Ming politicians

Chapter 1168 Lu Xiangsheng's Decision

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Lu Xiangsheng was stunned by the scene in front of him. He couldn't imagine that the [-] Ming army stationed outside the city, under the attack of [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers, failed to hold out for half a day before completely collapsing Well, originally, he brought [-] soldiers and came quickly, just to cooperate with Li Dingguo and completely wipe out the Ming army.

As a former famous general of the Ming Dynasty, it would be a lie to say that he didn't want to make meritorious service on the battlefield or become famous, but Lu Xiangsheng's luck has never been very good. He once followed Su Tiancheng and won several battles, especially in In the ninth year of Chongzhen, he severely hit the Houjin Tartars in the Gyeonggi area. It was a battle that he should remember and be proud of forever. After that, he did not have such good luck. Although he became the governor of Liaodong, he was always subordinate. Lu Xiangsheng has always been a little strange. It is said that Su Tiancheng should preserve his strength. Some key battles will allow other Ming troops to rush ahead. It is a pity that Su Tiancheng This is not the case. The key battles were almost all contracted by the Jiangning Battalion, and the rest of the army was just a striker, including the Liaodong Frontier Army led by Lu Xiangsheng.

After joining the Jiangning Camp, Lu Xiangsheng always felt a little aggrieved. This was an inexplicable feeling. Seeing that Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Camp, he galloped across Fujian and Zhejiang without any effort, and wiped out all the ten troops led by Liu Zeqing. Wan Dajun forced Liu Zeqing to commit suicide, and then began to rectify Fujian and Zhejiang. In just a few months, he achieved remarkable results. These achievements seem to have nothing to do with him, Lu Xiangsheng.

This expedition.Lu Xiangsheng held his breath, but he was faintly worried. After all, not long ago, he was a general of the Ming army, and he wondered if he would gain Su Tiancheng's true trust, even though every time he discussed the deployment of the battle.He will participate. This time, Su Tiancheng allocated the army of the three kings, including 5000 elite soldiers led by Li Dingguo. The total force has reached [-]. It is a great trust for him to command. .

Lu Xiangsheng finally vented his anger, and his heart was no longer aggrieved, but the idea of ​​making meritorious deeds became more and more intense.

Unexpectedly, he led the army to the outside of the state city.What I saw was this scene. The surrendered Ming army stood densely together, waiting to be dispatched. Some of the surrendered Ming troops were clearing up the battlefield. Li Dingguo took some soldiers and guarded outside the city wall. The gate of the city was open. , not closed.Zhizhou wore official uniforms and brought many officials with him.Standing at the gate of the city.

What all this shows, the fool understands.

Seeing Lu Xiangsheng approaching, Li Dingguo rushed to meet him.

"My lord, the last general is waiting here, waiting for your command."

Lu Xiangsheng let out a long sigh.

"General Li, you have made remarkable achievements. In such a short period of time, you have won two consecutive victories, which is unprecedented in history. You led [-] soldiers and completely wiped out [-] Ming troops. I am really I admire it."

"Your Majesty, the words are too serious. The final general will rely on the bravery of his brothers, let alone the wisdom of His Royal Highness King De."

Lu Xiangsheng soon became serious, he remembered Su Tiancheng's arrangement.

"Okay, General Li, the victory is certainly gratifying, but it's not time to celebrate yet. Your Highness has ordered us to quickly deploy and annihilate the Ming army that came to reinforce us. I estimate that the news of the siege of Guangdezhou City It must have spread, this place is close to Shuntian Mansion, Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong absolutely dare not take it lightly, you and I quickly enter the city, discuss it, and see where the reinforcements of the Ming army will come from."

The wing of the state government.

Lu Xiangsheng looked at the spread out map, and he didn't speak for a long time. Li Dingguo stood aside and didn't dare to speak easily. The reinforcements of the Ming army probably came from two places, Changzhou Mansion or Ningguo Mansion. The judgment in this regard must be To be precise, if there is a mistake, it is very likely that the fighter will be lost and the reinforcements of the Ming army will flee. Although the territory of Guangde Prefecture is not large, the direction has been wrong. Unless they fly over, it is impossible to destroy the reinforcements of the Ming army.

It is impossible to keep the news that the [-] Ming troops stationed in Guangde Prefecture were completely annihilated for a long time. Once the reinforcement Ming army gets the news, they will retreat as quickly as possible. At that time, they just wanted to fight , It is also difficult to seize the opportunity.

To make an accurate judgment requires wisdom, accurate judgment of the battle situation, and even more determination.

Lu Xiangsheng knew very well that he didn't have to take the risk of making judgments, and reported the situation here to Su Tiancheng. Su Tiancheng would definitely make an analysis and decide the direction of the army's ambush. However, Su Tiancheng's entrustment made Lu Xiangsheng fully understand that this is Su Tiancheng asked him to make a decision, no matter whether it was a right decision or a wrong one.

Su Tiancheng's trust is by no means ordinary, it is a complete affirmation of his Lu Xiangsheng's ability.

At such a critical moment, it really takes courage for Lu Xiangsheng to make a decision, and he will not make a judgment casually. Everything must have sufficient basis, and he must be able to convince himself and Li Dingguo beside him.

After pondering for a long time, Lu Xiangsheng spoke.

