Ming politicians

Chapter 1136 A decisive battle

The official road from Haiyan County to Pinghu County is more than 30 kilometers in total. According to the marching speed of the army, it will take about a day. Next, move from Pinghu to Jiaxing Fucheng, which is more than [-] kilometers. It can be reached in half a day. up.

Therefore, the preparation time Liu Zeqing listed was about two days. Because of the urgent time, he personally urged the sergeants to transport food and grass from the barracks to Jiaxing Fucheng day and night, and at the same time sent multiple scouts to investigate the movement of the Jiangning camp. As for the secrets The negotiators had already set off for Pinghu County. If they didn't see Jiang Ningying in Pinghu County, they should go directly to Haiyan County via the official road. In short, they had to meet Su Tiancheng as quickly as possible.

Because of the need for combat deployment, Su Tiancheng, Qu Qingze, Liu Tiehan, Qin Rui and others led [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion to Pinghu County. The marching speed along the way was not very fast. The main task of the army was to surround Jiaxing Prefecture. It is not a direct battle. The time for the real battle will be after the return of the army led by He Renlong and Liu Wenxiu, and the general offensive will officially start. However, it does not mean that the Jiangning battalion and Liu Zeqing's army have not fought against each other in the past few days. , The battle has already begun, and any situation may arise, so Liu Tiehan still personally leads the scouts to scout for news along the way.

Before dark, the army arrived in Pinghu County without any resistance along the way.

The gate of the county seat was open, and the vanguard troops led by Qin Rui had already occupied the county seat. According to Su Tiancheng's news, many officials in Pinghu County, including the sergeant of the inspection department, had already abandoned the city and fled to Jiaxing Fucheng went, and some people in the city also left, hiding in other places.

Pinghu County used to be part of Haiyan County, and Pinghu County was established in Xuande five years ago.That is, in 1430 A.D., which is about 200 years ago, compared with the rest of the prefectures and counties that Jiaxing Prefecture belongs to, it is regarded as the younger brother, but Pinghu County has its own advantages, being close to the sea.Moreover, the speed of economic development is good. There are many merchants in the county, and the agricultural production is not bad. It is not far from Jiaxing Fucheng, so the speed of development is very fast.

After entering the county seat, Su Tiancheng felt that the atmosphere was very oppressive. It seemed that the people here felt similar to the people in Haiyan County.It is estimated that they all hate the army, no matter whose army it belongs to, as long as they wear the military uniform of the Ming army.

Su Tiancheng, Fan Jingwen and others were arranged to rest in the backyard of the county government.

After working hard all day, Su Tiancheng also wanted to rest early. These days are always very busy, so he can finally relax a little bit, the first conquest mission.He Renlong, Liu Wenxiu and others took the responsibility.

But Su Tiancheng couldn't relax.

Just as he was looking at the sand table placed in the middle of the room, Liu Tiehan was brought in by Wu Rong.

"Report to His Royal Highness King De. My subordinates caught a spy who said he was representing Liu Zeqing and must see you. My subordinates found a badge from him, which is indeed the badge of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion."

Su Tiancheng took the badge.Taking a random look, this is the badge that only the left and right governors of the five armies' governor's mansion are qualified to wear. It is specially made by the imperial court. It is impossible for ordinary people to have such a badge, which also shows.The person here indeed represents Liu Zeqing.

"Have you asked what the purpose is?"

"I asked, but this kid refused to say. This subordinate originally wanted to use force, but when he saw the badge, he felt that the matter was of great importance, so he came to report directly to His Highness."

Su Tiancheng didn't speak immediately, holding the badge in his hand, and fell into deep thought. Since the person who came was representing Liu Zeqing and asked to meet him, there must be something important to avoid talking about, and the two armies are already in the process of fighting In the midst of it, at this time Liu Zeqing sent out a secret envoy to meet with him. It is said that for what purpose it is easy to analyze.

After a quarter of an hour, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Invite Mr. Fan to come to me, and bring someone to meet me in a quarter of an hour."

When Fan Jingwen entered the room, he was a little confused. He was a little old, and he was still a little tired after marching with the army. He also wanted to rest early. The things he saw these days impacted his heart. He also needs to think about things. To put it bluntly, he also needs to make a choice. Why would Su Tiancheng do this? Some matters that he obviously does not need to participate in, and he does not object to him knowing. The meaning of this is very clear. of.

Seeing Fan Jingwen enter the room, Su Tiancheng smiled and said.

"Master Fan has been working hard all the way, and he should have rested. However, we have encountered something special today. I would like to invite Mr. Fan to witness it. However, I would like to declare in advance that today's matter is very confidential. I hope you will not let it out."

"Oh, what is it, it's so confidential, it's better for the old man not to know."

"Your Majesty Fan doesn't have to say that. I've been thinking of clarifying some words with you. After the matter of Jiaxing Mansion is over, I will send someone to let you go to Shandong to have a look. Hearing is believing. Seeing is believing. Your choice is Many of them can go back to the court and continue to serve the emperor and the court, or they can stay in Shandong. I will never force it, but before that, there are some things that I need to know, so as not to say that I am unreasonable. Today, my lord It was an interesting scene to see.”

