Ming politicians

Chapter 1119 Maybe Cruel

Su Tiancheng, who traveled through time, has always had knots in his heart. From an atheist to a believer in God's arrangement, the degree of idealism in it, even he himself can't feel it. After time travel to the Ming Dynasty, Su Tiancheng is very happy. Pay attention to your own words and deeds, especially in the process of conquest, make your actions look reasonable every time, and stick to a belief that you will not kill casually, let alone attack women, children and children, even if it is Leaving women, children and children behind may cause me to get into countless troubles, so I persisted. In addition, I tried not to attack scholars, so as not to leave some bad words on the future history. It is written by the victors, but there are always people who are not afraid of death. Cui Shu's regicide in the Spring and Autumn Period is a very typical example. There are always people who are not afraid of death to write history fairly.

Perhaps because of these knots, Su Tiancheng was always timid when doing things. When facing rogues and post-gold tartars, he could have no scruples, but he would not attack innocent Manchus. Because of this knot in his heart, he was reluctant to overthrow the Zhu family's dominance. When he came to Fujian, he also found reasons for himself, so that this blatant behavior had a fig leaf.

But the harsh reality made Su Tiancheng understand that there is no reason for power struggles. Those who do big things don't need high-sounding reasons. They do things very directly, their goals are very clear, and they can use any means to achieve their goals. , Many so-called high-sounding behaviors, such as the rebellion of bandits, found many reasons for themselves, but none of them succeeded. I am afraid that there is also some fatalism in it.

The night before the attack on Changle County, Su Tiancheng thought a lot, and he began to correct some of his views, such as the invasion of the Ming Dynasty by the Later Jin Tartars.It is true that the common people suffer, but if Su Tiancheng divides his forces to deal with the Houjin Tartars on the one hand and the imperial court on the other hand, it is impossible to succeed, and it is even possible for the imperial court and the Houjin Tartars to unite.Once I fail, will people be so merciful and abide by the so-called rules?

Morality kills people. True morality is not about crying with beggars after seeing them being pitiful, saying that beggars are pitiful, and giving beggars a meal, but how to enable beggars to support themselves after gaining power.Can have food to eat.

Thinking of these, Su Tiancheng suddenly felt enlightened. He felt that he had freed himself from a lot of shackles. Maybe this was his time travel again.

The battle to attack Changle County was very brutal. This situation exceeded Su Tiancheng's expectations.

The power of the artillery battalion is invincible, and the attack has just begun.Everything was within Su Tiancheng's expectation, the shells enveloped the city wall.Broken bricks, broken tiles and dust were flying everywhere, and the sergeant who was blown into the air probably died before he understood why.

The artillery for half an hour blasted a hole in the city wall, the city wall here.It is impossible to compare with Liaodong. The government thought of how to get more money, and would never spend money to repair the city wall.

When He Renlong led many soldiers to charge, Su Tiancheng still had a smile on his face. He thought that the battle could be over within an hour.The next step is to search for rich people in Changle County. As for the officials of the county government, both Liu Tiehan and He Renlong understand what to do.

It's a pity that Su Tiancheng was a little dumbfounded by the brutal fighting in the city.

Two hours passed, and the fighting in the city was still going on. Wounded soldiers were carried out continuously, and the medical officer and doctor gave emergency treatment.

Su Tiancheng couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to rush into the city several times, but was stopped by Lu Xiangsheng. Lu Xiangsheng's opinion was very clear, the battle was still going on, and the coach should not personally take risks.

Su Tiancheng thought that the rich man's guards were very brave, but unfortunately his idea was wrong, the scout's report made Su Tiancheng speechless, everything was triggered by his orders.

Although the rich man's guards are young and strong, they have not received special training after all. These rich men are also scattered. Many guards are gathered together in a hurry, and it is impossible to form too much combat power. It is incomparable with the soldiers of the Jiangning camp. , I fell into a disadvantage as soon as I came into contact with it, and it was absolutely impossible to organize a decent resistance.

But Su Tiancheng overlooked one point, that is, most of these guards are also from Changle County, or from Fuzhou Prefecture and Min County. They are all locals. They put down their knives and guns, and they are ordinary people. The guards, after the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion entered the city, the guards who formed the resistance quickly dispersed. They either took advantage of the familiar terrain to hide, or simply went back home.

Most of the guards are not afraid of death, because the money they get is too rich, and they use people's money to eliminate disasters. If they escape at this time, they will be looked down upon.

