Ming politicians

Chapter 1135 A decisive battle

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Liu Zeqing was already in a hurry, he never thought that in just one day, the Jiangning Battalion occupied the Haining Guard garrison, the sergeant did not rest, and directly launched an attack, quickly occupied Haiyan County, and came towards the place where Jiaxing Fucheng was located. These actions seem to be done in one go, without the slightest stagnation in the middle.

As the commander-in-chief, Liu Zeqing knew very well that it was not easy for the army to march without the slightest stagnation, and to be able to march quickly while fighting. The determination is clear, and it is directed at the army he leads.

After being in a state of peace for a long time, Liu Zeqing became a little relaxed, and the sergeant became even more relaxed. This time, if he went out to collect food and pay, if it wasn't for the incentive of income, it is not clear what would have happened. Liu Zeqing knew all about this.

The army is stationed in the military camp five miles away from Jiaxing Prefecture. This military camp was specially built by Liu Zeqing after he came to Zhejiang. The military camp is very large. Ordinary people are not allowed to approach here. The military salary allocated by the imperial court in the past is really pitiful. After the ninth year of Chongzhen, the situation improved a little bit. As he was stationed in Jiaxing Mansion for a long time, Liu Zeqing also thought of some methods. Of course, the first method is to work hard on the fields. One hundred thousand troops are needed. There are quite a lot of official land. Liu Zeqing has found the governor of Zhejiang many times, and then under the supervision of the court, he finally settled the official land. There are a total of [-] hectares of arable land, which means that each sergeant has about five acres on his head. The arable land, so much arable land, I thought it would be completely resolved by Jiaxing Mansion.It is not very realistic, so the arable land owned by the army is distributed in Jiaxing, Huzhou and other places.

The army led by Liu Zeqing is different from the army in the guard. Although there are also troops in it, the proportion is not very high.Therefore, the cultivated land far away from the military camp is generally directly leased out. For example, it is impossible to directly send troops to cultivate the more than 1 hectares of cultivated land in Huzhou.

The emperor ordered Liu Zeqing to lead the army to resist the Jiangning camp. In fact, Liu Zeqing can act immediately. Over the years, the army has also accumulated a lot of wealth.

The military situation was urgent, and Liu Zeqing ordered the sergeants in Hangzhou and Huzhou.Return quickly without the slightest delay. He already knew that the Jiangning battalion sergeants led by Su Tiancheng had a total of 4 soldiers. In terms of numbers, the army he led had an absolute advantage.And familiar with the terrain here, according to the conditions of the right time, place and people.At least the right time and place are fully occupied. As for harmony, Jiang Ningying also has no advantage in this regard.

There are [-] troops left in the barracks, and the other [-] troops, [-] are collected in Huzhou, and [-] are collected in Hangzhou.[-] were distributed in the prefectures and counties of Jiaxing Prefecture to collect military pay. The sergeants in the prefectures and counties of Jiaxing Prefecture had already heard the news and began to return to the barracks one after another, but the sergeants in the direction of Huzhou and Hangzhou.It will take some time before all of them can return to the barracks.

This is what Liu Zeqing is most worried about. If the sergeants cannot return to the army in time, then the advantage in the number of the army will no longer exist. With 6 Jiangning battalion soldiers, there is not much advantage to speak of.

Liu Zeqing never thought about the tactical arrangement of attacking the Jiangning camp back and forth at all. What he thought was that the army would all enter Jiaxing Prefecture City and rely on the strong city walls to hold on. So at this time, the army was working hard to move the grain and grass. In Jiaxing City, the residents began to be cleared and stationed for the army. Clean out the place.

The seemingly stupidest tactical deployment is actually the most effective tactical deployment.Liu Zeqing is well aware of this point. A large army defending Jiaxing City is more effective than any tactics. As long as there is sufficient food and grass, it can be maintained for a long time. What is more beneficial is that it can guarantee that the strength will not suffer too much loss.

In just half a day, [-] troops entered Jiaxing Fucheng.

Fucheng is already in chaos. With so many troops stationed there, they can’t stay in the open air. They must have houses to live in. Therefore, the officials of Fucheng and the sergeants of the inspection department began to confiscate the houses of the people. As for where the people live after they are kicked out, there is no need to worry about it.

After entering Fucheng, Liu Zeqing began to think about it. No matter how aggressively Su Tiancheng came to attack, there was no direct conflict between him and Su Tiancheng. If possible, the two sides should negotiate a peace and stop fighting face to face, but doing such a thing , need to keep it secret, but Liu Zeqing has thought about this issue before, and has secretly arranged for his confidants to prepare, so at this time, Liu Zeqing did not hesitate, and immediately called his confidantes, and after some discussion, he ordered his confidants to go out of the city. Find Su Tiancheng directly, and the two sides sit down to negotiate.

