Ming politicians

Chapter 1137 A decisive battle

The ambush locations chosen by He Renlong and Liu Wenxiu have some things in common. He Renlong chose Wangjiangjing, and Liu Wenxiu chose Shitang. The two places are not very populated, and the terrain is very flat. The advantages and disadvantages of a large army setting up an ambush in such a place are very obvious. Such a place is conducive to cavalry combat, and can kill the opponent to the maximum extent, and it is not easy for the opponent to escape. But setting up an ambush in such a place, the army is easily exposed , it is possible to alarm the opponent prematurely and make the opponent fully prepared.

If it were the Golden Tartars after the ambush, He Renlong and Liu Wenxiu would never choose such an ambush location, it would seem too arrogant, but facing Liu Zeqing's army, the two of them had the same idea surprisingly, they just wanted to be upright The annihilation of Liu Zeqing's army reflects the power of the Jiangning battalion.

This battle is very critical. Next, the Jiangning Battalion will conquer Nanzhili. There are many troops stationed in Nanzhili. Moreover, once Nanzhili is threatened, the imperial court will attach great importance to it. He mobilized an army with Jiangxi, and Zuo Liangyu, who was stationed in Wuchang, led an army of 20, which must not be ignored.Once the Jiangning Battalion gained prestige and reputation, whether it was Zuo Liangyu from Wuchang, Huang Degong from Luzhou, Ma Shiying, Governor of Fengyang, or Sun Tai, the newly appointed Shangshu of the Southern Zhili Military Department, when facing the Jiangning Battalion , There will be fear, and the momentum will be lost first.

Liu Zeqing's two generals led the army respectively and rushed to Jiaxing from Hangzhou and Huzhou. Their harvest was very good, and they brought a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, so the trip was not very fast. In fact, they were not in a hurry, after all, it was a hundred thousand The army, even the Jiangning battalion is brave.With [-] against [-], it is necessary to be cautious. Besides, even if they come back later, they can still attack the Jiangning camp from front to back, and defeat the Jiangning camp that was attacking the city in one fell swoop.

With such an idea.The two generals didn't deliberately request to speed up, but they didn't care about looting again along the way, and the army was always in a state of marching.

The fate of destruction is waiting, but they are still dreaming, and they didn't even send too many scouts to investigate.

Coincidentally, the two armies returning from Hangzhou and Huzhou arrived at Wangjiangjing and Shitang in one day at the same time. This has to be said to be a tragedy for Liu Zeqing and a tragedy for the court.

Chongzhen 15th February 25th.1643 AD.

Two battles started simultaneously in Wangjiangjing and Shitang.

The battle of Wang Jiangjing started at Chenshi, and the battle of Shitang started at the third quarter of Chenshi. The time difference between the two battles was three quarters, but the result was the same.

Both He Renlong and Liu Wenxiu focused on using the Frang machine guns and cavalry, and first used artillery, especially the Fron machine guns.Suppress the opponent's momentum and cause massive damage to the opponent.Then let the cavalry charge and chase down the opponents who are already on the verge of collapse.

The battle situation was all one-sided. Su Tiancheng's prediction was very accurate. Liu Zeqing's sergeants, worthy of veterans, found that the situation was not right.I just wanted to run away in all directions, and didn't care about any resistance at all. Unfortunately, most of these sergeants were infantry, and there were very few cavalry.To deal with the common people, Liu Zeqing didn't need to send many cavalry.

When the infantry met the cavalry, they were at a disadvantage. Unless they formed a square team and used spears or spears to resist the cavalry, once they scattered and fled, they became the targets of the cavalry and were ruthlessly beheaded one by one.

He Renlong and Liu Wenxiu discussed it when they set off. Although Su Tiancheng requested not to kill too much, they knew that these old soldiers under Liu Zeqing were of little use. It's impossible, once captured, they still have to manage the lives of these people, wasting food, so the idea of ​​the two of them is to kill as much as possible, as long as they don't use weapons, they will not be left alive, although this has a taste of massacre , but there is nothing wrong.

But their plan came true. The sergeants under Liu Zeqing thought of running away. In the beginning, no one thought of surrendering. This is because many sergeants carried gold and silver treasures in their arms. If they surrendered, these treasures would be If it is not their own, it will definitely be confiscated, so they didn't think of surrendering, and they ran desperately.

The so-called man-made money and dead birds die for food, this is a true portrayal.

Human murderousness is not innate, it is tempered in a harsh environment. On the battlefield, if you don’t kill your opponent, they will kill you. After experiencing such an environment many times, the murderousness is natural It was born.

