Ming politicians

Chapter 1167 Thunder

The commander-in-chief of the Ming army stationed outside the city of Guangde is a deputy commander-in-chief. He used to be the deputy general of the Jingying in the capital. So happy, when I came to Nanzhili, I had to face the Jiangning battalion directly, face the battle and fight directly, and I was in danger of dying at any time. Compared with such danger, the promotion seemed much sadder.

Most of the officers in the army are from the family of officers. As for the position of officers, the guerrilla general is a watershed. Anyone below the guerrilla general is a low-level officer. It's pretty good to go to the position of guerrilla general until you die of old age, but after passing the position of guerrilla general and becoming a general, it's different. You can be regarded as a senior military officer, and the possibility of being promoted to the chief soldier is very high The big ones, coupled with the titles of the left and right governors of the five armies' governor's mansions, means that Daming has been promoted from a first-rank military general to the apex.

The deputy general in the Beijing camp is even more promising. Unfortunately, this deputy general was sent to Nanzhili at an untimely time.Moreover, this kind of inner complaint and discomfort must be suppressed. The status of a general is not very good. Even Zuo Liangyu, with the title of commander in chief, is the right governor of the five armies. was killed.

But the general's mood can affect the officers below, and the officers will affect the sergeants below, because the general's mood is not good, and the sergeants below are not much better, and Guangde Prefecture is originally a place with average conditions in Nanzhili. Speaking of places like Suzhou Mansion and Yangzhou Mansion, even the adjacent Changzhou Mansion and Ningguo Mansion are much better than here.

From the deputy chief soldier to the ordinary sergeant, they all think that Guangde Prefecture is not very important.Thinking that the Jiangning Camp would never launch an attack from here, and with the natural barrier of Kuling Pass in front of them, everyone was not very concerned, even Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande who were in Nanjing knew this.

When the sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded, the ground began to tremble, and many soldiers thought it was thunder.The sky was clear, how could there be thunder, and when the officers and sergeants realized that it was time for the cavalry to attack, it was too late.

Seeing the majestic cavalry coming, the Ming army in the barracks was dumbfounded. Their first reaction was to run for their lives. No one thought of resisting, and they knew how to resist the majestic cavalry.That is courting death.

The deputy commander walked out of the barracks and saw the Jiangning battalion cavalry coming from afar. His mind went blank. He even thought he was dreaming. How did the Jiangning battalion cavalry get here? What are the ten thousand soldiers stationed at Kuiling Pass doing? Don't you know to report the news of the Jiangning camp's attack?

Su Tiancheng's reputation is in the Beijing camp.It is almost a myth, and this is also because of the Beijing camp stationed in the capital.I am very aware of the bravery of the Jiangning battalion. After destroying the bandits, the Golden Tartars were almost invincible after the defeat. This is also the reason why many officers who came to Nanzhili from the Beijing battalion were generally unhappy.

Seeing the cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion rushing over, the deputy commander even forgot to issue an order to resist.Standing there stupidly, what he thought at this moment was that Su Tiancheng had really become a god, and he must be the emperor, otherwise how could the cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion have crossed the Kuling Pass silently.Came outside the city of Guangde.

If it weren't for the reminder from the officer around him, perhaps the deputy commander would have stood up like this.

The barracks was already in chaos, no one even fired bows and arrows, sergeants and officers at all levels tried their best to maintain the basic order, and were waiting for the deputy commander to issue orders.

The order finally came down, but unfortunately at this time, the cavalry had already rushed to the front of the barracks.

Before the bow and arrow could be fired, the horseshoe had already stepped on the sergeant's body, and the screams had long been drowned out by the sound of horseshoes and shouts of killing.

Another one-sided massacre. Facing the unprepared Ming army, the soldiers of the Jiangning camp would not show mercy. They began to attack and fight unscrupulously, and the inside of the barracks instantly became a sea of ​​blood.

Countless Ming soldiers fell down screaming, and many sergeants were trampled by horseshoes repeatedly, becoming unrecognizable.

The sober deputy commander knew that it was futile to organize resistance at this time. The best way was to lead the army to the state city and rely on the city wall to resist the cavalry of the Jiangning battalion. The cavalry had no advantage in attacking the city.

The deputy commander quickly asked the generals around him to lead [-] sergeants to resist the cavalry of Jiangning Battalion desperately, no matter how many casualties they suffered, they must persevere, and the rest of the sergeants quickly retreated towards the state city and entered the state city.

A quarter of an hour later, the deputy commander-in-chief led the sergeant and rushed towards the city of Zhou. He secretly felt fortunate that the general had resolutely carried out the order and led the sergeant to suicidally resist the attack of the Jiangning battalion cavalry.

The barracks is about four miles away from the state city, with a flat surface. According to the speed of running wildly, you can enter the state city in less than half an hour. The deputy chief soldier hastened his horse and begged for God's blessing to enter the state city quickly and organize resistance. At the same time, he quickly reported to Nanjing Condition.

