Ming politicians

Chapter 1153 Decisive Deployment

Su Tiancheng is very happy to basically unify everyone's understanding. He will not ask everyone to accept all opinions immediately. That is unrealistic. As long as everyone can follow this requirement, it will be a very good thing. A society governed by men The biggest flaw is that when a clear monarch ascends the throne, the country can become prosperous and strong, such as Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Tang Taizong, but once a fatuous monarch ascends the throne, all established foundations will soon collapse. It has become the law of the rise and fall of the dynasty, and to change all this, the biggest reliance is the system. Only by establishing an unbreakable system, even the king cannot destroy or abolish it at will, can ensure the long-term stability of the country. , Su Tiancheng is going to work hard in this direction, but he is not particularly sure whether he can do it.

It took more than a day to discuss the establishment of the government and the change of responsibilities. Su Tiancheng believed that this was a huge achievement. He was already working hard to build a framework. The next step was to start with education and train many officials. Let these officials form a set of concepts of ruling the country according to the law, and persist in it for a long time, so that the country can be maintained for a long time.

Of course, there is one thing that Su Tiancheng has already arranged in secret, but this thing is too shocking, and Su Tiancheng needs to conduct a long-term investigation to get to the bottom of it before he can start to spread it out on a large scale. Speaking of this matter, it will directly affect the stability of the dynasty he wants to establish, and even directly affect the rise and fall of the dynasty. This matter is the matter of establishing a bank. Only through the establishment of a national bank can it be possible to completely control the economic lifeline of the dynasty. Really control the operation of the country, otherwise, as time goes by, there will be more and more wealthy merchants.They will be able to use the power of money to directly control the state machinery, which is controlled by human power, but it will be different if the dynasty controls the banks. It will be much easier to deal with merchants if they control the country's economic lifeline.

Su Tiancheng is not an expert in economics.But he is very clear that after the establishment of the bank, hard currencies such as gold and silver will withdraw from the trading market and be replaced by banknotes. After the banknotes issued by the state become the currency in the market, the dynasty can be regarded as truly in control. All economic lifelines.

This is a huge project, Su Tiancheng, who is not very familiar with economics, dare not start it lightly.In addition, he has not yet been able to control the entire dynasty. What he can currently control is Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Taiwan, Dengzhou, Fuzhou, and Gaizhou. Only after he controls the world, including all matters discussed, can he To be able to really get your hands dirty.

Zhu Shenxuan, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Lu Shanji, Qu Qingze, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang and others gathered in the wing room, and the key topics of discussion were very clear.That is the matter of attacking Nanzhili next, on this matter.Everyone was more anxious than Su Tiancheng. Once Nanzhili was captured, Su Tiancheng would be able to truly claim the title of emperor. From a rational point of view, they would be able to justify their name.

The four Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen, Lu Xiangsheng and Lu Shanji defected to Su Tiancheng's camp later.Although they have not joined this camp for a long time, because of their special identities and previous influences, once they entered this camp, they became the core strength.Talk about such a big deal.They also participated.

Facts show that Su Tiancheng's decision is very correct. These people have rich experience in governing. Once they devote themselves wholeheartedly, they will burst out with extraordinary enthusiasm and put forward many suggestions and opinions. I would never think of forming any group to perform my duties wholeheartedly.

It is much more prudent to discuss the matter of attacking Nanzhili, and it must be carried out in conjunction with relevant intelligence. [

I don't know why, but the army led by Zuo Liangyu, Huang Degong and others has not entered Nanzhili for a long time, even Zhu Yousong, Minister of the Ministry of War and Qin Sande, the supervisor sent by the imperial court, are also slowly heading towards Nanzhili This is a very strange phenomenon. Aren't they afraid that Su Tiancheng will lead the Jiangning battalion to suddenly attack Nanzhili and occupy the whole of Nanzhili? Wouldn't they be killed by the emperor? And court punishment.

The discussion process was also full of controversy. Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen, Lu Shanji and others held the same views. They all believed that it was necessary to speed up the attack on Nanzhili and occupy Nanzhili as quickly as possible. Zhili, Zhejiang, and Fujian are connected together, and these are all rich and prosperous places. If these places are occupied, the Ming court will find it difficult to maintain them.