When the murderous aura explodes to the limit, there are two possibilities. One is that the two sides are evenly matched, and they are both caught in a desperate fight. When it really reaches the point where either you die or I die, at this time, even a cowardly sergeant will be aroused to murderous aura , broke out in an instant, and became an excellent sergeant from then on. Another situation is that the strength of the two sides is too great, and the battle becomes a one-sided situation. It is a kind of glory and fun. In the massacres of the past and present, the sergeant can raise the butcher's knife when facing the unarmed people, which is also a manifestation of the murderous aura, but this kind of murderous aura may be cultivated. Bloodthirsty madman, not excellent sergeant.

The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion encountered the second situation, but these sergeants are all excellent soldiers, and they have long been used to killing on the battlefield.

After the massacre lasted for more than half an hour, the fleeing sergeants finally understood that they couldn't escape. Looking at the corpses scattered all over the ground, some of the sergeants began to kneel down and surrender.

Once there was one man kneeling on the ground, soon the sergeants followed suit and began to kneel on the ground.

He Renlong had already risen to kill. Facing such a battle, he had long forgotten that he was the commander-in-chief, and rushed forward wielding a steel knife. Ai Nengqi was not much better. This battle can be easily won , there is no need to leave any reserve team, and there is no need to be too much prepared. After He Renlong rushed up a quarter of an hour later, he also rushed up.

However, He Renlong and Ai Nengqi still have their rationality. Once the opponent kneels and surrenders, they cannot slaughter without limit. They cannot kill the opponent who kneels and surrenders. , Iron-like military regulations.

The slaughter slowly stopped.

When the general was escorted up, He Renlong and Ai Nengqi didn't even get off their horses. The large amount of gold, silver and jewels they seized left them with no good opinion of this general. Besides, according to Su Tiancheng's handling Opinion, this participant has no chance of survival.

The task of cleaning up the battlefield was quickly arranged, but the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion did not need to do it. The captured prisoners were the best labor force.

An hour later, He Renlong and Ai Nengqi got an accurate battle report. Of the [-] Liu Zeqing's sergeants who rushed back from Huzhou, more than [-] were captured alive, and the remaining [-] were all beheaded. Neglected, more than [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were killed and seriously injured, and there is no statistics on minor injuries for the time being.

This is a casualty rate of thirty to one. Even He Renlong and Ainengqi were stunned. They never thought that they would completely wipe out an army of thirty thousand with only one thousand casualties.

More than [-] captured people dug a huge pit, and threw all the [-] people who were beheaded into the pit. As for the soldiers who died in the Jiangning camp, they were cremated according to the rules, and the ashes would be brought back. Give it to the family.

The battle between Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo didn't last long, 1 people against 1 people, the numbers are the same, which makes the battle much easier, but the effect on the battlefield is similar, At the beginning, the opponents also ran away desperately, but later they found that the situation was wrong, and some people began to kneel down and surrender.

The entire battle process ended in just over an hour.

The battle results were brilliant. Of the 500 soldiers under Liu Zeqing who came back from Hangzhou Mansion, only a thousand or so survived. The number of soldiers killed and seriously injured in the battalion was less than [-].

After the battle was over and the results were cleared up, both He Renlong and Liu Wenxiu quickly dispatched messengers to report the results to Su Tiancheng who was waiting outside Jiaxing City. As for the two armies, they returned to Pinghu a little later. , mainly because they carried captives, and some soldiers must be left behind to guard these captives, so the marching speed cannot be very fast, but the vanguard troops will rush to the outside of Jiaxing City after a short rest.

The messengers set off overnight and rode quickly to the outside of Jiaxing City.

At Maoshi on February 26, the messengers sent by He Renlong and Liu Wenxiu arrived outside Jiaxing almost at the same time.

After receiving the battle report, Su Tiancheng's expression was very calm, but Fan Jingwen and the others were stunned.

Su Tiancheng asked Liu Tiehan to bring Liu Zeqing's secret envoy here.

"Didn't you say I was arrogant two days ago? Now I can tell you that the [-] soldiers who came back from Huzhou and Hangzhou have been wiped out by us. We have captured more than [-] people alive and killed more than [-] people. I can also tell you clearly that the battle will not last long. Tomorrow these captives can be taken here. After dark today, I will let you go back and enter Fucheng. You go and tell Liu Zeqing, get ready, At Maoshi tomorrow, we will start to attack the city. You tell Liu Zeqing that I hope to have a good fight with him. Anyway, Liu Zeqing once served as a garrison in Liaodong, and he can be regarded as resisting the later Golden Tartars. I hope he can Show your courage, don't be too bearish..."

The secret envoy's face had turned pale, and he couldn't believe that the [-] troops disappeared just like that. According to this situation, wouldn't the [-] troops stationed in Jiaxing Fucheng be killed in a short period of time? The complete annihilation of the Jiangning battalion is no longer a matter of negotiation, but a matter of immediate surrender.

It's a pity that Su Tiancheng did not accept the surrender. (To be continued..)

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