Ming politicians

Chapter 1173 Vicious

When Nanjing was in a busy state, Qin Sande calmed down instead. All the officials who came to the inn to ask for instructions and report matters directly went to Zhu Yousong. Qin Sande didn't have the slightest opinion, even if some officials thought about it When he found him, Qin Sande, he tried his best to get rid of it, saying that Master Zhu Yousong was in charge of all major matters, and he could just go to Master Zhu directly. Most of the officials who are busy will not think about the reason for the time being. But Sun Tai had already noticed.

Sun Tai’s impression of Zhu Yousong changed gradually. When Zhu Yousong first came to Nanjing, he was submissive, and everything was said by Qin Sande. At that time, Sun Tai’s impression of Zhu Yousong was not very good, even though he knew the people in the capital. However, Nanjing is not a frequent situation, and there is no such atmosphere for the time being. Afterwards, Qin Sande became more and more arrogant and domineering. He directly decided everything, and did not even ask for Zhu Yousong's opinion. Every order that was issued had Zhu Yousong's signature. , which made Sun Tai even more contemptuous, and even looked down on Zhu Yousong.

Qin Sande can control power, perhaps because the emperor trusts Qin Sande, Zhu Yousong feels helpless, but since Qin Sande is completely in charge, all orders should be issued in the name of Qin Sande himself, It has nothing to do with Zhu Yousong, and Zhu Yousong can also get rid of it, but Zhu Yousong doesn't say anything, and he is just a puppet at the mercy of Qin Sande.

But this time, Zhu Yousong's calmness completely changed Sun Tai's view. Having suffered such a disastrous defeat, Qin Sande, who was completely in charge before, didn't say anything.It doesn't matter, all the burdens are given to Zhu Yousong.Among them, at this time, Zhu Yousong can completely shirk his responsibility and ask Qin Sande to continue to be responsible to the end. This is completely reasonable, but Zhu Yousong did not do this and took over the heavy responsibility. This cannot be said that Zhu Yousong is greedy for power and now takes the burden.It is no longer a power, it is purely a responsibility, if it is not for loyalty to the court, if it is not for the overall situation, Zhu Yousong will not do this.

Sun Tai has always disliked Qin Sande, not only Qin Sande, Sun Tai also disliked eunuchs.He never had too much contact with the eunuchs. After coming to Nanzhili, except for work needs, he and the eunuchs did not talk at all during the rest of the time.

Qin Sande's completely different performance before and after made Sun Tai even more contemptuous, and a lot of worries also appeared.

It was noon.Seeing that Zhu Yousong was almost busy and a little more leisurely, Sun Tai suggested that Zhu Yousong go out of the inn and go around the neighborhood, but Zhu Yousong was going to refuse.Seeing Sun Tai's serious expression, he nodded in agreement.

"My lord. Some things are hard to say in the official post, and only when you come out. The words and things that the next official is going to say are all speculations. I just want to remind my lord."

"Whatever Master Sun thinks of, just say it."

"The lower official thinks Eunuch Qin's behavior is too strange. Compared with his performance a while ago, his recent performance is completely different."

"Master Sun, it's better not to talk about these things. Eunuch Qin is feeling unwell, and it's okay to rest properly. There's nothing strange about it. Master Sun, don't believe some rumors outside."

"I knew that my lord would say that, so I just said it straight. I thought Eunuch Qin's performance was unusual. On the surface, Eunuch Qin made a wrong decision earlier, which led to the current situation. I'm afraid it's because I blame myself, and I don't want to continue to issue orders, so as not to make bigger mistakes, but in fact it may not be the case. The adults are with Eunuch Qin every day, and they are busy with the arrangement, so they don't think so much. The so-called "obsessed" by the authorities is clear to the bystanders."

Zhu Yousong is not stupid. The vassal king and his son have an unusual understanding of the dangers of the human heart.It's just that during this period of time, he has been thinking about the defense of Nanjing and Fengyang, and has not considered other things. Now that Sun Tai pointed it out, he immediately considered the problems inside.

Seeing that Zhu Yousong was obviously in deep thought, Sun Tai heaved a sigh of relief, and didn't plan to say anything later.

But at this time, Zhu Yousong spoke.

"Master Sun's reminder, I am very grateful, but the situation in front of me is too tense, it is better not to think about such things for the time being, when the situation in Nanjing and Fengyang stabilizes, I will think about these aspects problem."

Sun Tai nodded, it's hard to say anything, people already understand, what else do you need to remind, besides, Sun Tai is also very dissatisfied with Zhu Yousong's answer, such an answer is meant to be perfunctory, since you Zhu Yousong is perfunctory to me, Then I don't need to worry so much.