Even if the negotiation fails, at least it can delay the time.

Liu Zeqing was stepping up his actions, and Su Tiancheng was not idle.

The method of attack has long been clear, the purpose is to wipe out the [-] troops led by Liu Zeqing. As for the fighting power of these sergeants, Su Tiancheng knows it well. Compared with the Hou Jin Tartars, it is far behind, but compared with the guard army, It should be stronger. Facing such an army, the battle will not be particularly fierce. I am afraid that when the city is broken, the first choice of most of the sergeants is to surrender.

It's a pity that Su Tiancheng will not recruit these soldiers, and it is unrealistic to kill them all, but the officers and soldiers who have done a lot of evil and plundered the people too much must be hard to survive

Liu Tiehan personally led the scout battalion, and had already detected accurate news. Nearly half of the 3 troops led by Liu Zeqing were still collecting military pay outside, of which 1 were in Huzhou, 1 were in Hangzhou, and The [-] soldiers in the army were distributed in the prefectures and counties of Jiaxing Prefecture. The Jiangning Battalion captured Haiyan County and captured less than a thousand soldiers, most of whom fled early.

This is also a lesson. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion encountered a completely different battle in Zhejiang. You must move faster than your opponent, and you must prevent your opponent from escaping.

After receiving Liu Tiehan's report, Su Tiancheng slightly changed his decision to directly attack Jiaxing Fucheng.

He is going to adopt a campaign deployment of besieging the city and fighting for aid. Only in this way can the opponent's vital forces be wiped out to the maximum extent.

Qu Qingze, Liu Tiehan, Qin Rui, He Renlong, Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, Li Dingguo and others were all in the tent of the Chinese Army, including Wu Weiye, who stood aside and watched. He had been appointed as the staff officer of the army, Directly assist Su Tiancheng in daily affairs.

Su Tiancheng looked at the crowd, pointed to the sand table on the table and spoke.

"My consideration is to adopt the tactical arrangement of besieging the city and fighting for aid. The specific operation method is that Liu Tiehan will lead 3 soldiers to surround Jiaxing Fucheng, but don't attack for the time being. He Renlong and Ainengqi will lead 1 soldiers. In the direction of Xiushui, we will face the 4 people who came back from Huzhou. Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo will lead [-] soldiers, and go straight to Tongxiang and Chongde to face the [-] people who came back from Hangzhou. [-] people on the periphery."

"You have experienced the battles these few times. The army led by Liu Zeqing is not very effective, but most of them are soldiers. They know how to escape. If the battle situation is a little unfavorable, they may collapse. You have fled in all directions, so you have to change your tactics. I still say the same thing, we need to make dumplings, not chase ducks. If you let the opponent escape, your battle will be considered a failure. It is a huge danger, they may ignore everything and plunder the people recklessly."

"He Renlong, Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, and Li Dingguo, this time you lead the army and fight alone. The overall combat mission has been arranged. How to fight, how to obtain the greatest victory, and how to reduce the casualties of soldiers are all important. You can make arrangements on your own. The artillery battalion is divided into three parts, half of which will be left to surround Jiaxing Fucheng. For the other half, two-thirds will be directly commanded by He Renlong and Ainengqi, and one-third will be under the direct command of Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo. direct command."

"Encircle and suppress the Huzhou-oriented army, with He Renlong as the commander-in-chief and Ai Nengqi as the deputy, encircle and suppress the Hangzhou-oriented army, with Liu Wenxiu as the commander-in-chief and Li Dingguo as the deputy."

"I hope that everyone can work together to complete this battle beautifully. Once Liu Zeqing's army is wiped out, the entire Zhejiang can be completely taken down. There will be basically no battles in the future. The sooner the better , Our next task is still very heavy, the next target is Nanzhili, there are quite a few imperial troops stationed in Nanzhili, we may encounter some fierce battles, so we have to make all preparations."

Everyone has an excited look on their faces. The soldiers regard combat as their bounden duty. Next, they will face a series of battles. After taking down Zhejiang, they will immediately move to Nanzhili, and then they will unify the entire Central Plains.

After arranging and arranging everything, Su Tiancheng emphasized his tone.

"You have all seen the behavior of the soldiers under Liu Zeqing's command. What they did was worse than bandits. How could the common people support such an army? How could the court not know what the army below has become? I have done something, I will never support such a court. Our army will never allow such behavior, otherwise no matter who is involved, it must be severely punished. I have a point of view, and I often share with you Communication, here needs to be emphasized again, you follow me to conquer the north and south, and even unify the entire land of the Central Plains, the prosperity and wealth are indispensable to you, but if anyone thinks that they can run amok from now on and be able to exploit the common people, don't blame me for being rude." (To be continued..)

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