However, Hong Chengchou and others have a different understanding. They have been in the army for a long time. They believe that there is no need to be too anxious to attack Nanzhili. With these large armies entering Nanzhili, occupying Nanzhili is one of the goals. The most important thing is to wipe out the vital forces of the Ming army. Able to have a stable environment.

During the discussion, the views of Hong Chengchou and others gradually gained the upper hand. Later, Yang Sichang and others also understood the truth of this. It is not enough to just occupy a place. I'm afraid there will be more, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops, it is definitely not enough to just say that they don't care.

On the whole, the discussions on combat deployment were relatively unified. Compared with the previous debates, there were much fewer discussions, and the opinions were quickly unified.

Su Tiancheng stood in the middle of the wing room, and there was a map on the table, which marked the places where the existing troops in Nanzhili were stationed, as well as the places where Zuo Liangyu and others might be stationed and guarded after they entered Nanzhili. After discussing the conquest, the next step is the deployment of the specific attack.

Qu Qingze and Su Jun have been working hard to obtain information, but this time there is not a lot of information, and they have always been very strange. It is said that the imperial court can't keep the information so secret, and all the deployment is very fast. It will be leaked out, what happened this time, and no valuable information can always be obtained.

Of course Qu Qingze and Su Jun would not understand that even though the emperor made an order, Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande, as the coaches, were very cautious. No deployment has been made. Under such circumstances, of course they cannot obtain any valuable information.

The time to attack Nanzhili is basically determined after the autumn harvest, that is, after mid-July. This time Su Tiancheng made up his mind to dispatch 4 Jiangning battalion soldiers, plus more than 14 newly recruited soldiers. That is to say, those sergeants who surrendered under Liu Zeqing, a total of [-] troops, attacked Nanzhili, and strived to completely take Nanzhili within the year, and then control Huguang, Jiangxi, Guanxi, Yunnan and other places, as well as parts of Sichuan. Come on, the entire south is basically completely controlled by Su Tiancheng.

Of course, Su Tiancheng also needs to consider the actions of the Later Jin Tartars and the situation in Liaodong, because the situation in Liaodong directly affects the stability of Gaizhou, Fuzhou and Xuanzhou.At this time, Su Tiancheng hopes that the Hou Jin Tartars can launch an attack at this time, prompting the court to perish earlier, and he can quickly command the land of the Central Plains, and then wipe out the Hou Jin Tartars, unify China, and carry out the long-planned plan path of expansion.

There is already a unified understanding, and there is no need to continue to emphasize it. Regarding the overall deployment, everyone has had some discussions, but due to various reasons, everyone has not discussed it in depth.

Su Tiancheng felt that everyone must be clear about the overall deployment, so that all deployments can be carried out.

He pointed to the map and spoke.

"The army led by Zuo Liangyu, Huang Degong, Ma Shiying, Sun Tai and others has a total of more than [-] people. These troops have almost concentrated all the military forces of the imperial court in the south. Once these troops are defeated, the south will continue to resist. Our strength has grown, so our offensive will start after the autumn harvest. We plan to take down the entire Nanzhili within this year. Everyone here also feels that we may not only take down Nanzhili, but also Huguang, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Yunnan, and parts of Sichuan have no strength to resist, and what we have won is the entire south."

"The south is a land of prosperity. Over the years, it has rarely been attacked by war, but it has also encountered many disasters. Most of the population of the Ming court is concentrated in the south, and most of the taxes are also dependent on the south. , once we take the south, the imperial court will be difficult to maintain, to put it bluntly, we have won the entire south, and it is time for the imperial court to fall apart.” [

"So after winning the south, our attention will soon shift to the north. The north must not be 'chaotic'. If there is a 'chaos', we still need to clean it up in the end, which will cost a lot of money. Energy and energy are very detrimental to us, so when you discuss the deployment of the campaign, you should take a long-term view as much as possible. Don’t just see what is in front of you. You will build these places in the future. You came to clean up."

"Speaking of this, everyone can understand why the battle to attack Nanzhili must be carried out after the autumn harvest. After the battle begins, there are some situations that we cannot predict. You all know that the [-] troops led by Liu Zeqing are in Zhejiang Province. It has caused great harm. If we hadn’t captured Zhejiang quickly, maybe the people here would have rebelled. We have already invested a lot of gold and silver to help the people. I don’t want this to happen again in the future. Of course, These things are beyond our control, but we need to do our best to avoid them." (To be continued...)

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