Qin Sande had already started to act. The Nanjing guard eunuch had already been sent to the capital. The task was very clear. One was to find the great eunuch Wang Chengen and beg Wang Chengen to say a few words in front of the emperor so that he could return to the capital. I won’t be the supervisor of the army anymore. Of course, Zhu Yousong’s ability is very good, and he can command the battle. The second is to find Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and ask Zhou Yanru for help. Of course, the statement here is different. You can use Speaking from the tense situation in the capital, we can also start from the perspective of candidates and let the emperor consider replacing them.

At this time, Qin Sande had completely made up his mind. No matter what method he adopted, as long as he could leave Nanjing, as long as he could return to the capital, he didn't care about what he did, even if Zhu Yousong was to take all the responsibility and take the blame. Qin San De's so-called praise of Zhu Yousong's ability is very vicious. On the one hand, the mutual praise between eunuchs and court ministers would have made the emperor suspicious. Second, Zhu Yousong's identity is different. The emperor's suspicion, if the memorial of Nanzhili's disastrous defeat reaches the court, Zhu Yousong will have no chance of survival. I am afraid that he will lose the right to debate and his head will be cut off directly.

This is exactly the result Qin Sande would like to see the most.

There are 10,000+ troops waiting in the city of Nanjing, and it will not be lost for the time being, but it may not be the case in the future.

These days, Qin Sande didn't care about anything, and among the many orders he gave, he didn't sign his name. In fact, he began to shirk his responsibility. From this moment on, Zhu Yousong had entered the trap he set.

When Zhu Yousong entered the room, Qin Sande was a little worried. For two consecutive days, Zhu Yousong did not come. As far as he knew, there were still many things that needed to be dealt with. Why did Zhu Yousong come at this time? Could it be that he had doubts? Knowing that Zhu Yousong is not a fuel-efficient lamp, otherwise it would be impossible to become the Minister of the Ministry of War of the imperial court.

"My lord has worked very hard during this time, and our family feels uneasy in our hearts. I feel ashamed about the many decisions we have made in the past. If I had listened to my lord's advice, the situation would have been much better." [

Zhu Yousong was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Qin Sande to say that, he also took the time to take a look at it, and he had to think about what Sun Tai said.

"Don't say that, Eunuch. I just came to see it. The emperor and the imperial court don't dare to be negligent in the slightest. I don't know when Eunuch will be able to discuss matters with me about Nanzhili."

"My lord, don't mention the matter of discussion. Our family has been introspecting for a while, and your lord has made good arrangements. Even though we lost the first battle, it's not too late to make up for it. Everything depends on your lord to turn the tide. Ah, our family sees it in our eyes and keeps it in our hearts. Everything in the future will be based on the opinions of adults. The hurdle in our heart has not yet passed, so we can't cheer up. For many things, we still need to ask adults How much to worry about."

"My father-in-law said so, so I'm reluctant. Victory or defeat is the common sense of military strategists. Don't blame yourself too much, as long as you can keep Nanjing and Fengyang mansion, the problem will not be too big."

When Zhu Yousong was about to leave, he suddenly patted his head.

"Seeing that I have forgotten such a major event, I have drafted a report on the battle of Nanzhili, and I am going to report it to the court. It is also because some situations are not very clear. For example, what is the situation of Huang Degong in Songjiang Mansion? , have not received accurate information, this memorial is only a general situation, what suggestions does the father-in-law have?"

A cold light flashed in Qin Sande's eyes, this was what he was most worried about.

"Our family looks at this memorial, it's better to suppress it for the time being. The situation in Huizhou Prefecture and other places is not very clear, especially the situation of General Huang Degong is not fully known. It is impossible for the emperor and the court to know that the situation here is abnormal. It's complicated. If you see a memorial that is not very clear, you will definitely blame it. Rather than being blamed, it is better to clarify all the circumstances before you report it. Besides, during this period of time, Nanjing, Fengyang and other places The situation seems to be a little tense, and the biggest thing is to deploy relevant defenses."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Zhu Yousong's face, Qin Sande quickly changed his tone.

"Our family is just putting forward suggestions, and it is up to the adults to decide everything."

Finally, Zhu Yousong sighed.

"In fact, my father-in-law and I have the same thoughts. The front is extremely chaotic, and the relevant situation has not been fully clarified. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the memorial to be so clear. This is an unclear memorial. I am afraid that my father-in-law and I will not be able to explain it when we go to the court, and it will make the emperor even more worried. What my father-in-law said is still very correct. For the situation in Nanzhili, it is better not to play it up for the time being. Wait until the defense of Nanjing and Fengyang is implemented. Matters, it will not be too late to report."

"Master Mingjian, our family admires it."

After Zhu Yousong left, Qin Sande showed a cold expression again on his face. He actually knew why Zhu Yousong came here. From Zhu Yousong's subtle attitude, he could see and feel it. This prompted him to make up his mind, to act quickly, and to achieve his goal by any means when necessary. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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