On the surface, the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp occupied Changle County, but the soldiers were in the open and the guards were in the dark. This kind of fighting seemed very unfair. In every house, bows and arrows could be shot, and some soldiers rushed into the house Afterwards, the old people, women, and children who saw them had no choice but to retreat. The military regulations of the Jiangning Battalion were very clear, and it was not allowed to attack women, children, and children.

The actions of the army were blocked by these plots, and it was precisely because of such plots that the casualties of the soldiers began to increase.

Hearing the scout's report, Su Tiancheng's face turned dark.

A cruel order was finally issued, if a cold arrow was shot from any house, the soldiers could be shot to death.

Su Tiancheng hesitated to give this order, but his reason quickly overcame his emotions. He thought of the people's war hundreds of years later. In this unfamiliar place, the Jiangning Camp seemed to be caught in a big net. Among them, if we cannot cut off this big net decisively, I am afraid that it will become more and more troublesome in the future, and in the conquest of Fujian, it is very likely to encounter many similar situations, restraining ourselves is definitely not a manifestation of kindness. If you hold it back too hard, if you release it in the end, you may really kill innocent people indiscriminately. Whether it is innocent people or those who do it, don't think about surviving.

After half an hour, the city began to quiet down.

Liu Tiehan came to invite Su Tiancheng to the city.

Su Tiancheng and Lu Xiangsheng went into the city, and from the moment they entered the city, his heart was beating. There were corpses along the way, mainly men's corpses on the edge of the city wall. These were undoubtedly guards, and there were also inspections. The sergeant of the division can be seen from the top of the military uniform, but the more you go inside, the corpses of the elderly, women and children begin to appear, and there are quite a few of them, even babies who are several months old are also beheaded. killed.

Su Tiancheng couldn't stand it anymore, but this was an order he personally issued, and He Renlong, who commanded the battle, couldn't be blamed.

The residences of fifteen merchants in Changle County were all surrounded. Liu Tiehan did not do anything for the time being. After discussing with He Renlong, he decided to ask Su Tiancheng for instructions. The killing of the people ahead had already made them a little scared up.

Seeing Su Tiancheng approaching, He Renlong's face turned pale. He was going to hide the corpses of these old and weak women and children, but if he really did that, he would have more troubles later.

Su Tiancheng stared at He Renlong, and found that He Renlong's body was trembling slightly. After all, children who were a few months old did not need to be beheaded. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I gave the order to kill them all, no matter men, women, old or young, no one would be left behind.

After sighing, Su Tiancheng spoke.

"He Renlong, Liu Tiehan, I can't blame you for what happened in Changle County. This is my order, but you remember, don't take it as an example. If all babies and children are killed, what kind of army will we be?"

He Renlong finally came to his senses, and asked immediately.

"My lord, the Changle County Chamber of Commerce and the rich man's mansion are all surrounded. I have discussed with Lord Liu, and I dare not do anything casually. I am waiting for the order of my lord."

Su Tiancheng glared at He Renlong and Liu Tiehan.

"You have done everything, why do you still need to ask for instructions? Do you need me to issue an order again? My attitude towards these rich men is still clear. Except for the servants in the mansion and the family members of the rich man, don't leave them alive."

The brutal killing begins again, this time for no reason.

Lu Xiangsheng has been standing by Su Tiancheng's side all the time. He is very strange. Su Tiancheng, who has experienced too many battles, has always been calm. Why is his face so ugly this time? It's not a big deal that some people were killed or injured, let alone The soldiers of the Jiangning camp have always been very self-disciplined and never broke into the homes of the common people. Of course, Lu Xiangsheng had never experienced what happened in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, otherwise he would definitely think that Su Tiancheng was too pedantic and benevolent.

"My lord, the situation here is good. The officials thought it was nothing. Since it is a conquest, there is no way that no one will die."

"I know, just letting the common people suffer, I always feel a little uncomfortable."

"My lord, can't you think like this? Sometimes, when the people take up arms, they are the enemies of the army. This was the case with the rogues back then. At that time, many adults in the court believed that the rogues were forced to do nothing. Focusing mainly on appeasement, the result is that the rogues are becoming more and more arrogant, and the court is almost out of control. If the adults hadn't led the Jiangning camp to destroy them, I don't know what the situation would have been. The officials thought that if the rogues could not be suppressed, the common people would suffer. There are many more to be added.”

Su Tian let out a long breath.

"Lord Lu, what you said is right. I am clear about the reason. It's just that when things come to an end, I always feel that it is too cruel. Fighting is a matter between soldiers, and Bai Bai should not be involved, but some At that time, the common people took up arms, that is, soldiers, and you are the only ones on the battlefield.” (To be continued..)

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