"There is one more thing I need to remind Mr. Fan. After returning to the capital, it may not be a reward to wait for him. I am afraid that his position as a cabinet scholar will not be kept. It is considered good if he can not enter the prison."

Fan Jingwen spoke with a sullen face.

"Your kindness, the old man appreciates it. As for the choice of the old man, it has long been clear."

Su Tiancheng smiled, and stopped talking. He had already sensed that Fan Jingwen had long been hesitant.

Fan Jingwen walked behind the screen and sat down quietly.

Soon, Liu Tiehan brought Liu Zeqing's secret envoy in. The secret envoy was not very old. He looked about 30 to 40 years old. He is a scholar who has not passed the provincial examination.

The secret envoy claimed to be below, which confirmed Su Tiancheng's judgment.

The secret envoy's attitude seemed a little arrogant, or arrogant. Normally, Su Tiancheng would have lost his temper a long time ago, but at this time, with Fan Jingwen sitting behind the screen, he still had to pay attention to his temperament.

Soon, the secret envoy began to talk about the serious business. It was exactly the same as Su Tiancheng's judgment. Liu Zeqing didn't want to fight with him. He hoped that the two sides could sit down and talk. Give up attacking Jiaxing Mansion and Huzhou Mansion, these two places will be occupied by Liu Zeqing's army, and the rest of Zhejiang will be at the disposal of Su Tiancheng, Liu Zeqing will never intervene.

Su Tiancheng's face was calm, even though he was very angry in his heart, Liu Zeqing's image in his heart was basically gone. If there was no previous search for people's wealth, Su Tiancheng could still understand, after all, the situation of supporting soldiers and self-respect, at this time, It is very common, especially for veteran officers like Liu Zeqing, who understand the importance of strength, but Liu Zeqing accepted the imperial decree and used the imperial decree to search for people's wealth, and at the same time he had to negotiate with himself, thinking about controlling Jiaxing and Huzhou In the two places, becoming a tyrant can also claim credit from the imperial court, saying that they resisted the Jiangning camp and saved Jiaxing and Huzhou.

Such a good thing, Liu Zeqing can also think of it, it's too arrogant.

Su Tiancheng spoke very rudely to Liu Zeqing's secret envoy.

"Liu Zeqing's requirements are very high. He thought of everything for himself. He reached an agreement with Jiang Ning Ying, preserved his strength, collected money, and was able to make business with the imperial court. He might even be rewarded by the imperial court. Such a calculation is not like He's a soldier, but he's more like a merchant, but why should I agree to such a deal?"

The emissary's face was a little red, but he spoke quickly.

"My family's commander commands an army of [-] and has been stationed in Zhejiang for many years. If the Lord must attack, the outcome is uncertain. My family's commander just doesn't want to fight each other, and he has no intention of opposing the Lord's command of other places in Zhejiang. Adults are very beneficial..."

Su Tiancheng smiled, and after the secret envoy finished speaking, he spoke again.

"It's amazing, a hundred thousand troops are rushing over, isn't it that the Jiangning battalion is going to be crushed, isn't it going to be captured without a fight, it's a pity that I have a weird temper, I just don't believe these things, by the way, I'm stationed in Jiaxing now There are about 6 sergeants in Fucheng, and the remaining 4, 3 came from Huzhou, and 1 came from Hangzhou, is this the case?"

The secret envoy looked at Su Tiancheng, but did not speak.

"I can tell you that these 4 people should never think about being able to return to Jiaxing Fucheng. In this way, the sergeants guarding Jiaxing Fucheng, that is, 6 people, facing the [-] soldiers of my Jiangning battalion, said A arrogant word, after the attack begins, I am afraid that you will have no chance to fight back."

The emissary's body trembled slightly, and he tried his best to speak.

"Aren't you too arrogant, my lord? My army is not vegetarian."

"Hehe, you don't believe it. Anyway, you come to secret talks on behalf of Liu Zeqing, and there will be no results. Just stay here for a few days, at most three days, and you can get clear news. The [-] soldiers in Huzhou and Hangzhou , I’m afraid it won’t exist anymore, when that time comes, go back to Jiaxing Fucheng and help Liu Zeqing continue to make suggestions and see how to resist the attack.”

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, he waved his hand and signaled Liu Tiehan to take the emissary away.

When Fan Jingwen came out from behind the screen, his face was so pale that he couldn't see a trace of blood.

Seeing Fan Jingwen like this, Su Tiancheng was a little surprised. He wondered why Fan Jingwen could hold back and didn't rush out to reprimand this secret envoy of Liu Zeqing.

Su Tiancheng said a word.

"Lord Fan, this is the imperial court's army. How does this kind of army defend the country and ensure the safety of the people? I don't want to talk too much. Please think twice." (To be continued...)

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