Ming politicians

Chapter 1138

(Thank you readers for your great support. The new January has arrived, and I must work harder. Thank you.)

The first day of March in the 16th year of Chongzhen.

An army of [-] surrounded Jiaxing Fucheng, the artillery was erected, and the attack was about to begin.

Liu Ze knew the news that the army that came back from Huzhou and Hangzhou was annihilated by the Jiangning Battalion early in the morning. At that moment, he really felt the disaster. The [-] army was wiped out while talking and laughing. This is not an ordinary spirit , I used to think that the Jiangning camp was lucky, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, they are really capable, it is ridiculous that I still want to negotiate with Su Tiancheng, and I still want to rely on an army of [-] to form a deterrent to Su Tiancheng , Now it seems that it is too self-defeating.

Just as Su Tiancheng expected, the first thing Liu Zeqing thought of was to surrender. Relying on an army of [-] to resist would be tantamount to courting death. Unfortunately, Su Tiancheng did not accept the surrender. Liu Zeqing knew the deep-seated reasons for this. For some, Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ning Ying wanted to rely on this battle to establish their prestige, and let the rest of the Ming army see how vulnerable those troops that the court said they could rely on were in front of Jiang Ning Ying.This is of great benefit to Su Tiancheng's future rule of the world, and it is probably because of this reason that Liu Zeqing became the scapegoat.

It's a pity that Liu Zeqing has never reflected on himself. What is wrong with Su Tiancheng's failure to accept his surrender? Could it be that his subordinates have gone too far.

Fan Jingwen's attitude was slowly changing. Yan Zizhang and Wu Weiye, who followed him to Zhejiang, had completely split up. Wu Weiye clearly followed Su Tiancheng to do things, which was tantamount to betraying the court. Yan Zizhang still insisted on his own understanding.He thought that Su Tiancheng was a rebel, a big treason, and Yan Zizhang also felt inappropriate for the reality he saw, but he believed that these could be changed by relying on the emperor and the court.

Fan Jingwen and Su Tiancheng also talked about Yan Zizhang in private.Su Tiancheng was very frank, saying that he had high hopes for Yan Zizhang in the past, but now he has changed his mind. People like Yan Zizhang think of becoming famous in their bones, and the means they use are fierce opposition. They may be able to do things well in the local area. , Once you enter the court, bad things will happen.

But ten days.Fan Jingwen is already considering his own choice. He has always pursued the truth. Back then, he did not attach himself to Wei Zhongxian or the Donglin Party. He had independent thinking, which was the best manifestation. Fan Jingwen also had no idea what the outcome would be when he returned to the capital. thought about it.From the moment he made a suggestion to the emperor, he planted the seeds of disaster for the future.After leaving the imperial court for such a long time, who knows what Jinyiwei and Dongchang will do in the future, and following Su Tiancheng during this time, all the local officials in Zhejiang know about it, but Su Tiancheng is severely investigating and punishing the corruption of officials , those officials who fled.In order to cover up his corruption, he will try his best to belittle Su Tiancheng, and of course he will not forget him, Fan Wencheng.

After Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Camp and captured Jiaxing Fucheng, Fan Jingwen was going to Shandong to have a look.Then comes the moment to make the final choice.

At three o'clock in Maoshi, He Renlong reported that all preparations had been made, and the battle to siege the city would officially begin at Chenshi.

Su Tiancheng looked very relaxed, and invited Fan Jingwen to walk out of the central army tent with him to see the next attack.In this siege battle, the Jiangning Battalion was very confident and notified Liu Zeqing of when the attack would be launched, where the main direction of the attack would be, and so on. Being able to do so showed that Su Tiancheng had fully With confidence, we can win Jiaxing Fucheng in one fell swoop.

As soon as he walked out of the tent of the Chinese army, Liu Tiehan came over with a dark face.

"Report to His Highness King De that there are some abnormalities in the city of Jiaxing."

Su Tiancheng frowned. What's the big deal? The attack is about to start. The artillery battalion is ready to bomb. Of course, the target of the bombing is the city wall. Bombing is not allowed inside the city. It is tantamount to massacring civilians.

Su Tiancheng picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of the city wall. Fan Jingwen and others also picked up the binoculars.

Su Tiancheng's body trembled slightly.

On the city wall, those who stood were not sergeants, but women, children, old and young. These people were forced by the sergeants with steel knives and spears, and stood tremblingly on the city wall.

This was the first time Su Tiancheng encountered such a situation. If the attack started, these women, children, old and young would definitely not be spared. He never imagined that Liu Zeqing would use such a hooligan method.

Fan Jingwen's reaction was even more intense. As a cabinet scholar, he should pay attention to his status, but after putting down the binoculars, Fan Jingwen gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Liu Zeqing is nothing, bastard..."

He Renlong and the others rushed to the camp of the Chinese army.

