Ming politicians

Chapter 1152 Historic Transformation

After a whole day's discussion, everyone expressed their own thoughts, and there was nothing to hide. Everyone had enough confidence in Su Tiancheng's proclaiming the emperor, so at this time, they must show their abilities and give Su Tiancheng left a deep impression, and in the eyes of everyone, Su Tiancheng is very wise, able to listen to everyone's opinions, whether it is positive or negative, he can listen patiently, this is something that everyone has never met before Case.

The next day, when everyone walked into the governor's yamen again, they all looked very solemn. All the matters for today had to be finalized, and Su Tiancheng would definitely make a decision. As for the final decision, everyone actually knew it in their hearts.

Su Tiancheng held a stack of paper in his hand, which was densely written on it.

"The opinions and suggestions you put forward yesterday are all on this. I read it carefully last night and benefited a lot. I very much hope that you can also participate in political discussions with such a mentality in the future. This is a kind that deserves recognition. I don't want to talk about the form and the disputes in the imperial court. You all know that when discussing matters with the censors and supervisors, their attitudes may be more intense, but their discussions often go to extremes. It has become a kind of attack on a person, or some punitive measures are taken against someone, and it is proud of it. You need to see the big picture."

"I have always believed that nothing is perfect and needs to be continuously improved. It is the same with dealing with political affairs. If you can't make progress, stick to the old ways, and stand still, the people will suffer, as well as the court itself."

"The opinions discussed yesterday are roughly divided into three aspects. The first aspect is that you basically agree with the establishment and responsibilities of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Master Fan and Master Xu have put forward very good suggestions. I think it is entirely feasible. There are not many officials in the prefectures and counties, but the supervision is not small. Corruption manifests in many forms. There is a kind of corruption that is the most difficult for us to pay attention to, that is, not giving Yinzi doesn’t do things, or it’s off the hook and gives Yinzi “chaos” to do things. Whether it’s right or wrong, it makes people satisfied. What the common people said is very accurate. It’s not easy to find out, and it’s also because the common people don’t have much knowledge and don’t know how to handle things. So some of our officials took advantage of the situation and ran amok.”

"The supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is by no means an explicit form. It needs to go deep into the bone marrow. We must let our officials understand at all times that there is a sharp sword hanging over their heads. The scale of this sharp sword, It is the evaluation of the common people. The common people have steelyards in their hearts, and they know whether the officials are good or bad.”

"The people are the most important, the community is second, and the king is the least. This sentence, you must firmly remember it, and it must be implemented in our daily behavior."

"The functions of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. You have already agreed, so I won't say more. Next, I will focus on the taxation, the Ministry of Punishment and the Dali Temple." [

"I thought about it for a long time last night, and the suggestions you put forward are all in line with the actual situation. I understand your painstaking efforts, but I thought of a character from thousands of years ago, and you are also familiar with this character, that is Shang Yang, I won’t go into details about the effects of Shang Yang’s reform. You are all very clear. Here I want to talk about why Shang Yang’s reform led to personal tragedies. The biggest flaw of Shang Yang’s reform, in my opinion, is that it believes too much in the role of violence. Ignored the function of etiquette and enlightenment, and blindly used violence, including the powerful, which led to personal tragedies. Qin became stronger, and finally wiped out the other six countries and unified the world, but Shang Yang was torn apart by the car gone."

"It is very interesting that after Shang Yang was torn apart by the car, the successor ruler also adopted the reform system established by Shang Yang and managed the country according to this system. As a result, Qin State quickly became stronger in a short period of time. "

"I mentioned Shang Yang here, and I am afraid that you will understand that the matters we are going to decide yesterday and today are no less than a reform. It can even be said that the impact of the things we discussed and decided in the future will far exceed Shang Yang's reform. , but you must also understand the truth that any change will have to pay pains, because we have to change the bad habits of the past, and we have to adapt to the latest change. We need to start from ourselves and adapt to other changes brought about by system changes. The change, and it's possible the change, is totally different from what we've been taught."

"First of all, let's talk about the status of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple. You emphasized the fact yesterday that apart from the money and food matters, the most important thing is the release of prisons. This just shows that the government in the eyes of ordinary people is To uphold justice is to resolve disputes between them, they trust the government and obey the management of the government, under such circumstances, what should we do?"