When it was about two miles away from Zhoucheng, the city walls of Zhoucheng could be clearly seen.

The rumbling drum sounded, and a large number of cavalry emerged from the left and right sides of the road in an instant, charging towards the army with a thunderous aura.

The deputy chief soldier suddenly began to tremble, and even a tear appeared in the corner of his eye. He knew that everything was over. The Jiangning camp had made all preparations. There were many barracks in the barracks, and it was difficult for the cavalry to deploy. The open area is simply an excellent place for the cavalry to display. The army was ambushed by the cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion here, and there was almost no way to survive. There was no other choice but to be massacred and surrender.

But within a few minutes, the sergeant began to cry miserably, accompanied by the roar of the Jiangning battalion cavalry, the two armies had already fought together, the Ming army did not have the slightest fighting spirit, no matter how the officers around them roared, they all scattered escape.

When facing the cavalry, fleeing in all directions is tantamount to courting death, huddled in a group and there is still hope of resistance, and some people can still survive, fleeing in all directions is tantamount to becoming a living target, and they are easily killed one by one.

A small number of cavalry had been dispersed by the cavalry of the Jiangning battalion and wiped out. The remaining infantry could not outrun the horses.

A bloody smell began to fill the air above the battlefield.

The rise of Li Dingguo's killing, he grinned and laughed. In fact, there were only 5000 cavalry attacking the barracks. The one man with two horses was actually remarkable. It was enough to make the commander of the Ming army misjudgment. , Ambush on both sides of the road from the military camp to the state city. It is said to be an ambush, but in fact it is to choose the best attack location and wait for the arrival of the Ming army.

How could Li Dingguo miss such an opportunity to fight? After giving the order to attack, he rushed to the front without even using a flintlock, and directly chopped off the Ming army's head with a steel knife.

Because the attack was too fast, the Ming army had no time to surrender, and it was too late to surrender. Under the violent impact of the cavalry, they could only escape for their lives, and the farther they escaped, the better.

Facing the Ming army of less than [-], the [-] cavalry had an absolute advantage.

The Lord Zhizhou of Guangde Prefecture saw this scene on the city wall and sighed to the sky. He had no choice but to do anything. There were only some sergeants from the inspection department in the city, and it was impossible to resist the attack of the Jiangning battalion. Once the Ming army stationed in the barracks was captured If it is wiped out, the state city will be lost, so there is no need to fight stubbornly, it is self-inflicted humiliation.

The surrounding officials suggested that Lord Zhizhou should leave the city as soon as possible, but Zhizhou refused. He would not leave. At this time, he left the city and went back to Nanjing. The entire army was wiped out, and it would be a miracle if they could still save their lives.In addition, in Guangde City, I heard a lot about Zhejiang, Fujian and Shandong, and even sent someone to see it in person. I think it is a good choice to follow Su Tiancheng.

The gate of the city had been closed long ago, and Zhizhou watched the fight not far away on the city wall, motionless. The officials around him probably understood that Master Zhizhou would not leave. Some officials quietly went down the tower, preparing to leave the city. The city is gone, they have already made preparations, and the family members are not here anymore.

Master Zhizhou didn't stop him, anyone who wanted to leave would leave.

The fighting outside the city continued, and many people on the city wall couldn't stand it anymore. The scene was too bloody, and it was not something ordinary people could bear.

Finally, some sergeants knelt down and surrendered. It is strange to say that no one continued to chase and kill the kneeling sergeants. This time, more sergeants knelt down, and they realized that the way to save their lives is so simple, just kneel down , no one will be beheaded.

Such a move led to the complete collapse of the Ming army. Originally, there were sergeants who thought that they would die anyway. It would be better to fight with the sergeants of the Jiangning camp. The fighting spirit that was finally condensed collapsed in an instant. Who doesn't want to survive.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the deputy chief soldier sighed, drew out his sword, and when everyone was not paying attention, he slashed across his neck, and a stream of blood sprayed out, going far away.

The soldiers around the deputy chief soldier did not have time to stop them. Several soldiers also drew their swords and committed suicide. Some soldiers dropped their weapons and got off their horses and knelt on the ground.

The Lord will kill himself, which means the resistance is completely over.

Li Dingguo looked at the corpse of the deputy chief soldier, thoughtful, and ordered the soldiers around him to restrain the corpse of the deputy chief soldier, including those soldiers who followed him to commit suicide. He would personally report this matter to Su Tiancheng, and asked for a generous burial. A deputy commander, no matter what, would rather commit suicide than surrender. This kind of spirit is admirable, and he can be regarded as a real opponent on the battlefield.

The gate of Zhouzhou City in Guangde has been opened, which indicates that the officials in Zhoucheng have surrendered and are not ready to resist.

Li Dingguo did not enter the state city right away. He asked the messengers to report quickly, and he led the army to guard outside the state city. (To be continued..)

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