Ming politicians

Chapter 1118 Hard Bones

The war has not yet started, and public opinion comes first. This seems to meet the requirements of the war hundreds of years later. Su Tiancheng, who traveled through time, understands the truth. What he did was actually to overthrow the dynasty controlled by Zhu Youjian and control power by himself. A thorough transformation of this country allowed the Ming Dynasty to start large-scale economic development, external expansion and large-scale influence, making the Ming Dynasty a giant in the world, even surpassing the Han and Tang Dynasties in the world. Influence.But at this time in the Ming Dynasty, such a thought is somewhat puzzling, and even accused Su Tiancheng of hypocrisy.

However, Su Tiancheng did not regret doing so. The reason why he made these efforts was to get the maximum benefit from it, and also to think of the interests of the common people, so that the common people could live in peace and stability, and try to avoid Losses, we must know that the impact of the change of dynasty on the common people is huge, although such losses cannot be completely avoided.

History is written by the victors, this truth, Su Tiancheng is very clear.

The role of public opinion is huge, and no one expected it.

Liu Tiehan ordered the scouts to go out for a walk to get the news, saying that many wealthy people in Fujian were engaged in smuggling activities at sea, selling smuggled salt, etc., and accumulated huge wealth. The court suffered huge losses. At the same time, the local government also joined forces with these rich people. Therefore, Jiang Ningying came to Fujian to liquidate these rich people and clear up the scum in the government.

The news began to spread wildly, and even ordinary people knew about it.

At the same time, more people began to gather in Changle County. These people were all young and strong, and their identities could be accurately determined. They were the guards of many wealthy people, and the security of Changle County began to be unprecedentedly strict.

Just at this time.Su Tiancheng made a decision to let the army retreat ten miles, showing a weak situation.

Lu Xiangsheng and the others didn't quite understand this move. In their opinion, what are the rich man's guards?In front of the Jiangning camp, they are nothing. The soldiers of the Jiangning camp are well-trained, and the guards of many wealthy people are nothing but mobs.

But Su Tiancheng had his own plan. The army retreated ten miles, which was actually a harbinger of action. Su Tiancheng just wanted to attract more guards to Changle County, and wanted to use this fight to wipe out Fujian as much as possible. The vitality of the rich.Lay a solid foundation for subsequent liquidation.

Su Tiancheng had a different opinion from Lu Xiangsheng and others. Lu Xiangsheng and others believed that the court still had the greatest influence. Even if merchants were rich, if they did not follow the government's requirements, it would be easy to be liquidated. How to be rich.If it wasn't for the emperor's word, there would be nothing.It's a pity that Su Tiancheng doesn't see it that way, because he has hundreds of years of experience.

Shen Wansan in the Ming Dynasty was in a different situation. The Ming Dynasty at that time was very powerful, and the troops under its control were experienced in many battles.The emperor is also Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the country, and his ability is not comparable to that of ordinary kings, so Zhu Yuanzhang took action, and Shen Wansan had to wait to die, but the situation is different now.Daming was riddled with holes, Zhu Youjian worked very hard, trying to change the decadent situation of the Ming Dynasty, but the effect was not good, the armies all over the country had the meaning of supporting themselves, even though Su Tiancheng had made great efforts , but these efforts have caused a certain impact in the north.

The wealthy people in Fujian have long formed a huge force. In the eyes of these rich people, the government is the object they win over and use. As for the army of the guard, it is vulnerable. As long as they want to, they can destroy the guard at any time The army, besides, the rich people in Fujian have experienced too many things, the Japanese pirates rebelled during the Jiajing period, Zheng Zhilong later dominated the sea area, etc. After these things, many rich people believe that only by uniting can they be truly powerful and possible To a certain extent, if they fight against the government and strive for their own interests, even if they completely break up with the government, they will not do it if they leave here to develop overseas and make them submit like ordinary people.

This is actually the germ of capitalism and the inevitable law of social development, unless the government consumes huge manpower and material resources and activates the state machine to eliminate this power.

It is impossible for Lu Xiangsheng and others to know these understandings, so Su Tiancheng directly made the decision on killing the rich in Fujian, including beheading the rich, occupying their wealth and so on.

The time will soon be the end of the first month. The climate in the south is different from that in the north. It is already very warm at the end of the first month. Soldiers don’t need to wear cotton jackets. When the sun comes out, they can even wear single clothes. , better display.

The scouts reported again that Changle County has put the city on alert. All personnel entering and leaving the county must have a certificate from the county government or the chamber of commerce, otherwise they are not allowed to enter and leave the city gate. The opening time of the city gate has been shortened to two hours a day. , A large number of guards have been concentrated in the county seat, and these guards have begun to guard the city gates, patrol the county seat, and so on.