"For thousands of years, prefectures, prefectures and counties have been judged by chief officials. This has become a habit, and it is also a practice that everyone has adapted to and recognized. Ask yourself, before you entered the court, when you were still ordinary people, Have you heard of a lot of unjust prisons? Anyway, I have heard a lot. Conversely, is it true that the magistrates, prefectures, and magistrates deliberately corrupted the law? I don’t think so. There are a few magistrates, prefectures, and county magistrates who can read through and understand the rules and regulations. In our imperial examinations, the Daming law is not involved at all, so officials who serve as prefects and counties are not at all. Experts in the law can even be said to be ignorant."

"Under such circumstances, what is relied on to handle the case, the majesty of the government, the position of the officials themselves, and the use of force, or even deterrence, to make the people surrender is by no means what we call The bright mirror hangs high, not because we handle the case impartially."

"It is a huge project to separate the release of prison affairs and let people with rich experience handle such matters. It will not be completed overnight. It will take time for ordinary people to adapt, but we must It is improving while doing it, the majesty of our government is established by relying on integrity and impartial handling of cases, so that the people will truly support us and let the people support us sincerely."

"As for the matter of increasing expenses by doing so, I have long had a point of view. Anything that needs to be done, no matter how much more expenses are added, must be done."

"Next, let's talk about taxation. This is the most debated issue among you, and it's also the issue I think about the most."

"Everyone should be very clear. In the early years of Chongzhen, the imperial court was extremely embarrassed. They couldn't get money out, and they couldn't send out military pay. When the rogues were making chaos, the troops of the guards in various places also began to rebel and mutiny. Under the circumstances, the imperial court increased Liao's salary, but there are still many people who object, saying that it increases the burden on the common people, which is wrong."

"When I'm talking about this, I have to say something. I hope you can understand what the role of the court is, and what the role of the government is. In my opinion, it is to protect the interests of the common people. At the same time, we must do our best to protect the people, and at the same time make the life of the people better and better, and make the country more prosperous and powerful. When the court and the government do things for the people, the people should do something for the government. Paying taxes is natural. Otherwise, how will the court be maintained, without money, the court will not be able to do anything well."

"The matter of taxation is not a trivial matter. When you think about taxation, you think of light and thin taxes, and you think of the common people. This is very good, but you have overlooked the most important point, that is, the government cannot collect enough money. Taxes cannot maintain the necessary expenses, and the government cannot operate normally. In the end, anything may happen, such as corruption of government officials, fish and meat of the people, invasion by foreign enemies, and even the danger of subjugation. The consequences of this kind of harm will ultimately be If the common people bear it, the price they will pay will be even heavier, and to put it bluntly, the family will be ruined.”

"So I've been emphasizing the tax thing."

"Yesterday we discussed that the salaries of officials must be greatly increased. To do this well, we need to take out money. Where does the money come from? It must be taken out of taxes. Horses must run well, and If the horses don’t eat grass, it’s impossible to do such a thing, and I can’t do it if I do it. If I don’t have enough to eat, if I become an official, I will definitely try my best to reach out to the common people, and the increase in the number of common people This kind of burden is probably far more than taxes."

"On the issue of increasing taxes, what I need to emphasize is the direction of the increase. When we increase taxes, we definitely don't want to reach out to farmers. Farmers are not rich in the first place, and they are even very poor. Increase their taxes and raise their families. If you don’t live us, we increase taxes on commerce and trade, and vigorously increase commerce and trade taxes.”[

"I've always thought that the Ming Dynasty's court was putting the cart before the horse, ignoring the rich businessmen, but increasing taxes on the peasants, making them unable to survive. Isn't this a joke? We can't make such mistakes. The focus of our taxation is on commerce and trade.”

"The experience of Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou, you may know a little bit. Increasing business taxes is not directly grabbing money from merchants. The government provides necessary guarantees for the development of business, so that they can trade with peace of mind and earn money with peace of mind. Taking silver, under such conditions, they have to pay a sufficient amount of taxes to the government."

"There is a point of view, I hesitate to say it again and again, we increase business taxes, in fact, is a kind of adjustment, using the rich people's money to do things for the poor, after a few years, you will definitely understand this truth." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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