that Hauge would have such an admiration for three days. Mature understanding.

"...As for the Ming court, I think that since Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the cabinet, is thinking of his own interests, this is something that our Qing Dynasty can take advantage of. I suggest that we find ways to meet Zhou Yanru's request, so that It will be able to confuse the Ming court and make my Qing Dynasty develop in a peaceful atmosphere. As long as my Qing Dynasty has passed through the most difficult time, I believe that if there is civil strife in Ming Dynasty, it will be our Qing Dynasty who marched and conquered the Central Plains Best time to..."

After Hauge finished speaking, Jierharang spoke quickly.

"His Royal Highness's opinion is really the best plan, so the time for my Qing Dynasty to unify the Central Plains is not far away. I admire you very much."

Huang Taiji shook his head lightly.

"Prince Zheng, if you had such an understanding, you probably would have realized it a long time ago. I think what Hauge said is right, but there is one thing that needs to be paid attention to. I am afraid that there will be no internal strife in Daming in a short time."

When Huang Taiji said these words, Hauge and Jierhalang were very surprised.

"The reason why I say this is because you still don't pay attention to that Su Tiancheng. I know this Su Tiancheng. If Daming really had internal strife, I would be very surprised. How could that wise Su Tiancheng make such a choice? If that is the case, even though I am unwell, I will lead the army to attack Liaodong."

"Da Ming is still stable, at least for a few years. Even if Su Tiancheng has conflicts with the Chongzhen Emperor, he probably has the same idea as me. He is not sure about buying time to grow stronger. At that time, don’t do anything. Didn’t you say that this Zhou Yanru was only thinking about his own interests, but he didn’t think about the interests of the Ming court? Since Zhou Yanru was thinking about his own interests, how could Su Tiancheng destroy it? After such a good situation, in fact, the relationship between Su Tiancheng and Zhou Yanru is like the relationship between my Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. If you take a step back, everyone will be safe and stable, and everyone will live a good life. As for the future Don’t think about the conflicts that will arise for now.”

"Prince Zheng, you have worked hard. This time I went to the capital of the Ming Dynasty to complete important matters and bought time for the Qing Dynasty. This time is very precious. In my opinion, this agreement should not be announced for the time being. Even if the king and ministers who are discussing politics will want to know, I will find a way to suppress it. The Qing Dynasty suffered too much losses in the battle of Gaizhou and the battle of Liaodong. Now is not the time to argue. We need to calm down and do a good job in a down-to-earth manner. own affairs."

Having said that, Huang Taiji sighed.

"Concubine Zhuang and Fulin stayed in the capital of Ming Dynasty. I am very worried. I feel sorry for their mother and son. They gave up their own happiness for the safety of our Qing Dynasty. Hauge, you must take good care of their mother and son in the future."

After Jierharang left Chongzheng Hall, Huang Taiji spoke to Hauge, and only the two of them knew what he said this time.

"Haug, don't miss this opportunity and never come again. Now is my opportunity for the Qing Dynasty. I am considering whether to abolish this council of kings and ministers. Over the years, I have been arbitrary and have not seen any problems, but yours The situation is different from mine. If one day I leave, you may not be able to control the council of kings and ministers. After all, I am still worried about Dorgon. Dorgon controls the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner. His strength is extraordinary. .”

"In my lifetime, there is only so much I can do. I have also thought about whether the Eight Banners system needs to be reformed. The Eight Banners of my Qing Dynasty only have the banner owner in their eyes and no court. If this situation exists for a long time , the consequences are unimaginable. Fan Wencheng once made suggestions in this regard. I still keep the memorial. You can read it more when you have time. You have to remember that once the Qing Dynasty enters the Central Plains and secures the world, the Eight Banners system must To reform, too many people cannot be in charge of the army, but under the current circumstances, the Eight Banners system must not be shaken. This is the foundation of our Qing Dynasty. For the sake of it."

. . .

The words that Huang Taiji said were indeed from the bottom of his heart, and his thoughts were very comprehensive. When Huang Taiji instilled these views into Hauge, he was actually thinking of the continuation of the royal bloodline. Only by reminding Hauge to pay attention to these issues can we guarantee The stability and prosperity of the Qing Dynasty. (To be continued..)

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