After the scouts reported the situation, Su Tiancheng showed a relieved expression on his face.

Seeing Su Tiancheng's expression, Lu Xiangsheng and others knew that the time was right. It had been nearly ten days before a large number of guards entered Changle County. Su Tiancheng didn't stop them and let them go in. It is very strict. Checkpoints have been set up on the official road and several nearby roads. Ordinary people will be let go, and those who have contact with merchants will be detained. The government officials are the same, and they are not allowed to leave Changle County at all.

"Everyone knows that the dragon raises its head on the second day of February. You all know the meaning of this festival. The spring plowing season is here, and the common people expect a year of good weather. But I know an allusion. In those days, Wu Zetian replaced the Tang Dynasty and established the Great Zhou Dynasty. Dynasty, this move angered the Jade Emperor in the sky, and ordered the Dragon King not to rain for three years, but the Dragon King couldn't bear to live in misery, couldn't bear the suffering of the people, so he secretly rained, and the Jade Emperor noticed it, arrested him and imprisoned him. Don't punish the Dragon King, afterward the Jade Emperor appreciated the people's sincerity and released the Dragon King."

"Let's not talk about the authenticity of this allusion, but one thing, what the Dragon King did was for the people of Liming. Isn't what we are doing now the same as that Dragon King, but there is one thing I want to remind you, we There is also the Jade Emperor, but the Jade Emperor's decision is incorrect, or he is stupid. We must resist, and we must not bow our heads and catch him. Since the Jade Emperor is confused, then we should not be polite to the Jade Emperor, and we will decide by ourselves."

Everyone was very quiet and listened very carefully. They had long understood that Su Tiancheng was probably going to become the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. What he said was very clear.

"Before I ordered the army to retreat ten miles, you didn't understand it very well. Now I will explain it. After years of conquests, our soldiers have fought against the bandits and fought bloody battles with the late Jin Tartars. They have the capital of pride. and emotions, but I will not publicly stop this kind of pride. This is the pride they have won with their strength, but I need to remind our soldiers that in the face of any battle, they must not have the mentality of underestimating their opponents. , I already feel that our soldiers despise their opponents very much, including many of you, who think that the guards of the rich are nothing more than a mob, and it is easy to win, because we took down the Plum Blossom Institute before, and we hardly did it. People think that the conquest in Fujian will be very simple. Maybe it is true, but there are accidents. If these guards are very brave, if they have the support of many people in Changle County, the situation will be different, so I want to suppress the pride of the soldiers."

"The time is ripe. Tomorrow Mao will attack Changle County, and it will take half a day to take it down. You all know the rich and powerful in Changle County. I still say the same thing, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, don't loot people, To win Changle County tomorrow, we need to work hard, He Renlong will lead [-] soldiers to take charge of the attack, and Zheng Hongkui and Zheng Chenggong will participate in the attack."

"Liu Tiehan, you lead the scout battalion. After breaking through the county seat, you are mainly responsible for destroying the rich people in the county seat and seizing their property. Remember what I said, cut the grass and root out the roots. The officials of Changle County Government seem to be colluding with these rich people. Don't be too polite, you all remember, Master Lu and I don't want to see the county magistrate, county magistrate, Zhu Bo and others."

"Tomorrow's tactical arrangement for the siege of the city is still that the artillery battalion will attack first. According to our tactics when we attacked Dalinghe City, we will blow up the city walls, but we are not allowed to bomb the inside of the county."

"Remember, this is our first battle in Fujian. Although it is said that Qu Qingze and Xiong Zijian have already started their conquest in Xinghua Prefecture, our army has the heaviest responsibility. The result of our conquest , is directly related to whether Fujian can be well governed. I don’t want to see the tragic situation of thousands of miles of people, which will bring huge troubles to our governance, but I also don’t want to see banditry in Fujian. My requirements are very high. Yes, please everyone."

Lu Xiangsheng stayed behind, and the rest of the people went to prepare. Just now, according to Su Tiancheng's arrangement, Lu Xiangsheng did not take on any tasks. Lu Xiangsheng has one of the biggest benefits. Once he decides to join Su Tiancheng, he will do everything with all his heart. , He completely understood the meaning of what Su Tiancheng said just now.

"My lord, I feel that conquests will inevitably lead to losses. If your lord thinks like this every time there is a conquest, I'm afraid it will tie the hands and feet of the soldiers."

"I understand what you mean. In fact, what I mean is that the focus is to protect ordinary people. As for officials, scholar-bureaucrats, etc., they don't necessarily have to be protected. Maybe you don't understand now, but you will understand soon. , why would I have such a request.” (To be continued..)

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