Ming politicians

Chapter 1166 Thunder

The sound of rumbling guns signaled that the battle to attack Nanzhili had officially begun.

The Ming army stationed at Kuling Pass never imagined that the Jiangning Battalion would choose to attack from Guangde Prefecture. They were caught off guard and could only respond hastily.

In fact, the scouts of the Ming army cannot be blamed for this, because the Jiangning battalion moved so fast that the news of the scouts did not arrive in Guangde Prefecture in time. This was also a fatal mistake made by Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong. They should have come to the front line, but it is a pity that the two of them are still staying in Nanjing City. In addition, Qin Sande, who holds the power, is originally an eunuch with a delicate mind. The officers and sergeants below are very careful. No matter what news they get, they must Report to Qin Sande, and then convey Qin Sande's order, which delays time. After the war starts, the opportunity is fleeting. just lost.

The fierce and sharp artillery fire has never been experienced by the Ming army. Watching the soil around me being blown away, watching the comrades around me fly into the air, and when they fall down, they are already bloody, missing arms and legs, and many sergeants Already out of his wits.The battle of stationing in the field can only rely on the naturally formed fortifications, and there is nothing else to rely on. When these fortifications face sharp artillery fire, their effect is not so great.

Commanding the [-] Ming Army was a general who came from the capital. Facing such sharp artillery fire, he was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do in a short time.Fortunately, such a general still knew the importance, and immediately sent someone to report to the direction of Zhoucheng, reporting that the Jiangning Battalion had launched an attack from the direction of Kuling Pass.

Before the rumbling artillery fire stopped, the Jiangning Battalion's attack began.

The fight started, and the Ming army, who was bombarded, barely started to fight back.They have known for a long time that the order from above is very clear, no retreat is allowed, and they must stick to it to buy time for the rear.

Surprisingly, there were not many Jiangning battalion soldiers attacking.Li Dingguo, the commander of the vanguard, did not participate in the charge, and the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion attacked in one direction and did not disperse the attack. This made the generals of the Ming army who commanded the battle feel lucky and ordered all the soldiers , Concentrate in the direction of the Jiangning battalion's attack, start a fight, and stop the Jiangning battalion's attack.The general knew very well that since the Jiangning Battalion chose Kuling Pass as the first direction to attack, the preparations must be sufficient. At this time, as long as they can resist, it will be as long as possible. Maybe they can persist if they command properly The arrival of reinforcements to the rear.

Li Dingguo was waiting for such an opportunity.The Ming army has also been trained for a period of time, and the speed of concentration is very fast.After Su Tiancheng arranged the mission, after careful consideration, he felt that 2 people participating in the attack at the same time may not be spread out, and the cavalry attacking in the mountains may not necessarily occupy a great advantage.Maybe this battle lasted relatively longer. Under such circumstances, the scouts sent by the Ming army to report the news must have gone to the state city as quickly as possible.

So Li Dingguo ordered five thousand soldiers to attack.To attract the attention of the Ming army, he led another [-] soldiers, looking for the best opportunity to break through Kuling Pass and head straight for Guangdezhou City.As for the Ming army stationed at Kuling Pass, it is impossible to persist for a long time. Facing the brave Jiangning battalion, it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

Just as the Ming army was concentrating in the attacking direction of the Jiangning battalion soldiers, Li Dingguo issued an order, and all the soldiers followed him to break through the Kuling Pass defense line and head towards Guangde Prefecture.

A huge torrent broke through the Kuling pass, left the two sides who were still fighting, and rushed towards the city.

When the generals of the Ming army realized it, it was too late. The Jiangning battalion's attack was extremely sharp.The general knew that everything was over. A small part of the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion attacked the Kuling Pass defense line, and most of them headed towards the state city. According to their speed, they must have surpassed the scouts. That is to say, the direction of the state city may be Without any preparation, they will suddenly encounter the mighty Jiang Ning camp. It goes without saying what the final result will be.

The general who judged the situation quickly issued an order to surrender. He could not get any support, and he had no direction to retreat. Even if he retreated now, he might still be on the way, and he would be completely wiped out by the Jiangning battalion. Rather than waiting to die here, it is better to surrender early, at least to save your own life.

Su Tiancheng already knew of Li Dingguo's arrangement, and secretly expressed his appreciation. From this point of view, it would not take long to take down Guangdezhou City, and there was no need to attack the city. You must know that Li Dingguo led fifteen thousand The elite cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion faced only [-] sergeants under Zuo Liangyu, most of whom were infantry. When facing the cavalry, it is impossible to have much ability to fight and counterattack. It is very fast to be overwhelmed. However, if such an opportunity is lost and all [-] soldiers enter the state city and refuse to accept them, then it will take a lot of thought and effort to attack.