The debate started. He Renlong believed that the time of the attack could not be changed. If the old and weak women and children on the city wall were concerned, future battles would be impossible. However, Liu Tiehan believed that it was still possible. Talk to Liu Zeqing, if there is no effect, you can start to attack.

Su Tiancheng didn't know, but Liu Zeqing knew what he did in Haiyan County and Pinghu County, not infringing on the interests of the people, resolutely safeguarding the interests of the people, this is the bottom line that Su Tiancheng insists on, and it is also the extremely strict military regulations of the Jiangning Camp , and it is precisely because of this that Liu Zeqing resorted to this trick when he knew that resistance would have no end. Don't you, Su Tiancheng, love the people? Then I will let the people come to the city wall. Since you want to attack the city, you must Killing the people, so that everything you advertise is not empty talk, and this kind of behavior will be spread in the future, that is, when you Su Tiancheng attacked the city, you used the method of massacring the city. The point of view you insist on protecting the interests of the people, If not, it will be shattered.

This is a typical example of judging a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

But this is indeed a difficult question, testing Su Tiancheng's wisdom.

Everyone's discussion ended soon, and the ultimate goal was to launch an attack. Anyway, the Jiangning battalion must completely wipe out the army led by Liu Zeqing, and Liu Zeqing's actions have made all the officers and soldiers of the Jiangning battalion angry.

Even Liu Tiehan, who insisted on talking first, finally gave up his own point of view. He knew very well that a big battle was imminent, and some small changes could not completely change the situation. If the attack is not launched, the army will retreat, and future conquests will be impossible. This method will be continuously adopted by the rest of the Ming army, and the Jiangning battalion will struggle in the future.

Fan Jingwen participated in all the discussions this time. Subconsciously, Fan Jingwen had already begun to analyze Su Tiancheng carefully, which was also a precursor to doing things for Su Tiancheng.

Fan Jingwen didn't speak. After everyone finished discussing, Su Tiancheng looked at Fan Jingwen, thinking to see if Fan Jingwen had anything to say, but Fan Jingwen shook his head, it seemed that he still had a burden in his heart.

Su Tiancheng stood up slowly, watching everyone speak.

"Liu Zeqing's move is indeed heinous. He wanted to use such means to save his own life. From the moment he made the decision, he lost his human nature. I, Jiang Ningying, have always emphasized that fighting desperately on the battlefield , to win the final victory, but no matter what the opponent is, no matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, we must respect the opponent, and at any time, we cannot exchange the victory of the battle by mutilating the people."

"You have all expressed your opinions, and the final opinion is to launch an attack. Liu Zeqing's move cannot allow his plot to succeed. I also know very well that Jiaxing Fucheng must be attacked. Otherwise, we will be able to Faced with more problems, but how to attack, I still want to emphasize."

"We were originally scheduled to launch the offensive officially. I decided to postpone the attack by an hour. I will write a letter immediately. Liu Tiehan, you send scouts to find a way to send this letter to the city wall and tell the sergeant on the city wall Let Liu Zeqing read this letter for himself. No matter what method Liu Zeqing adopts, we will attack. Isn’t Liu Zeqing treating the lives of ordinary people as a trifling matter? Then I will stop treating Liu Zeqing’s family as human beings , as well as his deputy generals, deputy generals, and generals, don't even think about surviving. If he, Liu Zeqing, insists on letting the innocent people in the city be buried with him, then I will make an oath to kill Liu Zeqing's nine clans and his subordinates. The family members of the deputy commander, deputy general and general, no matter where their family and relatives fled, the Jiangning camp will pursue them, and they will not give up even if they go to the ends of the world."

"If he, Liu Zeqing, can give up this move, I can guarantee the safety of their families. As for the officers, it depends on the situation. If he is obsessed with his obsession, he will wait to kill his children and grandchildren. Give him an hour to think about it, and start attacking on time."

It was very quiet in the tent of the Chinese army. No one spoke. Extermination of the nine clans. Many people have heard of this kind of killing, but they haven’t seen it for a long time. It will not implicate the nine clans, at most it will exterminate the three clans, even if it is a very severe punishment, the practice of harming the family in the open is gradually abandoned.

Liu Zeqing must have considered Su Tiancheng's words like this. Of course, everyone also noticed one thing, that is, Su Tiancheng did not say anything about sparing Liu Zeqing's life. This can be clearly understood as Liu Zeqing has no way out I'm afraid I can only commit suicide.There is also the words of Liu Zeqing's first senior officer, which is a fatal blow, and it may directly cause Liu Zeqing's army to fall apart.

After the crowd dispersed, Fan Jingwen did not leave. He personally helped Su Tiancheng revise the letter.

Soon, the letter was written, and Liu Tiehan sent scouts, holding a banner, to the city wall, shot the letter on the wall, and shouted loudly, asking Liu Zeqing to read the letter himself.

The postponement of the attack time had some impact on the soldiers, but the officers at all levels quickly communicated the reasons for the delay, so that many sergeants understood, and they understood and supported the decision made by the above. (To be continued..)

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