"General Li, according to your directness, which way do you think the Ming army from Changzhou and Ningguo Mansion will come to rescue?"

Li Dingguo looked at Lu Xiangsheng seriously, and shook his head vigorously.

"My lord, the last general really hasn't thought about such an important matter, and dare not talk nonsense."

Lu Xiangsheng smiled, lowered his head and continued to look at the map, but his eyes were a little wandering, obviously not concentrating on the map.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Xiangsheng raised his head.

"General Li, order the army to rest on the spot for half a day, set off at midnight, and set up an ambush in the direction of Guang'an."

Guang'an is close to Ningguo Mansion, and Lu Xiangsheng's arrangement shows that the reinforcements of the Ming army came from Ningguo Mansion. This is Lu Xiangsheng's final judgment and decision.

Obedience to orders is a soldier's talent, not to mention that the military discipline of Jiangning Battalion is particularly strict. Li Dingguo didn't say anything or ask, and turned around to go out to make arrangements.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng spoke again.

"General Li, wait a moment and listen to my judgment."

Li Dingguo turned around again, looked at Lu Xiangsheng, but still didn't speak.

Lu Xiangsheng didn't take it seriously, and everyone would have doubts, why the reinforcements of the Ming army didn't come from Changzhou.

"His Royal Highness has made a decision to attack Guangde Prefecture first. Now it seems that the deployment of this move is very wise. Although the territory of Guangde Prefecture is not large, it is like the middle of a pole. Now that we have captured Guangde Prefecture, this The shoulder pole was broken in the middle, and it would be difficult for a non-talented person to make such a decision. I deeply admire Your Highness, and the more I think about it, the more I feel it is correct."

"There are 20 Ming troops stationed in Ningguo Mansion and Huizhou Mansion on the left, and [-] Ming troops are stationed in Changzhou Mansion, Suzhou Mansion, and Songjiang Mansion on the right. The [-] troops cannot be connected with each other because of the fall of Guangde Prefecture. Since then, our army has taken the absolute initiative, marching towards Changzhou Mansion, and will soon be able to join the army led by Master Hong, occupy Changzhou, Suzhou, Songjiang and Zhenjiang, surround Yingtian Mansion, attack Ningguo Mansion, and directly Threatening the Ming army stationed in Ningguo Mansion and Huizhou Mansion, consolidating the security of Zhejiang, and then, together with Master Hong, split up and advance, and gradually surrounded Yingtian Mansion."

"I have a lot of considerations in making the Ming army's reinforcements from the direction of Ningguo Mansion. I believe that Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong will soon know the news that Master Hong led the army to attack Suzhou Mansion. It's just that His Royal Highness made an attack on Guangzhou. Qin Sande and others would never have thought of Dezhou's decision. If the army launched an attack from the direction of Huizhou Mansion and wiped out the Ming army one by one in order, I believe Qin Sande would have corresponding preparations. The Ming army in Ningguo Mansion , can be reinforced, or can defend and resist on the spot, the Ming army stationed in Guangde Prefecture and Changzhou Prefecture can attack Zhejiang, disrupting the deployment of His Highness."

"Qin Sande did not dare to mobilize the Ming army in Changzhou Prefecture. There are not many Ming troops stationed in Suzhou Prefecture and Songjiang Prefecture, and their status is very important. They are one of the most affluent places in South Zhili. We must do our utmost to protect and Guards, so even if the Ming army stationed in Changzhou Mansion wants to reinforce, it will also reinforce Suzhou, and will not reinforce Guangde Prefecture. The location here is not as good as Suzhou."

"The Ming army stationed in Ningguo Mansion can definitely reinforce Guangde Prefecture. As for the Ming army in Huizhou Mansion, it can also take the opportunity to attack Zhejiang. I really hope that such a situation will happen. If Qin Sande and others do this It is time for the 20 army to completely collapse, and the [-] soldiers led by Lord Zhu and Lord Yang can completely wipe out the invading Ming army."

"The Ming army stationed in Ningguo Mansion will definitely reinforce Guangde Prefecture. Qin Sande dare not take risks and ignore Guangde Prefecture. That would be tantamount to abandoning Yingtian Mansion. Qin Sande cannot bear such a responsibility. My official According to my judgment, the Ming army in Huizhou Prefecture will not move for the time being, and we will wait and see how the situation changes. If the reinforcements of the Ming army also fail, the Ming army stationed in Huizhou Prefecture may quickly withdraw to Yingtian Prefecture and focus on protecting Nanjing City. .”

"General Li, you and I are gambling with time. We have done a very good job of annihilating the Ming army in Guangde Prefecture. We are ahead of time. It is impossible for Qin Sande in Nanjing to get news soon. If the official's prediction is good, The Ming army stationed in Ningguo Mansion will soon set off according to the scheduled plan and come to reinforce, so we have to move quickly again, in order to keep the secrecy as much as possible, rest during the day and set off at night to set up an ambush in Guangning."

Li Dingguo spoke.

"My lord has a thorough analysis. I admire the general. I will prepare for it. I also want to block the news of Guangde Prefecture. As long as it can be blocked, it will be as long as it is."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded and spoke again.

"It is indeed necessary to block the news, but these judgments of this officer are all due to His Highness's teachings. If His Highness hadn't issued the order to attack Guangde Prefecture, this officer would not have thought of so many things." (To be continued. .)

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