When Su Tiancheng was about to order Liu Wenxiu to lead an army of [-] to help attack Kuling Pass, the messenger came to report that the Ming army stationed at Kuling Pass requested to surrender.

Su Tiancheng was a little dumbfounded, how long has it been since the battle just started, within less than half an hour, including the time when the artillery battalion attacked, the Ming army begged to surrender.

Su Tiancheng ordered Liu Wenxiu to lead [-] soldiers to accept the surrender. Of course, the requirements were very strict. This was on the battlefield, so it was no joke. Since the Ming army wanted to surrender, they all lined up and walked down one by one. The weapons were put aside, and the personnel stood in line at the designated place. Su Tiancheng would not be so pedantic, and let the soldiers who surrendered hold weapons.

When galloping to the front of Kuling Pass, the surrendered Ming army was gathering as required.

The general of the Ming army was brought in front of Su Tiancheng and others. Looking at this general, Su Tiancheng didn't say anything, and waved his hand to let the soldiers take him down.

Lu Xiangsheng beside him didn't have a very good complexion. It's no wonder that not long ago Lu Xiangsheng was the governor of Liaodong, leading the Liaodong frontier army to fight against the Houjin Tartars. Now seeing such a useless Ming army, he felt uncomfortable.

"Lord Lu, do you think these sergeants are too useless?"

"Yeah, my subordinates didn't expect that the fighting had just begun, and the Ming army didn't suffer much casualties. It was nothing more than being hit by artillery, causing some casualties. The real face-to-face fighting was not carried out at all. This subordinate thought, If the Ming army faced the battle with such a posture, the day of destruction is just around the corner."

"Master Lu, you should remember what I said. The bravery of a sergeant is only one aspect. The key lies in the quality of the general. Look at the Kuling Pass in front of you. The south has such a fortification, which is very good. If [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers are stationed here, I can say without exaggeration that even if an army of [-] comes to attack, they should not try to shake it easily. What a pity, the one just now General, I don’t even want to talk to him, if he was stronger and led the soldiers to resist personally, how could he lose Kuling Pass so quickly.”

Lu Xiangsheng was a little surprised. Looking at Su Tiancheng, he wondered why Su Tiancheng said these words. A weak opponent is a great thing for Jiang Ningying.

"Lord Lu, what this general has ruined is not only Kuling Pass, but also Guangde Prefecture. I'm afraid he didn't expect that it was because he gave up resistance prematurely that my army could go straight to the state city." , Li Dingguo's arrangement is good, using a small number of soldiers to attack and attract the attention of the Ming army, the army took the opportunity to break through Kuling Pass and head towards the state city."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded again and again. He could even foresee that after the Jiangning Camp captured Guangde Prefecture, Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong, who were far away in Nanjing, might still be planning to send reinforcements to the Ming army.

Su Tiancheng looked at Lu Xiangsheng, and spoke a little seriously.

"Lord Lu, the next step is up to you. You lead an army of [-] to rush to the city and take Guangde Prefecture in one fell swoop. Then it's time for us to make a good deployment. The news must be kept absolutely confidential. Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong It is absolutely unexpected that Guangde Prefecture will be lost so soon, they will definitely send a large army to reinforce, we must make use of this time difference, make adequate deployment, and completely wipe out the Ming army who came to reinforce."

Lu Xiangsheng cupped his fists and saluted Su Tiancheng.

"Your Highness, don't worry, your subordinates will fulfill their mission."

The army led by Li Dingguo headed towards Guangdezhou City at the fastest speed. Along the way, they met the scouts of the Ming army who were going to see them off. Swiftly, he left Kuling Pass to report the news at the very beginning of the attack, but unexpectedly he was captured halfway.

Li Dingguo was ecstatic when he captured the scouts of the Ming army. He knew that his plan had succeeded. It was impossible for the Ming army stationed outside the city to get any news. This attack was very sudden. Fifteen thousand elite When the Jiangning battalion cavalry attacked the Ming army, what kind of momentum it would create and what kind of results it would achieve, that is no need to consider. The Ming army outside took the entire Guangde Prefecture.

Li Dingguo not only admired Su Tiancheng's arrangement, what is wisdom, this is wisdom, to win the war with the fastest speed and the smallest cost.

Li Dingguo quickly ordered all the soldiers to speed up the march and must arrive at the state city at the fastest speed. The barracks where the Ming army was stationed was still close to five miles away from the state city. To launch an attack on the city, no Ming army can enter the city. (To be continued..)

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